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night elves are the best race

>there are people who will post in this very thread who think people genuinely care about anything related to their characters in the game


Objectively false.
Fempander a best.

Bout to boost a WW

What's the deal with them?
Can someone tell me some obligatory UI mods etc for it
And how are they?

I haven't played since I was doing Garrosh every week in MoP on my Fury War

Why did I fall for the Unholy meme? Fucking trash single target damage, trash cleave damage, and the AoE is subpar unless there's like 20 mobs to use Epidemic on

PoSt YoU'rE tOoN dOiNg ThIs RiGhT nOw

>No gear ever from world quests
>takes 2 + hours to finish normal dungeons because dps sucks
>when an upgrade drops its for something I already have

who /under810/ here?


>want to play shammy again
>forced to level Horde due to friends
>come back to shammy
>motivation to dorf is practically gone
>all that time and dedication spent on a fucking paladin
>don't feel like spending hours grinding/leveling through content again

How is shaman healing. I don't really have the gear for it but I might just go grab the artifact for faster queues.


Good thing this baby doesn't know how low my dps is

i tried to wipe a dot off my screen but it turns out it was just your shitty nose stud mod

>playing caster

You posted it again
There is a reason why nobody replied to you

Can you think why?

Because there was a new thread posted two posts after mine you stupid nigger

>they fixed the trash skip at the end of neltharions lair
Fucking hell.

>Trying go get my Haste up so my Aff damage is less shit
>Everything I get is either Versatility or Crit

I want off this ride

825 is more than enough. people will require more no doubt in group finder. No idea what you mean by "greyed out" but you have to join a 5-man group and walk into the instance yourself to enter mythic dungeons.

because the new thread was posted right after he posted his post?

Well cough up user.


>tfw its your best stat
Fuck me.

Almost begs the question they don't bring back reforging. At least it's not 8.5 hit rating over again, but still.

dew it


I don't think I've even seen a DPS DK in a heroic or mythic actually now that I think about it.

>who /under810/ here?
840+ ww@

815 is a good starting point for a guild group, something more like 820 for pugs.

No mythics require rep, except for Court of Stars and whatever the other Nightfallen one is. You just set the difficulty to mythic and manually enter the dungeon.

Don't do that. It's not befitting of being a better human being.

It seems you've already decided to start, user. You probably got banned, though.


Make your own post faggot

she's a camwhore

99% chance of being bullshit but do it on the offchance that 1% comes through.

I just got the Unholy DK legendary shoulders from the Kirin Tor emissary chest

>tfw didn't bother with professions until like level 107
>tfw thinking of all that gold i missed out during quests

didn't realize everything was this expensive


Would any plate users be up for a heroic speed farm/loot share Friday evening?

Is this Nightfallen stuff supposed to be a pop at heroin addicts?

I'm playing unholy now and doing well in mythic dungeons, what's the problem?

I'm lying in bed with my gf asleep in my arms as I shitpost on Veeky Forums mobile. I could pull her pajamas down and wake her up with my tongue.


The same could be said for blood elves, the Wretched, and the Illidari.

Why are the legendary items just reusing models from Wrath and the like?

That's lazy as hell

This is a guy btw. He posts on /soc/.

Because as soon as I run into an equally geared Rogue, Warrior, or DH I lose in every aspect.

>addiction plot-lines are new

So you aren't forced to farm them for unique transmog appearances.

It's more of a pop at WoW addicts.

>remember that i have a level 90 mage on a different server
>transfered him because there was some free realm transfer shit and i didnt want to move my main
>log on him
>change his mog
>log off

rip in rest gnome mage

only 90s kids will remember this babe

Are you stacking critical and using the correct talents? Cause if you're not that's why you're doing shit.

How do RP servers deal with everyone being the or one of the most famous and powerful people of their class and wielding artifact weapons?

The illidari aren't addicts, they're just edgelords.

Speaking of which, does anyone else find it hilarious that all the DH NPCs have the most overblown edgy names like 'darksorrow?' they knew exactly what they were doing, and I love it

So prestige lets you keep your honor talent choices, right? I mean there is no way you have to choose between being viable and cosmetics... right?

Yes I'm stacking crit and using the correct talents. Only difference I could make is taking Pestilent Pustules instead of Epidemic because I don't give a shit about trash DPS.

Do Honor Talents work in dungeons and raids?

