League of Legends General - /lolg/

Fabulous Gem man of outrageousness edition


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Why should I buy Tahm Kench?

Do you like him?

Then yes do it.

I really miss Graves poster!

Because if you take him top against a melee, your opponent will have the most miserable game of their life.

post em, rate em

Fertile blueberries.


That is some spice

Can he be played in the Jungle?

There was a girl named Lulu
She lived quite a ways from town, very far
I bought her a car
Then I bought her a truck
First I taught her how to drive
Then I taught her how to...
Bang away my Lulu!
Bang away good and strong
Bang away my Lulu
Bang away good and strong
What will I do for a bang away
When my Lulu's dead and gone?

>Our Lucian builds AS/Crit
>Enemy Jhin and Graves both build Armor Pen
>My face 20 minutes later

Okay, I feel like I understand why everyone is building Armor Pen now.

Top 3 is actually pretty accurate of my favorite champions/mains


Yeah but I never tried it. It's fairly viable though.

AS/Crit works on a lot of ADCs but Jhin, graves, MF work really well when you focus on armor pen.

Armor pen items should just be melee only desu. It would fix everything.

Guess my rank

To make players who rely on single target wombos miserable and subtly lead people to objectives with your ult. Seriously, as long as they can see it they will almost always click it.
Just remember you're about as tanky and mobile as Nasus. Your adc or midgame teammates can afford to get caught as long as you stand next to them, you cannot.
Also remember to 1v1 anyone stupid enough to think they can blow through your grey health and hp scaling if top/jungle.



Riven a cow! COW!

when is olaf getting olaffed

>that skin that makes you shudder in fear
>hard mode: it's on your team

what's it's name /lolg/

>early morning queue
>10 second queue
>get secondary

what the fuck

>blood moon yasuo

bretty good Irelia is a fun champion

How could such an awful (perfect) adc be part of my top 3

>Enemy team
Cowboy Yasuo.

>My team
Literally any skin but Cowboy.

>Irelia not being first

>tfw hentaifags will never draw women getting failed by guys they'd actually go for

Did you know that purely by reading physical signs Vlad has healthier sperm than Graves?


Gurobro is that you?

graves is a delicious bara though, not everyone has a fetish for fuccbois

If you play ANY of the following champions you are the cancer of this game:

Aatrox, Ahri, Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Ashe, Aurelion Sol, Azir, Bard, Blitzcrank, Brand, Braum, Caitlyn, Cassiopeia, Cho'Gath, Corki, Darius, Diana, Dr.Mundo, Draven, Ekko, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Fiora, Fizz, Galio, Gangplank, Garen, Gnar, Gragas, Graves, Hecarim, Heimerdinger, Illaoi, Irelia, Janna, Jarvan IV, Jax, Jayce, Jhin, Jinx, Kalista, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kennen, Kha'Zix, Kindred, Kled, Kog'Maw, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lissandra, Lucian, Lulu, Lux, Malphite, Malzahar, Maokai, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nami, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nocturne, Nunu, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Poppy, Quinn, Rammus, Rek'Sai, Renekton, Rengar, Riven, Rumble, Ryze, Sejuani, Shaco, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Skarner, Sona, Soraka, Swain, Syndra, Tahm Kench, Taliyah, Talon, Taric, Teemo, Thresh, Tristana, Trundle, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Urgor, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Vi, Viktor, Vladimir, Volibear, Warwick, Wukong, Xerath, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Yorick, Zac, Zed, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra

>Mid instalocks Yasuo
>Would dodge but I've been trying to get into a game for the last half hour

How much is my experience gonna get changed?

Never he's fine.

I have to wake up in 5 hours and go to work in the morning. How do you fall asleep quickly?

>playing a lot of sion lately
>shitting on all these yasuo tops
>building full tank so I can initiate, engage, cc, or whatever the teams wants from me
>mfw bot and mid is feeding, might as well have built pure AD

bonus points
>I go on all chat and point out how the tank has more kills than the carry
>its the enemy yasuo that gets affected by it
At least his butthurt was entertaining

outside of memes, let's be real here.

how are you supposed to play yasuo?
what is the BEST build for him right now?
WHEN are you supposed to pick him?

just don't

PD mallet then build tankier with an IE in there somewhere

Young women do though, which is the demographic you're interested in.

Also healthy reproduction etc

>tfw league is making you learn a champ

This was the third Singed ARAM game in 5 ARAM games in the past 24 hours.

