/eog/ - EVE Online General

You're not allowed to have fun edition.

Previous thread: Permalink: orph.link/eog

>Can I make enough ISK to PLEX during the trial?
If you have to ask, you can't do it.

>I just started, what should I do?
Do the Opportunities then all the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and try to find a corp. The game is only as boring as you are.

>Is it too late to start playing EVE?

Read the /eog/ pastebin: pastebin.com/JGKUEsZy
Focus Group Logs: focusgrouplogs.tech.ccp.is/

>Winter: Industrial arrays, drilling platforms
>Nov 25: Eve Down Under
>Nov ??: updates.eveonline.com/coming/fall/ click through for devblog links on F2P and LINKS, plus teasers for rorqual reworks, industry structures, visual updates AND also free stuff, plus a new ship
>Oct 28: Eve Vegas
>Sep 27: Coronation of Catiz I
>Sep 13: Mining barge overhaul, some new frigate models, capital module balance pass
>Sep 12: CSM 11 first summit

>Aug 20: NC/PL dunk CO2/TEST in SH1-, biggest fight since B-R imgur.com/a/YhwzU
>Aug 13: [SoundCloud] WH CSM Townhall 13AUG2016 by OrangeEagle
>Aug 09: Citadel contracts, dmg/rep visuals, clouds performance boost, cargo notifications
>Jul 26: AT prizes announced (blood raider variations)
>Jul 23: Goons move to Delve, SMA closes
>Jul 19: Broski joins then kills QFC
>Jul 18: Billboards submissions open
>Jul 07: AT rule changes: 10 players, no cap-xfer, no CDs, blood raider ships encouraged
>Jun 29: "Shadow of the Serpent" event began, serp capitals introduced
>Jun 28: Citadel trading, overlay vectors, new implants, drugs legal, NSA nerfs, triage/seige/bastion now ECM immune, mass fitting
>Jun 23: RIP SP dailies
>May 30: RIP Dust 514 (long live Project Nova)
>Apr 27: Citadels & cap rebalance released. Tears, bugs, etc. RIP rolling yachts.
>Foozie makes a bunch of stupid pointless changes (don't ever remove this from the OP, because it is always true)

Spread the word that the November expansion is on its way, introducing player-constructible Engineering Complexes, reworked Fleet Boosts, and free access as an Alpha Clone.

Meanwhile, prepare to reap the rewards we've set aside for you, our dedicated pilots. Maintain an active subscription from now until the November expansion and your name will be on the list for the following celebratory gifts:

• The Gnosis exploration battlecruiser
• The curious Apotheosis shuttle
• A new SKIN designed for the Gnosis
• A special edition armor suit and goggles set
• Rumors from the shipyards indicate a new ship is about to be unveiled.


Three ships available to continuous subscribers from the 16th September 2016 until the expansion launch.
Gnosis SKIN, available to all capsuleers who have ever subscribed for at least 1 month at the date of expansion launch
Armor suit and goggles set, available to subscribers that have an active plan on the date that the expansion launches.

>Three ships available to continuous subscribers from the 16th September 2016 until the expansion launch
That better include subscriptions via PLEX or I'm gonna be mad and do absolutely nothing about it

>Armor suit and goggles set
I hope it's a black version of the SoE armor.

That's really all I want to dress up my space sluts


>Sansha's Nation

>the new All-out generation

Why are they so shit? They just log in and sit in the home system. No drama, no content, no dunks.

It's a pretty small corp.

How do we fix the OPness that is LMLs.

>it's a small corp
>so it's ok if it's shit

>why don't they do stuff
>>well, they're not online

They literally are online, and they don't do anything. Read what I wrote.

There was literally just 3 online. Now there's 5.

Just check the killboard in 3 hours, you'll see no changes.

>muh kb warrior'ing

>Even numbered fight
>Russian blobber's immediately run away

Really makes you think.

t. last kill 4 months ago

so go join PH

There's no need to get so mad about someone shittalking your dying circlejerk.

>tfw PH is probably much more fun than POS spinning in a C5 circlejerking about not being part of the blob


Found the clueless redditor


you sure know a lot about all-out

t. redditor

>He thinks wormholes are relevant

>he thinks ratting in null is relevant

At least I get fights

>They think logging in is relevant

>not tengoo

would fuck 2


well I was prepared to meme you to death, but I actually agree

>not meme'ing regardless


>fc yet again doesn't let me fly a bellicose

>she listens to the fc

Post UIs

FW standings fix where.

Wouldn't a faction having T1 be reason to not be a part of that militia?

>overview on left side

>overview left
>selected target right
>pointless alliance chat window open instead of local
>angular velocity first
The fuck is this

>user, the bellicose isn't apart of our doctrine, fly a doctrine ship or get out of fleet


>overview left
The module icons show up on the right of it.

>selected target right
My pointer is over there (where modules and local is).

>pointless alliance chat window open instead of local

>angular velocity first
We don't even have actual tracking digits anymore. Fix pls.

