League of Legends General - /lolg/



Please post Annie!

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

it's not hard to post every link user

Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes

Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update

Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one

Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes

Useful sites:


xth for fertile redheads

already mastery 7 on shyvana

1 more token for 7 on leona and blue essence

kat is on the way to 5 to get to 7, but i absolutely suck with kat, my cs is horrible and i get CCed when i attempt to get a kill

any tips?

>no mf
cmon son

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Will rengar survive his rework?

This general has ruined Lulu for me. I fucking hate the champion now.
Does anyone have any images with Lulu being abused, tortured, ect?
I know some of the stuff out there is probably not suitable for this christain general so just point me in the right direction if you have to,

she's mine, back the heck off!

I just started trying him out actually and I've been watching a lot of videos for trying to improve because I want to be a better player and get out of Bronze. So far Foxdrop is the best I've found for jungling and he just seems to have a huge chubby for Gragas.

Again a rework? wasnt that 1 year ago? I still miss his tripple Q and 3 dorans and tiamat toplane

i hope not

He'll get much better, but not as good as he was in his prime, Rengar top will make a comeback

Give me the Katarina rework information now! Leaks, playtesters, inside info, anything!

>yfw he goes back to being a tanky bruiser toplaner

There was a girl named Lulu
She lived quite a ways from town, very far
I bought her a car
Then I bought her a truck
First I taught her how to drive
Then I taught her how to...
Bang away my Lulu!
Bang away good and strong
Bang away my Lulu
Bang away good and strong
What will I do for a bang away
When my Lulu's dead and gone?

It's not all Annie, but I found it to be pretty cute.

Do you think Jhin is actually a pretty nice guy when he isn't murdering people? I get this weird feeling that he is, act or not.

>he likes gingers
They have no fucking soul, m8.
Stand next to a dead Leona when you play as Thresh and you'll see i'm right.

he's talking about the assasins update
the big 4 are Talon, Rengar, Katarina and LeBlanc

He'll be OP until they get sales from a new skin for him.

Champions that require 0 skill to perform well


Theyve also stated that they dont like rengars toxic one shots and they feel like he shouldnt be able to prep his fury before he goes to fight

What do you know, user? Tell us your secrets...

I don't think most main assassins will, honestly.

I wonder who'll rise to the meta when all of the big ones are gutted.

user, at least you need a brain to aim anivia skillshot and use her wall

Katarina really need to be gutted. there is nooo way for her to shit on a game.

so the world a favor and jump in front of a fucking train you piece of genetic trash

Bronzie detected

I honestly hope, Urgot, Nunu or Evelyn are up next on the rework list.

Pantheon, Mordekaiser and Malphite could use purely visual updates as well.

Sauce on the image?

>play tristana
>3.7k hp vlad comes with 10 kills from somewhere and sits on my face with protobelt
>shooting him but nothing happens
>die from the aids

What adcs are viable nowadays in solo queue? just lucian?

>aim anivia skillshot
>Place wall whenever you want
>press R
>Point and click

sorry nope, once she gets her R its a joke

Don't fucking push me you little shit

I remember when they gutted her.

Base hp down, reg down, ult dmg down, passive got fucked.

now these what are called nerfs.

Not those mini nerfs for chrononigger, hasagi and gnar.

Rate my tattoo.

>He doesnt like fiery redheads

Redheads are probably the sexiest women alive.

Have fun user


Pretty sure he was straight-up gutted some months ago. Not to unplayable tier like Kalista or Azir, but it was still pretty brutal.

I wake up to find out cloud 9 beat IMT. We have literally have no one good from NA going to worlds. It's hopless

Post mechanical outplays

Not even close. Heres the real list

If you play any of the following champs you are a brain dead shitter and should KYS

Aatrox Ahri Akali Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Blitzcrank Brand Braum Caitlyn Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Dr. Mundo Draven Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gnar Gragas Hecarim Heimerdinger Irelia Illaoi Janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jhin Jinx Kalista Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kennen Kha'Zix Kindred Kog'Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nami Nasus Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Orianna Pantheon Poppy Quinn Rammus Rek'Sai Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Sejuani Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Syndra Talon Taric Teemo Thresh Tahm Kench Taliyah Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne Veigar Vi Viktor Vladimir Vel'Koz Volibear Warwick Wukong Xerath Xin Zhao Yasuo Yorick Zac Zed Ziggs Zilean Zyra

Kill yourself.

forever unemployed/10


So only Kled requires skill?



