Shkreli has said he will make Veeky Forums public if he buys it.
Would you buy Veeky Forums stocks? Yes or no and why?
Shkreli has said he will make Veeky Forums public if he buys it.
Would you buy Veeky Forums stocks? Yes or no and why?
No. I never hold memestock overnight.
This would be a mega fucking disaster
I'd for sure buy Veeky Forums stock. I'd buy Veeky Forums outright if I had the cash and the offer was right.
No way. This site is nothing but a money sink.
But what if you buy stocks while its a money sink and Shkreli turns it around?
How exactly is he he going to turn something like this around? What are the opportunities to make money off of this site?
Replace captcha with mechanical Turk HITs
>it's a martin backtraces the call, looks up your FB and address, and threatens to fuck your sister raw episode
source on this pic/vid?
No one is buying Veeky Forums except me. Im dead serious.
There are a lot of opportunities on a site with as much traffic as this.
Like what? Ad revenue? That hasn't worked so far.
Subscriptions? The user base of this site would reject that.
You can't just tell me that there are a lot of them when I ask what they were. You told me nothing.
>>it's a martin backtraces the call, looks up your FB and address, and threatens to fuck your sister raw episode
kek, that one /pol/tard that called and hung up after shkreli found his facebook was great
He is not actually gonna buy Veeky Forums is he?
I actually would, not a huge position but it has potential for a P&D. It's Intellectual Property is at least somewhat valuable, assuming NEETs invest into it because of emotional response, it could garner speculator traction.
100k would be a reasonable bet.
If it's in as bad straights as Hiroshimoot implys, probably.
It's not clear, but he said he wants to be on the "Board of Directors" and he contacted Hiro.
as long as he agrees to keep beta chads out im cool with it
"There's free speech and then there's hate speech" - Martin Shkrelli
What an excellent addition to the board of directors eh? :)))
>Would you buy Veeky Forums stocks?
Because its slowly dying.
>inb4 b-but Shkreli super Veeky Forums powers
No, he's just a ugly ass gremlin.
Unless you can prove he actually has the ability to turn this piece of shit around (which he doesn't) then investing your money would be a surefire loss.
Moot and JapMoot have both looked for people to help make this shit hole profitable. Both have failed thus far.
Dozens of anons have volunteered to help in the past, the best they could come up with was Veeky Forums passes and a (failed) attempt to stop people with adblock from accessing the site.
This idiot is just going to run it into the ground or completely ruin with some meme shit because he's addicted to negative attention.
Besides, he's going to be broke and most likely in jail by the end of the year
He also said immediately afterwards that he doesn't want to restrict free speech or make Veeky Forums any less "edgy."
Yes for no other reason than to hold it over poor pllebs.
Would only buy Veeky Forums stocks if 1. he could monetize it effectively (currently most ads are pretty garbage because no one wants to advertise here) and 2. if he could ensure complete anonymity to users
Realistically he couldn't do either of those things and the two might even be mutually exclusive. Perhaps he could monetise it but in doing so Veeky Forums would basically have to become Reddit and I don't think that's what this userbase wants and nor is it the appeal of this website in the first place.
Veeky Forums merchandise. Gotta build the brand
So did Google and Facebook.
Now Facebook will literally threaten to close your account if you don't use proper gender pronouns or post anything related to firearms.
Anyone that is a Republican is going to be banned for "hate speech" under him
The difference between Shkreli and Zuckerberg is that Shkreli openly hates political correctness and thrives on negative attention.
Also, Zuckberberg is worth billions of dollars more.
There's no money in Veeky Forums. I don't see investors coming here unless it becomes a pay to post service.
Top kek.
>idiots running around in Veeky Forums shirts dodging fat neckbeards coming up to them all day and saying "rules 1 and 2 faggot"
>college age kids getting assaulted by tumblrinas left and right
Since Veeky Forums doesn't actually own the memes posted on it they wouldn't be able to capitalize on that market more than others already have, all they would have is the name and logo, and no one wants apparel with that on it
expensive premium subscriptions that let you moderate your own threads and/or abilities to ban shitposters for 24 hours
He said he'll add /isis/ to replace Veeky Forums
That would be a HUGE disaster.
When you involve stocks into a website you have to keep investors happy.
Look what happened to reddit, it was a cool idea at first where people could say whatever the fuck they wanted without cucks pushing an agenda on there, but as soon as sjws started threatening the shareholders about "muh racism" and "muh misogny" The reddit admins bent over and took it in the ass. Now its an sjw infested shit hole.