>get out of fleet

you mean get out of doctrine

>when you don't black out the system you're currently in
>and even show the station you're hanging around
>and your alliance MOTD casually mentions you're in white stag

I knew you guys were sad but come the fuck on.

I heard about the game going f2p, what will be the restrictions and will they make the game less fun?

You can't train above cruiser class ships, you are locked to one of the races' ships and weapons systems (you can chose which) and you will be skillcapped to 5 mil SP.

There are other restrictions but you wouldn't understand them if you haven't played the game before.

Ok but do I have access to most of the fun stuff like pvp and whatever fun things there is to do on this game?

My only experience with the EVE universe is from Dust 514

According to the skill sheets, alphas can train both systems. Caldari get missiles and hybrids.

You have access to the whole universe yes. You can do the beginning stages of most professions in the game.

You can do pvp but you will get slaughtered most likely. You will want to join a corporation if you really want to get into pvp.

Neat, I'm looking forward to this. Is there any official Veeky Forums corps?

What's your point? Every race has two main weapon systems.

You don't want anything to do with them. Trust me. Even the reddit corps are less aids.

t. phorde

>Every race


Yes, every race.

Amarr has maybe one and a half "Main" weapon systems

None of their ships even have missile bonuses and all of them that can fit missiles can also fit any other turret they want.

>their missile ships can fit turrets

I don't think that makes them any less missiley. ccp just left in the turret slots because they used to use turrets. you don't actually ever fit turrets to them if you aren't a shitter

they are lacking in real ships that use drones or missiles as a primary weapon though

Drones are a weapon system too you dolt.

If anything it's minmatar that doesn't really have a secondary weapon system.

I suppose so
I was thinking of things the ships actually equip.

>>None of their ships even have missile bonuses
That's wrong though.

>Command ships
Didn't even think to look there. I stand corrected.

vengeance heretic sacrilege damnation m8



ignore my retardation. Somehow I thought we were talking minmatar

also malediction and anathema

>mfw 2 killmarks on my anathema

Were you exploration fit?

solo pvp fit, killed some very stupid interceptors

>I don't need a tank, that'll increase my sig radius

How much isk/hour can I make running L4s?

100 mil if you're really efficient.

So which race do I pick?

Or, since alpha accounts get three alts, which race don't I pick?

the one you like

More like "100 mil if you invest so much SP/ISK into it that it's obvious that you don't need to primarily run missions for cash"

Alpha accounts won't be able to do L4s, they are hard. Maybe burners.

What PVE/$ making are missile boats good for?

I know they're a write off for incursions

Amarr seems really underwhelming for alpha clones.

everything else

pve is gay btw, don't play eve if your goal is to do pve

Oh sweet yeah I'll just go pvp without buying anything. Pretty silly of me

are you being sarcastic

Take a wild guess


This is the answer, as of now. The November expansion could change this radically, in an effort to make the races balanced specifically for alpha clones. Oh, wait.


You don't need to PVE to buy anything.

they could make them balanced for the sake of making them balanced, not for muh f2p

Okay then how do I get isk without PVE or buying plex?

sponge off your m8s

ERP for cash

>having friends

Faction Warfare
Tactical dunks

You don't have to not do any PVE at all. But just don't go into training pit like incursions or L4s or mining. It'll drain the fun from the game, and won't give that much money anyway.

all I said was pve should not be your goal when you start playing

I don't see how ganking earns money and I don't know what "tactical dunks" are.

I'd rather just do 2 hours of incursions and be set. Its easy money and I only have to do it once a week/2

Is mining PVE or PVP?

be set for what?

this idea that pvp is a thing that costs money, so you need ot make money to do it. it's dumb

>I don't see how ganking earns money

Gank something hauling valuable things, scoop valuable things.

> I don't know what "tactical dunks" are

And I can tell from your posting style that you literally never will, but I'm not gonna judge you for choosing one way to pick a game.

>I'd rather just do 2 hours of incursions and be set

2 hours of incursions is what, 200 mil? If you get into a 200 mil ship with your carebear-ass knowledge, you'll just get an ugly loss with no fun. PVP in cheap shit for starters. You can easily make some money from lowsec PVP looting if you fly t1 frigs, and manage to extract your loot now and then.

>free minerals

>bringing solo back

What's the problem with Amarr?

>a bunch of other ships that are basically the same

>nice ships up through cruisers
Alphas not getting some tech 2 mods is probably a real issue.

Why not do pve and pvp both? Is there something inherently wrong with it? I can understand advising against training queue pit causing activities, but doing a bit of exploration or gas huffing or w/e to fund dozens and dozens of okay fit t1 frigates and *gasp* maybe even something more expensive doesn't sound like it'll suck all the fun out of the game.

Also, making isk from fwar sounds a lot like pve to me.

pve is gay

do it only if you have to

It's just elite pvpers being asshurt. Just do what you want.

yeah we're so asshurt you sure trolled us by doing pve