/hsg/ Hearthstone General

Ben Brode is my husbando

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:


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First for Trump!

>inner rage + execute
>gets fucking tirion from deathrattle card

aight aight no skill INVOLVED FAGETS

Give me the most braindead deck to reach legend in wild fuck

>slow general

Uhm.. hearth-tards?

>in wild
I'd assume it would still be secret pally

>playing hearthstone and complaining about not needing skill

Honestly switch to something else if that's the case. Over-whine, Dotard, or anything else.

>entire e-celeb hearthstone community has now turned against the game
>at least 4 months before the next update

will the game even last until blizzcon

Feels nice. A lot of people hate tavern brawl but it's great for doing quests like these where you don't have many cards for some classes.

They will probably buff/nerf some cards.

Shadowverse General when?

>unironically went from naxx to 4 months after gvg release to nerf undertaker

Yea, I'm sure they're getting right on that

Blizz appeals to the casual crowd, so people who won't question the mechanics of the game or the design choices. The worst that can happen is the collapse of the pro scene, but they'll milk HS for years before the game is effectively dead, if only because it's a Blizzard game.

Take it, slut

Nth for PTSD

Heroic shave medivh is such fucking bullshit

>That feel when you are playing patron and you realise too late that your opponent is going worgen wombo combo and isn't control...


>tfw going to bnet transaction history and realise I've spent over $300 on this game

>queue into worgen warrior as priest

not even freeze mage vs control warrior feels this bad

>realise too late that your opponent is going worgen wombo combo and isn't control...
How is this even possible? You realise it the moment they play Hoarder or Pyromancer. Did he do nothing the first 4-5 turns or what?

>tfw playing patron into tempo mage
>tfw it's one of the mages that runs flamestrikes

I still get triggered whenever I hear "who am I?"


>Buying TGT packs to fill out my collection.
>Getting all the epics and Rares I need.

Inb4 dust

Qutting mtg cause legacy and modern have been unbearably boring lately.

I once watched Lifecoach play Patron, is that deck still around.


It's probably the least cancerous Warrior deck around.


it was nerfed into oblivion

there are no decks that require that much forethought in play

Hearthstone is shit though. Every pro player is turning against it, and you will absolutely hate the rng.

>reynad thinks hearthstone will be bigger and better next year
holy shit the cognitive dissonance among hearthstone streamers is hilarious

Secret paladin with n'zoth
Control n'zoth priest

He has investors to please.

the chinese leaked some shit about arena, seems blizzard is scared of losing kripp LOL

Even Reddit hates the game now. The only one who still likes it is ironically Reynad since it made him $4 million net in the past 2 years and now that he's the only game in town he'll make even more.

Didnt asia get an arena ladder?

I forgot what they got, but I am seeing something on twitter from what I can translate with it, that there are arena news coming

>only game in town

what did he mean by this?

>This fucking brawl
I just want one win

>opponent is mage, with priest
>turn 1 wyrm into turn 2 PW:S and the 2/1 taunt murloc into turn 3 thoughtsteal into turn 4 shifting shade into mind games for goddamn highmane
>meanwhile I'm druid with hunter and get shit like gahzrilla and bestial fucking wrath with a bunch of junk cards like the 2/3 c'thun card with obviously no c'thun in my deck

just fuck my shit up senpai

Fuck this game, it is rigged
>playing against aggro shaman and winning
>suddenly get disconnected for no good reason
>come back and now I lost a turn and i'm losing
Not to count the amount of times I lost to a yogg.

Every other major Hearthstone team has disbanded. The Tempo Storm brand grows stronger every day and no one can stop Reynad.

*summons 6/6 worth of stats split over 2 bodies for 3 mana in this thread*

considering doing the same, good idea mate

how many packs should you open total for this? 100-150?

Sometimes lucky.

hard to say for epics

The fact that yogg can just decide games is so disgusting

>be losing

well what would you guess is the cut off point of buying packs?

>decide to try out shaman as 2nd class
>first draw is flamewreathed

I wonder if he regretted playing that aldor early on a 2/1?

with 100-150 seems okay, especially if you use the dust from the same pack to help creating the epic cards your are missing after buying that amount.

is it just the thing brode posted on plebbit about some "arena changes" they're going to "share with us in a few weeks"

fuck the hearthstone devs are so slow and so tightlipped

all they have to do is tell us what they're planning now and it'd make a lot of people stop complaining but noo

thanks a lot blizz, fuck my winstreak right? I restarted 3 times and still cant connect or "leave" that game, what the actual fuck.

