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post memes

how autistic are the /wowg/ guilds


The Fire Rises @ Ravencrest (Alliance) EU

Xth for outlaw nerf incoming

hopefully very

Get the fuck out retard.

Tempter to get back into wow thinking of rolling dwarf shammy should i?


>dwarf shaman

You should swallow a boot

Neighbourhood @ Argent Dawn (Alliance)

Down to lacking just a dps or two, can probably squeeze in a healer as well. 2-3 nights a week, goal is heroic on farm for now.

fuck off Reddit Guys

Is Legion good enough that its worth resubbing for? Haven't been subbed since the end of MoP. I mained BM Hunter and mainly did PVP.


So close but so far

Xth for warlock buff incoming

"It's not a meme guild"
>most generic meme for a name

Could've been fucking and it wouldn't be more subtle.

>Playing horde paladins
I hope you guys don't seriously do this

Can we stop this shit already it's been going on for too long,there hasn't been a single guild that i haven't seen bombarded with ''this is a reddit guild!!!!!'' shitposts every fucking thread


Wont you guys just circlejerk to the bosses and rp that gul'dan is your dad or something?

>tell retard it's not a wowg guild and to stop with his autistic shitposting
>autistic shitposter starts guild drama

As expected from an autistic redditor retard.

so we're going to kill azshara next expo?


How do I make recount reset on each new fight?

did they address warlocks in the develop Q&A?

Can you get high ilvl relics from World quests? I got 850 boots but I really need better relics

Remember to serve your Queen

No we can't because the leader himself says it's not a wowg guild and it has less than 25% of wowg players in there.

Seriously people have too much time on their hands if they can make reddit accounts just to frame other guilds to shitpost them out of the OP in a thread. This is why I'm EU playing NA because wrench drama is the worst

Big guys posters go.
Nobody cares about your beef with TFR, whatever it may be, but you've truly embarrassed yourself in the process trying to prove what point you think you may have.

Click page thing and select "Current Fight"

golf course when?

>There are people who listen to Veeky Forums autists instead of playing what they enjoy
>They fell for the ret dps is bad meme
>They dont play a fun holy bull

i want to eat her shit

I can't decide if to roll a Blood DK Tauren or a Guardian Druid Tauren.
I want to have longest HP-penis bar in the game, and Druid seems the ebst choice for that, but at the same time DK looks more able of huge Hp and eternal sustain at the same time.
Can the current Guardian Druid solo-stuff? I've seen he gets a fuckton of increased healing, damage reduction and the largest HP pool, but i don't know if that's enough to make it a soloing beast like a DK.

>tell FR autist to stop shitposting
>gets mad and starts samefagging about other guilds he doesn't like

You're literally the only one embarrassing himself.


my condolences

It wasnt framing at all, thats actually Hugh, an "inner circle" of big guys.
And what wrench drama are you talking about? the one where big guys tried to doxx wrench members and shitpost about them in the general, or wrench drama from before MoP even started?
Because its essentially 2 different guilds at this point

Yes. They basically said they were fine.

Can't we just get along!

ret dps is garbage why do you keep forcing this?


>There are Ralphies out there that can't maintain ONE stable friendship even though his friend was willing to put up with your autism

So whats a good shadow priest race I am looking for suggestions I am thinking undead but I don't know.

>People who wears slutmogs
>Especially on Draenei, Night Elf , Undead and Blood Elf

>there are people who listen to dogfuckers

>retard so new he doesn't even know who hughe is

Damn you really need to stop embarrassing yourself.

>put yourself into the OP for lulz and 50 JIHAD POINTS XD
>get called out by someone

makes your brain do some workings

>tfw regret choosing gnome because you cant see your artifact but it costs $27.50 for a race change
why the fuck does this shit cost almost half an expansion

There are people who are under 845ilvl this late into the expac

Wait are you actually shitposting about a guild you stole a meme from and named after said meme?
This is sad

To sum up:

They're slightly concerned about the ramp up time for warlocks. To fix this, they're changing the starting number of soul shards when you spawn from 1 to 3.

That's it.

They also had a go at people on the forums for moaning about warlocks, saying they're not being constructive.

I didn't make the OP, and I'm not from big guys you autistic fucking schizo. I'm just saying FR is not a wowg guild and posting proof. You keep samefagging about big guys because you think it's them.

