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Fuck this shit game, just lost 3 games in a row at legend to coin Alexstraza's Champion t1 and t2. Is ESL any good?
>inb4 magic
I already play

>Is ESL any good?
Haven't tried it but from what I hear it's about as random as HS in places, but the game design prevents a lot of archetypes from the start (poor draw and 50 card deck size).

reminder that every single playable card coming in the next expansion will just be upgrades for current strong decks

First expansion of 2017 will cycle out BRM, TGT and LoE. It's gonna be a huge shock to the meta and a lot of decks will die; aggro shaman will be dead, tempo mage will take a big hit, warrior will lose bash and alex' champion... They don't need to upgrade anything, they haven't with Karazhan. Most current tier 1 decks will probably not exist anymore.

esl a shit

worse balance than memestone and developers seem to be in favor on rng

>wake up
>flamewaker isn't rotated out

Where have they stated they'll take out all 3 at once? The card pool is already absolutely fucking tiny, the game can't take losing just under 400 cards being replaced by 120-130 new ones.

>decide to play priest in wild
>slap some random generically good deathrattles together, like shredder or cultist
>add nzoth and a couple of board clears

If you want to play priest, go to wild guys. Cards like Lightbomb makes a huge difference to how playable priest is

It's common knowledge. They announced their plans for set rotation back February or whenever it was they announced standard. Only the expansions from most recent two years will stay legal for standard, the rest cycle out.

Remember there is still an expansion coming in 2016 and the first expac of 2017 will cycle cards out, so while you lose a lot of cards you also gain a lot.

what should I drop for councilman? fisting?

I like painfully slow cards like this.

Do you guys think eternal will be any good?
seems cool with the a bit more advanced mechanics

Argent Squire. Would also consider cutting something for Forbidden Ritual, maybe 1x Soulfire and 1x Darkshire.

Knight of Evil is not that amazing. Councilman is probably better. Also 1 fist is probably enough, it's not a great card to draw most of the time. 1x knife juggler would fit better


>5 mana 10/10 Beast that requires three pings to remove
Literally a more overpowered B.B. Wolf

What's eternal?

how far /hsg/?

not seen:

1 drakonid crusher
1 scaled nightmare
2 firelands portals
1 north sea kray-ken

it's a second one

Some game kibler is working on, seems like a mix between hearthstone and mtg

it's actually a 5 mana 1/1
really really awful card that will lose you so much tempo you will never ever come back

Is it shitty OC time?

>Unearthed raptor plus brann plus this.



But fish aren't beasts. They are fish.

I'm skeptical (doesn't look great and gameplay seems iffy), but signed up anyway. Deserves a chance at least.

Why the fuck are midshammys running this? I don't understand.

I can't understand.

what makes this shit? too much durability?

not enough damage

should have been a 3 mana 3/2

Animations seem to run at about 10 fps which takes away a lot from the presentation.

Seems like a generic mix of HS and MTG, but could be interesting if it can offer more depth than HS.

I just hope they will improve the animations. Everything looks stiff, in HS even the end turn button does a nice little flip and has a satisfying sound to it. Good audiovisual feedback is KEY.

>wicked witchdoctor coin totemic might and primal fusion

That's incredible!

Because they have a lot of card draw with mana tide etc. and it can be effective with totem golems/thunder bluff.

Too much durability, yes. If it was a 4 mana 2/3 wep or 3 mana 2/4 weapon it might be okay.

totems are actually pretty good in control decks where something like that would fit


I guess multiple 4 hp minions are annoying enough to remove when they aren't priority targets, and totems fit the bill perfectly. Has synergy with the Witch and Valiant.

It's not a good card. But you can at least justify it without too much mental gymnastics.

totem shaman is fun

>tfw you'll never, ever understand the appeal of savjz stream

autists love hearing someone fumble with the english language, just like them

there is no appeal but dad isn't streaming today so forsenbajs have nobody to watch

but it isn't even adorable like marko

>cant wake up
Cant wait to torture myself some more with some ranking soon enough

Wrong pic but whatever.

So how's ladder atm guys? Any new spicy meme going on? Is anyfin even a real deck?

>no creep shots of qts

God damn trying to play ladder after months of not touching this game if fucking agonizing. If blizz wants this game to be so casual than give me a casual way of catching up.

>in engineering
I wish. I think the official stats atm is that 14% of our population here are women.

blizzard considers everything past rank 19 to be hardcore

>introduced 80g quests
>end of month rewards
>weekly free pack from brawl

How much more catchup do you need? Should they just give everything away for free because you don't have a job?

