parent I remembered the lonk this time
how do we get rito to buff looloo goddomn it is so hard to do stuff now
parent I remembered the lonk this time
how do we get rito to buff looloo goddomn it is so hard to do stuff now
Other urls found in this thread:
too slow
too dead
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>neither bump limit nor image limit
holy shit neru stop
Current patch notes:
Yorick rework:
Official artbook:
Current PBE changes:
Useful sites:
Another reason to hate lulufags
They forget the fucking links.
>mfw i still want to give it to vlad fag
Where's lol qt nerd champion.
Heimerdinger is a dude.
>still no Sion buffs
Fucking when?
patch notes soon?
hoping for those lulu buffs and those ekko nurfs and YASUO GUTTINGS
most of those links are memes though
Patiently waiting for Ahri's contest pic
Patiently waiting for Veigarette's cont- just kidding I already gave up hope
I love Lissandra!
you're right
she's not a titty monster
she's a shit
Ashe a shit
So can blue buff
That's not the only one that can, either. I think Herald and Baron can, too.
Why would you ever play LoL instead of Dota 2? LoL has so many things that are bad or simply shittier versions of what Dota 2 has
>shit client
>shit ui
>summoner spells
>runes and masteries
>have to unlock champions
>lanes are always the same
>a bunch of scaling with time shit
>warding is a complete travesty
>no courier
>lane sustainability consists on buying potions every time you go back to base, no other consumables
>every item upgrade requires a recipe, there's no combining two or more items without spending some extra gold
>most expensive item costs 3733 gold
>almost every hero has a gap closer
>can't even check other champion's spells in-game or see what my teammates are maxing first
>laning phase lasts like 20 minutes
>no trees
>no highground
>no day-night rotation
>map is like 65% of dota 2's map and there's no teleport item so you just walk everywhere and there's less commitment to rotations
>lane creep aggro is shittier, creeps stop following you after a certain distance even if they still have vision of you
>lack of neutral creep mechanics like stacking, pulling, blocking
>supports have way less things to do compared to dota supports
>no in-game voice chat
>can't ever attack friendly units
>no turn rates, makes melee champs easier to kite and combined with every hero having a gap closer and flash makes positioning less important
>your hero is always selected, no RTS-like multiple unit controlling
>AP and AD instead of stats
>can't search for a game in any server at any time or multiple servers at once, can't search multiple gamemodes at once
>skills having lower cooldown and manacost means you are way less punished for missing or misusing a skill in league than in dota
>stable metagame
>you don't lose gold when you die
Ignored subjective shit like graphic direction or waifus, Dota 2 either doesn't have the mechanics that are shit, or has improved on them, it's simply the better game, why do you play the objectively worse game?
Still needing to know this semen demon.
shen tips? (getting into top lane)
When to go in for trades?,
good combos?, (the matchups bit is easy)
lol you expect me to read any of this? this is a basket weaving forum not a place for your novella drafts
>Trick2g is going to finish Platinum I this season.
I'm ashamed to have ever watched his stream.
Blue dancing is well known
Herald i didnt knew
but this scuttle dance was discovered today i believe
post oppai ashe
Why is hecarim permabanned in ranked? I never see him in normals
cuz people don't play boring shit in normals
nami is busted in urf
almost all of those are good things user
>Ignored subjective shit like graphic direction
that is the absolutely most shitty thing about dota
nice going user
>tfw riot might buff lulu just like they buffed cass because of posting
/lolg/ meme magic confirmed
my haters be my motivators garen is nothing but a meme i will end his existence
>buff lulu
There needs to be a playmode where you can only select champions that have a sub-50 win rate.
>almost all of those are good things
You can't be serious, I can't think how a single thing I posted is better than the dota equivalent(whether it is having an improvement on it like trees and highground instead of bushes, or not having it like runes and masteries)
>that is the absolutely most shitty thing about dota
Like I said, it's subjective, personally I think LoL's art direction is the most horrible game I have ever seen
Red pill me on Poppy jungle.
slow but otherwise solid
Why are you posting in /lolg/ if DotA is so superior? I mean... surely everyone agrees with you.
Jinx movie when?
garenxlux is the true otp
Why some of you say to not build Athene's on Sona?
it has everything she needs
Mediocre, outclassed by several other options whether she builds tank, bruiser, or full damage, her W is okay if you're against like a LB and rengar, but it doesn't make up for everything else.
Why isnt sejuani picked more? Her clear is both healthy and fast, her ganks are good and her ulti wins teamfights
that started off good but how will you destroy destruction man?
it would need to have it's own ranked system so it could have a pro scene where underplayed champs are meta
people are trying to give you bad advice
it's also good on bard
But people do?
I want people to realize Dota is better so we can all enjoy the better game together. Also remember LoL is like 5 years older than Dota 2
I hereby declare Ashe to be the best freljord.
because locket is better on a support
because zac
why are not mirror matches allowed in LCS?
it would allow for way more skill based stuff
>Remove Xerath R
>Replace it for a mix of his old Passive + his old W
>Locus of Power
>Xerath root in place for 4 seconds
>Xerath get bonus Armor equal to 30/40/50% of his AP
>all Xerath Spells gain 30%/45%/50% extra range.
>Post yfw Darius & Yasuo get banned first rotation
Post champs and how good you are in each lane
Cant ADC
You can build both though
not gonna happen ever
because 2 shen lol xD
>Steroiding this much.
