/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

Dwight is objectively the worst edition

Previous Thread >What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>Sounds like evolve
It's not. Survivors have to avoid the killer at all costs, whereas the killer has to hunt for them. Everyone has their own objective.

>General info
Pastebin with most questions asked: pastebin.com/DDddy4uE (embed) (embed)
Pastebin with all of the values (perks/items/whatnot): pastebin.com/vCh6gxR6 (embed) (embed)
Saved game with everything unlocked or whatever: mediafire.com/download/3qmzt3ok3p47xqw/TakeTHATsociety.profje

>Official site

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.1.0c)

>Report hackers

>Report bugs

Other urls found in this thread:


Xth for killer chapter! longest yet.

do I hang them or...

How can one dev team be so tone deaf that they give a cancerous twitch streamer cosmetics while telling everyone who couldn't get to PAX to go fuck themselves

I gave Jake a chance to jump off the hook, but luck wasn't on his side ( 3 others died spinning on the ground ).

Salt production has increased 100% since I stopped putting survivors on hooks.

Same dev team that doesn't adjust complaints for the uneven number on each side and just goes with majority rule on fucking over the people tthat literally host the games.

Only ONE saboteur and they still didn't get enough generators to spawn the hatch before you downed them all?
To be fair, they don't sound very salty.

Don't know, feels like anything that could be considered camping ( even though I didn't ) gets them going.

Like, I didn't camp at all this game, only patroling around when both exits were open and none of the survivors were leaving... since where else would they be if not nearby? Even found one but they got away.

To be honest that guy was extra annoying with his flashlight.

It was near coal tower. They were working on a gen on the first floor, and after I've downed someone near, they wouldn't bother stopping to work on it. So just ran up for new victims each time.

They're going to nerf her.

Deranked, eh?

When one chatbox is not enough to contain all the salt.

Those pics weren't in order if you mean me, however the game with 12k points I didn't get a pip. Also I thought It's going to be one of those journeys where it takes me 25 levels to see another deerstalker on my bloodweb, but miracles happen.

Welp, my program doesn't feel like recording at all, automatically/manually... tried a few things and it just doesn't give a damn anymore. Just when I wanted to fish for more billy memes, sad times.

I wish killers had a little bit customization to them
they're pretty boring to look at in the long run

>playing killer
>survivors are just falling apart to me, its not even close
>give them plenty of extra "chances" and whatnot
>end up killing all of them after giving them tons of generators/unhooks/heals/etc
>they were all rank 5 thru 1

Ok then

Rank 1 only means the guy played 100 games within a month, it's nearly impossible to derank on both sides

They do if you're a twitch streamer or one of 70 people to "earn" a mask at PAX.

They're going to nerf him.

Found this looking for the profile of a buttblasted survivor.

She's a big girl

For who?

For the last time, we all know it's Steam forum nonsense as soon as a profanity is censored and you only see "ed" and "ing" instead of "fucked" or "fucking".

The funny thing is that the one using the visual for the killer sees it the least during the game.

>Don't starve


I've finally gotten rid of a tumor, my friends.

Not if you get that stupid mask bug that the devs refuse to fix. Then you get to see it every step!

Seeing a premium trapper mask from inside bopping into your fov is clearly preferable to seeing a standard trapper mask from inside bopping into your fov .

>1 dead
>1 on hook
>gates open
>last 2 aren't leaving
>circle around the hook, get 1 with NOED

He complains post game that I was camping. Suggests I should have been wandering around the map looking for them.

Good luck with that, my friend. I've uninstalled the game 5 times already.

> Asylum map
> Trapper
> 1 sacrificed, 1 hooked
> spot Jake who is running Sabotage
> drive him into a trap
> no hooks in carrying distance
> leave him on the ground and guard him
> get called a camper afterwards
> "how could I camp him? he wasn't even on a hook"
> incoherent swearing follows
> GRIN.jpg

>equip rare addons on billy

yeah fuck you too map


> facepalm.jpg

So, how many of you have private level 0 steam profile? I need to know it. For science.

