Name 1 member edition
12 Days before Rise of Iron launches
Destiny will be under going maintenance on 9/8/2016 for eight hours, from 8 AM to 4 PM PDT.
Name 1 member edition
12 Days before Rise of Iron launches
Destiny will be under going maintenance on 9/8/2016 for eight hours, from 8 AM to 4 PM PDT.
So what are you guys up to?
praise ms
nth for JIRO BTFO
Wait, is the Barkhan Dune Bond not shaderable? I guess it makes sense, given everything else, but I had just assumed for some reason that it was.
Thinking about Apple
There's what, one? warlock bond that is affected by shader? It would be weirder if it was.
Nope, there's very few y2 class items that change color with your shaders.
Pic related is Cyan Stars.
The bond itself would be changing colors, not any of the effects on it.
I remember the Crota's End bond changed colors.
Don't post this, jiro can't take it anymore. He blocked her because he couldn't defend himself.
That arm armor is also not affected right?
Yeah, nothing affects that, I'm guessing because its "vex" but at the same time all the vex parts on VoG armors are affected by shaders so there's no fucking excuse.
I blocked her too
an obnoxious bitch is an obnoxious bitch
Correct. Sometimes I wish it was, but I do like the metallic green it has.
I'm hoping that strike exclusive class items (cloak of taniks, etc) will take shaders with 2.4, but at the same time i'm worried they'll look like shit if they do
Fuck off, don't you ever post about me or my girlfrend Atom's boyfriend.
Jiro we know she hurt you, stop trying to fight her, she obviously dusts you.
The Titan gloves already do don't they? Except for the heat effects of course.
I just like having a consist ant color scheme across all my guardians. So big things that stick out like that really piss me off.
>implying I'm jiro
go suck her tit more bob
hello yes
can you ps4 friends just blacklist everyone in that fucking group chat and move on with your lives so we dont have to hear about it anymore
Yes, Mau'al's Maulers do take shaders except for the blade.
Some things are meant to look like you ripped them off the boss and wear them like trophies, and i get that, but hell even exotics eventually started taking shaders.
Not him, but she's kind of a bitch for no reason. Last group chat she'd attack him randomly. She's a cunt honestly. But all women are, so it's nothing new.
Wake up bro, that shit's not happening.
Except for the ones they added in year two for some reason.
I just want black tiger stripes on everything.
Also, post guardians.
We're all pissed off by it bro, its like objectively the most unique looking set of warlock gauntlets in the game, it looks more exotic than exotics do ffs.
I really need to get a new picture of my guy, most recent one is this from months ago
Post .webms
He started it for sure this time I don't know about the other times.
People in the chat are
all should be blacklisted at once.
>exotics and class items added in y2 don't take shaders
I blame past gen.
Really hoping tomorrow's patch is at least shader compatibility.
also does anyone want to do stuff? heroic strikes/crucru/whatever, i can play for another hour or two.
Thanks Bob.
>don't play on ps4
Well, Evan randomly blocked Jiro, and then told everyone how he blocked Jiro. And Jiro being a sissy got triggered, then atom kinda came outta nowhere. I just woke up and am skimming the chat
Thats a lot of people, are you sure that isn't every PS4 player who isn't a >who?
>tfw im not on the list
>they think i'm in that chat
Good thing blacklists don't exist
He was saying she was a user and jiro was convinced Apple thought he was talking about him and was sad Apple blocked him. Jiro started shit by trying to dig up old shit over a mental disease faggot.
that's because there's a lot of people in the chat
40 last i checked
I'm sorry but what exactly does user mean to them? Like is that supposed to be a bad thing? Being a user?
>He isn't on all the blacklists
Atom is (probably) a girl, and (s)he mentions having her boyfriend pay for her stuff every now and then
A long time ago jiro accused atom of being a user for having her boyfriend buy her things
You left out some other people faggot.
Extended list:
Actually its even more
David Dague (Yes, fucking DeeJ is in this shitty chat. Thanks Ozy you orangutan)
Note that some of the people listed don't contribute to this cancerous coatroom/can't fucking leave the chat group (Like myself)
>having to take pity on CoO plebbos
>they still have no idea how Thalnok works
>watch them try to take the overshield with non DoP primaries
why do people think matchmaking for raids is a good idea again
No fuck I remember this because I had a good laugh. Jiro once said he loans his gf gas money so the chat was making fun of him being cheap and expecting the money back and .17% interest meme. Apple and Atom were saying that a man should pay and not expect it back in that sort of situation if it's a relationship and you're trying to be a gentlemen. So jiro ignored Apple and called Atom a user of men. It was some funny shit.
So why the fuck does Jiro care what other people do?
I literally had to look that up, since I've never heard it used as an insult before.
