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first for anime

Bretonnia is a fucking meme.

Deutschland uber alles

It is now September. With the end of the summer months, The sallow season begins. Ros-fothar in the tongue of the Asrai, it is a time of waning. The Consort-King Orion weakens and rages against his fate, destined to be immolated on the pyre in the coming months. The forest undergoes a change of color from the vibrant hues of summer to more subdued and mottled shades of Autumn.

But if it is a time of waning, so too is it a time of harvest. The bounty of the forest hangs ripely, to be plucked effortlesly by the merry wanderers of its vales and meadows. How fitting, then, that in this, the first month of the season of harvest, the Wood Elves will make a bounteous gift of themselves, the latest and greatest of the factions to be released in Total War: Warhammer.

Wood Elves soon.


>ancient empires still not released

I want to be dominated by a best elf!



>vlads not the faction leader


bonjour mon ami c'est fromage mon visage? honhonhon sacre bleu. ich would like to stick mein baugette in your vagin? hon hon in your vagin...

Worst elves.

So why did Archaon become the ever chosen exactly?

whats the 100mb patch today?

are you ok?

It replaced every factions' mechanics with Waaagh and tunnels.

Just this.

>• Fixed Save Game incompatibility for users who do not own “Total War: WARHAMMER - Chaos Warriors Race Pack" or "Total War: WARHAMMER - Call of the Beastmen"

mon am not ok sacre bleu ich bin francias, zut alors oui??

new content when?

Short answer: Mary Sue

Long answer: He was a priest of Sigmar, and a Norcan rapebaby, reading through some madman's prophecies, he saw his name as the 7th Everchosen, he prayed to Sigmar but nobody answered so he burned his church, murdered his family and went to collect the 6 relics of Chaos


>Be so mad that you're going to be the everchosen that you go an become the everchosen

Makes sense.

>Mary Sue

Before End Times he wasn't that much of a mary sue. Sure, definately on the path of one, but not excessively so. Just as retard powerful like any other major character like Teclis or so.

Then End Times happened and he borked the world and apparently became a chaos god in Age of Shitmar.

so he's like the sigmar of chaos?


The end of the month can't come soon enough

Pretty much, and Sigmar turned into the Emprah from 40k because fuck originality I guess. Now we have a very convoluted capeshit setting instead.

Fuck GW, worthless shit company.

Rollan for ze Reich!

>Horned Rat because the fifth ruinous power
>archaon and hashut and belakor are still minor gods and not relevant



Well, Sigmar at least is not an emo 2nihilistic2deep4u character whose only motivation is to put the world out of it's misery

If smegmar was the emprer then he would be half-dead

As far as I understand it Sigmar is just sitting in Sigmaria, giving orders to his magic space marines to fight chaos and orcs (oh sorry orruks) and spooky skeletons



WHY is Norsca so oversized? Nothing happens there unles you play Chaos and dick around with the tribes. Other than that there is nothing of interest. They could have made it smaller to increase the size of Tilea/Estalia/Bretoinia.


To make it a pain in the ass to wipe out those fucking fucks.

Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?

They could have increased the sizes of those areas without shrinking Norsca, considering all the pointless ocean they have (there aren't even naval ships which can fight automatic battles, so what's the point of having so much sea?)

Also a reminder that Tobaro is supposed to be a Tilean city, not an Estalian city. Just because it's not-Italy and not-Spain doesn't mean they have the same borders as the actual Italy and Spain.

I feel like the actual reason was to give you a place to level up and get money as chaos and provide chaos hordelings to fight and attack the empire besides the warherd and warriors, but it kind of fucks up because it takes the player so long to conquer all of norsca

If thes "leaked" map is correct, right at the left border of the map the elf and lizard men continent starts. It looks really really cramped and it would look even more cramped if they increased the size of the old world.

women are inferior to men.

Because Norsca already has a proper army roster and isn't just a placeholder copy of the Empire. A reminder to burn Tilea, Estalia and the BP to the ground in every game that you play; they have no right to exist until they get their own armies.

Norscans only have a copied faction chaos warrior roster. Not much better.

If you hover your mouse at some parts of the sea west of Estalia you can see it's "grass" tupe terrain so you can have an idea of where the high elves island is

This, they have no unique units

Men are inferior to women.

Just wait until they get war mammoths buster then the norscan raids will get scary.

What happens in the warhammer equivalent of sub-saharan africa,sri lanka and South east asia?

>mfw full stack of war mammoths

They are terra incognita.

Or populated by Empire clones.

>that map
>in Total war Estaila is only 1/4 the size
>in Total war Ulthuan is only a few cm away from Bretonia
>in Total war the southlands will be at the same height as the old world

Something could have happened if WHFB hadn't been put on the sidelines and then axed. Back in the golden days of WHFB in the 1990s, it was possible to find Nippon and Araby models and rules. But those factions were just a bunch of stereotypes and weren't afforded the love that the Chaos Dwarfs and Ogre Kingdoms got. They were out of place and underdeveloped.

CA did a nice job with deleting Araby from what can be seen on the leaked world map, which also brought the continents closer together. We don't need more shitty human factions, do we?

The world being squeezed together a bit makes sense for gameplay reasons (seeing as there's nothing interesting in Estalia for the time being)
Sailing for a dozen turns just to get anywhere as the high elves wouldn't be fun

post your favorite army of your current campaign

They could do it like in Empire TW.

I realize it's lame, but I miss the army naming/leveling mechanic from Attila/Rome 2.

How did they do it there?


You realize the empire is a stereotype of medieval germans and bretonnia a stereotype of medieval french right?