They've had names like that since WC3. Names randomly assigned to WC3 DHs include:

Shadowsong, Shadowfury, Shadowstalker, Flameseeker, Darkweaver, Darkterror, Darksorrow, Sindweller, Painkiller, Hellbourne, Wrathbringer, Ragerunner, Firebrand, Bloodwrath, Terrorblade

They based everything on Illidan. I just hate how they overuse the same damn joke for the entirety of the tutorial levels.


>stacking crit

I thought haste was slightly better for UH?

Generally, they create their own stories for their characters. Ironically, sometimes they write characters that are even more famous and powerful than the hero of the story, but it is what it is.

>Get back into WoW a few months ago
>Excited af for Legion
>All my old wow friends come back
>We all prepare for Legion
>It's just like the old days

>Just before Legion hits
>Have some health issues
>Medical bill hits
>Now I can't afford Legion

>It's been almost two weeks since launch
>See all my buddies having fun in Legion
>Talking on gchat and organising mythic groups and whatnot
>I'm sitting in the sidelines, nothing to do but level old af alts
>"Hey user, how come you're not coming with us?"
>"I don't really have time to play, just chilling for a bit"
>Don't want to tell everyone I'm so poor
>Fuck this

Someone wasn't prepared.

What was it?

glad I don't live in usa
eitherway get well user

>garrison/class hall stupid quests for followers app
>not minigames

They don't.

Could be worse, you could be a Ret pally and literally never be invited for anything, ever, and having all your mythic applications rejected despite being ilvl 830.

So, I'm switching from Fury to Arms..

Any arms warriors out there have any advice?

Idk what you could be doing wrong then, I pull 250k-300k on bosses and 500k-1m on double trash pools. Go back to the drawing board, check icy veins, practice your rotation, don't use garbage like tellmewhen or parrot. Optimize your hot keys, make sure you utilize soul reaper and your abomination.

>This is a guy btw.
oh wow what a fucking surprise

hitting a button and then turning off my phone isnt enough to be considered a minigame. the kirin tor quests are a minigame

apparently im a nightwing

>tfw play rogue against dh in arena skirmishes
they evaporate me in less than a second
i cant even trinket anything because they follow it up with another stun and hitting my own stun is just luck of the draw while they go in and out of being immune

do the debuff then press whatever

Is this much crit enough? Should i stack more or just focus on other stats like mastery?

yes if you aren't a shitter
>join skirmish
>have warlock summon you out
>talents remain until you change zones or leave group

>tfw no Legiondary yet

What is garbage about tellmewhen? You just customize it to track cds and procs.

It's not, the strongest UH build currently is Castigator which pushes critical to the top of our state weights, haste after that.

my spirit animal is harambe

>check icy veins

That's cool user, self discovery is important.

o m g


Nothing is wrong for using it solely for cool downs in the same manner as weak auras, but I've found people that rely heavily on it tend to do less DPS.

No. Fuck you, Illidan, I was prepared in Burning Crusade. Here in Legion, I'm done with your joke. I'd rather deal with a hundred shitty Moon Guard roleplayers than hear that joke one more time.

Hang in there. It's an eventuality.

>be tired as fuck and bored so I start hitting a raid dummy
>before I even realize it 20 minutes has gone by

so is this decent dps for an 835 rogue? be honest.

It's a raid dummy, not a dungeon dummy.

>dont use garbage like tellmewhen
what an elaborate bait

>yfw you finally get one and it's a shitty utility/PvP one

more like "The Silverback Gorilla"

what's the difference between a dungeon dummy and a raid dummy?

Do we know the grace period for legendaries? Going to be shitty not having one for raids.

higher level so higher defense and shit

i'm so sorry

I find this post funny because ret is probably one of the best supports for 5 mans with their buff and their giant aoe stun

>guides that can be taken with a grain of salt and checked with your own testing and supplemented with other resources.
>a add on that people configure to do their rotations for them
>what I'm saying is bait
Here's your (You)

>Go balance to enjoy the broken isles and all that druidic lore
>Do pretty good through heroics
>Suddenly drop off and become garbage when mythics turn up

It hurts guys. My guilds only letting me raid because I make them free food.

I'm glad you mention that you should take icy vein with a grain of salt

players seem all to be named:
illedan illudan illodan illadan
illēdan illūdan illōdan illādan etc.
I should know, I main a DH

What are you sorry for famalam?