there's no such thing as a Veeky Forums guild or discord you fucking putz
there's no such thing as a Veeky Forums guild or discord you fucking putz
who here loves cock
Xth for making 2 threads at the same time kek
real thread
Gnome squad
fuck off
no you fuck off, stop encouraging lazy bait OPs
>thread wars
>because you made your reddit guild OP thread second
Kill yourself
I want a fem gnome brewmaster to beat me up
OP of other thread here, not responsible for that post but meh, faggots could at least put the full end list of resources in their threads.
>finally go through court of stars
>poison the potion the first boss has because i'm an alchemist causing him to die instantly at 30% health instead of being buffed by it and enraged
>go around the second area clearing adds and collecting race, class, and profession specific buffs for the group
>third area is a game of clue with zero trash where you just talk to people and try figure out who is secretly a demon in disguise
this is the most fun I have ever had in a dungeon
How comfy is WoW?
Is the world fun to explore?
Stop putting reddit guilds in the OP and not checking to see if a new thread was already posted then faglord
>brulfist idol nerfed
Remember gob engineer bros can still use the gravity well, and it synergizes well with emerald winds
Yeah except for outland which sucks fucking ass but you can entirely skip all the burning crusade content.
We made em within 30 seconds of each other, I just wanted to get anything up before shit dropped off and people went more spastic than usual.
Filter lists:
Image MD5s:
WoWg guilds:
Literal Who @ Illidan (Horde)
RIP in Peace @ Sargeras (Alliance)
Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance, formerly MAGA)
Wrench @ Shattered Halls (Horde)
Add to and prune these lists as necessary so we can keep this general on topic
/wowg/ battletag friends list: (embed)
(Rarely used or updated, use at your own risk)
General Resources:
WoW Token Price:
Last thread: (Cross-thread)
>he doesn't think nagrand and netherstorm are some of the most comfiest zones in wow
get some taste
Fuck off guffy
I wish the hidden ability wasn't so fucking random. Still hillarious to snipe the last boss in Black Rook Hold like this.
He's going all out! We triggered his autism!
These Kirin Tor qorld quests are actually pretty funny
Belfs should be busty
You're a fucking fag. You know what happens when literal who gets on? They will start putting the guilds in the OP again. There's no point in fighting it just because it's the dead time of the day
I'd be finished everything if it wasn't behind 14 hour x3 shifty quests
>Retpaladin has absolutely no movement except their one 3 sec sprint
>the retribution combat ally has a heroic leap style attack that creates a consecration at the point of impact
literally why, blizzard? This attack is way too complicated to only slap it on a follower and would be a step in the right direction.
>tfw the void is going to be the end all be all enemy for wow finally
>tfw factions will be abolished and players can either join the light or the void
>tfw whoever wins will write the lore for WoW 2
So I had planned on leveling an alt to be a new main but it's taking too long so I'm accidentally still a paladin. I should hit 110 when I finish up to the dungeon of highmountain.
Is there anything else I need to do besides the "story" of the zones when hitting 110? Is suramar supposed to be for 110s or 109s?
Sitting at 797 ilvl, there isn't any good reward for me in world quests and dungeons are taking a real long time to queue (20m and nothing so far). I also only have 10k gold. What can I do to gear up right now? Should I just be questing in Suramar?
Please help, I need to catch up
>other healers making fun of your spot on the meters
>suddenly you crit for 18 mil on the boss with 15 atonement up
Who's laughing now?
That's more than enough time to check if someone already posted. If you're not new then you're very unintelligent.
>lets all just suck reddit's dick because they're not going to go away
Man fuck off, are you afraid of them or something? By your own logic it doesn't matter either way.
Other OP here, that's still not me, whoever's sperging out trying to link to mine is just somebody having a flareup or something.
Only big guys is reddit, I'm actually pissed that you feel Wrench and Neighbourhood is reddit
What do I call my healer?
the other healers because 99% of that was overheal and you have no way to control it
what about their throw sword and teleport to it?
the only one which wasn't complete shit was the memory puzzle one
>kirin tor world quests
If you have 15 atonements up its safe to say you know shit is about to hit the fan
literally the most reddit guild there's ever been
anyway there's no Veeky Forums guilds, they're all at best discord circle jerks that have nothing to do with Veeky Forums other then they sperg out on the general occasionally spamming porn
at worst they've been caught advertising in trade and/or reddit and other sites
If you can't call someone a kike loving nigger tranny in gchat, it's a reddit guild. I think we all know which ones qualify and which ones don't.
