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Guys I'm in my placements, quick, do I build RoA or Rylais on anivia?




>On anivia

Am I being baited guys?

Vlad is love
Vlad is life

Bring back old Yorick.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums when?

I need to meme build morello rylai's on anivia

will they ever buff lulus AP ration on Q to 0.7 or 0.8 or 1.0

i build rylais on every ap champion

also anivia rylais is a gook streamer leftover

How Varus even work?
Because I know I did dogshit on this game but somehow, I managed to do more damage, to have more money and best KP with Fizz with less CS as him.

I could have carried this game if II haven't miss that last ult, fuck my life.


Shut the fuck up.

>not building mallet on anivia
>not praisin froggen
the fuck u niggers on about

>tfw enemy team is full siege comp and we have no initiator

We never stood a chance.


Fuck you. He was shit. Go play Urgot or Aatrox for your special snowflake that no one plays champion that is shit

>Morello Rylai's
>RoA Seraph's
nah man

phantom dancer, frozen mallet, rageblade is the true Anivia build

Rylias all the way, if you need mana go morello.

The build these silver surfers are throwing around takes to long to stack and by the time you're powerful enough to do anything with anivia the enemy team is banging on your nexus with Baron and Elder Dragon buff.

I like rageblade anivia for the harass it gives in lane

Warwick is a blast, i cant beleive i put him off so long

>nobody expects you to do anything for the first 6 levels
>past that its 100% kills no matter what
>jungle clear is pretty fast with AS runes
>100% health all the time so you rarely get invaded
>god of manfighting
>ridiculous sustain in teamfights
>you literally cannot be outplayed, point, click and deal with it.

Lulu = C U T E

Everyone else = S H I T

Tristana and Poppy are cute though

Is this the new wriggles on skarner?

I love Lulu
But Tristana and Poppy are cute too

>The one fucking time I get a Corki on my team we're all full magic damage


Be the support your team needs, not the one your team deserves


Just build deaths dance and ghost blade

>only 2 rylais in the match

Not ganking until 6

Which female champion would you become if you had to choose?

>be first pick
>get a drink while champ bans happen
>apparently we banned a champ someone wanted to play
>trolls the game and we lose
well, guess the kids are online now

eyoooo boys
this guy gets it.
>tfw u pop that sweet attack speed bonus for your team and demolish everything
man warwick is really rad.
but its so fucking boring pre 6.


Ahri for the fluffy tails

>building ludens on ekko over rylais

What do you guys think Jinx's shit smells like? Does it give off a really strong scent from far away or do you have to get really close to it in order to smell it?

What color would it be? Would it be a deep brown or a more faded brown? Would it just be slightly green?

Would the shit have corn in it?

Does Jinx even have proper bowel movements? Does she get constipated? If so, what do you think she does? Does she force it or would she take something to help the shit come out more easily?

In the end, I think that she'd produce healthy but small shits.

Ahri to fuck whoever I want. And fluffy tails, too.

>literally 2 champs that can buy rylais efficiently in the game
>One of them is fucking ahri
And dont feed me that "lol Rylais zac" shit it applies to 2 of his abilities and even then one of them is such a close range spell youre better off going Runic Echos with Strength to make up for it.

Can you imagine that I thought you were a decent person?

is rylai ekko even a thing
his q slows already, and he's got a stun in his kit


I know you're joking man but things like this and the cuck thing is what make people despise you

>they make his Q a gapcloser skillshot
>His R just makes him stick to a target and attack faster, stuns are toxic
>his howl is a targeted circle like brands W "because it feels more interactive"

is ryze any good?

Only if he builds rylais

Wow, that sounds really accurate.

If you know what you're doing then yeah.

frozen mallet on ashe

Dont forget Morellos, hes very mana hungry

Why does Ezreal build fist and not the superior rylais?

>Riven buff
>all the shitters flocking back to a champion they can't play
>and then AFKing

For what reason?

>being this fucking stupid

Kill yourself

I bet they don't even build rylais

did i miss a meme, or is someone forcing one
talking about rylais on every champion

it's being forced at this point

Shit that makes you really mad at lol that shows you autistic

- Stupid Shen' voice hitting minions like "a ninja"
- Stupid corki with that retarded sound when he gets the rockets
- Jayce's stupid voice when he goes flying like a faggot
- Stupid Azir with his "THE ORDER WAS GIVEN" like a little faggy coward that needs stupid gay ass soldiers to do his job
- Stupid Vlad with a kit designed to run away like a sissy aids faggot everytime shit gets real
- Ryze's monkey noises when he do his combos
- That stupid retarded autistic laugh of Twisted fate. Stop laughing little bitch, whats funny about a retarded yellow card?
- Lee sin fucking stupid voice like a UFC fighter "IAAAAA". What the fuck this niggers thinks he is? Fucking annoying. I could stomp your ass motherfucker.


I'm getting sick of the most cancer champions with these stupid voices.

Gotta build rylais, man

You're probably just bronze.


>but its so fucking boring pre 6.
I just shitpost on /lolg/ or play srw on the first and sometimes second clears.

Boy I can't wait for his release to have an overloaded as fuck kit whe're he's mega-OP and banned in 60%+ of all games and then gutted to uselessness like Poppy some 5 months later.

Poppy is for _____

is this good

>Im tired of professional voice actors

Shut up

Well at least you know you're autistic.

I cry everytime because there's absolute 0% chance that this isn't going to happen.

I agree that Poppy is useless but I still like to play her tho

top and support
jungle poppy is torture

people gold and above since the victorious skin is gonna b poppy

get a larger sample size fampai

At least the voice work within the last two years has been mostly god-tier.

Setting the standard in how champ release patterns go



clean her sweaty feets


You did? Sorry.

I love this.

>I know you're joking
I'm not joking. I care deeply about the bathroom habits of my Jinxie. The cuck thing was a joke.

Hell no.

As much as I love my Irelia and GP, it's gonna be either Viktor or Ekko 100%.

victorious ekko would make me cream my pants but he just got dat project
it could be lee sin yknow, they are buffing him recently

We have 2 jungles, 2 supports, and 1 ad

Following the trend I half expect another AD, but it's possible we will get a top/mid

Well it shouldn't matter that he just got a skin, since victorious skins are statistic based.

>Help other lanes get fed
>Get ignored by the Jungler when you actually need help even when you ask because you dedicated time getting the other lanes fed
>"Lol git gud shitty top way to blame the the jg for being shit"

Typical /lolg/ tough guys

I work 40 hours a week, have a gf

how long will it take me to level 1-90

just get out while you can man
it's not fucking worth it

several months


You won't have enough time to anything meaningful. So dump your gf and start gitting gud.

Brew left the club and removed me from his friendslist
Press f to pay respects

Yeah class has been out for about 2-3 hours in NA at least
What did you expect?

I love Lissandra!
She's soft, plush and she makes lewd noises when we cuddle!

>Help other lanes get fed without managing your own lane
>End up being down on exp and cs when you get back to lane and get shit on by a garen probably 2 levels higher than you

I want to be diamond before the season ends.

>building either of those over roa

better get playing, user

what rank are you right now?

>- That stupid retarded autistic laugh of Twisted fate. Stop laughing little bitch, whats funny about a retarded yellow card?
my sides

I work 72 hours a week. ;_;

You're not supposed to help other lanes unless you're ahead. Blaming jungler for not compensating for your shitty decision isn't something good.

No it wasn't fuck off you piece of shit

then you may need to readjust your goals