> user
user (n.) - a person who uses a friend or aquaintance
solely for the purposes of gaining a type of advantage
Regardless, this level of drama and nonsense is pretty silly.
I would, but about to flop onto my bed and crash for the night.
Apple and Atom mentioned that they think a man should pay for some stuff but I remember Atom going off on how her boyfriend does physical labor or some shit for her.
If you're not a poorfag you should be the man in the relationship sometimes you cucks.
He's the definition of beta male and really cares what these people say.
If a girl only love me for what I bought her she would be dropped
No one cares about your irrelevant opinion, jackass. Go back to playing the victim since that's all you can do.
Why are Psfags so hostile?
PSN going down every other day does terrible things to a man
>some don't contribute
literally one third don't even message at all. You excluding yourself makes you look like more of a faggot.
>falling for the vaginal kike
You don't buy her shit all the time, you buy her appropriately times gifts and reap the rewards of her gratitude. If your gf is out of gas you give her money to make it back, don't expect money back. That's the manly thing to do, take charge and show her that she depends on you not the other way around.
as an official representative from team /e/, we have decided to withdraw our presence from the Destiny General,due to current circumstances. This will be our only announcement, and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
You only have yourselves to blame for creating lists such as these.
shut the fuck up you tranny idiot
your easily one of the worst Xboners followed by Sidhe
Oh look he's trying to act like Alpha Team again. How cute.
I never expected money back that's something someone else said
this just in at 11, psn groups turn out to be even more cancerous and laughable than even expert anylists like Zippy could have predicted.
Zippy would be an expert seeing as how he made the first cancer group.
Nope, that was Matt when he made the dgelites chat and then made the Skype group with cramp. Nice try though.
>implying Alpha has anything on /e/
They're past their prime.
Zippy said all along the group was cancer, now that there's proof we can't say he didn't warn us
she's a trap. not a tranny, use the proper terminology >:(
Anyone wanna do crucible or some strikes?
There was no chat, only a skype group
Guess again ass blaster
Understand that the reason why you do not see anyone from team /e/ aside from Apple post here, is because we have our own set of replacements at the ready to fill up spots as needed. In short, this excuse of a slightly better lfg served its purpose for us.
And this general isn't?
>Some has been with a trip
It's not pre April update faggot you and your butt buddies can fuck off
What exactly are you getting upset over m8, the list of people in a chat that's even more cancerous and shitty than /dg/ getting dumped?
Too bad you suck ass at pve yourself
Does anyone have the vocaroo of when zippy blew out shinobu for not being able to kill a wizard and causing a wipe?
>This will be our only announcement, and it will stay that way for the foreseeable future.
Keep true to your words faggot and shut the fuck up
>lol that'll teach them
>oh no someone is accusing me of copying alpha team
>better post even though I said I wouldn't xD
xEventualxGirlboyxShitnobuu has always had a stick up his ass. He tries coming off as superior, but he's just a fag.
seriously kys to death
It's not even that, I just don't get what the sudden panic attack is about.
Some lists of people from some shitty PSN group that only 8 or so cancerous people use got posted. Apparently most of the people in the group got added by that autistist Ozy anyway.
Exposure that they're being ousted for cancer.
Don't respond, he's just fishing for (You)'s
Divine was telling us how he ERPs in FF general
so how about that destiny
Ozy tried to add all of ps4 /dg/ and ruined the chat
It's even worse that he's such a fucking cuck and kept adding back atom because of how much he's in love with her
Jesus Christ, this place has somehow eclipsed gw2g and xivg.
m8, I thought all the talk about you PS4 lot being massively fucking autistic was a thread meme
apparently not
You're literally a faggot.
Also just so you guys know Shin is usually the one who starts all the drama shitposts. He admitted it in the /dg/ discord.
Nah bruh. The bad ones are just too apparent.
rate this Bane of the Taken
-CQB Ballistics/Linear Compesator
-Guerilla Fighter
-High Caliber Rounds/Injection Mold/Smallbore
its our destiny to be stuck in the shitposting
This thread and this world in general would benefit greatly from the lot of you diving head first into a wood chipper.
link to the dg discord?
>literal who puts on trip
>lol not all ps4 players
Fade back into nothing
Omai wa shindeiru
eh, not really in the mood, i came to the general to see if anyone was talking about what the /hopeful/ patch might bring tomorrow or something or other
but all i see is drama general so i dunno, might watch this thread tbqh
Spelled it wrong you shitter
There we go
>tfw 2nd to last step of Climbing the Mountain for MoT
>Still gotta do CoE card after this
Why did I convince myself I needed to do this
Dont forget we also have the main autists themselves my name is byf and Datto
what kind of patch we talking about for tomorrow?