/emugen/ - Emulation General


Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (speccy screenshot), OS, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.


Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

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Hey /emugen/.

What's up?



>you will never be beaten so hard that you become a tranny
feels good man

>try to make a 60fps hack on dolphin by switching between the 25 and 30hz mode in a pal game
>after first few attempts no longer get the question to change the mode of the tv on game startup
watdo, tried deleting the dolphin folder and the dolphin settings folder in documents but I no longer get the choice to change between 25 and 30hz.


Evening anons
Trying to run few saturn jap games in SSF.
Everything works fine but the resolution is stuck to 320x240 no matter what option I pick.
What am I missing.

Run em in fullscreen. SSF cannot raise the internal resolution of the game, it can only upscale.

Any option in particular I should tick on order to look at least ok at full screen?

>using an integrated GPU
Do you at least have the drivers for those installed?

Why are you not using mednafen?

I don't think you really need up to date drivers for a software renderer that hasn't been updated in years.

Not that user btw.

It runs crysis at 24fps 720p don't you worry about it.

I don't know where to start in the documentation with all the settings in the cfg.
SSF runs at full speed no problems so I dont know why I would even bother switching.

>I absolutely can not use a program without a WIMP GUI

You don't even need the documentation (not that it's the least bit confusing) just fucking drag the cue onto the exe.

How do you feed yourself?

The reason Game Boy emulators aren't that accurate is because nobody really cares about the Game Boy. And I don't mean, "I care! I want an accurate emulator!", I mean, nobody cares enough to spend ten years of their lives making one.

It's a nice system, but it's no NES or SNES. The documentation on it is total shit that's stuck in the late '90s. The test ROMs are mostly a total joke that just run dumb loops, checksum the results and print a pass/fail without even understanding what it is they're supposed to be testing. People pass them by fudging cycle counts so they get higher tasvideos accuracy scores, but don't bother to actually understand/document what's really happening. Emudevs are too concerned about having the 700th Game Boy emulator that can run fullspeed on a Nintendo DS or a first-gen Raspberry Pi, so the code becomes way too convoluted and difficult to debug/understand. Seriously, as amazing and fast as gambatte is (and it's definitely both) ... I can't make heads or tails of what it's doing from its source code. The emulators get 1-2 years of really active development and then move on to life support.

There are some people that are definitely helping (and that's fantastic!!), but it's not enough. We find new behaviors, write up a test ROM, and a week later find out it breaks several games and fails on real hardware. But we've already moved on to some other area. This isn't how you do it! You have to spend a month on that one problem, and really understand exactly what's happening! You have to rule out every other possible alternative explanation, and test absolutely every combination there is! Otherwise, we're just going to keep chasing our tails fixing one thing just to break two other things in a perpetual game of whack-a-mole.

If you really care about Game Boy emulator accuracy, ... then that person could be you! So, what's stopping you?

It's probably better than a A4-4000

Look nigger im not born yesterday.
Dont go all tough on me with epic seekted command lne XXD.
if you have mentally issues its not my fault take tham and go back to /g/.
fucking idiot

Drag and drop on cue makes mednafen run at 10 fps.
Meaning I need to dive in cfg options.

>Drag and drop on cue makes mednafen run at 10 fps.
>Meaning I need to dive in cfg options.
No it means you have a toaster you useless fucking retard

Not that user but why don't use the RA core or an external gui program(or whatever it's called)?

The core has absolutely no settings last I checked

>SSF runs full speed
>mednafen requires to tweak few options


No gui front i found offers options besides the very basic ones.
if you have something in mind i will give it a shot.

>why are you not using a worse emulator

Don't get me wrong mednafen saturn is looking pretty promising, but it's not better than SSF yet
It might not even be better than Yabause

Well when I play PS1 game with mednafen they run pretty well, so I guess that means saturn games just don't run well, or that he should get a A4-4000.

Your computer is just not fast enough to run mednafen-saturn retard. There's barely anything you can change from the default settings that will improve performance.

The answer to "Why are you not using mednafen?" should be "My computer is too shit" not "It's too complicated"

>It might not even be better than Yabause
>I've never used mednafen

It's almost as if the Saturn requires a fuck-ton more horse power to run than the PSX emulator because they are different systems and the Saturn's hardware is more obscure and harder to emulate than the PSX's because it has two CPU's running in tandem.

Mednafen doesn't require you to tweak a few options, because Mednafen doesn't have options to tweak. It's the most retard friendly emulator because you just drop the .cue into the .exe and go with it.

Well, it WAS a retard friendly emulator until you showed up.

Ah that explains it

There are some games that Yabause is able to run that Mednafen crashes on start that I've seen reported, don't remember which though, and considering the buttload of shit saturn rips on there on the internet that could have always been the case.
Again I'm not here to shit on mednafen, I hope it saves saturn emulation and takes the reins from SSF, but it's still too early to tell. It's been what, a month since it came out to the public, this shit takes time

There's no hard facts to suggest either one is more accurate. But mednafen being written by someone who actually cares about accuracy, being open source, and not requiring DRM disc fuckery is enough to put it way ahead for me.

SSF is probably super HLE written using NDA docs, and we've seen exactly the kind of "accuracy" that gets you with N64.

>Well, it WAS a retard friendly emulator until you showed up.
You seem to be very troubled person if every other word or yours is "retard".
Thats besides the point and it doesn't explain why SSF runs fine and retard proof elite emulator doesn't,since no options and all.
Grow up.

Thanks for the help guys,as with every other thread on Veeky Forums it is bound to have mentally ill people.
Take care


>SSF is probably super HLE written using NDA docs, and we've seen exactly the kind of "accuracy" that gets you with N64.