>tfw actually put off uninstalling the game to see if they addressed real issues in last week's Q&A

>Gates opened, I caught nobody yet because of pallet whoring and selfcare
>greedy dumbass steps in my trap because he just HAD to get those few extra objective points from repairing some remaining generator
>Hook em
>nobody has escaped so I see an opportunity to bait them
>Conviniently have the trapper bag, so I set a total of 3 traps, one on each side and one under the hook
>leave but keep watch in hook direction
>Instant suicide medic rushes to unhook without disarming the trap and gets caught in it after unhooking
>the unhooked stays to untrap ofc
>I down him before he manages to untrap and hook the rescuer while leaving them both as baits
>Walk 20 meters
>Two people trapped literally at the same time
>Only now do they notice that I had the honing stone aswell

You can guess what the post game chat was like

The only killer who can cause this much butthurt is the trapper. Even if you're nowhere near the hook, they'll still call you a camper because you set traps near hook.

Survivor mains are hilarious

Which killer is the spookiest to hear as a survivor?

Ding dong man, chainsaw, screaming bitch or silence.

As chainsaw man I usually dont use my chainsaw until at least one person has seen me or its the farm, to keep it spooky

> I caught nobody yet because of pallet whoring
So now using pallets is 'cancer' as well.

Killer mains are hillarious.

The silence of not hearing a killer at all because the killer population is dwindling every day.

He's probably referring to an instance on some maps where survivors have twenty pallets to run through and stall you with. Pallets themselves are usually fine.

Every killer runs meme strength, you destroy all pallets and they are gone. Isn't that simple?

Holy fuck, you survivor mains are literal cancer.

and they escape when you take the time to destroy, even with brutal memes.The best thing to do is go around ahead of time when you see them running towards a pallet. I bet you run self-care

I presume you've never player killer on autohaven or asylum?
I also didn't say cancer, I said "whoring" as in misusing them and trolling with them

This is what it means:
Survivor could have escaped long time ago, but they proceed to Teabag infront of consecutive pallets just so they can drop them and flashlight the killer while he breaks them.

Thats what i usually do. Sometimes though the barrier is like a mile long and they wait for you to get close before using it, if theyre smart

Nurse 41, trapper 7, hillbilly 2, wraith 21, not a single level of Brutal Strength.

>Wrath 21

I've seen that a few times, mostly though people don't seem to look back while being chased

If you loose them with that 40% speed bonus then git gud
>You escape the killer! Literal cancer!
Usually there are 2 pallets nearby, survivor drops 2 and then escapes.

Well it IS a trapper teachable, but yeah, half of the killers don't even need Brutal Strength so it's pointless to level Trapper if that perk is all you want

>survivor camps pallet
>they drop it before you hit them
>break it
>they move on to the next pallet
>break that too
>they sprint boost to the next pair or pallets / infinijukes
>even if you hit them, they'll just buy time with pallets while self healing and recharging sprintboost

I wouldn't mind If I was playing Nurse though,she's the bane of toxic survivorshitters

Someone explain teachable perks.

The only perk for killer i care about is this one that allows you to destroy pallets faster.
Does this mean I have to get Trapper to lvl 30 in order to put it on Hillbilly?

It's kind of irrelevant to try and hide who you are given that they can immediately identify it by the hooks.

35. And then you have to grab the level 35 perk. And then you have to keep leveling Hillbilly until you get the 3 levels of Brutal Strength.

Ah okay, I didn't check that. Actually I am leveling trapper right now because I like him.

because you didn't level trapper to 35 ya dingus

additionally, don't take pallet crusher on nurse

They can't self heal if you chase them. Eventually they'll run out of pallets and you win.

Nurse = killers' infinijuking.

> Every killer runs meme strength
> because you didn't level trapper to 35 ya dingus

Sooo ...

