League of Legends General /lolg/

Cutest contest winner!



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Proof this game is dying plz

>not posting all the links
>just wants to post his waifu right away for everyone to see
Every time.

still good

>panth goes 0/5 in lane against illaoi
>builds a randuins 1st item and can't stop them from pushing in literally all of our towers

Breast waifu!

How do I even play Lucian his range is so short

anyone up to level their smurf on euw with a leona one trick in the meme mode?
IGN: SolaireLeona

that's miku you idiot

this general has less traffic than the wow one, the dedest game of all time

Bring back old Yorick.

>posts miku

get your support to stun them then take off 80% of their hp with your combo

>there's a link dump for new people on eyoson
>thread was made as the other one was already autosaging, no autistic "let's post it 30 posts early xD"

I don't see a problem so far

r-really just E+passive+q+passive?
I usually end up losing those trades

I wanna snuggle with this Yordle.

I'm glad they kept the shovel at least, but now whenever I or someone else thinks of me as a Yorick main, it won't be, 'oh, he plays that gravedigger character' it'll be, 'oh he plays that monk class.'
it certainly doesn't help that in the whole shadow isles lore page they put up, everytime he's referred to in the story, he's called 'the monk'.

People won't think of him as a gravedigger or a monk and they never really did
he's just that shitty bigmchuge necromancer guy.

Why does it seem like almost all of Rito's recent champs are fucking cancerous?

Kled...fucking cancerous to play against.
Jhin...his players are cancerous.
Aurelion Sol...lol no one fucking plays him
Taliyah...cancerous as fuck to the meta game
Kindred...was cancer until they made enough skin money and gutted her.
Tahm Kench...cancerous as fuck compared to other supports.
Gnar....has been cancerous as fuck and they keep trying to gut this fucker

Like literally the only one that hasn't been full blown AIDS recently has been Bard because he's just a fucking joke.

Yorick is still a lonely, wandering grave digger. He just has a larger purpose now. The fact that Riot calls him a "monk" now is largely irrelevant.

I was a Taric main and I felt extremely alienated by his rework. No hammer? No circlet? No armor? Taric lost all of that and became a Steven Universe character. Yorick however still retains 95% of what made Yorick himself. I'm honestly surprised Yorick still has his shovel and hood so be thankful for that at least.


>that time of the month is approaching
>forced to play a ranked game again
Isn't this illegal?

How about you form actual arguments without buzzwords and then we'll talk.

I did it anons!

veigar is next to replace shen

only use e offensively if your ahead or you woud secure a 1000% sure kill
Only Ekko and Gnar are cancerous

but she's not user

Best girl.
Best breath.
Best wife.

I wish this was a fucking meme but I actually believe you.

What the fuck is it about this game and Yasuo/Zed/Riven that leads to just fucking yoloswag420tards picking them -_-

40% winrate lol

What does this mean

It's all pretty much enough said tbqh

nah senpai they all are

Did they hotfix yoricks stats????

I would have sworn on my life that his base AD and health were Far lower

or is the wiki lying to me

But user...

that isn't Evelynn

Holding hands and furious cuddling with shyvana!

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Yorick is a support everyone who doesn't see it is a blind idiot

I need 1 reason why Bear Drop dont have a casting time?


How do I deal with splitpushing champions?
>lane pushing abilities

Don't worry they'll give annie grag's R targeting too


>no CC
>if you dont land your E the ghouls will cannibalize the ADC minions

git Gud at last hitting

xth for the lolg allstars ranked 5s team which is currently looking for a diamond jungler on NA who wants to play with us
add ign swedish on NA or reply to this post if you're interested

>git Gud at last hitting
>as support
you stupid?

Back the heck off, she's mine!

>How do I deal with splitpushing champions?
you pick yorick support

>if you are shitter you will lose

>autistic shitposter getting blocked
At least there's something right in this world

Going to laugh my fucking ass off when the first time yorick is played in lcs is as support with targons, zz'rot and banner
And will say, I told you lolg, but you're a bunch of shitters who believe riot "ebig sblitbusher top laner :DDD" bullshit

I meant adc get git gud at last hitting through yorick's minions

xth for my ISP a shit

Google Fiber when


You can't.

Even pros like Bjergsen can't deal with splitpushing in soloque enviroment.


Taliyah is CUTE in fanart

>30 LP per game
the hell does this mean

your mmr is higher than your rank

It means you should be higher than you are by a lot. You fucking bombed your placements bro

It has a casting time ;_;

thats not taliyah

oh yeah I went like 8 - 2 on my placements

Calling it right now.
New Ryze is an unbalanceable piece of shit in the hands of pro players once they figure out how to play him.

