/owg/ - Overwatch General

QTmaker edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>pick tracer
>genji tells me to switch to rein
"whenever im rein no one stays behind me or my shield"
>"dont worry, we'll all follow you, right guys?"
"okay fine but please lets push through left room."
>get to anubis arch before first point
>put shield in front of the door so they can get behind me and go in
>no one goes through, they go through the right side
>somehow we get the point
>somehow we get the second point

>lose point A with 3 seconds left because no one gets behind my shield
>defend objective B
>im the only one who is sitting on the point
>entire other team fights outside the temple
>5 out of 6 fucking players are not on the point
>keep spamming come back
>keep spamming "group up"
>win by some miracle
"you guys tell me to pick rein, then never stand behind me, and not even on the point."
>"yeah well we would stand behind you if you stood in front of us :^)"

This shit is infuriating.

Does it get any better?

don't play tanks or supports

honestly just don't play competitive

Jamison Fawkes!

People are contemptible
Revel in all of their failures

I am protecting this thread with the light of the lord and savior

Do not post homosex or fetishes, or your soul will be sent to purgatory.

Melee only hero when?

>Does it get any better?
It only gets worse the more and more I play. Every day is a new reminder how much humanity is being flushed down the toilet.

guys plz vote ur fav
but not if it's skullkid or that indian one

Hana Song.


Do I have an armor fetish or something? This pic always does things to me.


Yes, let's fill up the thread all over again. I bet we can hit the image limit before 400 posts this time!


She already does at pointblank. It's her large critbox, slowed movement while firing, and huge amounts of pellet spread keeping her in check.

if the thread is full of mercy i wont be complaining

>6th placement match, previous 5 were losses
>get competent team, win big
>level up, lootcrate
>true combos into Lionhardt
i just decided this is the only golden weapon ill ever need and that competitive is a meme mode for shitters

>get plat in rankings then stop playing because I wasnt having fun
>get on today play 2 matches
>everyone in team chat, close game every time
>shit was fun and i was wondering why i quit last time
>3rd match 1 widow and 1 hanzo duo que on attack
>they get 0 kills apart from the occasional lucky headshot
>we lose beacuse they dont switch and yell at us all game
>mfw they said they carried us because they had 6 more kills than our me as lucio

I'm going to post every image of Mercy I have just to rustle your jim jams.


good idea Mercybro!

>Cyka Industries comp
>Great attack first point
>2nd point always fucked by Mercy reviving everyone and our flanker not dealing with her
>Said flanker goes Torb
>Lose the first point in a matter of seconds
>2nd point Torb only whacks his hammer, doesn't get in the point
>We lose because of him

Quitters are not that bad compared to droppers.

>suddenly 6 zens
what da fug


For the past few days you have been bitching about waifufags and homolust and whatever. But you NEVER post the kind of discussion you'd LIKE to see here.

>wait ages for a match
>traveling to Hanamura
>prepare to attack


>placements so far
>1 loss
>1 draw
This is not turning out good.

I don't know what people's problems are with Hanamura.

>stop posting pictures on an image board!

>not picking genji and fucking their shit up
>not playing your own personal fight to win
>not playing dva and fucking their shit up
>not playing junkrat
>not playing pharah
im not saying you'll win, but rather have fun.


Sure, if you're a grill.

I suck at Overwatch desu

haha i got 2 wins 1 loss then 3 more wins. i could loose the rest of these and still have ~2500

250th image is /owg/'s official waifu / husbando for the thread

dubstep brawl when

You mite be submissive
How do you like muscle girls?

>s-stop posting p-pictures

First point is a chokepoint that shitters get destroyed at because they don't pick tanks
Second point is a wide open hall that people run in one by one to get picked off by snipers/Torb

You love futanari/newhalfs?

Instead of being waifushits why don't you faggots get good with harambe?

>inb4 you can't

need this with sound

40 minute games no thanks

Dòng zhù! *NNNNGH* *BRRRRT* Bùxǔ zǒu!

Winston is the worst tank.

>76 and Mccree on my team
>Enemy pharah continues to rain justice from the skies and never die not even pocket healed
>Mccree goes "I have gold damage" I'm not the problem
>We lose

This is ~3k SR

Why pick DPS if you can't DPS

Getting gold damage from slamming Reinhardt's shield the whole game doesn't mean anything if he isn't even protecting the pharah that's way the fuck up in the air



So basically, people suck at the game. Gotcha.

>place 58 in s1
>every match is completely one-sided and teams are never balanced
>place 2400
im done playing until i find someone to queue with

Kaplan doesn't think so

>jump into battle taze erry1
>jump out
>"hard hero"
user why?



>pick dps
>no one knows how to push or heal
>pick heal
>no one is doing damage
I have been forced to become a roadhog main

Why are you angry? I'm just pointing out that mindlessly spamming images just fills up threads.

u wot m8? I couldn't care less about whether or not you're getting off to Mercy, D.Va or even Bastion. I'm just bothered by the idea of making a new thread just because you can't post images in the old one anymore. Is discussion really so dead?