>Suddenly 75% winrate and climbing.
You are braindamaged.
Well let's just look at this one
>Can't hit your own minions
I get that from a PURELY competitive standpoint it gives you some extra strategy in farming, but HOLY SHIT is is a retarded concept in literally every other aspect.
>Alright these little minions
>We're going to summon them to fight for us
>And we're going to kill them for it.
Can't really play ADC/Mid to save my life. I can farm and not feed, but don't expect to carry unless I'm playing Annie and flash R'ing a carry.
What does it matter if it's a retarded concept? Don't just ignore the rest of the post, btw
>Xerath gets R.
>He doesn't even need to be in turret range to do a full combo on you and kill you.
>Game literally revolves around: "Hey, we have to three man the Xerath lane to stop him from pushing."
how is that much steroids??
he just now becomes the Artillery he is supposed to be.
>summoner spells
>runes and masteries
>have to unlock champions
>a bunch of scaling with time shit
>warding is a complete travesty
>no courier
>every item upgrade requires a recipe, there's no combining two or more items without spending some extra gold
>most expensive item costs 3733 gold
>almost every hero has a gap closer
>no trees
>no highground
>no day-night rotation
>lane creep aggro is shittier, creeps stop following you after a certain distance even if they still have vision of you
>lack of neutral creep mechanics like stacking, pulling, blocking
>no turn rates, makes melee champs easier to kite and combined with every hero having a gap closer and flash makes positioning less important
>your hero is always selected, no RTS-like multiple unit controlling
>AP and AD instead of stats
>can't search for a game in any server at any time or multiple servers at once, can't search multiple gamemodes at once
>skills having lower cooldown and manacost means you are way less punished for missing or misusing a skill in league than in dota
>you don't lose gold when you die
These are the things that make LoL fun to play kek.
>lane sustainability consists on buying potions every time you go back to base, no other consumables
>map is like 65% of dota 2's map and there's no teleport item so you just walk everywhere and there's less commitment to rotations
>can't ever attack friendly units
>can attack friendly units
>stable metagame
>Ult now used for survivability
Is that Singed's POV?
what went wrong?
not really.
his Q still need time to charge. so longer distance = longer charge time.
only his W would be ultra long range insta cast.
also unless is ultra late game 10 seconds means you might only be able to use each spell once.. and his E is a joke.
lol can actually run on my laptop i tried dota and i get low fps
Hey, no, run with this retardedness. I'm sure it'll work out perfectly.
So it's either overpowered or a useless change.
You should work for Riot.
but that was his old passive. I just buffed it a little cause R.
Tripfagging, Windows 10, out of the 20 kills your team obtained, you participated on 0 of them and the fact that you pick splitpushers on a division where people do not know how to adapt on a 4v5
>These are things that make LoL fun to play
That doesn't make any sense, did you even read all the shit you greentexted?
>>map is like 65% of dota 2's map
LoL's map is smaller than Dota 2's map, you can google this stuff
It could happen!
People have realized LoL is better though, and they're literally voting with their views.
>What does it matter if it's a retarded concept?
We can't just live in a world without reason.
>TFW you play solo bot Vel'koz and end up wining line and game by yourself
Vayne was kind of mad that I was thrashing her so much.
or its balanced.
R expand his works as and ultra long range or gives him a work window when trading AD champs
but according to that one picture i get elo
Was about to say something, but nailed it
Like I said, League is way older than Dota 2, people play it because the better game didn't exist yet, but it does now and it's about time people realize
It's just a game, we aren't living in it, having no turn rates is a retarded concept too
If your objective is to reach Bronze V, then yes
>My tastes are facts
>any champ gets close to you.
>R root and get armor
>E + W + Q in hopes to kill it.
please stick to top lane only so at least your other lanes have a chance to carry you
>having no turn rates is a retarded concept too
When have you ever in real life taken longer than "instantly" to do a 180 turn around?
Turn rates are an unnatural mechanic simply added in to make range carries less viable. League does not even remotely need that.
Let's ask a question... how old is DotA?
>Dota 2 was officially released in July 2013,
>Release date(s) WW: October 27, 2009
So... DotA has been competing for three years now. Three. I think we can conclude that people not only know about it but didn't choose it.
>Haven't watched LCS in ages
>Read up
>C9 made another miracle gauntlet run
>SKT Impact
>Meteos is on the team and doesn't look like a homeless DnD player
>He's also actually good
what the FUCK happened
no i will carry them
korean coach
fuck these fucking worthless boxes
I tried my best to ignore all subjective stuff, I think stuff I posted here is purely objective
Go run in a straight line and see if it's easy to change direction instantly.
>added in to make range carries less viable. League does not even remotely need that
It was added to buff melee carries. How many melee ADCs are there?
>not only know about it but didn't choose it
League came out 3 years earlier, they couldn't choose anything else, DotA wasn't an option
>That doesn't make any sense, did you even read all the shit you greentexted?
That did make sense though; They are all good things.
I wish there were some more big 20% cdr ap items. I don't wanna go cdr boots
>League came out 3 years earlier, they couldn't choose anything else, DotA wasn't an option
DotA has been out for three years. There's no point to arguing that people don't know about it. We do. We just don't like it.
>play aram
>get my main syndra
>die alot early
>wtf noob syndra kys, etc
>hit my lvl 13 power spike
>carry those shitters straight to the nexus
>get reported anyways