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waifus and stuff, I guess

FUCK waifus

Well, that's what's happening in teslg right now.
Arurun getting banana'ed

I sense fear in you, Mr. Haar. Makes sense, I'm taller and stronger than you. That alone makes you feel emasculated and weak like the Milkdrinkers you mock. Overpowering you and domination you like a weak woman would only cement Dunmer superiority over Nords. And you're afraid you might enjoy it.

Waifus and stuff!

Why are you always so hostile about it, Xi? If you ever need someone to talk to about your personal dunmer-related problems, I'm here for you.

This is the best robe in the history of tamriel.
This is fact and can not be debated.

>Dunmer dominating anything
Sensible chuckle

This is trying way too hard.

I've always been partial to the Morag Tong robes myself.


Your kind was made to be on the bottom though. Just ask Yarti

Does Diana seriously think that there's only one person here who doesn't like him?

waifus, lore, harmony my friends

that sounds kinda hot

Meh, looks like user peaced out. Only comfortable bashing people behind the veil of anonymity I guess.

Does Diana strike you as a guy with a good head on his shoulders?

>Just ask Yarti
Yarti isn't me.

[Mer Superiority Intensifies]

Sadly I think they clash with the hat too much

The only thing Dunmer are superior over Nords at is acting like cheap slatterns, which you are very much proving with your offer. However you'll find I'm not as easy to get into the bedroom as the likes of you. That's another thing Nords have that Dunmer don't: standards.

No hats to match the robes? I prefer those over the blue ones. Or are you to attached to the blue?

some days are hard

Yeah, you'd probably need a brownish one.

Also ew, that retexture added a really questionable pattern to the cloth. But yeah, I've always liked the chest details.

Made a recent switch to UUNP and I'm looking to get a vanilla and DLC set of armor/meshes for bodyslide before I start collecting custom armors, but I'm a little overwhelmed and confused by the choices out there.

I downloaded one already and while it seems to encompass most vanilla and DLC armors, it doesn't seem to be compatible with most of the sliders in UUNP, having only the basic UNP sliders.

I was wondering if one of you could point me to a download that has all or at least most of the vanilla game armors and is compatible with UUNP so that I can make full use of the sliders available.

Just so you know, I tried looking at the tesgeneral modding guide, checked under essentials and armor, but couldn't really find what I was looking for, and google searches only really yielded the one mod I mentioned so far.

For some reason it's far easier to find vanilla CBBE bodyslide stuff.

user, it's time to stop. I'm sure your ancestors are looking at you disappointed now.


I'm Irish and I'm drunk. If my ancestors are looking at me now, they're nodding and saying "Aye."

Of course not, but he must have at least a SHRED of self-awareness. I honestly can't believe someone could be this mentally ill yet still know how to operate a computer.

I don't think they would approve you bashing on other people online hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet. On the other hand, they might want you to actually go bash their skull in real life. Don't do that
Aren't you also a bit unstable to be this passionate about such a thing?

if I was going to download, mod and play an elder scrolls game right now what would be the most enjoyable?


Updated follower, for anyone who cares. Her armor is in her inventory now, so it's easier to make her wear different armor or nothing at all, but you wouldn't do that, right?

There was a set that converted all vanilla armor to UUNP, but the mod author decided to be an autistic fuck and hide it on the nexus. I'd upload it for you, but well, as you might expect it's pretty huge. Sorry. You might be able to find it mirrored somewhere else. I'm sure someone uploaded it since he hid the mod.

Skyrim Enhanced -High Polygons- UUNP Bodyslide

>mod AND play
>right now

Sorry, do I need to develop myself into a pillar with a tumblr and a follower before I'm allowed to say that you're not a great poster?

Snakestone is a rare nord amongst Nords. Xi is the Ashlands anthropomorphized, and no Nord has ever truly conquered them. They say the Ash Storms were as much a threat to Wulfharth's men as the Chimer's arrows were.

If we were to extend this metaphor, Sharti is the Thirr River Valley. Verdant and beautiful, but the among the first to fall to the encroaching western forces.

