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8/29 - 9/11: Orange Contract Dragon Arrives!
9/5 - 9/18: Rurouni Kenshin Collab Arrives

>PAX West Event
[Duration]: 9/2 (Fri) - 9/11 (Sun)

9/2 - 9/11: 1 Daily TAMADRA Dungeon (10 total)

9/2 - 9/11: Experience of a Lifetime

9/2 - 9/11 - Thoth & Sopdet Descended!-Awoken Skills Invalid/5x4 Board
9/2 - 9/11 - All five Carnival Dungeons

9/5 - 9/11: Aqua Challenge!
9/2 - 9/11: Zeus (+297) Descended!

All Four Noble Ones Available in the MP Shop

Fusion Bonuses
4x chance for Skill Ups will be available during the event!

1.5x Coin & Drop Rates for Select Dungeons.

10x +Eggs in Descended Dungeons

TAMADRA Invades in Castle of Satan

Legendary Dungeon Bonus
Select Technical Dungeons Latent Tamadra invades and 20x +egg rates

Spirit Jewels Active in Descended Dungeons

Normal Dungeons EXP Bonus
Normal Dungeons will also receive a special 2x EXP bonus at various timings.

Previous Thread:

Meimei is very hage

Bride Karin WHEN?

Awoken Healer girls when?

Halloween Karin NEVER


After awoken LMeta.

Fuck you yamap. Where is my easy hephdra/heradra?

I want to breed Echidna

Please be my friend

332 817 470

also bonus points if you let me use Siren or any other heal-per-turn lead for the expert mask dungeon

roastie miru a shit

You have fucking Sanosuke, dude,
Learn how your actives work



gonna give that a shot


>0 messages
glad you denied my friend request from several days ago famalam

did I? first time I've posted my friend id

yes, as an adventurer
>same name
>same ronove
>rank 30ish
it's ok though, i didn't put my own ronove up for a while

my bad friendo

>You have helped and 2 other user(s).
>0 new friend requests

tried to use sanosuke and aoshi to cheese the dungeon but blasted through the first floors too soon before his skill was up

rip 25stam

This is my average pad day

This isn't your fucking blog fucktard

I started playing 2 weeks ago, but rerolled last week for the God fest; any specific monsters I should be aiming for? Also, what things should I be and not be doing?

Ok, let's try this.

All discussion of RaDra is hereby banned in this thread.

All discussion of banning discussions is hereby banned in this thread.

How do I stall without getting oneshot in expert mask?

First thing you need to do is learn to read the leader skill

Resolve team, it's old but it does the trick. Search a youtube video of it.

evolved Ogre lead

Well, like I said, I been playing for 2 weeks, I was told that Vershe was a good sub for Saria, and the rest of the team... well that's all I have that is kinda good

All discussion of banning discussions of banning discussions is hereby banned in this thread.

Alternatively, cute.

actually doesn't even need to evolve

>tfw I regret selling my Rsonia for my anubis team.

thank you lidja

>regret selling trash

He fell for the 5 color meme

Literally 2 weeks, I don't have anything better. I guess I should go look for advice somewhere else.

make sure you clear the Degree of Difficulty: Novice quest in others > quest, raises your team cost by +100


>sold 3 Gsonias to get XM
No regrets.

>banning Ra Dragon
>not banning the actual cancer killing PAD, Myr

I'm just saying you should look and see what your leader skill is and build off that not go all colors

when will we finally get gremory buffs?

Hopefully never.

>implying it isn't radra who started with the cancer
Remember when it was "radra or die" meta?

What if I have a 4x attack-type leader, do I go all colors then?

>banning a cute waifu
Are you insane?

honestly, I think if dark miru will have balanced or devil typing a gremory/dmiru pairing might break into keade/ronove tier, better shield than gremory, better damage than miru, easier to play than gremory, plum system, better damage control.
could be possible.

>caring about RaDra/Myr/whatthefuckever
Post-juggler "meta" is absolute horseshit.

Too young, would not wife
You disgusting child molester

Do any of you know when we're going to get the reward for the liberty geist thing?

Why are you still here?

I want summer to leave.

Does anybody have some kind of timeline showing how the meta has progressed?

They haven't announced the distribution dates yet.

To get my daily dose of BBC cuck porn.

Just to suffer.

Yes it is also recommended that you look into completing the first set of quests so you can get a free 100cost on your teams

>tfw stopped playing 2 weeks ago and only log in for the stones
I'm really close to dropping this shit, less than a year after I started playing.
I assume some of you have been playing since the game launched, how do you so it?

It's fun


Ronove makes pad fun again

something something sunk cost fallacy

Is Claymore a good first roll? Getting tired of this


Nope. Maybe you should wait until the godsfest to reroll.

The greatest "muh powercreep" shitstorms on a scale of 1 to 10:
Kali (7 out of 10)
Egypt 2 (8 out of 10)
Dong Bei (5 out of 10)
Juggler (49 out of 10) and "jugglers 2.0" (8 out of 10)
MP dragons and MP system in general (9 out of 10 or 11/10 if "hurr durr pay2win" counts)
Coop bullshit (Hera/Zeus) (6/10) (related to "MP dragons")
Heart cross (7 out of 10)
Myr/Ronove/etc also known as the worst case heart cross bullshit (10/10)
Some awoken ults like Sakuya, Bastet and whatnot, some collab shenanigans, latent awakening system (mostly because of "muh MP" and "wow it's fucking nothing").
Special prize:
Sonias and awakening system in general.