>They can't self heal if you chase them
Can we please stop copy/pasting posts from the steam forum?

jesus christ leveling trapper to 35 is so grindy

its exclusive to trapper, until you get him to lvl 35

Keep in mind that Trapper and Wraith are the only killers who "need" Brutal strength.
Billy can chainsaw them in a second and nurse just blinks past them.

but every other perk is fuckin pointless

Here we imply that every survivor main runs meme trinity, teabags and infinijukes.
And every killer main runs his meme perks as well, and cries about survivors' meme perks, infinijuking and teabagging.
When if all infinites are gone and meme perks nered like shadowporn/deleted, they will cry about something else. Like pallets, survivors not swf working as a team, not doing 4 kills every game.

But it's such good bait

Fuck off sperg. If a killer chases one guy until ALL the pallets are gone, the other survivors have already fixed all gens and the guy you've been chasing has just been rewarded full boldness.

Also you can't compare nurse to infinijuking.
Infinijuking is a completely safe and riskless for the survivor, whereas Nurseblink will ALWAYS stun you when used

Can you please git gud?

>every other perk is fuckin pointless
>No one escapes death, Spies from the Shadows, Iron Grip, Deerstalker, Whispers, Insidious and Distressing are pointless
If you play billy or nurse, almost any perk will serve you better than Brutal Strenght


You don't have to play trapper to level him
It's just as grindy as your best character/role
as in very fucking grindy, no matter who you're leveling

>If a killer chases one guy until ALL the pallets are gone, the other survivors have already fixed all gens and the guy you've been chasing has just been rewarded full boldness.
So what tactic do you suggest instead? Just give up and let the killer kill you cuz he has found you?

Nurse is completely safe and riskless way for killer to kill anyone if he spots him because you ignore all ways of getting distance from a killer - pallets and windows. And don't tell about "muh stun after blink". If you are retarded and can't hit a survivor with lunge that long that's your problem and it has nothing to do with survivor's escaping skills.

god shut up you nerd

A fix to salt, toxicity, and camping!

I just finished a trapper match where I only killed 1 survivor. I hooked all of them at least once though. I didn't face camp, I didn't put a trap below the feet, none of that kind of stuff. Constant rescues was the result. When the last gen popped I nearly gave up becuase I had nothing. One got caught in a trap, they insta died on the hook. Everyone else escaped, the end. Not really, in the endgame chat there was a miracle , Praise was given to me. All four survivors gave the utmost respect for my non-campy playstyle to which I returned the favor! The respect felt better than a four man wipe although not as rewarding in bloodpoints. (This is where my solution comes in so hold on.)

I propose to You, Dead By Daylight community and devs, that we institute an upvote like system at the end of the game.

This is how it works: At the end of the match everyone is given the option to upvote the killer and the survivors. If you get upvoted you get bloodpoints 500 per vote! These do not effect your ranking however.

Why this is not abusable:
1) You can't upvote yourself, so you geniunely have to be a nice non toxic civilized player.
2) You can not downvote anyone so they lose bloodpoints, that is being a toxic salty player.
3) You can not upvote your friends so that you can recieve the rewards whilst still being salty.
4) People will not give free upvotes because of how salty and toxic this community is (that is debatable though)

I'd really like to see this feature added because it provides incentive to be a good person, aswell as the chance it may offer a solution to the amount of threads on killer camping. If you have any suggestions on the matter or you see another way of abuse let me know I will add it to the list.

MY entire point was that when a killer breaks pallets, the survivor has enough time to hide or escape, but instead they choose to find and stand next to another pallet waiting for the killer to get to them just to repeat the cycle. Sure, they'll maybe eventually get caught, but the process is fucking annoying for the killer.

Nurse moves just as fast as a regular survivor runs
However, everyone has Sprint boost, so getting far enough to break line of sight with the nurse is really fucking easy.
Now, when nurse doesn't see anyone, they wont use the blink because it's a guaranteed stun = guaranteed escape for the survivor.

