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>tfw you sneak in at the last million for world quest credit on a WANTED quest


that's so devious my man
keep it up

worst feeling

epic tauren cock in my tight panda ass

>Blizzard isn't going to add anymore new classes after Demon Hunter.
>All classes will get 1 or 2 more specs instead.

How do you feel about this, /wowg/?

I need friends to run Mythics with on Stormrage.

What happens if you delete your legendary weapon and try to recover it ingame?

Is there any npc who will say
>huh ok, well, we got a spare ashbringer here for you

Cont. from last thread, post your broken isle mount of choice

reminder to hug your friendly spooky warlock today

Add me Pylietz#1251

>Tauren and Night Elves don't actually get along
Is this a joke?

artifacts can't be destroyed

>Do the four memory of Arthas locations
>Want to try and see if I can figure anything out that leads to a hidden appearance
>Decide not to because Blizzard are fuckups and wont tell us if its in the game, locked behind a raid or rep.
My past knowledge of how Blizzard fucks things up prevents me from enjoying this, but saves me time.

why does she have six fingers

wtf does "deeps the boss" mean ?
Is this a new meme from 4chin?

explain this meme to me. now.

Sometimes DA has some nice stuff.

How 14yo does someone have to be in order to make a post like this?


ah........ hm........... yes............ so...... so this......... this must be............ the power........... the power of legion.............. reputaiton........... toys.......h m...

deeps = dps

Why are people saying fury is bad? It's not bad, I get top dps at least on cleave. I spent 20 hours on this I can't switch now, nobody raiding guild needs tanks either


Feral or rogue?

>Ymiron's lines when you click on him in Skyhold

is frost more fun than unholy? unholy seems boring

Icy-veins author for demonology had trouble finding plusses.

I'm pretty sure they have a sell price

>7.5% leech in pvp

alright lads i just got in a halls of valor with 4 brs

how many of them die at at the first boss?

>go to this place
>kill 20 something or whatever
>pick up 15 somethings
>do a bonus objective that gives you 2% completion per kill
>btw this is the average density of things you'll be working with
fucking legion questing in a nutshell

>Why couldnt you let me die?
>starts yelling at you

>Hunters can now tame fucking mechs

*wow questing since it's beginning

>Just do it
Again, doing it and doing it correctly are two different things. What's wrong with reading a guide and then watching players properly execute? If you don't have any video recommendations that's fine, but I don't understand why you're so triggered.

I could understand if I said some retarded shit, but your autistic response doesn't even have merit.

Why isn't Alexstrasza a Tauren?

Yes but it's literally the worst dps in the game

You get to fuck more mortals as an elf

She's a dragon. Dragon is her race.

they don't

because tauren are shit

lol rekt

830-835 iLevel is fine though senpai
just because you're a shitter who plays warlock and needs 845 doesn't mean everyone else has as shit taste as you

not everyone is a druid


would you a ashley?

Why all the double actions on your bar? I keep seeing it.
Is it like a focus target thing

Are taurenfags considered furrys like Worgenfags?

>trying to test debuff time addon
>miss the shaman dummy 6 times in a row with boulderfist


>exceptional sustained single target damage
that sounds really good though

Who alt-right bully here?

I'm pretty bad and always find myself out of mana when healing. Is there anything i should be doing to manage mana better?

Worgen are just werewolves, they can be human any time they want. Tauren are actual anthropomorphic animals

Unholy is fun as fuck desu

Who /Dwarfpaladin/ here?

Is there a comfier race/class combo?

I think not.

What class/spec

>they can be human any time they want
unless in combat

People that slutmog worgens are autistic furries 100%
If they wanted to play humans they'd play humans

The Fire Rises @ Ravencrest (Alliance) EU

>There are people out there who don't use Rehgar as their bodyguard

Belf Busts

Oh, sorry, I'm resto druid

Wow, they really will just let anyone have Ashbringer.

I'm trying to get more into pvp. Holy hell, random BGs are awful. Especially as a healer.

To be fair, people that slutmog in general are autistic people.

Genn and other worgen fight untransformed all the time

>bringing up NPCs in a discussion about players

maximum retard

>tfw really wanna mod my game to have big tits and dicks
>scared of losing my account

>Draenei or NE priest

I cant decide

what ALLIANCE race should i make my priest

How am I supposed to do Mythics as a Warlock without a guild? The meme has gone too far and its an auto decline every time. The class isn't that bad faggots.

>i can't read a reply chain

Fuck off

>Hugging spooks

it's literally that bad

tfw nobody will buy me the game
tfw going to kms because I have literally nothing


right, totally forgot about all those taurenfag and worgenfag NPCs, my mistake you literal drooling retard

>pure dps spec without a guild
Fucking kek. Enjoy dungeon hell and hour long LFG queues.

shit like nude mods is safe as hell

literally the only way they'll ban you for it is if you run around yelling "I'M USING A NUDE MOD" or some stupid shit

How much DPS should I be doing before attempting to do a Mythic Dungeon? I just unlocked the two Suramar ones, and I wanted to try and finish those story quests for them.

Post timestamped feet with your email address and I'll send you a code fampai.

>tfw getting small red not itchy dots on my arms
>only notice when i play wow
>tried raid spray in room
>didnt stop them
someone help

legion is very expensive
start selling your mouth/butt to anons and i'm sure you could afford it

>being this hostile because you made yourself look dumb on an anonymous anime mailing list


I'm so glad I went WW instead of Brewmaster, the Fists of Heaven are fucking insane.

My guild fell apart and I didn't want to play WoD anyway. Came back to this.

150k probably



bootyblistered taurenfag detected

Is tanking boring? I just tried my 50ish paladin in prot and apparently all you do is spam hammers after everything like fucking diablo? Does anyone enjoy this?

Post played times lads.
>tfw haven't felt this exhausted in ages yet I still must play more

Another fun day of satchel farming ahead.

I don't even play horde you literal newfag crossboarder

Are you max level? Honestly resto druid sort of just has mana problems. You get an artifact trait that reduces mana cost of Wild Growth and one that increases mana regen which help a lot. If damage isn't too heavy try to use Healing Touch instead of Regrowth as it costs less mana. Otherwise just stock up on mana potions and pray DPS is good enough for fights to end somewhat quickly.


>Their class hall is a draenei space temple/dark naaru prison
>Two of their artifact weapons are made from naaru
>The draenei leader has an important role on it.
Also, female draenei look great on cloth.

If not for the fact that's relevant for literally one boss in t19, sure.

what the fuck
why do you have so many game cards
those are 2 months each
that's more than you could possibly need

>druid mana problems
stop spamming wild growth
get some better gear
i don't even need to drink in mythics now