I'll jungle for you if you boost me to diamond

>once they figure out how to play him
leaguebabbies dont actually believe this right

lol what I was thinking

I wouldn't go so far as unbalanceable piece of shit, but he is a lot stronger than people realize imo

Since the next contest will be played on the Worlds patch, anyone else thinks there's a very low percentage of female champions viable in competitive play?

Aside from the Elite Four of Gnar, Gangplank, Shen and Ekko, there's only a situational Fiora and maybe an Irelia (who's pretty irrelevant for contests anyway) up there, so pretty much only one female top laner

Jungle has a bit more variety, but it doesn't help. The average player isn't good enough to reliably grind Nidalee games and Rek'sai is irrelevant to contests, leaving only Elise up

We waited for Tristana or Jinx buffs but it seems it's still Ashe or Sivir only, the latter being only useful if you can trust your team, which isn't frequent

Here we see some diversity: Janna, Karma and Soraka. The problem with them is that, even though they are good, they aren't very carry-oriented champions, which could be a problem while grinding for votes

Probably the only role where females are a majority. Syndra, Cassiopeia, Karma, LeBlanc and Taliyah

In theory, there's a big chance of the next contest being taken by a midlaner

>guess they enemy's gank timing wrong

what if I'm masters

They already know how to play him. He's not hard. He's just not that great. You have to play him mid and he's still not particularly good there. His abilities just take forever before they get decent.

It's almost as if Riot is doing that to make older champions seem less cancerous in comparison.

There's a few ryze mains that think ryze is being held back by his ult and isn;t just a shit tier champion because most mid and top laners do his role better.

who gives a fuck its gonna be mf, ahri, and sona with disgusting inhuman tits and horrible faces just like every other contest pic

>anyone else thinks there's a very low percentage of female champions viable in competitive play?
>list off a ton in each role except top
What are you even?

I don't think competitive viability influences contest results

Ahri won the last one and she's garbage right now


Because most pros are still building RoA and maxing Q over E.

Bjerg is spamming him in Korea, going Morellos and maxing E after putting 2-3 points in Q.

It looks broken as hell.

I just faced Brand, Zac, Jarvan IV, Morgana, Sivir.

How the fuck do I survive and do damage as an ADC here? Build Zhonyas?

Most people will play normals or TT, doesn't really matter how the situation looks at the top. Yes, Poppy is generally weaker than Ekko but it's not like Ekko players in low elo know what they are doing

I still think RoA and Tear is good, as long as you aren't getting stomped into the ground.

>maxing E after putting 2-3 points in Q.
this is really what makes the difference.

Position better. If your frontline is nonexistant you're fucked though.

Their all in on you isn't actually that good unless multiple flashes are burned and you eat the skillshots in the process. Steraaks or BV will help alleviate some of the problem.

If you're an ADC in that situation, especially if you're an immobile ADC, you play like a bitch. You sit so far back that they nearly forget about you, because you know every single one of their divers is going to make a beeline for your face. Once at least two major abilities/combos are down (Zac jump, J4 flag combo) then you can step back up, carefully.

Has a meta champion ever won a contest? Leona was good when she won hers but that's about it. If people can win with prerework Sejuani and postnerf Evelyn, nothing is out of reach

made a yasuo ragequit with her earlier this morning. feelsgoodman

Blue ez still good for soloq?

when does this stop

Is it too late to join this game? Or did it age like WoW where all the soul and charm it originally had is now gone? I downloaded in 2011 but never played it for some reason.

It's still fun, but you will have a hard time learning it.

>ez still good for soloq

yes, that champ will never die he is like twisted fate

>tfw I destroyed her with TF
Turns out if you move around a lot and throw gold cards you can win the matchup.

Blue ez is always good for solo queue because shitters don't peel for you. Just tell your support not to go too ham while stacking your tear

play with a girl

A champion being meta can help win some votes but it's not a deciding factor, in my opinion. Also, worlds might bring some other picks into the spotlight, some Korean dicksuckers swear Tristana and Eve are coming back, you never know

Dude literally no one cares about your rank. It's just epeen points for losers.

Blue Ezreal has always been good when played like a bitch.

>pls pick tanky supp

Why should the competitive meta matter for the champion that wins the contest?

Is the build tear, shoes, ibg, ldr and defensive item?

>TFW I played with a smurf who played eve.
>maokai was the enemy jungler and insulted eve
>Eve than proceeds to dumpster the fuck out of maokai trash talking every second.
I would almost feel sorry for him if he didn't start it.

>watch leaked scrims of tsm vs skt
>tsm talking about dick sizes in team speak
>'you never compared dick size with your pals?'

stay classy freesm :^)