Like it's problem. I can be NEET for ~5-6 months.

>Luluautists are mad

Post moar.

Goddamn, not even a chancge.

>play blind man of angry shouts and many kicks
>team is garbage and cant capitalize off my plays


good catch, i forgot he existed

>13 minute que
>Get fucking top over jungle

Fuck dynamic que

>read a post about a lee sin complaining about his team
>it must be EldZor

at least you're consistently unsurprising

>that ping spam

my favorite thing about ranked

>do anything

? ? ? > ! ? ? ? > ? ! ? ! ? ? ?
? ! ! ? > > >

bonus points if its during a fight, glad my team mates are so vigilant and want to play for me

Ap nigglet will never be viable again thats right, but he is played top with fervor now.

i would have just dodged off of those summoner names alone Tbh

losing 15 or so games in a row and deranking twice has that effect on me my dude


Can we have a thread where we talk about which champs we want to breed with lewd pictures?

is tha shyvana?

is yes,is there an artist page senpai?

Posting the Goo Man of Many Bounces

Post Zac and he will visit you tonight.

Don't post Zac and he will visit your worst enemy tonight.

Theres a website at the bottom of the image. Dont know the artist.

What a time to be a Kled main.

How do you deal when your team is literally UNGA.
7 games in a row, paired with shitters and trolls.

He was originally a top-tier support.

Though him being viable as top is understanding, as he was initially designed with a top lane playstyle in mind.

how does one receive the "BLUE ESSENCE"???

try 15+ and then talk to me, child.

nothing you can do

elo hell is real

Raise your MMR or die tryin'
d-did i sound badass

No, he's a support that was brought top lane then inevitably nerfed to forcibly be played support during the support patch when riot killed lane lulu

Annie into Syndra is such a bullshit matchup, you can't do anything besides get carried

Stop solo playing and join a group of friends until you reach an elo that's actually competent and dedicated to winning at large.

I'm assuming your bronze or silver, btw.


thanks user

>elo hell is real
>unironically bronze

c'mon now

im only bronze because my teams always feed

i would but i cant into recording.
If someone has the time to go over my replays tell me

SO i was told that this was supposed to be a videogame.

They should rename it to "league of waiting 20 minutes then dodging because of a yasuopick"


>trashcan flavor of the month faggots still think eve is a bad champ
>trashcan faggots that do end up picking eve once in a blue moon still build her as a tanky diver.
>trashcans dont know full AP eve is best eve.

im going to be so sad after the eve VGU. too many retards are going to over pick her again, and will still buy retard items like veil and deadmans on her.

>Silver 1 900 games

Alright then mister nigger tell me how to into eve.

So lets just say a Riven falls behind due to feeding too many kills trying to go HAM, hard to believe i know but just imagine.
Now could said Riven build full tank items and still be useful to the team as a cc bot of sorts / distraction?

not building her tank for one thing. if you must build survival items then you get shit like RoA, rylais, hourglass. not a fucking veil and sunfire like a complete retard.

Can someone recommend little games I can play in queues like Nuclear thrones? You know, the kind that are easily alt-tab but are still really good gameplay wise?

I didnt ask what not to build I meant what the hell DO i build.


Just buy damage and peel instead of diving.
Black cleaver top item for that.

that was 3 years ago user ...


teach me master!

Emulate pokemon

>Season 4 - Silver 3
>Season 5 - Silver 2
>Season 6 - Silver 1 +900 games

15 year olds get off my board reeeeeeeeeeeee



You know, if you only start the league client to play other games anyway because of the horrible Qtimes, then why do you not do the reasonable thing and join the uninstaller masterrace?

Runic>Sorc boots>Lich bane>Rylai is core

situational items include Hourglass, Liandries, Deathcap, or abyssal.

if you want to snowball early you get a revolver after boots and then try to rush herald before it despawns. you will nuke the shit out of people untill you sell it for your last item.

>No protobelt
Phew, I almost took you seriously for a second there. You can ignore this guy, guys.
