/gerg/ - Giant Extreme Robots General

Fun in the Sun Edition

New /gerg/ game, from the makers of Shadowrun Returns

Armored Core:

Mechwarrior Living Legends:

Living Legends Installer + Gamespy fix:

Living Legends Server Stats (Use this to check if anyone is playing):

The HAWKEN zombie marches on:

Heavy Gear Assault:

M.A.V. (Now with more Chromehound legal rights!)

MechWarrior Online:

How to start MWO:

New Player's Guide to MWO (aka the Manual):

Light up the Night:

Kong PodKast #25: Heavy Gear Stuff

MWO Mechlab:

MWO Heat Simulator:

Kanajashi's Video Tutorials:

Group Mumble Info:

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for memes

Ancient dead robots edition.

>tfw no haruko wife

Will she ever return? What happened to her?

She'd rather play with pic related.

Where is the CW event, piggy? You said there would be event.

>wanting cw events

Why does PGI keep going? What drives them?

It's not like all the good people haven't been replaced already... aside from Alex but his craft is a bit different than theirs.

will someone buy me HG is I post my hairy butt?

Combined arms never.

Thanks for the great replies last thread.

Fantasy will never be reality.

Between the tutorial, and the manual in the OP, you should be able to understand how most things work.

The only thing that's left is build advice and actually playing matches well.

Always stick with your team. Pay attention to your minimap. Don't rush around corners if you aren't sure what's there. Don't fight fair. Shoot enemies in the back as much as possible. Adjust your mouse / game sensitivity so you can aim at specific bits. Shoot down uavs.

>Don't fight fair
I was in my champion (light?) free trial mech last night. We started this skirmish match on a huge flat-ish snow map. My team all bunched together and headed in a straight line to the middle of the map, but I hit full throttle and headed around the side of the map.

Anyway, after a few kilometers I slowed down and peeked around and found like 8 enemies ridgehumping and one up high right at their back, so I circled around him, got close and shot his engines a few times before he turned around, but since he was in a Timberwolf and I only had 2 medium lasers and SRM-6 it took a while, but I was circle strafing him and he couldn't turn fast enough to shoot me, I trolled him good but then some huge mech came to help him. Managed to kill the Timberwolf and almost took down the other guy but I got sniped by one of the others in their main group.

In another match I was scouting ahead alone and got ambushed by all the enemy team, so I charged in and circled them all and watched them get hit with friendly crossfire and kept them all busy for a while. I'm having way more fun this time than before I quit last year.

Xth for if youre not piloting a kodiak 10h a day youre a shitter

Xth for HGA will be the second coming of Robots prophesied in the ancient Kong texts.

>when the nascar is shit and your team gets eaten one by one

fuck, just stand and fight

>when your assaults run from a couple of heavies instead of just gunning them down one by one

>lurm assaults do not join the nascar

>the assaults have lurms

>the lurm assaults are 250 standard engine stalkers.

>the lurm assaults are 250 XL engine stalkers

Please stop this evil, this horror.

>backup weapons are 4 small lasers and twin TAGs.

>25 posts.
>page 9.

yfw the Star Shitizen thread is stronger than this one rn

I stopped posting in it because a bunch of furries and avatarfaggers turned up and the threads went downhill.

Kodiak is the most fun I've had this game in a while, it's pretty good.

>yfw star hype citizen releases on the same day MWO shuts down.

I would be perfectly OK with this.

Is KONG more active in MWO or Star Citizen?

They play RPGs now.

Tabletop roleplaying games and fighting games.

>tfw you haven't played robots on the main server since june 23rd.
>tfw I remember I can uninstall the test server and highest skill tournament server in mere weeks.

When Faction Play revamp comes out, you WILL play with us, right?

Probably not. I have very little interest in games that hard crash my computer. Even playing on the highest skill server always has me on edge, because it could crash and lock up my computer at any time.

>play robutts for 3 minutes.
>legit bluescreen that's not an actual bluescreen, and doesn't even show up as an error or crash in event viewer.
>play dudesex or any other modern, demanding game for 12 hours.
>no problems.

I'm the noob from yesterday and I've been looking for faction play and it seems really dead, only 3-4 people online at once, having to wait a long time to get a match going. Is that accurate?

That's right, shit face! You probably picked a dead faction, and there's just too many buckets man.
Just... so many buckets.
But don't worry, Faction Play is going to become the new quick play, and there won't be as many buckets.
So get your shit bucket ready, and hope to god people evenly pick clans and InnerShitters so you can play QuickPlay with respawns without having to wait half an hour.