I don't know, I just feel like I'm being left behind. The threads used to move at a comfortable pace, but now people just make them at a breakneck pace to be the ones to get the first post in. It's disquieting, and I'm not sure why.

Keep s76 coming

>Winston is the worst tank.

Kaplan also thinks that since he has to work so much his wife "deserves to spend time with other men to satisfy her". Did you not read the leaked emails? The dude's a cuck.

Is Ana+Zen a good combo

I like playing Zen but I'm not sure if I should switch to Lucio or Mercy if someone picks Ana

Beginner here, what is Dva's weakness? Played her for the first time, i felt so invincible...is this the power of korean lolis?


>The threads used to move at a comfortable pace
When was this? Honest question. I've been following these since the open beta, and if something, these have slowed down a little. For the first month or so after the lauch, these were speeding past so fast it was literally impossible to read everything.

pic related

rules 1 and 2 newfag

winston is as close to that as youll ge
t>fire strike

>the subtle implication that zen is hot when he puts on the wig
nice 1

>Beginner here, what is Dva's weakness?
zarya and roadhog

>what is Dva's weakness
zarya, large hitbox, easily avoidable ult

Her critbox is large and you can easily flank her too. Zarya kills her very easily and she can even be hooked by Roadhog.

>place 2800, placement matches were fun
>start playing competitive
>solo queue into a group of 4 that refuse to leave party chat and get into team chat on Volskaya
>lose; queue again
>solo queue into a group of 5 that refuse to leave party chat and get into team chat on Volskaya

Holy fucking shit. Remove groups of 3,4, and 5 from queuing competitive. If you want to play in a group like that, stick to the ballpit that is quickplay.


Post your favorite Overwatch pictures!
I'll start.

But he is. Every other tank hero outclasses him in shielding, damage output, and survivability. He's too situational. He needs buffs.

>first placement match
>enemy team has a 4 stack that's already ranked against our unranked rando selves
>really good game, barely lose
>had 3 golds in eliminations, obj. time and obj. kills, 1 silver in damage
So what exactly determines your rank? I bought OW after season one so this is all new to me.

Zen is da best, both from a gameplay and design perspective

I mean, what could possibly top a chill robot monk who beats the shit out of every punk who gets in his way?

Reminder that all the gay ships are fucking disgusting, and the straight ones are superior

the system puts more value on wins than individual performance but the specific algorithm is anyones guess. just play as best as you can and try to win and hope you get lucky.

>that Mercy line

I came without unzipping pants

do placement games put 12 unranked players in a game? or is it some other thing?

>no hyphen between "pyramid" and "building"

>Hammering fire so hard he launches it at his enemies.
>Hammer isn't a melee weapon.

>Hear enemy Ana Ult
>"I've got you in my sights."

this one

>He's too situational
then pick him when that situation arises?

Reminder that all ships are the same type of cancer, you fags are all the same.

>Place to 2100
>Duo Queue with friend
>Make it to 2596
>Whole time he gets less LP because of less medals even though he was essential to our victories
>This results in 200 elo gap between our elo
>in last two days get worse and worse teammates because of this
>Drop down to 2300
>Be a tank player
>Consistently have gold damage over a series of McCree's, Genjis and Soldiers who don't understand the importance of 2-2-2
>Go from 60-65% winrate last season why solo queueing to 54%

I can't even rage, I'm sure of myself of a player to know that things will swing back in my direction as long as I play consistently and keep my situational awareness


>no one posting their harambe golds
that's what I thought


Prior to the Ana release is when my rose-tinted memory seems to place it, with the final straw being after the whole Sombra debacle started.

I don't know. I got into Overwatch because of a friend and had fun with these threads, but lately they just haven't felt the same. Everybody is jumping down each others throats, people care more about who is dicking who than the game and it all just seems like a ball of pent up aggression and sexual tension.

I think I'm just going to go. Reading /owg/ doesn't do anything but give me a headache anymore.

I guess that makes sense since it's supposed to be a team game. Kind of let down though.

does anyone know the percentage of people for each rank? or is it too early?



>an user is leaving
what will we do without you?

No need to be a dick, people get burnt out on generals. It's not that user's fault he's a faggot who can't handle titties.

Looks almost like Sub Zero.

Post some got dam roadhog

Post it yourself.

For the last fucking-time, I'm straight. You pyramid, building-dyke.

Well, I still disagree with you, but even I have to admit that there's just not that much to talk about, because the game hasn't changed too much since the beta. When everything was new to everyone, there was more things to discuss. But now that everyone knows everything already, it's only newbies askind newbie questions, questions which obviously aren't very interesting to players who have been playing this game for months now.


He stomach to big for he got damn pants