You're just salty because our people birthed the true Almsivi and your people's highest claim to fame is that Tiber Septim pretended to be one of you. "Muh Ysmir"

That's right, I'm so passionate with my hatred for you. Every morning when I wake up, I say "I hate you Diana". I say it before every meal, every hour, every time I take a breath. I live to hate you.

>Mer superiority

Alright, thanks. It's a lead at least, so I'll see if I can find it.

>You're just salty because our people birthed the true Almsivi
You mean those three regicidal sociopaths?

Oblivion, hands down.
Comfy atmosphere, decent main story, very good side quests, and best mods in all 3 recent games
Breh, I'm sure if Veeky Forums requires a username, you would be more mellow than this. Don't deny that.
Now, this is trying way too hard. Even Pen is not this ridiculous.

Are you doubting it?

>However you'll find I'm not as easy to get into the bedroom as the likes of you. That's another thing Nords have that Dunmer don't: standards.
>Says the man who travels around with an ugly blonde lesbian and her personal giant
>saying the Dunmer lack standards
>Nord monkeys are constantly going after Mer women
>Nord women are going after Khajiit men for their barbs
>literal beastiality
>Even Talos, their god-king, couldn't resist Dunmer
>Claims Nords have standards
this is sad, even for you. Hows it feel knowing that you're people are systematically purging themselves from the face of Nirn. The salt is honestly palpable.

>Mer superiority

lol who gives a shit?

I think the texture styles are just too different to have a "good" hat to wear with this

More mellow than what? Brouhaha, step back a few posts, all I said is that you don't have a very solid head on your shoulders. Don't tell me you see yourself as the pinnacle of taste and poise.

That's not too bad. If you tweaked it to be a bit warmer it'd be good.

I've reached the point where I lurk here for the arguments.

hmm, that sounds like effort
guess it's something to keep in mind though

>says the chicken

Im rare?

>picking a fight with two more people
>literally making shit up
>cherry picking
>implying Talos has low standards for sleeping with a DUNMER
Now don't you feel dumb?
>you're people
How's it feel to be so flustered you can't even type right?

The only mer that matter are the Dunmer
Altmer have egos larger than their foreheads and Bosmer are cannibals and thieves.

Oh now we are back-pedaling, aren't we? This statement is not more tame than the original. Pff I see what you are now, user. No need to press this on further. BTW, I never see myself as the pinnacle of taste and poise. That's all in your head.

It's so obvious it's not even worth debating. If you want to know why, I'll come explain it to your headstone in 100 years.

You want me to be real with you? The Tribunal never betrayed Nerevar. Not in this timeline, not in this reality. Vivec remade time in so that the betrayal did not happen that way.

Here's some reading material, n'wah:


I'm going to need all these salts for an alchemical experiment later so keep 'em coming.

You're a Nord and don't suck, friend.

>says the horse

>You want me to be real with you? The Tribunal never betrayed Nerevar. Not in this timeline, not in this reality. Vivec remade time in so that the betrayal did not happen that way.
>it's okay they didn't REALLY do it because Vivec retconned it with the god powers he got after murdering the shit out of Nerevar
yeah, nah

Will there ever be a tasteful 4K Daedric armor mod?

What? You don't like the carbon filber look on your fantasy armor? Heresy!

Duck pls leave.


Yes they did, and going back and rigging the Kobiyashi Maru computer doesn't make them any less guilty. Because they did it, and they know they did it. And they would do it again if they had to.

What boob armor is that?

I agree with this completely. Bosmer especially are wretched little things. Not even worth keeping as slaves. They are worse than house mice... beady eyes, scheming fingers...

Simple minded Nords can't wrap their heads around utilitarian ethics.

>>picking a fight with two more people
I wasn't

>making shit up
They were giving you handjobs under the table inside taverns. You expect to believe nothing happened?

>cherry picking
says the people who quickly turned to use Yarti as a cherry-picked example for all Dunmer.