Don't forget a million and one hacks too. ;)

The only bugs reported so far are never graphical bugs, or major issues, but rather games not starting. That's a good sign. IT shows that it's likely just very minor issues that can be fixed in a few releases.

>The only bugs reported so far are never graphical bugs
I reported this bug on day one when the libretro port came. On every screen in SotN, there's an oddly coloured line at the very bottom of every room. I don't know if this happens on real hardware, if it's a libretro port exclusive bug, or if it's been fixed yet.

So yeah, there are/were graphical bugs.

Has anyone tried Saturn Symphony with Composite shaders? I want to see the ditehring blended properly in full glory ;)

So this... is the power of emulation.

>I don't know if this happens on real hardware, if it's a libretro port exclusive bug, or if it's been fixed yet.
>So yeah, there are/were graphical bugs.

So, you dont know if it happens on the real thing(perhaps hidden by overscan?) orif it's a bug in the shitty libretro port? But yeah, it must defibitely be a bug in mednafen. Seripusly kys, faggot. Do some testing or fuck off.

>fake LuigiBlood

Turn the gamma down, you pussy


bhas bbyuu bgone btoo bfar?

I can't even bring myself to be incredulous anymore. Byuu could start designing a trinary CPU for better running bsnes written in the b programming language, and I would just be like "Yep, that Byuu alright. Nothing to see here."

>not bynary

Fake LuigiBlood is better than the real LuigiBlood though

Hello, Fake LuigiBlood

Not that hard. Designing them small is the real bitch.


Emulation when?

Jesus christ I have emulated many games before but somehow I cannot for the life of me get FF7 to work. This PSX shit is just awful. This should be the simplest game to run considering its popularity, and yet somehow a person with decent computer knowledge has been struggling to get either the PC version or an emulated PSX version to run for several hours now.

Am I just a huge fucking retard? I feel like it shouldn't be nearly this difficult

Drag the .cue into the mednafen.exe after putting the BIOS into the BIOS folder

This is not rocket science

>Am I just a huge fucking retard
You are such a fucking retard that not only can you not emulate one of the easiest systems to emulate out there, you can't even articulate yourself to the point of writing 2 lines which describe literally nothing about your problem.

Obviously I tried this with several different sets of BIOS.
I think I just got it to work. Looks like the BIOS that it actually needed had an unnecessary "-" in the filename. I wish I had known about the errorlog file stdout.text earlier.

Whatever, fuck you guys I'm going to play video games.

Beetle PSX HW needs any special configuration? I disabled the CG shaders (only used quilez anyway) but when I load a game Retroarch closes to desktop. Using latest nightly


I thought there was a PC version of FF7

Oh wait you can't even get the PC version to work?

What's your OS

Oh you managed to fix it

I guess I'm retarded too

It's nowhere near being usable yet. Just use regular Mednafen, or use PGXP if you really need "muh HD" but are too stubborn to play Twin Snakes

Actually I just wanted to play Ridge Racer, for the rest of games I don't really care about muh hd

I just can't play 3D PS1 games on anything other than PGXP

It just looks so bad

you can make up for it by naming my large black man




Boss Nigga


Beebee C.

Boss Nigga was a close second

I always named him Uncle Tom

Wait a second

You aren't the real vib-ribbon guy

Guys, i just found out about this Citra Emulator that emulates 3DS, recently

I was wondering...is this shit legit?

It is malware.

I fucking hate you


I'd say it's starting to be something I'm closely taking a look at.

Just by thinking of the 3DS, I have become its savior and updated my title on Assemblergames accordingly.

Sure, sure....Why not?

I'd like to ask one question.

D3D. RetroArch. When will it rise again?

Look at how frightening he is. Does he think he's being frightening in that webm?

Woohoo, another iGPUfriend. It's so lonely here.

Shit like this is why I'm glad Saint Rhyphecha remains firmly ensconced in the shadows.

I assume that's written to the memory card, so you'd wanna delete those, though I would also assume they're in either of those Dolphin folders you deleted.
I can't help

>Well, it WAS a retard friendly emulator until you showed up.
I'm as the kids say, rolling on the floor like a helicopter.

I know you got it fixed, but how did you fail so hard? Seriously ePSXe is easy, mednafen just werks, pcsxr is the same as ePSXe and retroarch has an approachable PSP-style menu.
What went wrong?


>Well, it WAS a retard friendly emulator until you showed up.

I have a Windows 10 machine and I've NEVER had compatibility issues, even on programs that others complain about.
Seems like compatibility is based on your version of w10, your upgrade path, and hardware maybe? Not entirely sure, but I'm not entirely gay as fuck either so I don't actually care.

I feel ya, one of my favorite posts all year.

i am haha
so what are we talking about today emulators or trannies

Wait a second

You aren't the real vib-ribbon guy


Wait a second

You aren't the real LuigiBlood

Wait a second

You aren't the real Anonymous



If you're going to filter people to make a safe space go on tumblr

so what are we talking about today emulators or trannies

Wait a second

You aren't the real vib-ribbon guy

Tranny bump


He/she's a speedrunner, right?

Scanlines, enforce aspect ratio, bilinear and those bottom stretch/full size ones.
>It might not even be better than Yabause
It is already light years better than that piece of shit.

Yeah he's pretty good at Mario youtube.com/watch?v=bX1ccFY6XAs

That's Cosmo. You may remember him speedrunning OoT and claiming no one would beat his record, only to be rekt like a week later. Or the time he was rekt on stage in front of hundreds of people by John Numbers.


Is it dead?

Quick! Someone post the spoopy dancing tranny webbum with the skellington music!