League of Legends General - /lolg/

Saving the links edition


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Is kindred any good, lolg? I want an aggressive jungler

Not any more
gutted and left out in the curb

Was better back when, still strong but has a huge as fuck difficulty curve these days.

Less cushions to fall back on. Pick someone else.

xth for ded gaem

Xth Garen > Darius

>Mundo getting Grievous wounds on his q
>Upping Mundo cleave range


Say that in top lane and not in thread, faggot

Kindred needs a revamp imo to at least make her feel like 2 spirits intertwined together instead of just lamb doing shit 95% of the time.

I want Trundle to sit on my face after a long day sweating and beating up shitters!

Xth for porcelain

>ywn kiss and cuddle vladfag

Why even live, bros?

Where are you getting that info?

just in time for worlds :^)
next up is corki, then orianna

I can't decide to which League Girl i should masturbate to.

Get out

Kindred is really cool design-wise now but if you told me it was supposed to be 50/50 I'd disagree and think they dropped the ball on the two characters one champion aspect.


>tfw you finally have a day off work but have lost all motivation to play/climb

cuddly foxes

/all Garen: Garen is better than Darius
/all Darius: I know



Go Lamb. Unronicly lamb if this rolls odds just her, if evens pretend you're wolf. If 0 cry to yourself.

What if Riot's balance model was to buff the least played champs each patch?

I love Lissandra!
Whenever I look at her, I think:
"wow she's so QT, I want to snuggle her!"
don't you too?

Yeah can we not? I really don't want Mundo to be meta again

>Buff Galio
>Suddenly a massive spike in unkillable Galio users

>Buff Karthus
>Can't leave base unless you're fizz


I want to kneel before her desu senpai. If I have a female role model in LoL that's her.

what if rito actually balanced the game like doto?

But at least we'd see some variation in the meta.

There's always broken shit, but it's been the same 10-15 champs rotating with each other for the past year.
Shits boring as fuck.

This worked, sorta.

Should I just stick to voli or rotate between voli, tryn and olaf?

Xth for keeping your waifu healthily seeded and plugged till it sticks.

But don't you know that "EVERYTHING IS OP IN DOTA"!
Which is hilarious because RIOT keeps talking about "meaningful strenghts" and "windows of power" when their game is being balanced around these things not existing.

Because you will never kiss and cuddle vladfag.

Volibear should be your bread and butter.
Olaf is situational.
Don't Tryndamere jungle.

>tfw you stopped caring too much about climbing and just play while doing your best
Been having a lot more fun desu
and gaining some elo/rank too funnily enough

>tfw you suggested voli and he took it and won

So I didn't exactly have my back turned to her, but this still feels like complete horse shit. Remove cass.

Thats probably just a visual glitch

>no reckful stream for 2 days


Same positioning as some in the video. I'm sorry, user. Flash animations are weird for a lot of champs.

Might wanna send a ticket into Riot or something, show them what's up. For two reasons:
It's a possible interaction thing they can tweak
Or it's an unintended side-effect of kit

But it's Rito, and they never do anything right.

Here we go again. Place em.

You're going to get kited to hell and back my man. I'm so sorry.

If Lulu were to be drawn getting brutally raped what character should do said raping?

Keep in mind I want it to piss of the Lulu fags.


Ashe's faction: Tryndamere, Braum, Nunu, Gragas
Sejuani's faction: Udyr, Volibear, Olaf
Lissfag's faction: Trundle

tfw ioki ends stream right as i get on iit


You forgot Icebird
She's cool with Ashe

Tiamat rush lee feels pretty good actually
why do I like playing lee more than I like winning

Vlad cause she'll secretly enjoy it and marvel at his exotic, yet beautiful looks.


>game 2 of promos
>ADC picks Kalista
>Mid picks Nasus
Am I fucked bros?

ioki played Yorick support today. is it viable?

Is the smut lover here?

Because he is one of the best deisgned champions in the game.

Besides Lucian and Ekko, which other Champions would make good rappers?

darius is better than garen at all stages of the game

anyone who says garen isn't dogshit is low gold or below


Attack damage growth increased to 2.5 from 1.7
Attack Speed per level increased 3 from 2.5

I was naming male members only.


yes I am

Hah, found the Noxian scum in denial. Enjoy getting kited? Never seems to happen to me, heh.

graves does almost everything that she kindred does but better

amumu would have a soundcloud that he uploads all his s a d b o y s tracks to

what if riot actually tried to balance the game instead of continuously slightly nerfing champions picked in esports?

so you basically admit to being the bottom rung of retards (bronze - gold) right? In that case I can ignore your opinion

Amumu would be a part of $uicideboy$

>play against fizz

well that's pretty cool I guess

Good champion.

Jhin. But only ironically.

How do you Rumble now? Played him back during his Wota rush days and I wanna get back in the fight

protobelt, rylais, liandries, abyssal, zhonyas

sorcs/ionians for boots

How to build Bard?

Guess again.
>Implying I care if you disagree

If he streams Lonesomeranger snipes him and bribes retards on his team to int for RP

na yorick group? i like him now.

what items should i build on supp shen besides locket and face of the mountain?

protobelt lichbane deathcap

>lonesomeranger once again keeping the streets clean
bless this man

>garen main
>team (boosted) logo
this shit writes itself

alright so at 3:05 there's a kalista sona lewd
I can't find it anywhere

how does he bribe them? you can't whisper people can you?

>Heh garens can't be played past gold kid

she is winning my games, she is truly bestest girl

what is wrong with that guy

>drawing jhin without the mask
absolutely disgusting



titanic hydra in the late game.
people really don't expect you to deal damage then.

not even him but you literally got your rank by playing boosted queue, kill yourself

that's not jhin you dip

>You have friends, s-so kys
Sorry, not happening lmao.

heart into ats adcs or tops (jax irelia)
mikaels into heavy cc
zz'rot if you need lane pressure elsewhere on the map, don't build this shit with a jax or irelia or some shit on your team
banshees if they have something that can pick fights easy (elise)

most of the time after your ss boots targons locket you'll want to go fh, then just get another armor or mr item or zz'rot/banner

Which is the lie?
The mask or his face?

Pool party Draven or Graves
while swimming

Why am i trying to rank up in league again?

>29 minute queue
>Still going

to tell your internet friends on Veeky Forums about it


>30+ minute queues in a u t o f i l l
>someone immediately dodges after being filled to support

i have played three games today and i started 6 hours ago

u gon win my man

Not at his elo.

Where are some good places to find lol lewds?

> trynd with full rage bar
Well, you got outplayed there so...