Phreak enjoying his summer break before Worlds Edition
MF's contest pic is finally done!
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Phreak enjoying his summer break before Worlds Edition
MF's contest pic is finally done!
Tons of alts can be found at
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Fertile blueberries ripe for breeding.
Leona is best girl
>A lot less fun and interesting
>fun and interesting
>Udyr buffs
>Kindred buffs
Yes rape my tight little ADC ass for your pleasure, furfag junglers! I love it! I love your tiger barbs and wolf knots! I love it I love it I love it!
This is just a hit to the early game. Her mana problems become fucking nonexistent later.
And it's just an excuse for people not building CDR items to finally do so and avoid the battleraka meme.
>soraka is super fun and interesting when every one of your team-mates thinks they can dive turrets 24/7 and hope you micro enough to heal, peel, and use your items effectively.
Thank god for cooldown pings.
She is fun. You just do not realize this, because you play "alpha supports" and care only about CC and damage when REAL supporting comes from buffing/heling/shielding your teammates.
let me guess it was all my fault laners didnt win lanes right? i could have ganked but no openings and even if i did they were fed
>play alistar
>do all of the above
>""""play""" soraka
>sit back and press W
some people even play her in normals and event game modes, its sickening
nigga i play fucking janna
soraka is a sleep simulator
shit that's a good bait image
I should put my low elo smurf in the trick2g chats when I post bait too
>8 alternates on MF's contest pic
Shoutout to based contestguy for that, there's a pic for every level of degeneracy
Don't go full OTP then.
>soraka main
how is it even possible to feed that hard on cho
Soraka is the champion you play at the end of the night when you want to go to sleep. Even fucking Sona requires a bit more thought, and I play Janna. Who is just as much of a """"REAL"""" support as soraka is
No, it's not.
/lolg/, post your absolutely fucking retarded crack ships for shits and giggles.
sona doesn't require shit, trash champ with cancer mains
Ghost is Cho's worst enemy.
>press all of the buttons
>MR7 Sona right there
Is Cho more viable as a top or a mid-laner now? He used to be my top main, I love playing him. Wanna grind him to full mastery 7 now.
Xth for Kindred getting BUFFED on 6.19
This in not an earlygame nerf. This is lategame nerf. She will have DOUBLED cooldown on her W at max rank, so she will be a lot less useful in teamfights. And good Soraka nearly always rushes 45% CDR. This will kill her.
>what is her E
>what is her Q
If you only use your W and R you are not playing this champion properly.
But I like playing as her. Other supports lacks that feel of being impactful in all stages of the game for me.
And? She is a great champion, but Riot and especially Morello hates her so much.
>any skill
Man, I just danced on my keyboard and won when playing Sona. She is literally braindead champion.
I want to breed that Mercy.
For a jungler that needs 6 to gank, would you say losing 4.95 AP (~100 gold) is worth hitting level 6 about 30 seconds earlier than usual?
i used to like picking him mid into talon
>literal bronze
>trying to analyze game
just dont be absolute shit. and trust me you are. if you are in bronze you dont even know the basics and shouldnt even worry about your team since you have loads of work to do on yourself (this applies up to unti lyou are plat)
Jungle, all day, every day.
If you take Cho Midland I guarantee you'd get counter playing Champs 80% of the time, current meta mids like Xerath and Syndra would just decimate him unfortunately. He's kind of fallen out of the meta at the moment due to ~*MAGE SEASON*~
>But I like playing as her. Other supports lacks that feel of being impactful in all stages of the game for me.
Hopefully she isn't the only support you main.
All mega-popular picks get gutted at some point. She'll be revived in a year or two.
>tossing fuck huge circles down is difficult
>m-muh healer fantasy
>Calling Sona braindead when you play Soraka
Get fucked, nerd.
She's as braindead as soraka
Why can reksai build tiamat to farm faster. Can any melee jungle do that? Like warwick?
>wahh I won't have my freewin easy champ anymore
I can't do it guys, I just can't fucking do it. I've tried for a year now, I just can't fucking stop getting upset when my teammates feed. I can't do it, I literally cannot handle other people losing the game for me. I'm fine when I'm the reason I lose the game. I'm fine when I win. I actually cannot handle when I do well and someone on my team doesn't. I just can't. I don't know what the fuck to do. I've tried literally everything and nothing works. I'm so ridiculously desperate, I just want to play this game and be chill and be ok with losing and people feeding, and treating this game like a game and not something I must win and be good at.