Hearthstone News


Forgotten Torch, Snowchugger, Faceless Summoner

Goblin Auto-Barber, Undercity Valiant


Vitality Totem, Dust Devil, Totemic Might, Ancestral Healing, Dunemaul Shaman, Windspeaker

Anima Golem, Sacrificial Pact, Curse of Rafaam, Sense Demons, Void Crusher, Reliquary Seeker, Succubus

Savagery, Poison Seeds, Soul of the Forest, Mark of Nature, Tree of Life, Astral Communion

Warsong Commander, Bolster, Charge, Bouncing Blade, Axe Flinger, Rampage, Ogre Warmaul

Starving Buzzard, Call Pet, Timber Wolf, Cobra Shot, Lock and Load, Dart Trap, Snipe

Mind Blast, Shadowbomber, Lightwell, Power Word: Glory, Confuse, Convert, Inner Fire

Ben Brode tweets regarding the state of the game and rng in tournaments

>randomness that occurs before decision making is generally good for introducing more problem solving. It can increase skill.
>because without randomness, you only need to solve the problem once and then execute over and over. See Chess
>when a card's effect has randomness, it can sometimes feel like there was not decisions to be made afterwards. Esp. if last played.
>when it ends game, it's an easily referenced point and the game can feel like it was not decided by skill, which can be frustrating
>regardless of how many decision points were made throughout the match
>but a less skilled player would have lost the ability for a window in which being lucky would have saved them much faster.
>hard to identify those decision points that led to giving your opponent an "out". Easy to notice randomness in a card effect.

>WHOOPS Looks like I just showed off that I'm stufying engineering haha ;)


>fucking 24h later
Cmon user step it up, we already discussed this

Just more band aid solutions that will fall apart with future expansions because Blizzard takes ages to balance their shit.

What are you studying user?

>introduce discard-related cards to warlock for multiple expansion
>remove succubus
>Rogue lose two fine 2 mana minions
What the fuck are these idiots doing?

>showing off

Engineering is one of the most brain dead sciences. I used to know plenty of engineers when I was at uni and they barely made it to the lectures because it was so easy.

2D armpits

good goy
10 gold has been deposited into your account

the game is f2p you stupid greedy fucks

they need to eat too!

Did Blizzard really fire most of their CMs?

Zeriyah eats alright.
Probably more than she can handle (15 cumshots)

Costs too much and too much durability. Also the attack is too low.
Honestly if it were stupidly low costed at like 2 mana it might be balanced, because 2 attack weapons can't kill shit and it would still take 4 turns to break the weapon.

Aggro would abuse it at that cost though which makes me sad that we don't have more deckbuilding restrictions.

the problematic ones

I've playing this game for years and never hit legend how do I get good?

>play some control warrior
>get two mirrors in a row
>they BOTH run fucking malchazaar

What the hell is this? Did some streamer post a netdeck or something?

Fuck this shit. I'm playing aggro shaman.

I don't see a problem with this body.

Buy lots of packs and copy some deck off the internet.

Valeera NEEDS healing

>people rip on Malchezaar
>he wins the control matchup
I thought you said the card was shit :^)

That's a body of a 14 year old boy, fag


I really don't know what kind of responses you're expecting posting that kind of shit

With Tomb Pillager leaving soon, we'll need some kind of replacement.

Why not?

its the body of a specialty escort

Way too much healing on a mulitying strength card and way too cheap. You'll literally heal to full health on any Auctioneer turn.

If you're going to make it cost 0, have it only heal 1 point per card.

Because rogues don't heal in WoW so they have no business healing in HS

its true that BBrode was a pizzaboy after joining team5?

Post the real version

I play with him in wallet paladin but I found at least 4 makes running him. That really confused me.

Meh, Ragnaros Lightlord doesn't exist either.

they had a healing combo point skill at one point

>pizzaboy after joining team5?
i think you mean before

and yes



Whats the best class combos for this weeks tavern brawl?
need to get the quest done

mage + rogue
this is an arena brawl with extra legendaries

Anything + Shaman

I was doing pretty well with mage shaman and hunter shaman

Hogger, Doom of

Didnt see a single C'thun deck since the star of the month. Nice fucking design space blizzard.

i cant believe this meme deck is working


speak for yourself

>my tag is #21276
wow, nice job

>cancer shaman with 2 cards swapped out
wow sick meme bro

I almost got legend with totem shaman last season

>play tavern brawl
>its a random random that summons a random
>random card
>random damage

Reverse engineered the tagging algorithm, found your name, and added you on the Sirius B server.

Can we get the ass even bigger, plz?

someone should tweet this too her and post her response

what the FUCK

>tfw only started playing about 3 months ago
>cant really craft decks I want
G-Guess I'm stuck playing cthun until it rotates