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Masou Shoujo edition

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Yeah okay

Jamison Fawkes!

>Tracer wasting all my teleporter charges


I hope your work is going well 76 abuse user

>tfw the same Junkrat uses it three times in a row
The fuck was that Junkrat doing




If you're reading this, I love you.

Cutest and best pairing

Ended up getting gold. My goal was to not get get silver, so I'm happy.

but user the distance is too large

Friendly reminder that MercyxHog is canon

Boys, I'm usually Genji or Hog in comp, my friend is better at me than Genji now so I've been relegated to solely being Hog but he gets shit on easily now that I'm in upper Diamond.

I want to pick up Zarya, any tips?

how gullible can you be user?

I go out of my way to make you life miserable, and you still love me

>spelling mistakes, grammar errors and emotes
seems fake tbqh

Why is blizz customer service the best in the business?

Its like Sega with music. No matter how much they fuck up somewhere else, that one thing is always 10/10

Indians don't usually have the best grammar and spelling, user.


>Mercy offered
>says nothing about THE HOG taking her love
no one can hogtie this pig

Fuck off, whore. Mercy's heart belongs to Mako.

I don't believe it, and I love you all the same!

Honestly a lot of Zarya is just knowing how the flow of battle works, and situational awareness, which if you've reached upper diamond you hopefully have. Bubble on friend.

>You will NEVER get this as a skin
>But Punk and Ultraviolet will always be there

I miss Mommy.

does the Ana bleed damage work on traps and concussion mines?

How do I git gud?

Coordinate your ultimates. You want to use yours first, so that everyone else can get free easy shots on the group. If there's a Mei in the mix, this may be difficult, try to kill her before hand. You kind of double as a support, so throw your shield on people who are in the middle of needing it. You can use Hanzo's ultimate to get free energy, by protecting yourself and taking a small dip or protecting someone else caught inside.

Zarya's really easy to learn, you should get the hang of it.

Amélie Lacroix
I want to hug this smug.


I want "Burnt Casserole Battle Damaged" Tracer skins


I've retooled the difficulty ranking system based on the current balance

*** Difficulty

** Difficulty

* Difficulty
Soldier 76

It still astounds me that they were able to get away with saying "orgy" during Roadhog and Junkrat's trailer.

Tracey is a great cook!

I fucking hate this person's art and I wish waifu faggots would stop posting it

Hoggie only likes young Asian, specifically Korean, girls

>But Punk and Ultraviolet will always be there

I wouldn't mind them so much if Tracer hadn't shaved off her eyebrows for them.

I post good and bad art desu

the "goggles" irritate me more

Move Rat, Hanzo, and Symmetra down to 1 Star and it's good.

fug the smug

1. Your most played character in competitive right now
2. Give a tip to people wanting to play them

1. Zenny
2. If your team is being threatened by an ulting genji or something and you need to pop trance, make sure to discord the ulting enemy team member before ulting yourself. Your discord (and harmony orbs) will still be active while you're ulting. It seems like an obvious tip, but I don't see enough zens do it since they just immediately hit the panic button. If your positioning is good, you'll always have enough time to do this.

>want to play winston
>be the first to pick winston
>then someone else picks winston
>then the rest of the team picks winston

and hog

How is mccrees range? I've been using 76 but might switch to mccree. I can't into Phara but want an offense I don't need to be right on top of the enemy to kill and can stay back with my team and pick people off.

1. Zennyatta

Am I the only person who doesn't have a problem with Mei? Like, im not saying "hur hur you guys just need to git gud" but whenever I come across one on the enemy team I rarely, if ever, die to her. If theres a character that aggravates me the most it'd have to be Junkrat. Not there's anything wrong with him, rather whenever I die to him it feels like complete bs or my own stupidity. I can't count how many times i've walked over the bombs he drops as he dies.

Staying on this topic, what character/s are the most irritating for you in your opinion to come up against? Mine would definitely have to be Junkrat and Reaper.

Fuck you, I love it. It's cute.

Lads I just played a game where everyone dicked around and didn't kill each other

>played lucio the last 4 hours in comp cause my team refuses to support.

release from this waking nightmare.

Try really hard not to tilt when you see the DPS and tanks being retarded and regret filling for the team

Poke around corners or behind your Rein to break the enemy Rein's shield with M2, then aim the hook at a healer to try to take them out and put them at a huge disadvantage.

Prioritize Ana and Zenny over Lucio.

her new ult is kinda bullshit but i just need to get used to it like i did with Dva's.

>alternate skin is "Fell Downstairs"

>playing the worst hero in the game
>calibrated at 2400
>pic related happens

remember, you are the only constant

>includes "He still loves me" voice line

1. Roadhog
2. If your health hits the halfway mark or lower, try to use Take A Breather before you go to a health pack. It recharges faster than you'd think and the more you heal yourself with it, the faster your Ult. meter grows.

>anytime I pick winston
>Get killed
>Enemy team: "RIP HARAMBE xD"

>Don't charge into a group to die.

for real, these faggots need to learn to hold an L and stop blaming all the retards on the team,
cause the enemy team has just as many retards.

the most consistent part of all your failures is you.

don't do this if you're being healed already and you don't need health urgently though

Every tracer main is a faggot and should die. I love getting plinked for minimal damage every five seconds and having to turn around with literally nothing I can do about it since they are gone by the time I look back.

