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>ywn hold hands with vladfag edition


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>Not very many, but I think Riot prevents decay at the fifth division of each Elo.
Even if you can't decay out of plat, you can lose your way out of it, so the boosted monkies probably drop back down if they actually try to play

>No. I only started playing this season.
I was hoping you had some retard who got boosted and tanked so hard he asked for another boost in the same season.

>make a bad play
>team bullies me
>make worse plays because im nervous now

Lee sin players are really peculiar.

dominant > switch > submissive

if you're waifu is not dominant you should consider dumping her.




>playing like shit
>team saying nothing but I know they upset
>the tension is distracting me
>make a royal fuck up
>team finally starts flaming me
>play good again
I've had this happen more than once.

Rate my garbage ideas for an Aatrox rework

Passive- (whatever his sword is called), Aatrox has his sword as an item (like Viktor) and gains one of two currencies whenever his W hit last hits a unit (based on which stance he is in, hunger on healing last hits, fury on damaging) that can be spent on perks, kills and assists on champions grant one of each.
Keep blood well and revive, lose the attack speed passive.

Hunger and fury can be spent on perks or on upgrading the stats (to a cap) on the sword, hunger on upgrading attack speed, fury on AD

Q much the same, can be upgraded with either currency. One will increase the knock up to match the damage radius(fury), the other gives 1.5 seconds of CC immunity at the start of the cast(hunger).

W now has a 10 to 5 second cool down based on rank and primes the next hit for the damage or healing on cast.

E can be perked to either grant Aatrox slow reduction when moving toward units tagged (hunger) with it or armor penetration for himself only when attacking targets tagged (fury).
W hits on E debuffed targets grant hunger or fury

Ult still grants increased range and attack speed but can be perked to either give half the attack speed to allies in the radius on cast or on having it Autocast on revive with no cool down.

Alternative names for the currency something like glory and strife, endurance and aggression. Whatever.

So I just destroyed 8 turrets as Annie in top lane.

If your waifu is dominant you'll get cucked some day.

anyone have a mirror for the tsm skt scrimage?

>Main soraka
>In game where top fed Yasuo
>Yasuo travels all the way bot to gank with their Blitzcrank and Miss Fortune
> Ashe and I both have to flash to avoid Yasuo's tornado
>Yasuo dashes to ashes while Blitzcrank begins to angle himself for a pull and Mf attempts to run in range
>Silence blitz before he can pull, heal ashe, then slow Yasuo so he can't chase Ashe to the tower.
>Blitz: Fucking soraka why don't you play a champion that takes skill instead of WWWWWW all day.

Why are people blind to how much I actually do?

there are only 6 turrets in the toplane, counting your own



1.He is not actually wrong. If you play support Raka - your main job is to heal. Otherwise pick another support.
2.>allchat enabled
3.Should have answered "Git gut salty loser." and reported him at the end of the game.

Too clarify I played Annie in top lane, ok I know this is autistic responding 7 hours later in a dead thread.

>Play against Illaoi
>She misses her E
>Literally free kill
Why was this champ broken again?

her ult can 1v2 even when she's 0/80

god i wanna lick her soles