Nobody can be this stupid. Come on now.

This. You Small Wieners are just making asses out of yourselves

I'm under lvl 110 :3c

>not wanting to play rock bear

undead for horde

human, worgen, dorf, gnome for alliance


>shallow friendship
>implying that is friendship and not just a way for losers to feel liked
But i you need to believe otherwise since it is very important for yourself ;^)

I'm 848 with a 825 trinket and no legendary

im 842 but started 3 days late and didnt do mythics the first week
is this acceptable?

I can't even stay interested in this expansion long enough to hit 110

>hey you're not a wowg guid please go away

And this is why threads were way better before you two FR newfaggot redditors showed up and started shitting everywhere.

>Nobody can be this stupid. Come on now.

You make it REALLY clear that you're a big guys poster, literally nobody other than big guys cares about other guilds

What is the best Rogue right now?
Also is rogue the most powerful class atm?
Thinking of using my 100 boost

how do I make 60k in a month

i'll be pretty close once i get my third slot today. having to reroll after hitting 110 was a pain. 841 now

Nobody cares, redditor. You'll always be leddit and we'll remind you of it

wow rude !

abuse obliterum while it's time

By buying a WoW token each month and selling it

Ion litteraly said he "doesnt know what they want" and that "Please stop spamming and post constructive feedback"

That same feedback that was posted daily since beta and was completely ignored up, up until release when people lost their shit and cussed at the devs
The 3 shards is a band-aid for destro, but that doesnt adress the state of Demo/Affli which are irredeemably fucked because of unfinished/illogical artifact and gameplay choices





>21 without ever doing any bgs or arenas

I dont listen to anyone m8

post good ricky

>not making 200k a DAY

No you fucking imbecile, all I'm doing is proving you're not a wowg guild, then you, the only one who cares about others guilds, start bringing up big guys to shitpost and damage control.

When there shouldn't even be an argument in the first place, because your leader literally said it himself that you're not a wowg guild.

I refuse to believe there's a human being on this planet as stupid as you. You must be trolling.

>came straight from reddit two months ago to make a reddit guild
>calls me a redditor


who designs wow armour and why is it just so shit? Besides the 2d shit I mean. Looked at every combination imaginable and none of it looks remotely tasteful or decent. Modern armour designs in other games are usually pretty good so what is wow doing wrong? Who asks for this shit?

lol damage control. I can only imagine the shitstorm in the forums after the event finished yesterday.

As it stands I'm trying hard to get a good rotation but I'm still always at the bottom of damage meters, doing about 40% less damage than the person above. Could probably boost the damage a bit more with some experimenting and optimisation but I'm still going to be massively under.


best place to farm shaldorei silk?

hmmmm really makes you activate your inner kang...

I'm 840 my excuse is ive another 110 and levelling a feral druid so ill have 3 110 characters

Can we all agree on that female Blood elf makes for the best paladins?

What is the best healer atm?
I have a lvl 96 shadow priest.

I don't have anyone to run mythics with and I'm not pugging them since I don't have much mythic experience


So did Blizzard ruin hunters this expansion?

Why are you saving them? They don't scale with artifact knowledge you fucking idiot

no we cant

fun fact: im not from TFR Im from wrench :D

I'm just defending an honest guild who post once a thread with their name, server and faction, a guild who your guild shitposted out of the OP.

ye but what did you sacrifice to talk to me like that?

Just changing demonic empowerment to a 60 second aura would do so fucking much for the spec.

Everything in Demo revolves around Empowerment, even the fucking mastery stat. I can't understand the thinking behind making it a buff

>tfw one dps drops queue
>tfw you end up waiting another 30 minutes

He's just saving them now because you retards keep giving him (((You)))

>mfw Male Night Elf Prot Warrior

Let me make it more clear because most of you are actually fucking stupid, it does scale but its not reactive so not point in saving them because if you gain AK while holding on to them its not going to boost them up.

I'm not in big guys you abysmal fucking idiotic piece of trash. Non wowg guilds don't belong in wowg, and FR is not a wowg guild.

Get it through your thick fucking skull. As a matter of fact I'm in wrench as well. I'd like to find out who you are so I can kick you immediately for being an inbred mongoloid.

No human paladin is best followed by dwarf faggot.

joke's on you, I'm a healer