/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Bunny Girls Edition

>Patch 3.4 Preview

>Patch 3.38 notes

>The Rising (August 27th-September 12th)

>Youkai Watch x FFXIV Event. (July 26th-October 3rd)

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Au Ra tummies


Tum tum tummers


mmmmmmmmmmmmm ohhh yah those scars are so hot. you looks like a burn victim after you broke sharia and they threw acid on you. I wanna cum on those oatmeal hips.

I do hunts sometimes late at night, I still need my wyvern mount

Unsure. I see people calling out hunts in my server so there probably is still a population that does it.
However it is gilgamesh so take that as you will.

Does anyone here like elezen...

let me play you the song of my people

Not this one.

they are on balmung although it might be deader than usual right now due to late patch lull and legion being out
one of my LSes announces S ranks and those seem to die pretty quickly

Found it.
Wu's name is Lilith Nine

That is a very nice tummy, butt as good?
does whom it belongs to have a name?

oh... why not...

Do I go male Highlander or male Aura? Not gonna be a dadlander I think there's plenty of good ones already.


Because it means there's still no blue au ra...

Why does Arie's tummy look better than other lizards'?

Do I have to pay in order to server transfer to Gilgamesh?

Thank you.

I see Brianna is being the same amount of stupid as always.

god damn look at those lala hips

it doesn't

This is preposterous
Not even your average feminist is this dumb

They're pretty cool.

wu is a nu male trying to pass off of a tranny

Wiping city anyone

is making fun of us again guy

You like blue au ra...?

Rock on...


na, it opens up in the middle of the night pretty often, as in about 12 hours from now, as well as it'll be open after maint for a decent length of time...if you mean make a character there

of course you have to pay for a server transfer ^^;
I can try to queue at an equivalent time

I love Aranea's cute tanned tummy!

Thanks, I'll try to make a character during the night then :)

>form sephisnot farm party
>doing pretty well i guess
>after 2 clears 2 people leave
>get new people
>party is literally full of stereotypes now
>someone forgot to do an entire mechanic and caused sephisnot to literally jump across the arena during the fiendish rage attacks or whatever they're called
>drg: I thought this was a farm party?????? :)
>someone else: hold on let me change jobs :)
>people can't even do earthshakers correctly, or fucking towers for that matter
>drg leaves
>everyone else instantly follows suit, bar one of the actually decent players who sticks around to say "sorry kiss"

Why is every farm party exactly like this?
Why is Balmung such shit?

>need 3 more horde tokens for SMN weapon
>nobody does nidhogg extreme anymore
>potd makes me want to kill myself

I want to eb, a blue au ra...

I'm queing in a minute

>magma fishing
point me to the active volcanoes please

Sohm Al

because you play on a server that has 5x the population of dead servers yet less PvE clear rates than those same dead servers

>play as female

Tells only from male characters. I'm tilted, I just want a cute female to message me for once.

You're in the no zone when it comes to primal farming. Sephirot's been out for two patches.

Primal farm parties work in the first 2-3 weeks, when the good players are doing the fight, and they work after about three full patches because that's when gear will start to carry the really shit players through.

Everything in between is mostly a waste of time.

Is it too late to join the "Laika is a retard" train?

>Sohm Al
Completely forgot about this place, thanks user

who is this ??

I play a male character and I only get tells from male characters too

Wu has a history of this bullshit. He complained about the level 44 darkhold drops as if males didn't get something as stupid.

I queue'd

i don't get any tells at all because i use the squid hair

I guess we will suffer together. I'd rather not get any tells desu, better than getting my hopes up

tfw no tells

i sent you a tell saying cute squid once....

because u dont dress as a slut

i don't remember

Does SE do anything to gil bots at all? Ever?
Not a single bot I've blocked has been deleted, I swear they're at least 40% of their income.

they supposedly get banned in waves

if you don't want to deal with gil spammers, get on balmeme

I don't like being backstabbed in the middle of erp :(

lalafell in evenstar tights

Never tells, I am too weird for such, so I catnap.

who are you...


{Can I have it?}

when they ban characters, they don't get deleted.

I know a person who's been permabanned from the game months ago due to sexual harrassment and his character still shows up on my friends list and on the lodestone.

oh I am going to have fun tonight

post your catboys!

If you go male highlander the call of the dad will eventually creep up on you, trust me.

Both are good, it's just the aesthetic choices/animations

You should roll an alt and try them out to see if you like it or not

>Saeha Mugen: waaah people should not be sluts!!!
>Saeha Mugen: waaaah people should not erp!!!!
>Saeha Mugen: waaaaah don't get collared!!!
>Saeha Mugen: but its ok if i do it :)

It doesn't matter... you're already taken...

do a spin in the blue summer bikini.

what if I want to be a grandpa instead


that's just a dadlander + age, you can't escape the call.

so what...
tell me your name...

I'm going to fuck both of these sluts.

What does /xivg/ think of midlanders?

lala (girl) bp

There's no use...

no.. do NOT lewd the lalas..



No you won't...

Why do you say that...

qt kitty butt


>tfw every time i make a highlander i get annoyed by the eyes and they always end up looking like uncle dante

We'll never be together... I'm sorry to have wasted your time...

>Bunny Girls Edition
I am in.
They're alright. Generic, but good-looking most of the time.

tell me your name...

>au ra tummies bigger than their asses

Who is that Daddy

this is exactly the same as all of the above thank u for ur response

the male elezen lost their swagger, from the FF11 counterparts, females seem to just look like gigantic hyur


who tf is laika and where my waifu laeka at?

i wish we had customisable animations, then i might play an elezen because holy fuck i hate their movement animations

still to this day one of the best c@s

Laika is Nashu Nelh. Current top dom and harem owner of Soft

does anyone have the most recent Ebin ranking list?

No, too many have been eliminated.

>Bunny Roe
That's my specialty