Is league telling me how I should one-trick out of silver?

then explain why do young women wants to fuck filthy AIDS infested niggers

>not making you actually learn how to play him in sumrift


what if adc and support fucked off to mid

then bot would basically be like top and I would always be pleased with what position I get :^)

Holy shit rumble is fun

>Yasuo is AFK
>Team remakes



ayy lmao

>3 ap items
>not a single completed armour item vs 4 AD
if you play top and want to get out of silver easily just play renekton and darius.

That's a meme, average women want to fuck sporty fratbois at parties. And yes some of those will be black

Should i buy kench or braum?

kench actually works in other lanes, braum is a metaslave support

>He doesn't do on hit braum top

user, I am not sure you know how to interpret a graph?

I literally just got shat on this a couple games ago. Absolute madman rushed a Wit's End against a Renekton and somehow won.

>WHEN are you supposed to pick him?
When you want your team to know you don't put winning as a priority. Or you have Malph/Wu.

who buy lolg

>when you and some other random fuck are the silver shitters in a gold mmr game

>enemy lane is losing to you
>whenever laner or their jungler dies to me, I say "thanks for the feed" etc
>I report them
>enemy team reports them
>they always get banned

Is there a better feeling?

super galaxy rumble

me a leona skin!

isn't jellymad shit on this meta though

post ign with nudes

Uh then you're wrong?

>getting back into league
>do pretty mediocre, sometimes feed sometimes get fed
>feel pretty shit, dont want to bother with ranked yet
>use op.gg for the first time
>apparently my normals are filled to the brim with plat players

SolaireLeona euw

>young women like men who are older than them
>this means they prefer fuccbois

Please stop snowballing and killing my whole team every game
Bretty good jungle bro list
Gold 3, the tism is showing
I'm not a fan of Jinx or Sona but Lucian is cool
Good top roster

I am not even a part of the previous faggotry, I just wanted to weigh in by saying that the graph clearly indicates a preference for older men in younger women, and vice versa in older women.
This would lead to younger women likely enjoying the older, more masculine look of Graves over the boyish features of Vlad.

You probably should have learnt this shit in school, user.

>stopping in on saltyteemo
>seeing mastery 7 emotes in 500 mmr or lower games

I'm a Plat 5 support, do you guys think i can manage to get to Dia 5 by the end of the season by spamming Janna & Soraka ?

a brain


>underwear photo
When will they ever learn?

>tfw 9 wins in a row with Lux
Will I get it to 10? The answer is no, I'm not allowed to win.


Relevant to myself


come on now I won't post my face on here what am I retarded?

So braum is better?

To be honest i dont see how kench works in other lanes, m8

Karma > Windslut

>clothes still on

Pick one.

trynd top with ignite is pretty unfair if your jungler is shit

you cant all in him ever

Underrated post.

No thoughts

Darius and Trist are fun

Kindred is fun but Rek'Sai and Vi are evry boring to me

All nami players I meet miss their bubbles and feed. I bet you're on of them. I say Silver 5.

Points only for Jax. Irelia is cancer

Sex king/10

I mean, the point would be I'd learn how to lane phase on rift since I've got most of the group tactics down.

Shyv couldn't kill or catch me
Jayce did more magic to me than AD
Kindred was shit

desu the only one who "threatened" me with AD was Draven


Serious question, should all Vayne players be gassed?

>always overextending
>always trying to 1v5
>always entitled shitheads
>always blaming team for their deaths

>meeting silver 5 nami players


Hi lolgen, it's your boy Smochi here!

I'm still fighting the good fight to climb out of bronze. I'm not going to lie, the journey is hard and I'm starting to lose my determination and willpower.

Do you have any advice for a struggling bronze player? Any input would be appreciated!

I'll do it if you're on NA and like boy butts

>moved from NA to China so I can stop being NEET
>250 ping on NA
>180 ping on JP
>can't sign up for CN or other asian servers because don't understand ching chong

Which champs are best for shit ping

I'm plat 4 which is basically Shiny Silver so it's the same thing really.

kill yourself



how good is tahm kench atm

>this much damage control

You outted yourself user.
It's okay to be a Silver Surfer, no need to lie.

Close, gold one. Forgot about the circle bit.
I dont think im THAT bad. Could improve though.

I realized my fetish is growing stronger. I want to play a champ that is weak early but grows stronger over the course of the game until the champ is one of the strongest characters in the game and can 1v1 anyone. What champs can do this?

Older, but on average still rather young. I'd agree with your point if they liked men in their 30s but 23-24-25 is still fuccboi territory.

Fuccboi on pic related is 25/26

>want a few skins
>no one to gift me
>dont want to give money to tencent
>never get keys and im sitting on 4 boxes


The classic ones are Veigar, Nasus, maybe even Sion since they all scale infinitely


i'm sitting on 10