/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >[Magical Girl Journey ~Prisma Corps~ from 9.8 to 9.21]
-Welfare Kuro von Einzbern
-Following Servants have increased damage during the event
- Mashu, Medb, Illya, Kuro, Helena, Nursery Rhyme, Medea Lily
-Limited shop CEs
-4* Kaleidoruby: +10% Buster up/+8% NP damage up
-4* Kaleidosapphire: +10% Arts up/8% NP damage up
-Gives female servants, D'Eon and Astolfo +50% damage during the event and additional +50% Buster/Arts up during raids with the appropriate CE
- Fuyuki must have been cleared to gain access to the event
- Kuro Ascension mats and copies unavailable until 9.14
- Event missions pastebin.com/LAYW9Qi6
>[Prisma Cause gacha]
Servants on rate-up
-5* Caster Illya
-5* Rider Medb
-4* Caster Medea (Lily)
-4* Caster Nursery Rhyme
-4* Caster Helena Blavatsky
Female only gacha + D'Eon and Astolfo

Limited CEs
-5* Magical Girl of Sapphire: +40% NP charge/+25% NP charge rate, +1 Lion-kun drop
-4* Search and Destroy: +8% Arts up/+15% NP damage up, +1 Magical Bushido Musashi drop
-3* Zunga Zunga!: Damage block (100)/5% increased healing, +1 Pudding drop

>News and Reminders
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.info/news.php
-New vers - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
-Mashu Kyrielight voice actress Risa Taneda on hiatus to recover from illness


>Frequently Asked Questions

>Mega Pastebin

>Translations Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet


>Alternate servant/CE database

mediafire.com/download/960gn6g6w2p0l8q/FGO Material I.zip
mediafire.com/download/wj405jjjc9ly94e/FGO Material II.zip

Other urls found in this thread:


>FP gacha

I've finally done it

Heroic Spirit Jotaro when

spreadsheet for prilya event
(made by leddit, use at own discretion)


Good job, homo.

Who is the best satsujinki?

This game's gacha breaks the soul

Is this what the newest jojo looks like?
looks fucking awful

also joseph a best jojo

stop posting this shit, it already got bfto for stealing shit from the pastebin by the guy who made it. It's shit.

how much did you spend

APK is out.

Best boy.

11 tickets so far and have gotten 0 things, not even any 3*s I didn't already NP5. Fuck man I just need one more serenity.

240 dollaridoos and no Illya
I'd be happy with the 3 NRs I got if she wasnt already maxed out

My nigga

Source needed

Even if it actually was nobody would believe you or fall for it.
Here is your last (You) retard
Oh wait

congrats user, now come here and suck my dick. I mean lets celebrate.


Enjoy wasting your AP finding mob types by trial and error, then.


The collab story is boring as hell, guess I'm finally fed up with fanfic tier shit


>Not just using the resource that reddit keeps stealing from

Do I roll for Ilya? She doesn't seem particularly good.

Would hug.


>been playing ff13 in between grinding in ilya event
>drowsily read pilebunker as "plebhunter"
Goodnight, /fgog/.

why are you asking us, you aren't a shitty gameplay fag are you?

As if faggot, we already have a pastebin and image guide that btfo of you even further, so crawl back to your shithole already. At least over there people are too retarded to look for things so you'll get the attention you're looking for.

Goodnight, user. Looking forward to your blog post tomorrow too!

Did autistic guy update his memelist with Ilya?

Where's the image guide

Where do I subscribe for this blog post?

yes, she's 10.0 currently.
fuck off


This. I really hate that Reddit's full on taken over and everyone's somehow okay with this shit. The Legion would've never tolerated this shit. But no, gotta deal with these retard memers.

right here fuccboi *unzips*
you fuck off too faggot

Does this shit still not run on the newest android OS update?

This is Veeky Forums, not the Roman Empire, re-re.

It does user, you can update with peace of mind.

>The Legion

>The Legion
They WERE the memers.

whats the best place for reindeer?

Christmas event

trying my luck here,

im stuck on medb and would appreciate any help

I still hate Medb as both a character and as a unit but goddamn does her first sprite look comfy.

Right, that's it, count me out. I can't share a board with retards that don't understand the most powerful force to ever roam the internet.

Nigger all i want to hear is that she is shit so i don't get baited by another fucking 5* caster

>Using the reddit spreadsheet

So now that FGO is dead on emu, what are some other okay mobages to play

Good riddance faggot.

