GSL & ASL on saturday get hype edition
Reminder to get to the venue EARLY to get a good seat
David Kim "Jong-un" is going at it on the forums:
GSL & ASL on saturday get hype edition
Reminder to get to the venue EARLY to get a good seat
David Kim "Jong-un" is going at it on the forums:
what restaurant do we meet at after the finals
*migrates slowly*
you don't want to go to like a local place in seoul?
we pet our doggies here
mcdonald in seoul
we pet the inside of our dogs asses with our dicks
you want to travel to the other side of the global to watch the finals and then go to a mcdonalds? fine which one
we dont actually do that
we dont fuck our dogs
correct we make passionate love to them
i live here idiot i teach english at a hagwon
more like that hag won when you finally moved out, am i right
what an ugly name for a place
what an ugly language
all the free food you want...
tender cuddles and petting...
dick on the reg...
I envy y'allses dogs...
*grabs crotch* get in here bad boy..
*gets in here, but slowly*
I wanna be inside scarletts unprotected maps.
What do you guys do to feel less lonely?
fuck my dog
talk with my guild
play legion with my internet friends of many years and guild
i never feel lonely because feeling lonely is just false a concept created by society.
there is literally nothing wrong being alone.
*dibs bedora*
humans and primapes are social beings though, we cannot survive without a tribe or pack
*survives without a tribe or pack*
heh... too easy
society is unnatural
humans are meant to be in small tight tribes
*tip tip*
i work in the interest of my tribe (family and friends)
quitting sc2 for gunpla and only going to shitpost on /m/ now
later, idiots!
i'll come back when bizzard releases scbw hd with no gameplay changes from the original!
that is 100% dogshit. loneliness is 100% placebo effect and that is what they are "studying" there
or even worse:
>Researchers have had subjects estimate room temperatures after recalling a time that they were snubbed or socially excluded
>snubbed or socially excluded
i didn't read the whole thing but if there is something good there then do paste..
you seem lonely
I didn't read it either.... but you're naive to still think the way you do
you will find out for yourself....
*suicides by being alone*
hehe.. it'll look like an accident.. or murder... or.. or... eh.. easy.. hehe..
time to lose weight >:)
*goes on keto*
*dies from ketoacidosis*
Steven Bonnell II @OmniDestiny
is it bad that the first thing i thought about after waking up was cracking a beer
and yet this thing continues to live...
why did we finish the pizza op so fast??? dont you know anything???????
KeSPA is proud to announce 2016 StarCraft II KeSPA Cup! KeSPA Cup will be an international StarCraft II tournament pitting the best players around the world in a cut throat tournament to determine the best StarCraft II player in the world.
* 8 Invited Players
- Proleague 2016 Top 4 Ranked Players : herO (CJ), Maru (Jin Air), Zest (kt), Stats (kt)
- NA Seed Challenge : 2 Players (North America, Latin America, China, Oceania, Southeast Asia)
- EU Seed Challenge : 2 Players (Europe)
* 8 Qualifier Spots
There will be Global qualifiers on 09/13 (TUE) the KR/TW server.
* Date (KST)
- Ro16 : 09/27 (TUE) ~ 09/30 (FRI)
- Ro8 : 10/02 (SUN)
- Ro4, Finals : 10/03 (MON)
weill HuK show up for this?!
i don't really know what loneliness feels like
i really enjoy solitude
i enjoy time with people as well
in stretches of no gf i miss the feeling of phyiscal contact between people and i worry about the future (having kids and a good family so my family will be proud) but i never really feel lonely
>3 toss at kespa cup
i have korean class tomorrow and i forgot everything :sss
ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
okay im a sick sick puppy
im never ever ever ever watching porn again
this time i mean it
wtf what did you do now
leave me alone
im calling the fbi dude...
don't joke about that idiot we will all end up on some watch list
non-car guys lol
im already on it. is that cool?
i see steering wheels on the wrong side so i'm not going to watch this
whatever you probably dont even rev-match like a boss
i just have my tesla drive me around
omg i just realised i didn't have my scv tab open!
yeah but what flavour is it?
*hits cigarette*
oh god what have i done
*dies* x_x
how many pages have we flipped today?
reminder not to drink beer
today i had only had 8 but yesterday i had between 15 and 20 lol
you should try to cut that back to 1-2
also switch to wine its healthier than beer
let him have 3-4, it will at least give him a buzz
*drinkgs a bottle of wine*
heh.. much healtheir >:D
the blood of christ
do you even know how many fluid ounces of liquid 4 cans of beer is?
thats enough liquid of water you can drink in one day! lol it doesnt even make sense
its not healthy along with the carbs in the beer and the alcohol
just do a couple glasses of wine seriously
soooo.. fuck any cute dogs lately?
moms not gonna be happy about this....
i wish i could talk with you over a couple glasses of wine someday (no homo)
nothing brings me greater joy than watching a pitbull be killed
*refills the wine bottle with water*
mom is def gonna notice this time...
>wine is healther than beer
nice :^) meme
protoss starter pack XD am i missing anything?????? LOL
look at this loser lol
it is
beer is made from grains
wine is made from grapes
i consume red wine vinegar which is basically just red wine that the bacteria has converted all the alcohol and sugar away
lol fuck
lol idiot
Posting from my phone
heres some healthy shit lol
*consumes a carb*
tin is gonna be pissed at me.....
shitty diaper
literally my street sign is in my captcha...
>the captcha is your name
i knew someone that happened too and they died 3 days later
what if khaldor is actually a former nazi who underwent south korean plastic surgery