Thanks for the list.
But Egypt 2? Do you mean Awoken Egypt 1? Even though at one point Osiris got kinda popular, I think A.Ra, A.Hours and A.Bastet were more notable.

Also, any resident oldfigs, what were teams like for the first year or so of the game? I think I've seen one really old screenshot before of some jank-ass mostly farmable team, but what were the tryhards/whales using?

people got too comfortable with radra because he's been good far too long, he and dkali actives were to most talked about cards for over a year.

I also only include miru because somehow people are annoyed by her, I think unlike the others she's actually a good thing.

2/4/2 leads were the norm, glass cannon leads like Haku. Zombie teams and Luci teams were go to teams.

I can remember running a dark snowglobe dragon with an Archangel Lucifer friend. Lucifer just killed everything.
Also running zombie teams was popular which was a resolve leader with a recovery friend. Siren/Ogre was actually a thing.

Honestly, a farmable card being top tier is amazing. I don't get why people are complaining. It's especially important because Gungho seems to be focusing on releasing more and more GFEs and not giving ults to old cards.

Interesting. When did the whole OSOBOS thing start?

OSOBOS started when HP multipliers started being quite useless and "big" combo/rainbow multiplier the common thing.
Leads like Egy1 and Sakuya were most common

As early as Zeus Descended and weekday dungeons really, every floor would one shot you.

Why is Myr a good thing?

power creep went something like
>normal zeus/goemon
>lvalk, adk, satan
>lucishit (stall)
>dmeta, killua
>2/4/2 with greek 2/norse
>egypt 1 and chinese (rainbow/osobos)
>heroes, mostly pandora (rows)
then kalis, juggler etc.

great farmable leader than allows everyone to farm arena1, it's an incentive for the players who actually play the game, not just just the ones who buy a taobao account and roll.

>lvalk, adk, satan
And LMeta/Valk/Angelion/Echidna/Shynee.

Immediately before juggler was created it was consensus that Osiris and Hathor were the top tier of leads.

Osobos started with Egyptians but didn't become widespread until Chinese.

Before Awoken Egy1/Indians, before Juggler, Hathor and Osiris were the top leads of the game. This lasted like 2 months, or so.

Good times. I didn't get them until recently but I remember rolling hard hoping for Hathor as an upgrade over Sakuya.

>But Egypt 2? Do you mean Awoken Egypt 1?
No, I mean Egypt 2. Tons of damage and tons of survivability at the same time. Set was pretty much a laughing stock, Nut was too situational but Osiris and especially Hathor were the best leaders in the game because they had almost glass cannon-tier damage on top of their almost tank team-tier HP and RCV.

>got Hathor literally on my first roll during NA's first Egypt 2 godfest
>got my first LKali when Hathor was already old and busted

I still remember when people in this thread were going on about how the heroes were one of the shittiest pantheons we've ever seen and any video of them doing anything was cherry picked bullshit and their play style was pure garbage.

Boy look at how that turned out.

My JP account was the same, but she still cheesed everything in the game. Back then Kali was just nice to have, not absolutely mandatory.

Remember when the thread hated the Norns and were hoping they would never come to global?

That was when they were released, when they had the shitty leader skills that were similar to Ass Nova and Goetia.

Especially with the patch that added their damage scaling.
>What a worthless piece of shit buff
>you still need 8 to do any damage
>why would you ever want less than 16x anyway

Weren't their leader skills initially grimoire style? We definitely underestimated how good a change with hearts was though.

when will we get another mp series?

Yup. And that was where the fluffy meme first kicked off.

Even after all of those years, I still want to bury myself in her fluff.

They were correct. Heroes got reworked and made into great leaders after initially being too weak.

No they weren't at all. They added a damage scaling option which was also called worthless.

For sub usage, no one expected them to go full retard on the awoken skills of their ultimate.

When they initially came out people were in shock on both sides that an entire team of orb changers were in fact enough to keep that style of team going. NA took a whole lot longer to accept it though.

>That was when they were released, when they had the shitty leader skills that were similar to Ass Nova and Goetia.
>rolled Urd in the GF that the norns were released ages ago

I would like to know more.

I remember being so happy that I rolled Hathor the night the Egypt 2s were first introduced in JP PAD.
By the time I got around to maxing her out she was already power creeped and everybody stopped running her.
She's not even good as a sub compared to Osiris, Nut, and even Set so she's been a dust collector almost her entire life for me.

>Nep will always be unloved as her ultimate was the most disappointing thing to ever happen

Perseus wished they went full retard with his ultimate's awakenings.

Awoken egypt 2 could be the next powercreep honestly

That wasn't even close to a "rework". Norns on the other hand got a real rework. After the announcement the into the trash spam was in full force.

They will get super ultimates first since that seems to be the pattern GH is going with and most super ults don't get new active skills.

Will have to have some serious awakenings on Nepnep to make her viable as her active is mediocre as 1.5x is nothing and there's plenty of other cards that enhance orbs either by better actives or awakenings.
Hathor needs a boost to her AS like Sakuya got for her awakening and something that sets her apart from Sakuya, the Joes, Yuna, and all the other L/B light rainbow leads.

The other three have potential to be monsters though.