>Reminder /hsg/ said that yogg will be a meme and will never be played seriously in constructed and competitive play

I bet theyre going to standardize cards a bit so the power range gets narrowed, especially bringing the low end up.

really speaks to the imbalanced nature of the game when certain classes are forced to rely on rng to even win a game

>post your face when cancerwaker rotates out

>blizzard working with heartharena to set the offer chance of cards in arena
>blizzard working with heartharena to set the offer chance of cards in arena
>blizzard working with heartharena to set the offer chance of cards in arena



*distant HAHAHAHAHA*

Arena would be OK if you could choose cards for your deck out of the entire 90 shown to you, not this 3 at a time crap.


nah just like 5 (a regular pack) would be nice and more like an actual draft

>have to do rogue dominance bullshit
>try to get it over with using tempo/face rogue
>vs. priest
>priest of the feast
>kill it
>res, play various spells
>kill it again
>onyx bishop PotF
>kill it again
>res PotF

Jesus fucking christ I just want to get my daily over with ffs.

That's not a draft though.
What it should be is you pick 40 cards and then cut it down to 30. This gives you a chance to negate shit picks.

play oil rogue in wild, its 10x more easy to do your rogue quest there.
Same for paladin

>even chanman now hates hearthstone

We have really hit the end of times, this is what sc2 felt like in 2012 when it was just about to die

Blizzard will never make hearthstone a proper competitive game. Just the way it is.
It's not even on their agenda.

Is secret/midrange hunter the new Aggro Shaman?

Why are pro players turning against the game? I thought this expansion had some really fun cards like Moroes and Barnes and Curator

only when they curve perfectly, which is always

>Wallet Paladin
>Priest Entombs both norm and light rag
>Deaths slyvannas and tirion.
>I'm also running Prince Legions because I don't care what I draw.

Ain't even mad bitch I got plenty more 7+ mana legendaries.

They like to blame tuskar into golem and yogg for them sucking at the game

Tuskarr isn't even played that often, Yogg is kind of ridiculously good though

I don't think it spawned as many changes as LoE did

This poor, poor warrior.

Here comes shadow word death and now you can't get board control because legendaries are too slow

So? So suddenly the game is bad just because the meta didn't completely change?

Secret midrange hunter is so broken

The game has been bad ever since we started getting adventures and expansions.

>Board control

Bitch with equality pyro and all this healing you don't care.

Good point actually, totally forgot about wild, thanks.

They're complaining about how the game's turned to Curvestone and decks that play themselves

But it's been that way. Secret Paladin and Midrange Druid were both curve decks?

thank you based brawl pack

Am I going to regret this?

I spent the remaining dust on this also.

>out of the frying pan
>and into the fire

They were, but there's been a lot of complaints right now because all the tier 1 decks are curvestone decks (sides Token Druid which is extremely popular at high levels) that drop minions on curve and there's only a single high tier control deck, which also plays by dropping minions on curve. Control decks that actually play like control decks are all crap.

Shit like (old) Patron Warrior, Miracle Rogue and Freeze Mage are a shadow of their former selves. These decks are/were cancerous but promoted a different sort of play and Blizzard wants to kill the archetype. Except Warriors, because Blizzard loves Warriors

yes you will


Probably, but the few times that it shines it really does shine

>tfw putting it down against a warrior and rogue


Probably not. It's great in control shaman when you need to drop a big guy for board control but can't afford to have it get entombed or polymorphed.

combo druid had counter play with loatheb, was there anything more satisfying than keking a druid out of lethal with loatheb then killing them?

Yes. Doing double combo with innervates.

Hol up fampai, let me just play my Fiery Bat > King's Elekk > Animal Companion > Stranglethorn > Highmane > Highmane > CotW

The point is Blizzard's killing anything that isn't braindead playing minions that cost the same amount of mana you have available each turn and leaving no tools for other deck types to play with

>craft deathwing memelord for Barnes fun
>it never works :(

What's the best deck to counter Midrange Hunter?

A faster aggro deck like Hybrid Hunter or Aggro Shaman