This is a good xpac.
>he didn't use the felslate exploit and got filthy rich while he could
You would need more than 20k felslate to get 2 million gold
>reddit is solving all these artifact skin locations
wtf I hate Veeky Forums now
>he is about to be banned for using economic exploits
>got banned for 18 months for mining over 5500 felslate
feels bad nigga
>20k felslate
which was piss easy to get with the exploit
someone on ownedcore did get banned for it but only for 3 weeks
you're loss poorfriends
>he said before the content drought comes after .3
Where the FUCK is it? Every hidden artifact that requires an item drop first seems to be a mystery but Blizzard insists they aren't bugged.
>Having literally no moderation ever on spergy faggots is the only acceptable guild environment
You can already experience that from those shitty megaguilds that recruit every single person possible, it's trash and just leads to entire conversations sounding like a bunch of autistic chickens wailing at each other with all the clucks they throw out.
What was the exploit?
This seems like a bad idea
The Fire Rises @ Ravencrest (Alliance) EU
that kind of "epic for the lulz" humor is in 99% of guilds, reddit loves pointlessly edgy shit like that that was funny 8 years ago on Veeky Forums, the people who came in during the newfag influx of 2008 are the ones who keep repeating that kind of stuff like being contrarian and pointlessly edgy is inherently funny somehow
Please respond
>but only for 3 weeks
bullshit. Blizzards policy on this has always been either 6+ months or perma.
A really good xpac.
damn son I recognize that dress
you mined a minable mob endlessly without it despawning
considering the process behind Thunderfury, they are most likely not bugged
massage my feet and I might let you ride my healer queue
So you guys find any shuffle that works for you, now that obliterum is settling down? Struggling to find a decent use of Sarg Bloods.
it's ok
Quest in Suramar, and world quests with gear will eventually open up. Do the ones at or below your item level anyway because sometimes they award upgrade/titanforged chances. I've gotten a BoE 850 epic from a mission that was supposed to give me just gold.
wrong, I legitimately got banned for 18 months, but I don't regret it, I mailed it off to mules and irl friends and am currently leveling a new mage that i'll be filthy rich on
Should I switch from Retribution paladin to enhancement/elemental/hunter ?
>freedom of speech means there is no moderation
>it's newfags who want freedom of speech
You're wrong harry. All you do by advertising your reddit guild here is potentially get new friends to roll on the wrong server.
Also check the requirements for your class hall set. It's pretty cheap and can be upgraded up to 840 with order resource.
110 here i come fags
prepare your dps meters and be ready to cry about all the legendaries I get
affliction warlock
>freedom of speech is the freedom to shit up a chat because you're an edgy cunt
fuck off
>i don't know what freedom of speech means
>playing a warrior for the first time
how do you go about leveling this class with literally no fun abilities
the most fun im having is spinning around as Fury and pretending this game is Diablo
>it's only freedom of speech when the one in charge agrees
dat feel you done all mythics and still have 3 blues left......
The warrior mentality of vanilla somehow carries through even though they're nothing like that now.
Warrior players feel like they're big tough men who are hardcore with no magic because magic is for girls and they're so macho they eat dirt for fun
You're free to have your own guild and spam nigger kike tranny.
People are also free to make their own areas with certain limits. They only violate your free speech when they enter your areas and demand you tow a certain line.
People are able to set up restrictions on their own private space. I can say no screaming nigger, a bar owner can say no guns, and so on.
>literal who comes to Veeky Forums to start thread wars and shit up wowg. News at 11.
Stop bringing up non-Veeky Forums guilds
why did you save it up? I don't understand
>not playing as an armorless worgen Berserker who has lost all semblance of sanity
thats a pretty nice kirin tor mog you got there
How many ulduar runs did it take to complete?
Free (You)s, of course
is this a normal thing to see in the priest class hall?
Which classes are fun to level?
This is such a tiny glitch that i hope this is a joke and that you really fixed it before reading this.. just scroll your mouse wheel to zoom in/out and it fixes.
just ask for help normally nextime fgt
Leveling sucks.
I /console reloadui:d
it's /console reloadui fgt
I'm 4 of those and guess what cunt, I'm in zero guilds this place or any other shithole forum has ever been associated with.
what does the priest class hall even look like