>implying Talos has low standards for sleeping with a DUNMER
For a man of his stature, being so weak-willed to fall for the feminine wiles of the Dunmer proves how weak and barbaric he truly was. Nothing more than a man who tried to sweep his mistakes under the rug.

>How's it feel to be so flustered you can't even type right?
>caring about grammar on an akaviri blacksmithing board

>says dinner

Glorious is good, but not 4K.

>says sloppy seconds

Am I doing something wrong, /tesg/? I'm getting stable 30fps outside with an r9 380 4gb, 16gb of RAM, and Tetrachromatic enb. Should I be getting more than that?

No, ENB rapes performance unless you use it exclusively for the memory shit

So, what size is this file?

Nothing's turned up.

I swear it wouldn't be so bad if the other bodyslide files I found weren't all "sexy" versions that look so silly they'd take me right out of the game.

>says the slut

I'm reading about people running stuff just as demanding or moreso with similar or worse rigs and getting stable 40-50fps. Maybe they're just full of shit.

>Describing Tiber Septim as a "man of stature"
Honestly a bit more than he deserves.

What's the weather? When I upscaled to 1200p, I was getting about 30fps outside in dense fog near Lakeview Manor, but averaging 48fps once the weather cleared up and I was in The Rift.

Roughly 2 gigs.

Depends on where in the world you are
Inside breezehome is vastly different than outside in the forest

long life as a perk loses a lot of meaning when there are so many ways of becoming immortal

Like, clear weather outside of Whiterun. It boggles the brain. I'm running with BethINI optimized settings, aniso-off, etc.

Forgot to mention, on 6GB 980 Ti with 16GB RAM and using Snapdragon.

Did you test other ENBs?

Yep, that's pretty big.

I guess I'm just shit outta luck then.

You'd think such a popular bodymod would have vanilla armor conversions more readily available for it, though.

Yeah. Getting similarly sluggish performance out of other ENBs rated Good computer. I have to be doing something wrong.

You just did.

Slip of the tongue. When Xi thinks about nords, their girth and stature are the first things that come to mind.

>I wasn't
Well I don't think they're very happy with you
>handjobs under the table
Still making shit up I see
One woman born in the fourth era is not responsible for centuries of mindless debauchery performed by an entire race. Besides, she doesn't do that stuff anymore.
When a Dunmer conquers Tamriel, you are allowed to shit-talk Talos. I don't even know why you think it even matters to me. He wasn't even a Nord.

As much as I'd love to continue destroying your delusions of grandeur, I need some fucking sleep, holy shit

>Playing through Dragonborn and meet the old dude and his Dunmer wife
>Kinda want a Dunmer wife now
>Remember Morrowind and how Dunmer in general are huge cunts
I am so confused

It's called "hatefuck"

how much of a pain in the ass would this little butt scarf thing be to get rid of in blender or something
I don't know how meshes do.

Things have changed since the time of the False Tribunal. And not all Dunmer are cunts.

>One woman born in the fourth era is not responsible for centuries of mindless debauchery performed by an entire race.
Glad we can agree on something. And prove it.

>Still making shit up I see
I can obviously see you're going to keep denying it, so I'll drop it.

]>When a Dunmer conquers Tamriel, you are allowed to shit-talk Talos.
Katariah did rule for a time.

You guys are starting to be as annoying as the people who constantly think about Redguards and Orcs fornicating with Nord women and how large and curved their cocks are.

You could probably just cut it from the texture, make it transparent so it wouldn't show

Yeah but Katariah didn't really conquer the Empire, Pelagius was institutionalized and then died, so she took the throne.

Its called the long con, child.

If Xi is going to be inevitably lewded, it better be these two

Still not conquering

Haar is to respectful for that. We're just drinking buddies.

Didn't need to.

It's really hard to find a treasure hunter outfit that isn't slutwear

Posting to roll this.

We hit page 8 for a second there.

rerollin because fuck kajeet

Testing catlike khajiits. Sucks that it makes scars float.


night, /tesg/.


p. cute
who drew this