>it's a "your teamates shoot you in the back and crit out your weapons" episode

New update is live.


Awww yeah clan play.

>hard crash my computer
Works on my machine :^)

cool story bro

This is pretty cool.

cool story bro

Well Vass you could always just build a new computer like I did :^)

>greg new computer
Oh yus. I gotta see this. What are your new shit specs Greg?


Sp what mech games are still active?

Hmm, not bad. not bad at all. What'd you pay for the 1070?

I'll give you a hint

it's a number between 100 and 200


the answer is I don't fucking remember

Play with the Devs session on the Stompybot Twitch channel in about 30 minutes will be showing this new version.


>yfw people actually run a slow bear

>standard engine
Dude full asymmetric builds lmao
Dude shield side lmao

Nevermind taking 0.000001 damage to the structure of the RT will cause an explosion and knock out all the weapons

Niggers, it isn't difficult. In the U.S. 1070s are ~$400-$450

MWO. Heavy gear still isn't officially released, and hawken is dead as shit.

Allegedly it has some presence on the xbone still, but both steam and PS4 are wastelands.

I wanna know if he got a fucking deal on it or something, feck off.



>there are people in this thread who'll settle for less than -80 class Nvidia.


But 80 class is never the best, especially in terms of price/performance.

You'll just get cucked by the 80 Ti or Titan, so imho f.a.m. it'd be better to go 70 or the non standard 80.

What happened to Pardo?

>it's an invasion challenge with big rewards episode

>mfw people tell me they bought 970s.

Dudebutt executed his kaioken x1000 master ruse move, which resulted in him getting banned from the game and all other PGI services.

R8 & H8 the Grab Deals / make grab deal buyers guide.

Not pictured: the baka level of anyone who spends real dollars on shit available for c-bills.

Night gyr will be super strong
Kodiak is and always will be super strong
Hunch 2c is super strong

Warhammer and Cyclops are pretty good

Marauder, grasshopper, urbanmech, viper are ok

All the clan packs were good except the 2c shit overall

Wave 2 was terrible. Meme lynx, nice ferret, corebringer, spurdo, and mad doge if you blew 360 dollars. The corebringer was salvaged with tons of hitbox changes, and nice ferrets have some CW uses, but the others are total shit to this day.


Here's my ranking.

Best: Kodiak, Night Gyr, Huntsman (latter two yet to be seen of course)
Great: Clan Wave 3
Good: Cyclops, Warhammer, Viper, Origin, Resistance 2, Clans, Marauder IIC?
Mediocre: Resistance, Marauder, Rifleman, Urbanmech, Bushwacker?
Not good: Archer
Terrible: Clan Wave II
Anta Baka: Phoenix Hawk, Linebacker

Clan Wave I gets you plenty of good mechs but almost all of them are in the most expensive levels, and you get just as many trash ones before you get there.

Clan Wave 3 is the best multi-mech pack they ever released personally. ACH, SHC, and EBJ are all pretty good, and the EXE really isn't as bad as some people will say, but it is awkward and doesn't fill a useful role.

Resistance 1 and 2 are both middling, but the BK and Mauler push Resistance 2 up with the Crab being mediocre, while R1 has the Enforcer and Grasshopper being alright.

Clan Wave 2 was shit but the HBR is good, Mad Dog is okay, and the IFR and Gargoyle both have strong niches now, but this pack was easily the worst pack they've ever made on release. It took a few extra variants for the IFR and GAR to become usable about a year later.

Jenner IIC and HBK IIC are both amazing, but the rest of the Origins pack is shit. Still, those two are so fucking good and set the standard for their weight classes.

Marauder is mediocre, Rifleman is mediocre, Warhammer Hero is great, Viper is solid, Archer is pretty bad, Cyclops seems pretty legit. The Urbanmech isn't the best in class but it turned out to be way better than anyone could have expected.

Night Gyr is going to be a beast, being the Clan's first true Heavy ballistics boat. Huntsman is going to redefine medium class brawling. The Linebacker is going to do nothing worthwhile. The Bushwacker will be a new age of ballistic and missile boating in the medium category for IS, though the Griffin is likely to remain a better missile boat. Marauder IIC seems alright.

Buying the Phoenix Hawk makes you a laughing stock.

I tried

Looks like the schedule has been updated for everyone who needs to know

>shit tournament about to end.
>teams still dropping out.

72 left.