The same thing will happen to Veeky Forums if it goes public.
This site is the sewer of the internet but there is an element of freedom to post almost anything. That freedom changes if it becomes part of public company. I could monetize this site in six months.
Let's just wouldn't be his first bad investment.....
>The same thing will happen to Veeky Forums if it goes public
the same thing will happen if it DOESN'T go public.
racism and bigotry are the only thing keeping this site from making hundreds of millions. You think you're going to be allowed to stay? You're an idiot if you do.
>racism and bigotry are the only thing keeping this site from making hundreds of millions
Take your thought police shit somewhere else.
The only thing this site has going for it is its format, and its gravity. The format is easy to duplicate. But the popularity isn't.
So essentially any purchase of Veeky Forums is purely a purchase of its user-base, i.e. you and me. This is why it's such a delicate maneuver to try to monetize this place. If you scare away the users then it just turns into ashes in your hands. They'll just flee to another chan. Cripple chan, or, god forbid, 420chan.
The bottom line is this: we haven't heard a single practical way to monetize this place that would be amenable to the users from anybody. Nobody would willingly own Veeky Forums except as a gag.
I love your free speech here but I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass or lie to protect your delicate feefees.
Veeky Forums's largest audience is American, and America has pretty much hated racists since at least the 60's. The 1860's in most states.
don't listen to this faggot. America is the greatest defender of free speech in the western world. while other western countries ban "hate speech" to appeal to idiots, the first sentence in our bill of rights says to say whatever the fuck you want
you're missing its reputation.
that bad rep will draw a crowd even once the bad users are long gone.
There's a bar like that in my town. It's famous for being a dive where all kinds of terrible and scary people go. Now it hasn't actually been dangerous in decades- most of the old patrons are dead or in prison. But people still travel from all over to see how terrible and rough it is.
we're already seeing this on Veeky Forums. Bunch of newfags pretending to be oldfags while the real oldfags migrated to facebook and reddit ten years ago. The userbase here doesn't matter. It changes constantly. The reputation and 'culture' are all this site has. Shock value for its own sake.
we absolutely don't ban racist speech.
we also don't hire racists and will fire them as soon as they speak up. You have a right to say racist things. You don't have a right to be employed or make money.
I'm familiar with his type.
They like to believe they can draw a clear line between "hate speech" and "free speech".
Of course, what's really important is that they get to draw the line. And if it hurts their feefees, that's muh hate speech.
whatever dood.
I never said hate speech.
I said racist speech. I fought to protect your right to say racist things. I also want nothing to do with you and would never advertise on a site that has you on it.
Just like every other business in America.
>I said racist speech
Oh, well that's different.
Everyone can draw a clear line on that.
Seriously, take your shit and go.
But that reputation has to be maintained pretty actively. Without faggots harassing scientologists or doxing kids, or pol's Nazi social media campaign the reputation would fade quickly.
the problem with autism is you think public disgust has to be clearly defined and ruled on before it can cost a business money.
it doesn't matter what YOU think racist speech is. If the general public sees Veeky Forums as a home for racist speech, it's not going to make money.
tl;dr: your opinion doesn't matter, public opinion does.
We're aware of the distinction between government censorship and private voluntary contracts based on a persons reputation, you dummy. You don't have to keep fucking saying it.
The problem with people like you is that you define those who don't share your views as "autists".
Oh yeah, you also think your opinion matters.
one of those things kills public opinion in america worse than having a communicable disease.
the others are cute and edgy.
if you think ownership is going to keep the one aspect of the culture that fucks with making money I fear you may be mistaken is all.
No, I'm autistic, I know autism when I see it.
>but racism is SUBJECTIVE!!
>you can't be angry about something you can't DEFINE!!
you're a moron and frankly not smart enough for this board.
Racism is subjective, you gigantic dumbfuck.
I'm glad you're autistic, at least you have something to be proud of. Maybe they pay you extra disability money for that shit where you come from, or at least you'll be eligible when you graduate high school.
>Racism is subjective, you gigantic dumbfuck
yes, I know.
did you have a point there?
my point is that you're a moron if you think subjective experiences that aren't clearly defined don't affect business with the public.
or to put it another way, normal people and their spending money don't need racism clearly defined before it pisses them off.
or you live in a closet somewhere if you think racist speech doesn't cost businesses money because there's no law defining what it is.
real people don't work that way. They don't care what racist speech is exactly, they just know it pisses them off. Thus you are an idiot.
shall I keep trying to get it through your thick skull?