It would just be cosmetic at that point since they would occupy the same space on the map

In Empire there were basically warp pads/arrows you would sail your ships onto which would take you immediately to India and the New World from Europe

You could also march an army from Europe through the Middle East to reach India but it took longer

They also represented way stations and colonies they didn't bother to flesh out

never because there are still plenty of other more relevant heroes the empire would use first

I seriously hope this is bait

>araby deleted
>sorceror's islands still on the map

The map is going to be squished as fuck if they don't do anything to extend it southwards more, and araby will definitely be on the map even if it's just a major city and and provincial town like Tilea that exists to provide fodder for Settra's conquering armies


It took several turns for you fleet to arrive depending on your route. It wasn't an instant teleport

These regions were also included in the game right?

Not!Africa has Savage Orcs, Savage Lizardmen, Not!African tribes and a lost Dwarven hold.
Not!India has fancy looking jungle beastmen.
There are also Elf Colonies across the various continents.


India/North America/Caribbean/Northern chunk of South America were in the game, but there were also "Trade Zones" (Coast of Africa, area around Malacca, uh, I think there were more but I can't remember) which were just generic coastline you could park trade ships at to make money from. Helped encourage naval battles.

I don't remember the finer details, it's been 8 years since I played it

>total war empire was 14 years ago

The pirates in those trade zones had to be cleared out occasionally since they would go there and fuck your shit up and the trade income was too valuable to leave alone

Empire apparently had a DLC (apparently it was the first total war to begin the multi-DLC model) which had a campaign for injuns too

Cathay is in the wrong place on that map

Also Grand Cathay is a Chinese empire with star magic and an immortal dragon as their emperor and Nippon has samurai and oni

Warum ich Vlad so liebe?
Es ist recht einfach wenn ich darüber nachdenke.
Vlad ist nicht nur der beste Charakter der Warhammer Welt, er könnte sogar der großartigste Charakter aller Zeiten sein.
Stell dir vor wie er durch die Sümpfe Sylvanias reitet, den Wind in seinem Haar, sein mächtiges Ross unter ihm.
Während er durch das Weltrandgebirge reitet fallen die Lahmianerinnen wegen seines Duftes in Ohnmacht.
Sie wissen wie er riecht, die Essenz seines Duftes wird in Marienburg unter dem Namen "Carstein Orgasmus" verkauft.
Die Natur Vlad's ist reines Mysterium.
Könnte er ein tieferes Spiel spielen als selbst sein Schöpfer es weiß?
Die Antwort ist ja, er hat solche Grenzen wie die geschriebene Welt transzendiert und hat den freien Willen zu tun was er für richtig

Aber Vlad ist von solcher Gewitztheit, solch arkaner Kunst, dass er nicht nötig hat diese Kräfte zu nutzen.
Warum, magst du fragen? Du wirst es nie wissen, der Verstand Vlad's ist keiner der einfach durchblickt werden kann.
Vlad ist solche eine Naturgewalt in seinem Reich, sodass ihm niemand wahrlich Nahe kommen kann, das einzige das ihn an die Seiten gebunden

hält ist sein schierer Wille in den vordefinierten Gegebenheiten dieser Welt zu existieren.
Vlad ist nich nur jenseits der Grenzen unserer Vorstellungskraft vorhanden, er existiert in einer Ebene von wahrem Fokus und Schönheit.
Beobachte sein spielerisches Lächeln, sein beeindruckender und wogender Bizeps, seine edle Nase und am wichtigsten, seine Augen
Seine Augen, wie Teiche aus Safran, geben den einzigen Einblick in die wahren Machenschaften von Vlad. Sieh nicht zu tief in sie. Viele gute Männer wurden bei dem Versuch wahnsinnig.

Vlad ist nicht nur ein Charakter, eine formlose Sammlung von Wörtern und Bildern, er selbst ist das Gefüge das die Warhammer Welt zusammenhält.
Ohne Vlad würd die Warhammer Welt, der gesamte Games Workshop wie wir ihn kennen zerbröckeln.
Der Reik würde aufhören zu fließen ohne Vlad, Athel Loren würde ein leerer Krater werden, Norsca würde ohne seinen eisigen Blick schmelzen.
Das sind nur ein paar der Gründe warum ich Vlad so mag.

too long for one post ;_;

>Your men are overpowered and are becoming increasingly worried about their chances!

>Chinese empire
>literal fucking Nippon
>in a fantasy setting
How did this happen?

All Total War games except for the two Shoguns and Warhammer are shit and not worth playing and everyone who actually discusses them ITT has no taste.


>/deutsch/ Edition
Bomber Harris, do it again!

That's a genre convention ever since Tolkien with his evil men of the east and his corsairs.

Might kill myself lads.

Do you think if I blame Arch he might kill himself too? I want to do one last good deed before I die.


>not a army of flagellants

Nigga please, Volkmar gives a ton of bonuses to them.

And the Haradrim who were part troll or something.

Don't do it my man, that shit ain't worrh it

Think of the wood faggots, user.

And the edgyptian faggot kangz.

>if I blame Arch he might kill himself too
dedicate your next months with shitposting on every one of arch's videos until he blocks you or gets angry enough to make him feel guilty of your suicide

also as said, Arch's not worth it, do whores and light drugs before you kill yourself, see the world, do some awesome shit

Take out the largest bank loan they'll give you and spend it all on drugs and hookers instead.

It is if I can take Arch with me.

I want to forget it. I want to forget the time I spent playing it while ignoring how disappointing it was.

Fuck you. You would just waste a lot of people's time.

>The Consort-King Orion weakens and rages against his fate, destined to be immolated on the pyre in the coming months.
what a cuck

Lad don't type this shit on the internetz even as a joke, it's actually a crime


You're right, I'll go back to vanilla shitposting.


Isn't she Darren's gf?

Is she aware her boyfriend looks like an egg?



More like shitgobbers