Old: aka6 finishing up MF's contest pic at picarto.tv
Old: aka6 finishing up MF's contest pic at picarto.tv
I want to BREED MF!
pls respawn
Reminder to not ever invite AllesKapotHC to a Veeky Forums game
I'll just leave this here...
And Overwatch is going to die again when its competitive season ends.
Reminder to never join a EUW Veeky Forums game because people just plain lie to you
>Just bought Pulsefire
>Just bought Arcade
>now have to buy Debonair since the chromas actually look good
Fuck you
Mute with massive knockers!
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
thats stupid as shit
can they do ANY lore right?
>being a good goy
Which build is better for Skarner?
xth for Varus guy getting cucked
>Last full Overwatch thread had more unique IPs and hit the post limit in less time
Meanwhile, here... a dead game.
seriously, is this the only thing you idiots can talk about?
Klein is literally the last bit of fat that Riot needs to trim.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA 2 slots left
password is vidya
Good to know, now get out to your beloved overwatch thread
Sky Williams is the definition of cancer.
But then I couldn't upset my beloved babbies here.
How do you feel about the upcoming changes in 6.18?
Current patch notes: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-617-notes
Yorick rework: na.leagueoflegends.com/en/featured/yorick-champion-update
Official artbook: artbook.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/volume-one
Current PBE changes: surrenderat20.net/p/current-pbe-balance-changes
Useful sites:
Yasuo isn't getting gutted hard enough.
>slap on the wrist gnar nerfs
well i'll take it
Good changes. The Taliyah nerfs are overkill though.
what would you have them do?
>inb4 remove him
nerf gnar more
Why did you move over? Teams imba as fuck
Time Boy dindu nuffin wrong
Give windwall a health bar based on the amount of flow you have stored
Dash on charges. Windwall works like braums.
Witch champion fucking when?
>Windwall changes
This is the ONLY thing Yasuo needs. In it's current state it's way too big in the end-game.
>nocturne fear buffs
This. Fuck League of Mobility Creep.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums IS LIVE ON NA
Charges like Akali's ult?
reminder we're getting
Lulu and LB bro, Lulu even has the hat.
see varusfag? this is tryharding, it's not like anyone except you cares anyways
Why is sonas chest so superior?
Blue team
>liss hp growth nerfs because someone played liss at lcs, instead of playing one of 15 riot approved champs
>taliah e-nerfs
>complain about tankko getting his cake and eating it too when talking about tanksuo, even though the ekko "nerfs" will do nothing to him
is the balance team run by imbeciles?
The answer is obvious
Gnar, already one of Akali's best lanes, has gotten significantly easier because shroud is now on a shorter cooldown than hop. Yasuo will hopefully stop being banned so much so people can pick him against me more often
Well guys, we're finally done. Thanks to everyone who waited patiently for delivery, and to everyone who helped make these happen. I'll let you know when I have progress to report on the Arcade 3way.
3rd place: Cait and Vi reference Panty & Stocking eyosongive.us
2nd place: Karma demonstrates balance in all things eyosongive.us
GRAND PRIZE WINNER AND CHAMPION: MF and Ahri enjoy their retirement after League finally dies
I wonder if we will see Viktor mid at worlds.
god bless u contestguy
>play warwick
>all three lanes are lost by the time you hit 6
>proceed to lose game
>every game
Why did you people recommend this?
lulu buffs when
>tattoo stretched over pregnant belly
welp that's a new one for the list
there is no way that grab was was supposed to hit the minion.
Just because you dont gank doesnt mean you do nothing on the map. Warding/pinging where the enemy jungler is goes a long way.
>ywn gangbang Ahri and MF with all your bros
For an aka6 piece, this is surprisingly fappable
Did you have the right items?
but they did
>public humiliation
>bimbo sluts
Degeneracy ran wild on that contest and I love it
Spirit visage ,randuins, blood razor, BOTRK
Could be, with Vlad and Taliyah nerfed. I think we'll see a lot of Syndra, Cass, some Viktor, Lissandra and Malz. Those champs will probably make up 90% of the champion pool for mid, with the exception of some pocket picks like Anivia, LB and Kass.
actual wacevlear buffs
This pic is trash, how am I supposed to crop out MF's face of a reaction pic if she's sucking on a dong?
Thanks for the contest, faggot
>tfw liking Kindred again
maybe i should spend more time learning them though.
Warwick can salvage one lane at 6 most of the time, too, and get a shutdown out of the fed enemy if it's a squishy.
Playing from behind is an art though, you need to step up your shotcalling and cuddle the lane babbies and suck their dicks all while they cry and whine at you until they regain their confidence. It's not for everyone.
Well the updated Nasus lore was nice but that was about it.
We still don't know what happened to Lucian and Olaf in bilgewater
We still don't know anything about the events of the shadow isle mass invasion of Bilgewater
We still don't know if Taliyah and Sivir will reach Azir (I think they're supposed to for safety but Azir has had no notable current presence aside from waking up)
We still don't know if Miss fortune and Illaoi will take part in the bettle or if they know of each other at all
And we still have no idea how Sol knows of Bard and Soraka and what they actually do to stop the coming darkness.
So uhh no. Whether they are willing to continue the lore is another question.
Protip: Take scuttle crabs. They're not a perfect defensive measure but they sure help. And sometimes you'll catch the enemy jungler taking them with low health while you're full because you're fucking Warwick. At the very least your team will be (slightly) less inclined to say you did nothing.
>buffing a top 3 adc
what the fuck are you thinking riot
>give aka6 more than 2 hours to draw
>the pic comes out great
when in doubt, use phreak's head
>Titanic Ekko when behind
Who in the actual fuck is that retarded-
>Low Gold
Oh yeah.
>continue the lore
Is that a type of skin? Can you sell it, user?
I hate (love) her so goddamn much. I play all of my rounds with her, she keeps my attention the most out of every champion. Despite having all the adcs i always come back to her. I wanted to leave her and not play her for one week and I played her multiple times already. I hate (love) her, I hate (love) her lickable flat chest, I hate (love) her cute hair, I hate (love) her so fucking much. Why is she such a well done champion why can't I leave her? I just want to not be obsessed with her for one second.
>-4 ad
this is even better than an actual nerf. because you know they'll keep trying this slap-on-the-wrist bullshit untill they finally say fuck it and dumpster him, azir style
Well if nothing else at least the complaints from Warwick players will be believable once the rework hits considering everyone and his mother seems to be playing him right now.
Though I'd still prefer it to be a good rework.
That's why learning how to get level 6 as soon as fucking possible is the biggest skillcap Warwick has. I have my route so fucking optimized and I'm STILL constantly looking for ways to save on seconds.
Ashe, Riven
holy shit
these are all fucking terrible
thank god i don't participate in these contests, i'd be pretty upset
I guess I didn't get a S+ because I forgot about farming? It's almost S7 and I don't understand that mechanism.
>no futa to be seen
God Bless America
Why wasn't this the default
>ywn repaint jinx's chest and tummy with your jizz
>Enemy Jungler tries to fuck with you
It's hilarious, everyone seems to forget that Warwick is a fucking lawnmower.
How would you fit a scuttle into the fast 6 route?
I think an early pink is better since you don't need potions anyways.
Azir's stuff was actually pretty good
>no black border around the white text
you were so close
Do you flash walls to get to camps faster?
He isnt exactly a lawnmower 1-6 when the enemy jungler gets uppity but its incredibly funny when big dick bullies like darius think that they have an advantage on you