How the fuck do you people do this? How the fuck do you people remain perfectly calm and relaxed when your riven starts 0/4? What the fuck am I doing wrong? Why can i not for the life of me change?
I thought i was cured, last game my riven goes 0/3 and i just go ape shit. I have never been more distressed in my entire video career than i have at this moment. What the fuck is the answer? How the fuck do I remain calm through any situation?
It's not just feeding, in close games I get ridiculously nervous and my hands shake. I just need to play calm and I'll climb, I know it. What the fuck am I supposed to do? What's the trick?
Depends how confident you are with your ganks and with your team. If theyre getting shoved to turret then you could usually successfully gank but at the same time you'll probably just be burning their flash anyways. So 30 seconds is kind of a negative in that case seeing as you might fall into comfy farm from 6 to 8 and their flash will come back up
I ship Shyvana x Sona
So, better top then?
Didn't even bother reading. Git gud or play another game.
On some, and WW is definitely not one of the junglers that really benefits from it much.
>when you accidentally give up first blood and come back to 12/1/8
Just get fucking good
You're probably low elo
This isn't a git gud post, it's a how the fuck do I stop tilting and raging post. I'm so fucking desperate, I've tried everything i can think of, nothing works.
Stop being autistic or carry harder
>other people losing the game for me
git gud and stop being a rage kid
These are base cooldowns though, right? The 4 seconds is without any CDR in general, so if we're going to look at it then it's a good 3 second or so, which global cooldowns usually end up running about 2 seconds regardless of how much you have. The Q nerf is indeed an early game nerf due to the mana cap. Less pokes which'll be a somewhat problematic thing (especially for me since I like to be aggressive with her)
From the looks of it it's just a bid to stop spam-heals and give a basic attempt at counterplay so babies can quit complaining about it stalling everything. I don't see much of a change save other team-mates not going super super aggressive and expecting you to heal it all up.
Hopefully, of course.
work out you fat autist
also record your games to review and git gud
unless you're challenger you can always carry the shitters assuming they arent just int feeding
if you're not in NA then it's a lost cause, stop playing
Why is xerath popping up so frequently now? Just played 5 games in a row, different people every time, on both sides picking xerath
Has something changed for him? I played against him in one game and he felt the same to face as always
I have a much harder time against velkoz than him every time
Lmao learn to carry senpai hahahahaha
The reality is one in three games your toplaner is gonna get camped and just feed their ass off like the trash they are or your bot lanes going to get fucking decimated by a 600k Blitz player with a 98% hook rate so just don't stress and learn to carry
QT picks him when he plays mid
people remembered that he was a good pick pretty much
he also outranges all of viktor's shit
This isn't a git gud post, I know I'm not gud. I just want to remain calm when I play. I want to know how you guys stay calm even when things get tense and bad. How the fuck do i keep a level head, and why does nothing I try fucking work?
>Olaf (enemy) vs panth (me)
>feed him 7 kills
>he dives me and jax under Tower, kills us both and survives
>jax tilted hard and raging all over the place and going 0-6
>mid is even
>bot is behind too
>somehow managed to get legendary and back into the game
>win game, most dmg dealt
high gold / low plat apparently is still absolute shit tier elo
this shouldnt happen
>tfw i am a smurf and go 0-7 way below my main elo
>tfw not even mad
What's the criteria for it?
I take him jg like the other guy said (Although there are much better picks right now) but he's still feasible Top Lane as long as you learn to counter ganks properly, there's a real art to cock blocking and pushing with cho' since he's such a slow ass fucking bumpkin, unfortunately I don't play him enough to be able to tell you what that art is
by being gud and not giving a shit since you stomp anyways
I remember it's just a game and chances are I'll never see these people again
A loss is a loss, just play again and forget about it entirely. No point in raging about it because it won't change anything and just makes me play less
If they're complaining or saying a bunch of negative stuff just mute them,I almost never type in game because either people won't listen to advice because they never remember to, or they get mad because you dared to tell the 0/8 fiora to 0 pay passively
>When you end the game with a penta and solo win for the team
>Soraka gutted
mute them all what i do.