> I fought to protect you
Bullshit unless you are a 90 year old WWII vet.
This and
This Shekels desire for power because he can buy power to pick that on Veeky Forums.
>Bullshit unless you are a 90 year old WWII vet.
fair enough. I actually fought for $1.13 per hour and a terrible medical plan, but they told us we were fighting for your freedom.
Maybe you can post the same comments again, but substituting some similar words in.
what was that, 4?
you're autistic if you think an idea has to be strictly defined to make people angry.
you're ignoring all the cases of businesses losing money over racist comments that WEREN'T strictly defined as racist.
normal people get mad about how they FEEL, not how you defined something.
"I don't consider that racist" is not a defense against the millions of angry people that do.
you're an idiot if you think the public is going to look at your definition of racism and say, "oh, well user said that was ok so I'm not bothered by it."
there's 5 more.
anything yet?
Where were you stationed?
This time, use "idiot" and "racist" a little more. Make sure to reiterate how important how people feel is.
And use more exclamation points!!!
California mostly.
the point is you're looking at it wrongly.
It doesn't matter that the Veeky Forums users will argue for a lax definition of racism or pedophilia or anti-Semitism or bestiality or misogyny or whatever.
the only metric that matters in making money off the public is public perception.
>racism and bigotry are the only thing keeping this site from making hundreds of millions
a shitposting haven is priceless
That one wasn't as good.
Could you try to underline the part about strictly defined ideas? If you could work it in to your post twice, that would be even better.
You didn't add any exclamation points.
sorry, I suspect you get what I'm saying and while you and I may not like it- it's probably true.
moot tried repeatedly to get rid of /new/ and /pol/ so he could make some money off the site.
He failed every time because his mods couldn't keep up with the shit storm that followed. That's a situation that can be rectified a couple different ways, and I suspect the opportunity hasn't escaped the current owner's grasp. If he honestly thought he couldn't do it he'd sell the place.
maybe I'm mistaken, perhaps he has different plans. But anyone that's been here more than a year knows how moot tried to get the site in the black.
I totally would. I doubt I'd even care if the stocks ended up tanking, I'd treasure that shit.
Of course I get what you're saying.
But a site that treats all posts equally, while keeping the users anonymous, will by definition attract some terrible people.
I don't see anything wrong with that, nor do I believe that makes the existence (or even profitability) of said site impossible.
Martin wouldn't make it public.
>nor do I believe that makes the existence (or even profitability) of said site impossible.
not impossible, just more difficult.
moot tried donations and pay-to-play because he knew advertising and corporate sponsorship wouldn't be forthcoming. Apparently those aren't enough. Or maybe the owner just wants more.
It's tempting when you look at the site's numbers to think, "well I just have to silence this one group and I can make millions." Of course once you start down that road it's never just one group you have to silence. But money talks and apparently /pol/ isn't paying the bills. If we take moot's opinion for anything anyways.
what would you do to keep Veeky Forums racist and profitable?
>implying that I'd want to be associated with this site in public
Yes, more difficult. There's no argument about that.
I won't pretend I know what "enough" is, but it's certainly to the owner's advantage to keep that an unknown.
I don't see any other future than a constant state of limbo. Most mainstream entities won't touch it for the reasons already stated, but the user base is too large to completely ignore.
How did you fight for my liberty in California? Shooting hippies and Hispanics?
Where you near sac or down south?
>keep Veeky Forums racist
It's not about "keeping it racist".
It's more about allowing racists to post here if they wish, along with anyone else.
As you said, pure free speech isn't that at all once you start selecting people to silence.
I defended hippies actually. Burning and trampling flags outside MCRD San Diego. I got the lovely duty of protecting them from angry marines while they protested.
we already silence people that break the law, it's a slippery slope.
>break the law
Making comments some would consider racist is not "breaking the law".
In fact, neither is making comments pretty much anyone would consider racist.
yes, but it costs the site public support, advertisers' money, and ultimately much of its non-racist user base that's offended or just disappointed by the speech.
there's a reason no other major site allows it and there's a reason all those major sites make money.
surely Hiroshikikomori understands this.
All true.
