My miata is broken right now. I have to drive a hyundai elantra. Console me Veeky Forums
Broken miat
what happen
Starter is dead and replacement not coming for three days
dont drive three days
>Hyundai Elantra
Stop your bitching, that's an upgrade
Just shitpost for 3 days then?
hurr durr miatas are shit hurr. At least the Miata had a manual and air conditioning. Oh and a usable powerband, despite whatever meme you wanna spew it was faster than a car a thousand pounds heavier with the same power.
>Console me Veeky Forums
I'm sorry you and your family are poor, but work hard, save, and maybe one day you'll be able to afford something nice.
>Starter is dead and replacement not coming for three days
Miata is light as fuck, quit being a bitch and bump start it and make sure to park on a hill or somewhere empty when you park.
No shit the same power with a thousand pounds more is slower you fucking mongoloid, accept the fact that miatas are a fucking meme and are slow, the only things they have going for them is cheap rwd manual. fucking cucktrucks are faster than miatas and most trucks are north of 4500-5000lbs
Delivery driving in the city makes this untenable/ don't want to destroy my clutch. Been doing that tho.
>Roommate has a 2door Elantra
>Constantly wants to race
>I bought FiST to start doing canyon shit
>He is too scared to drive canyons and wreck
Just suck it up user, there are worse cars you could have been stuck with. It could be a prius.
>it was faster than a car a thousand pounds heavier with the same power.
Well no fucking shit, simple physics.
Just remember, all that power your Miata has doesn't stop you being a faggot.
Miatas might be a meme but they're definitely better than an elantra. That was the point I was trying to illustrate you fucking autist, you don't have to lie to yourself just because you're insecure in your masculinity. fag.
>all that power your Miata has
I drive a miata you cuck, but in anything but heavily modded form they're as powerful as the blow dryer it's hairdresser owner uses.
At least you admit being a hairdresser, it's a step
>My miata is broken right now
>I have to drive a hyundai elantra.
probably the best thing to ever happen to you.
>calls someone else a cuck
>drives a miata
wew lad
boohooo my ls1 dunnydoor has been in the smash shop for 2 weeks gonna take another week to get it fixed and i have to drive a fucking 2016 corolla cvt
Ugh Christ, user how are you holding up? I told OP it could be worse.
>My car broke down
>Oh no I still have a car I can use
Jesus christ, first world problems.
Have someone else hold the clutch while you turn the crankshaft with an air ratchet or something. Then post on Veeky Forums for internet points.