Soraka requires a lot more skill than Sona. She must aim her spells (so she can miss them) and your heal kills you, when Sona just presses all buttons and wins.
She is not a freewin. She is just an amplifier of your team's strengh, so she is useless, when they are literall idiots. Also a fucking 800g AD item and an over 100% gold efficient AP item makes half of her kit 40% less effective.
At max rank and 45% CDR her W will now have HIGHER cooldown (2,2 sec) than before nerf without any CDR (2 sec). She will be dead user. Her low CD heal was the only reason she was even played and now she will be trash tier.
Mostly it's for AD champions that are too focused on single target damage to clear camps quickly, but that also like some added burst. Shit like Rengar, for example. Warwick has no trouble clearing and he doesn't care about AD as much as he does on hit.
ok then what basics
>Be anivia
>Hear the sound of a sion ult
>#FREETYLER1 pops up in all chat by sion
>Stand in mid lane and wall him off
>He dies and our team can kill theirs now that sion is dead
>Win game because of meme streamer
she still remains a qt tho
cute supports with sensitive horns
Fuck off. She did not deserve this nerfs.
Please stop this futa bullshit. Soraka is pure.
I want to start banning kogmaw again because of that stupidly effective "protect the kogmaw" shit
Eah, when I play support I only ever use Leona, Sona, or Annie anyway.
I have been out of the loop. Did the Mage update actually make Mordekaiser viable or is he still meme tier?
don't you always harp over how best Soraka is and tell people to play her and get freelo
and now that people did play her and brought attention to her, now you're saying how shit Soraka is and crying like a baboon
Keeper of the Cantrox here. What changes need to be made now?
I'm thinking of adding Azir at least. He's been pretty garbage for awhile now.
He's still shit
>Soraka ever undeserving of nerfs
>Autistic Soraka OTP's going full autism
Enjoy losing your welfare plat rank, shitter
That's actually pretty sad, that cooldown increase is a fucking end to soraka.
He's just an absolute Monster, I main him and every patch I sit there sweating intensely expecting a nerf, his damage is absolute insane right off the bat. If your first back is decent (Which it always is because you literally can't be cs blocked) and you can rush Morellonom it's gg for the opposing laner, and level 6 is a free kill if you can land like one Q and a W seeing as 99% of players lose their shit as soon as they hear your ult wind up.
Late game is literally just cozy sniping from your back line, you have such insane damage from such huge range, he's fundamentally broken and his only real counter is shaco/evelynn or REALLY good Zeds who can zone you off baiting your stun
>chroma released
>now splashart updated
I wonder how many shekels will Rito earn from this.
And how many Teemo mains will spawn in games.
>Doubling the CD on your main ability
>Ekko loses 4 ad
Laughing all the way to the bank.
Holy sweet succulent lamb pussy, user.
tbf she didn't need the nerfs as any assassin worth their salt would just rape her and the ADC next to her.
That starcall nerf's going to hurt since you can't kite much with her anymore.
of course she's pure
where did you see any futa my friend
where do I find out how to play shaco
Have you seen the time? Shouldn't you be in bed?
You can solo baron with a dragon soul. I don't know if you could before but you can now
I've been seeing more Xerath and Cass in this last few days than the entire season before. Guess some new scripting program is out.
Don't do it
who should I buy
I main irelia/vlad/shyv/kayle if that helps
which champion can auto win for me until gold 5
>It's a "Autist tries depsperately to defend their cancer and truly believes they're in the right" episode
Remember when Kindred got nerfs and the same thing happened? Seems to only be champions that attract the basementier types because cartoon drawings get their little bean dicks vibrating
Why arent u faggots playing morg?
I must admit that she is the best but also mentioned that she is countered hard by GW or burst, so she has a lot of counterplay. Now she will lost all her good things, but bad things will remain.
I am Silver V sadly. This is my first season of the game and I do not play that often (I only have 160k on Soraka).
But we do. Except we are playing her mid, because we aren't pathetic cucks like you.