Etrian Odyssey General

>EO Guides, References, Music, Art Books, etc. (embed)

>EO V Information

>EO V Skill Simulator (Class Skills) (Race Skills)

>EO V item and quest translation list (embed) (Item list) (Quest list) (embed) (Conditional drops)

>EO V color editor.
>EO V VA list (embed)

>EO V Game & DLC.cia link!XkJiHBIb!vzL2CLjZZVA-yAGS7UZgdA

Previews Thread:

I was going to make a new thread with buttato.

But a mod might delete the thread because the buttato.


inb4 stop posting here and use the thread I made out of spite

Post more cute EO tummies to make people realize this is the correct thread

That wouldn't happen again... would it?

Necromancer is cute. CUTE

I finally played EO2U after ignoring it since pre order.

What happened to force, and what the hell are grimoires?

Literally impossible.

Well yeah, balancing an egg on its tip is difficult, but certainly not impossible.

I don't even remember it having two phases

Of course you don't. You played on easy mode after all.

that's expert

unless you mean having an underleveled beast is easy mode then yeah that's easy mode

Classic = easy.

>can't get fafnir and Chloe to shit out nukes
You're just a scrub.

>playing story

>playing on easy mode

story has easier ur-devil setups

slightly better resolution

EOV FM OST download link when?

Since release day in this thread.

>tfw you insta kill Ur-Devil to farm Ragnaroks in order to kill Ur-Child
>Only one character in my team can use swords

Official release so we can get actual track titles when?

Why would you play classic in an Untold? Everyone should have already played that game.

The only people that hate story mode, is the people that self-insert in a videogame.
Story mode is mediocre like every rpg ever made.

>Story mode is mediocre like every rpg ever made
It's even worse, because it plays against the core mechanics of the series.

>because it plays against the core mechanics of the series
Except it doesn't.

>don't commit salad genocide
what the fuck's the point then

Yeah, I guess building your own party with the classes you wanted and being able to replace them whenever was never an important part of the series.
It was always about waifu faggotry and whether you prefer ricky dicky or canadian gargle instead.

Most of the people that play this game play it only with a party of 5. Only a few use the 30 slots for their characters.

Story mode offer just an official self-insert game mode. The "Untold" story.
The game progress and events are the same (in U2 at least) so the story is told from another perspective.

So it doesn't go against the core mechanics of the series.

There's nothing stopping you from reclassing story characters.

The point isn't that you only play with five party members, it's that you have the freedom to choose those, give them portraits, names, personalities, and so on. You can reclass in Story Mode, but you're still heavily restricted by stat growth.

Yes, but that is not the "core"
The core is to explore dungeons, and that is still there.

Reclass is an option when you want versatility.

It does go about the core mechanics. Self-inserting was never one of them no matter how hard highlander and fafnir want you to hink it is.

Story matters not when we're talking about the mechanics, and you still aren't adressing the issue of party composition. You're given a fixed party. And that's it. You could dare reclass some of them, but there's only so much that you will be allowed to do because stat spread and growth remain after the reclass. You cna't just go and maxe Simon a hexer. He'll suck at it and there's nothing you can do to avoid that.
So Untold does go against the core mechanics of the series.

On top of that, just because an option isn't used by everyone doesn't make it meaningless. Not to mention that just having the option, even if you normally don't use it, is a good safeguard in case you don't like the party you came up with.

Is there a point using Rear Guard ever?

>The core is to explore dungeons, and that is still there.
Might as well play MeiQ instead. It's also about exploring dungeons and already has a better cast than Untold.

When your party has 3 alchemist there, yes.

It's certainly not the entirety of what makes EO the series it is, but I'd argue that it takes up good real estate.

When a fat old doujin man tries to do anal on you.


Dude, the fine work with party composition and combats is precisely what sets EO apart from other dungeon crawlers. You cna't just brush it aside as an unimportant side feature.

Yes, and you can still do that in story mode. There is reclass and grimoires.

But if something hits so hard it does a lot of damage to the back row, it would outright kill whoever is in front row, unless you use Front Guard.

That's why I play with 2 protectors and 3 alchemists

Again, reclassing is shit and severely impairs said composition. You just get a shadow of what actual party building is.

It doesn't matter. You can beat the game even if you reclass some characters.
I did it with Simon as a Landshark with healing grimoires and it was great

You could also beat the game without drawing a map or touching gathering points, but that hardly matters.

What does story mode offer in exchange of a gimped party composition? I guess Untold 1 has Glastheim and Kupala, which were more of a mistake on Atlus' side. Other than that, all you get is bland dialogues from bland characters, which I could very easily chalk off as a con.

>can't cheese the game with broken or outright bugged party composition
>call it "gimped"

You get to play EOU as it was designed to be played. Classic is an afterthought and the lack of content in it reflects that.

Even when they fixed classic for EOU2, the "true fans" found something else to nitpick about.


What a bitch


tayama pls go



Not like this. Not like this.

Fencer and shaman combo is kind of OP isn't it?

You really have to struggle to find parties that aren't OP.

Five reapers.

Was struggling more than the party 10 levels behind that had fencer+shaman combo

>everything falls asleep every other turn

Just started to play eo3. I'm about 6 hours in and it's quite fun but there is like no waifu material the fuck?

look at this tasteless faggot

She's mine btw get another one.

>no waifu material

You just wanted pictures of best zodiac, right?

EO3U is gonna be great

upscaling it using 2x doesn't make it better resolution.

Better class balance
New Seaquests
New dungeon (maybe part of the seaquests)
New story class
Expert Anemone, expert Leviathan.

>Seaquest locations get expanded into mini dungeons instead of just a bossfight.

What if they take back snake charmer or doll maker?

>Discovered cities are actual functional cities with facilities and background art

Removed Trauma Center cameos

They really hated them or something. I get the clinic being gone, but quests and dungeon appearances too?

Take that back.
I seriously doubt they remove her from deep city. Unless Atlus lost the licence or something.

There wasn't enough space on the roster.

They had the nerve to include them in the Untold artbook.

We got stuck with the wrong purple princess.

why are the guys always one head taller than the girls they're paired with

why can't it be the other way around

Because it makes the girl look cuter.

should've bought her game.

Ricky is totally going to get the Highlander dick in that picture

Sanshiro-san wouldn't let me.

>gets heart pupils from a platonic shoulder touch

that's just what she's hoping for.

You have failed us, Kamen Rider.

Arianna pls.
You cockblocked yourself

Chloe is ________


a shitty girl


Always on top of Bert







Shut up, before the mods come


Ricky is a poor role model for shiitake