Why you even farm them?

you need to kill them for missions

k, she is shit

there isnt much of a choice

>still saying this
I'm not giving up until the event's over
there's no point continuing to play if i can't get Kuro
I can stand the thought of not managing to roll Illya but there's no real excuse to not have Kuro


Granblue. Characters are 100% cuter.

Granblue is your only choice, and it's a superior choice too.

>Carmilla putting in a shitton of work against Medb for me even without an Arts NP

I guess the dykehag is all right after all. I can't properly hate on a girl as underrepresented in fanart as she is either.

>Reddit spreadsheet still hasn't fix the fake translation


I know this is false already so why bother saying it?
I tried Granblue, didn't really like it.

>why bother saying it
Because it is true.

I have waver and I am GAing her, you shouldn't care about whether a character is good in this kusoge.

The UI is pretty shit and quite boring,no thanks

>this is false

Wyverns and demons also work, according to Pastebin user. He left the info incomplete at first to see if Reddit was mooching off his translations.

Anyway, check the Quests tab in the spreadsheet.

that recently translated doujin was hot as fuck

>preferring dumbed down UIs
Granblue UI is for technical players, guess you couldn't handle it.

Does GBFfags have some kind of sensor whenever someone mentioned "mobage"?

Why are you trying to make him suffer? That mobage is a travesty pretending to be a Korean MMO, which is a real fucking terrible look for it to be trying to rock. Mobile games should be shit you only spend a maximum of like 2-3 hours a day on, granblue is a game that you can play for half a dozen and still didn't play enough to get a lot done.

Grand Order is more enjoyable as a mobile game now because you can take these events easy and still take care of most everything. Plus the UI isn't a disgusting piece of shit like GBF.

When your favorite artists post that shit all the time, it's hard not to know about it.

>the UI isnt a disgusting piece of shit
are we playing the same game

no but a lot of people who play gbf also play f/go and regular both generals.

Astolfo is the best good work user

>no tits
lolifags can do their thing but I have zero interest in flatchests

She isn't a loli

yeah mobage is for casualfags, gbf is too hardcore to be labeled as mobage

I tried Granblue a month ago and still. It's really good, cute characters and all, but I have to agree it's time consuming as fuck.
Not that I mind.

If it's tiny and flat it count as loli for me
Feel free to disagree but your disagreeing doesn't matter to me

Switch active party members in FGO and GBF, and tell me which one is more cumbersome and time consuming. Hell, just switch your position 1 party member to position 4, and tell me which one operates smoother. Granblue does gameplay better, to be certain, but it's absolute dumpster tier with UI and menus.

Dozo. It's for mat drops though, not mob types, so the spreadsheet's still better for finding mission mob spawns.

I tried Granblue a month ago and still. It's really bad,ugly characters and all, and I have to agree it's time consuming as fuck.
Something that I mind.

fucking hell you stupid faggot now it'll be posted on leddit. There is aldo a mob version though.

It's more complicated but it allows more control if you are an expert player. It's not for casuals. It's like comparing Dwarf Fortress to the Sims.

She really needs an NP Interlude.

Oh no, what a nightmare.

Muv luv should start soon. And I think there'll be porn.

>it'll be posted to leddit
It's already on leddit, they even stickied the post and everything. Not that it matters anyways the rip we got is probably from some chink forum like always.

>le expert you can't understand
>in a mobage

I am sorry?

I would respect Granblue a lot more if it had the balls to be on a real platform, since it wants to pretend to be a real game anyway. Plays like your grindiest MMOs, has over the top musical scores from Uematsu like a lot of JRPG, yet it's on the scummy jew platform, because cygames is a band of hacks.

As things stand now though, they shouldn't deserve any respect. They want the whaling that comes with mobile games, and the dedicated playing that comes with a real video game. And it just undermines the gameplay because of the extra loading and utterly pointless multiplayer that hinders it more than adds.

>ease of switching out party members is slower for the sake of more control or something
You're not really selling me on this whole granblue thing here.

>Game UI is OBJECTIVELY terrible
>"I know, I say that it's harder because it's tailored to non-casuals"

Yeah. That user is better off saying "you get to enjoy the porn better once you get to properly know the characters"

>we cuck miyu and shirou with Ilya

Damn, I didn't think they'd do it.

Can you faggots just fuck off to the Granblue general

>my mobile game is better than your mobile game
All mobile games are shit at the end of the day.
That's the overall true answer to this pointless argument.

Lay life down for APK.

Anyone know how people even do it?