But I don't believe you can get rid of the negative aspects without changing the nature of the site.
I can't speak for you, but I'm willing to tolerate one in order to have the other.
As far as profitability goes, I believe it's possible to resolve, the fact that it hasn't happened yet notwithstanding.
>But I don't believe you can get rid of the negative aspects without changing the nature of the site.
true, I'm just not sure it matters so long as the reputation for edginess stays intact. Keep the gore and the lies and tricks. Kids will think it's the cool place to go. I don't know. From what I saw moot didn't seem at all concerned about the loss of /pol/. But then he never really seemed concerned about losing anyone. Fucker banned everyone regularly.
>I can't speak for you, but I'm willing to tolerate one in order to have the other.
I am too, I've been here way too long to care about racism or anything else that gets posted here.
But then we aren't the ones trying to monetize the bitch.
>the reputation for edginess
That might be dependent on the ability to speak your mind without consequence here. Although the people I know who won't come here do so out of a sense of self preservation, more than anything else. They seem genuinely worried people would view them negatively if it was known they posted. I can't really judge, though.
It's probably a good thing I don't rely on other people's opinion for my financial sustainability.
>They seem genuinely worried people would view them negatively if it was known they posted.
and that's a real PR problem. Not just for users but more importantly for advertisers. You and I both know Veeky Forums isn't really all that bad. But as long as it has that reputation....
I don't tell anyone I post here except my family. I'd never advertise my business here. Some of the things that get posted here are actually illegal for me to even look at and would cost me my business if my clients thought I had seen them.
I don't know if it'll matter. Democrats are no friends to free speech and /pol/ has gone out of its way to get negative attention from them. If US politics keep going the way they've been we may see much of what's posted here outlawed anyways.
>isn't really all that bad
I guess it depends on who you ask. Lots of people I know are absolutely shocked that there are people who feel differently than they do in this day and age. To be confronted with even a little of it head on might be fatal to them.
My business has no clients, but it would be suicide to advertise here, even if it did.
I'd like to believe this won't happen.
It might seem somewhat likely, what with the overly PC attitude that has crept in to almost everything these days, but the 1st amendment still has plenty of defenders.
The best we can hope for re monetization would be a wealthy individual who doesn't give a fuck about the profitability of the site itself. Perhaps whoever it is can leverage that in other ways.
I would've loved to beat up those hippies, but I guess I couldn't while allowing them to say what they wanted. So in that sense, I'm glad you stopped us.
I'm out, as the market opens early out here.
good evening then. I enjoyed reading your thoughts.
fuck yeah we'd have more ads an shit but this guy said he wont regulate it so im all for it
No because it would devalue faster than moot's net worth
>as a gag
You mean, like buying an album just top piss off music fans?
Enjoy paying a 9.99 per month fee to post.
>33 year old pharma CEO worth over $100 million dollars knows nothing about business, he's just ugly xD
>buying into a pump and dump
You idiot teenagers need to learn about this guy's history.
>moot's net worth
It will turn it into Reddit 2.0
[spoiler]oh wait..[/spoiler]
>lets ban free speech from Veeky Forums
>when the only reason to visit Veeky Forums is free speech
How do you monetize a site where the userbase is mostly poverty ridden neets and every page contains the words nigger, faggot, and kike?
you sell them waifu pillows
This. Pay to have admin rights fora brief period of time. Get into a heated argument with some clown about the value of buddhism? Pay to win, ban him from the board for two hours, just $4.99.
Make a meme culture around how great it is to be a richfag and play god on the boards, and shill it across the website. Create a condition of the elite and the enslaved, he with most money has most authority on the board.
Obviously, this kills the Veeky Forums. But I bet there are enough bitter and delusional idiots on this site to buy into the idea and make it profitable. Once started it will self-perpetuate until the total collapse of the website, as it becomes an inhospitable wasteland dominated by a wealthy elite.
Everyone would just quit and go to either Reddit or 2x4chan
Nup, I'm sure there would be a way to make it fun and exciting for all involved.
How about hourly admin bids? Every hour, admin rights (for one hour) are sold to the highest bidder, who must tripfag. What fun, a new god every hour. If an important event is happening and being discussed, you can bet that the bids will get high as people compete for influence in the anonymous mental battleground that is Veeky Forums.
how about fund raisers you dumb cunt? it's like everyone else is a drunk retard. truly yours - electricity hacker
this would honestly be hilarious to watch