>hold an L
>unironically using coonspeak

Shake my head fampai

WIDOWMAKER's huge dick

where's the pic?

doesn't make his point any less true. honestly I can't stand you faggot constantly whining about calibration and shitty teammates, when 99% of your losses are preventable by just playing better

Bastion and Hanzo.

Mostly because I usually wind up the tank and nobody has the sense to blast the faroff gattling gun I'm shielding them from or the Japanese Robin Hood that can OHKO most people better than the actual snipers of the cast.

$0.05 has been deposited into your account, great Blizzard defender!

>when 99% of your losses are preventable by just playing better
That's what were saying. The teammates need to play better. Thanks for catching up with the rest of us, user.

1. Reaper
2. Teleport behind enemy lines as often as possible, and try to take out their healer ASAP when you do. You have a free escape button, use it. For example, when defending hanamura A, before the round starts always teleport into the building in front of the choke so you can unload your shotguns into the enemy's backs when they reach it and disrupt their initial push.

>Try really hard not to tilt when you see the DPS and tanks being retarded and regret filling for the team

Sometimes it just is too much

>hit master rating
>suddenly get thrown into game against seagull
>on his stream he notices my name and goes, "uh oh!"

>mfw senpai n-noticed me

enjoy never climbing out of gold cause of your entitled additude

>when 99% of your losses are preventable by just playing better

Having to solo carry sure is fun.

>Want to play with group of 4-6 friends in comp and have some fun playing without 6-torb enemy teams
>We are constantly put against 2+ prestige 6-player teams that roll us completely into the ground

Send help Please.


If you see an ally going for an ult, shield them. Mostly goes for Genjis, Hogs, McCrees, Pharahs, but Reaper can use it too if you can spare the shield. Seems like common sense but a lot of Zaryas don't seem to do this.

Also flanking from the right side of anubis while your team pushes left can make for some great grav surges assuming you're all communicating.

Try low diamond.. Nothing more fun than borderline AFK attack symmetras and Anubis Bastions

I rose 600 rank points into the top 6% of overwatch players, while being unable to communicate or hear my allies, and playing arguably the weakest hero in the game.

You can do it, stop whining

or maybe you're just a league/WoW shitter who's never learned a shooter in your life

>When you beat a streamer because of a DC and even got the opportunity to single him out and discord kick him to death


get back in the TA general

Come on no one plays Mccree?

all you faggots think they you are playing perfectly at all times and its your teams fault you lost, but thats only because you cant notice your own mistakes cause you are at your own skill level but if a pro sat behind you and told you everything you are doing wrong you would realize that you need to git gud.

You can't 6-man unless you're all willing to tryhard to fuck.

Go into the practice range and try it out.

How do I get better with Zarya sheilds?
I feel like if I actually use them I never get them on the people who need them or I'll never have one off cool down to give when someone does need it.
If I hold it and hand them out to only those who need them I barely get any energy, seems about 30 average, I get about 60-70 if I hand them out like candy.

any tips for learning 76 aside from 3 burst firing?

Better than 76 at range. Actually Mcree is better at pretty much everything. Only thing 76 has over him is 76 can heal himself

>all you faggots think they you are playing perfectly at all times

No one thinks this

Who /HorseNoose/ here?
I know someone asked opinons on Zylbrad last thread

High-range with low damage drop-off, but he's got to be really accurate.

You either play him as a mid-range fighter throwing flashbangs, unloading your revolver into the stunned, and rolling out of danger when things get to spicy.

Or the usual McCree route, something of a pragmatic coward who peppers enemies from afar until his Deadeye is full.

Her pout is cuter.

>have gone down 100 rank points today

As Reinhardt says, "I'll feel sad in the morning."

you'd better be nice to me, user. i'm on the cusp of becoming a full shitposting namefag in these generals.

His range is good for midrange fights.

>want to play with friends and their friends for a full six man group.
>they some of them play with controllers.

If you seriously belive you belong in rank 4000, then you must play like a rank 4000.
Yes I have symetras on the last defense point. yes I have bastions on offence. But I carry them and get kills,
BECAUSE I DODGE DAMAGE AND HIT MY SHOTS. If you really think you're better than everyone else in your rank, then prove it by getting gold medals in damage, objective time, eliminations, and obj. eliminations.

And if the enemy is just as good as you and is preventing you from excelling, then maybe you really do belong at that rank.

You're not meant to soak up frontline damage like Reinhardt or D.va. Hang back in the middle between the squishies and the DPS crowd, provide shields as needed, and shield yourself if the enemy team breaks through those in front of you. Keep in mind, a lot of Zarya's health regenerates over time.

You'll never be able to predict when the enemy is going to fire or when they're going to wait. Sometimes you'll just have to wing it and hope you trap those bullets in time.

Honestly, the best practice I ever get with Zarya is on Hard AI. They computers will aimbot the shit out of you, but they never stop firing, so you'll always absorb plenty of energy from them while getting to be the tank you want to be. It's not a perfect version of what you'll encounter with other people, but I've found that it really improved my sense of timing with her shields and how to ration my offensive energy as I get it.

One thing that helped me out is realizing the shield you put on your teammates has a way quicker cd than your personal one so you should be throwing those shits out all the damn time. Eventually you will get a good feel of when to use them best but in the mean time just throw em out as much as possible.