Literally all you have to do is break line of sight or bait the nurse to misuse the blink.

also, one of nurses weakness is height difference, so if you use buildings, hills, harvesters or stairs, they can't even blink on them properly.

Stop being a fucking sore loser just because a killer can counter your most basic tactics.

Steam forums were a mistake

>Nurse moves just as fast as a regular survivor runs
Didn't read the rest.
>"Ohhh my overpowered killer isn't overpowered"

If the nurse is overpowered what does that make the trapper? We know he's statistically the most successful killer.


It's not the steam forums if we're talking this mistake.

And this is why you're a just shitty survivor main scrub who whines on steam forums and post game chat.

I knew that already, though

>pls tell what would u do
kys fag


>playing killer for the sole purpose of deranking survivors & giving them a bad time

I like you.

It's literally a post from the steam forums, go look for yourself.

Not him, but youre exactly right. Eventually you'll catch them if they keep doing this, which as a killer is totally fine.

If they want to stall and destroy every possible escape route for their friends and then die for it, thats fine by me. In the long run it only screws their teammates. Plus, chances are that if they run around so much theyll lead the killer to their friends too


>Survivors cry to me about NOED being not fair
>Three of them have self-care
>Insist it's balanced
>One of them is the Jake who, literally, no hyperbole, stood around for the hatch escape after self-healing for the person who saved him to die before I chased him off to escape normally

It's a perk that completely punishes greedy fucking retards and they complain at me while being greedy retards. If I could roll my eyes any harder they'd be in the back of my fucking head.

Survivor mains delude themselves into thinking it's not fair if all four don't escape.

Killer mains delude themselves into thinking it's not fair if any survivor of four escapes.

These guys claimed to also play killer when they pulled the "YOU MUST BE A KILLER MAIN" card, despite the fact I'm double rank 1. But I didn't bother checking because it's genuinely difficult to give a fuck about the opinion of people who seriously think self-care isn't a game mechanic abortion ala saboteur and still think NOED is too strong.

Have a le upboat, my good gentlesir.

idk what NOED even is but getting 2 people as a killer is good nuff for me, i usually get a pip from just two

Not really, most are pretty happy with two kills. Killer players get upset because the game becomes stupidly frustrating where the survivors are basically just bullying the pathetic serial killer after fixing all the gens in three minutes flat.

>someone steps in a trap
>immediately untrapped and healed because they move in groups
>catch someone
>The rest of the team swarms around me trying to block me from every cardinal direction
>Hook someone
>They're all trying to bait me in to hitting/chasing them so they can get a free rescue
>call me a camper if I don't fall for their shenanigans
>All generators 99% finished
>4 gens pop at the same time
>2 guys go wait by the gates while one guy distracts me and another one finishes the last gen

fucking SWF teams, they're not all this bad but some of them are like a fucking coordinated strike force.

I swear if they don't make that shit unranked, I'll stop playing killer, or better yet, stop playing this entire shit game

I don't trust this

>the rest of the team swarms around me trying to block me
I never understood this. Can't you just attack them?

Before anyone asks, I'm a killer main and have been for 200 hours. I've just never experienced this.

>I'll stop playing killer, or better yet, stop playing this game
Do it. I uninstalled and have been better off ever since.

>They're all trying to bait me in to hitting/chasing them so they can get a free rescue
I see no problem if they actually let you hit them.

yeah I'm playing as hillbilly
but I also wanna level him more, it just feels like a waste to level some killer I never use to 35 just for one perk

Some people just don't enjoy a good game.

just lobby dodge when you see people joining at the exact same time

You can but while carrying somebody you have no lunge attack and even your regular attack has no distance. Unless theyre right in front of you you can't hit them, and they can outrun you if youre holding someone.

Attacking gives the one on your shoulder extra wiggle time and the range when attacking while carrying is incredibly short. If you do hit someone they'll back off to self heal while someone else takes their place.

>Tfw I don't even play anymore, just come here to shitpost