>The Bushwacker will be a new age of ballistic and missile boating in the medium category for IS
Yeah no, not while the shadow hawk exists in game my main man. Although they MIGHT get quirks that MIGHT make them more on par with shadow hawks, we won't know that until it we actually see what quirks they get months from now. The only thing that makes the wacker unique is the fact it is the only 55 tonner that can carry dual UAC5/AC10

1) it can carry 2AC10
2) it can carry 2Gauss
3) it can carry 3AC5
4) it can carry 2UAC5 and 4ML

No other medium can do any of those builds to any real degree. The Shadowhawk is not even used for ballistics presently, the Shadowhawk's only build it uses these days is AC10+4SRM4. Some people meme with 3AC2 but that is a trash build. You can try 3AC5 in it, but that requires a tiny standard engine and makes you an idiot for trying. Can't run 2UAC5 with an XL, 2AC10 in any way.

Also if you mean missile boating, the Shadowhawk is a pisspoor missile boat because it is capped at 4SRM4, with no artemis, or 3ASRM6. The Griffin shits on it. The Shadowhawk is not any mech to compare the Bushwacker to at all in any regard.

>shadow hawk

is this 2013?

>try to play Mechwarrior 2 from the internet archive
>says I need the CD-Rom

Well, crap. I'm in a rut.

So is this game doing alright?

I was never interested because it didn't have my mechfu the bushwhacker, now that the bushwhacker is coming i would like to play

There are people playing. The Bushwacker won't be in game until January though.

It's done better, but there's still an alright amount of people playing.

I was referring more to the shadowhawk being better at doings ballistic/missile energy/missile mix builds (like you just mentioned) than the bushwacker, though
2) it can carry 2Gauss
that requires a tiny fucking XL engine and you might as well take an assault if you want to go 60 KPH, but whatever works for you

>2) it can carry 2Gauss


>the EXE really isn't as bad
It is, it really is.

But it's really fun to boat small pulses and meme on people in a brawl

I don't mean ballistic and missile mixing. I mean boating of either.

There is no reason to mix things, who the fuck cares about that? The only reason the Shadowhawk does is because it can't do anything else to get acceptable DPS + Alpha. The Bushwacker boats ballistics better, and it boats missiles better, who cares how well it combines the two?

Whether 2Gauss is a great choice or not doesn't really matter since it's just a showcase of what it can do.

It really isn't though, it's not a great mech but there are worse. It's pretty damn good when used in a brawl team, and it can do the old 2LPL + 4ML build fine enough.

>2) it can carry 2Gauss
No it fucking can't. You would have to take a ridiculously small Xl engine, move as slow as old people fuck, and have only a ton and a half of ammo.

>Whether 2Gauss is a great choice or not doesn't really matter since it's just a showcase of what it can do.

No, it's not a showcase for shit. It can't run 2 gauss. No 55 tonner can carry 30 tons of weapons, 5 tons of ammo, and be anything other pure hot garbage. It's not a real build, don't pretend it is one.

>50 tons
>2 gauss

>What is clan tech

Please check yourself for brain damage

>endo and FF for half the slots
>XL engine takes up two less slots
Really makes you think.


Yeah, yeah it can. 3.5t of ammo, 63kph, 2Gauss.

It is in fact a showcase you autist, the whole point is no other medium can actually even do it even this badly. Previously even considering 2gauss meant heavies unless you were going to remove all armor from areas you needed to protect. This is just an illustration of how much better the Bushwacker is at ballistics than anything else in the weightclass is, and you'll see people using it anyways. I could have left the post at 3AC5 alone since that blows out everything short of the Jagermech and is 10x more impressive than dual gauss, but decided to throw it in because why the fuck not.

Just download the 3DFX version from pirate bay, or get some old man's dosbox folder sent to you.

>no 55 tonner can
>it's a 50 tonner than can


Check yourselves for brain damage

No 55 tonner can carry 30 tons of weapons, 5 tons of ammo,

Just how stupid are you? The hunchback 2cdoesn't carry 30 tons of weapons. Clan gauss is 12 tons a pop.

IS medium that is

Also the HBK IIC is only very marginally better at dual gauss

The physical hardpoint locations on EXE are terrible, the arms are full caveman mode. It's also an obvious xboxhuge target and has no structure quirks. It's a 95-ton big guy that runs memebuilds for heavies or mediums except with low hardpoints.

It's in its usual state of undeath and eternal decay, which doesn't really matter. MWO isn't likely to go anywhere until PGI fucks up something critical, or their license expires.

>The physical hardpoint locations on EXE are terrible, the arms are full caveman mode.

Doesn't matter one iota for brawling builds, hence why it can boat SPLs and rush like a pro.