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Acidmaw aka "this card is so shitty that it pukes at its own existance" aka "just fuck my Evolve up" edition

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let's get some handlock discussions in this thread

Warrior is not that good

>1 game and on a winstreak from rank 5 as control warrior
>que against the only anyfin paladin on ladder
>lose 3 in a row after that game

Never see this card being used. IT's good or dust?

cthun decks are outdated already sorry buddy

playing around AoE n arena is pointless because they either don't have it, or they have three copies
thank you conjurer man for echo of medivh though

You could be the one to popularize it, user. Try it out. C'thun decks have fallen from popularity not so much because they are bad, but because they are boring. That is a fun C'thun card, though, and just so long as you don't jam in every C'thun card, it might be a neat deck.


dust if you need the dust

too slow in control and useless in decks that already curve

eu server

who wants 80 free gold? i'll even olay pirate warrior so that it's ovver quickly

sent ;)

Never really played hand lock, but I loved renolock (before standard made it shit)

I don't have Bloodmage so I just put int the Kobold since it's the same cost just without the card draw.

Can this dick work?

you can do literally anything with shaman and be fine. just put in a finisher like doomhammer of al'akir.

any shaman deck works
they all have the same 20-25 core cards

bloodmage is really good though

>questing adventurer into coin into power of the wild

One of the fastest losses I ever got on arena

Seems you might want two kobolds just for extra spirit claw consistency. The presence of Thunder Bluff is unusual. You might have a lot of totems, but you're such an agressive deck you might want to take such a slow card out. If you like Thunder Bluff so much, you could play that dank Totemic Power and Witch combo deck which nobody plays around.

>doomhammer of al'akir
If I had any of those I wouldn't be playing this instead of your average full aggro shaman net deck.

He is the next one on my crafting list because I want to use him in my rogue and mage decks, also works in Shaman with the new weapon. But I'm currently 600 dust off.

>only one faceless

y tho

try posting sometime retards

sometimes retards

is zoo just fucking unbeatable right now? what the fuck can you do

idk they always highroll me

feels like karazhan just made every deck into hunter or something

million 50/50 coinflips to decide games

I'd post even more OC, but most of it is garabage arena-tier cards and all you guys would say is "it's shit" and that's all.

zoolock hasn't been top tier for a few weeks now

discard zoo is top tier right now.

costs 1 mana or 1 health?

Presumably mana because of other cards like Maiden of the Lake.

Can you post the original artwork you used for this?

What decks is everyone playing? I'm at 11 with Dragon Pally and I just switched to N'zoth Hunter for dailies.

Mana you retard

Beast Druid has been fun.... But man, the card draw kills you.

This is my version of midrange shaman.

The hunter savjz just played against was so fucking retarded, it hurts just thinking about it. That guy got to fucking rank 7 without being able to fucking understand how to play against ice block effectively. He has a fucking full board, 10 mana, and savjz is at 3 health and he fucking plays quickshot on his face. And the next game, he fucking forgets to attack with his tundra rhino after he played it. and then he fucks up with the ice block again.

I am so fucking livid at this absolute fucking retard. holy shit. Call of the wild is one of the worst fucking cards ever printed by fucking blizzard. I hope ben brode dies of fucking cancer.

*lack of card draw

>The hunter savjz just played against was so fucking retarded,
>watching savjz

he wasnt as retarded as you

You playing Curator and drakes? Or do they come too late?

Inb4 retard user falls for bait

>Or do they come too late?
What did you mean by this?

I removed curator, though he was too slow. But I have 2 drakes in.

trying to play burgle memes, goes bad most of the time get frustrated and play dragon warrior. something like 20-0 with it right now

>watch streams of murloc paladin play ivory knight
>anyfin, avenging wrath, concencrate always offered
>play ivory knight


Keep playing. You only get good RNG once you've stopped trying to have fun.

I'm pretty sure that Blizzard gives streamer better RNG. There is no other explanation that I keep getting always some of the worst possible shit from discover and other random cards while Kibler get a bad thing once in a blue moon.


it's not like you need a brain to reach rank7 as hunter

>not affecting rng with your skill
get better scrub

Can you send you id?

I like to watch murloc paladin decks playing

Handlock? Decklist?

I'm sorry user.
I try my best to believe in the heart of the cards, but I just can't ge the cards I need to be on top instead of the bottom of the deck.
It seems like my faith isn't strong enough.

There are streamers playing murloc paladin that are better than me. I'm just a rank 18 shitter.

One "Well Played" at the end of the game and you're Satan. If you get triggered so easily, just squelch at the start.

How does this work:

>kill enemy minion with Moat Lurker
>enemy kills my Moat Lurker with a Moat Lurker of his
>I kill his Moat Lurker and my Moat Lurker returns

What happens if my resurrected Moat Lurker is killed? Does the deathrattle return the minion it killed when it was first played?

If it's rezzed, it doesn't actually keep the deathrattle.

Ok anony-kyun

"that didn't quite hit the mark" =/= well played

i removed brann for shadowbolt

>forsen 'meemay lover' 'I hate this shit game fuck memestone' 'forsen' forsen is 91st on the US Server

wild mech paladin for daily
good shit

IT'sa that time again PLACE BETS NAAAOOOW.

Don't be shy!

Lets a go-ho!

What do you guys thinks about FireBat's new tournament? Good idea or just circle jerk

boogie woogie

That is an odd sequence of words and thoughts.

*angry Anaomouglous noises*

Good idea if they ban the right cards.

obviously circle jerk but i like the card vetos

Aaaaand its Islam.

what cards are banned

i can understand just banning yogg and barnes

but if you just start banning stuff like brawl whats the point

>reasons to play nozdormu.png

I appear to be in the minority position, but I actually like Yogg. The game is a shitty RNG fest anyway, and Yogg doesn't pretend to be balanced like portal did.

is war axe actually banned

That's a shit top 5 desu

>all those okay cards that people want to ban
Who the fuck was voting? Rank 25?

>They're bitching about power of the wild and innvervate now.

Is it bad enough that keeper of the grove is arguably worse then disciple of C'thun, and both force of nature and ancient of lore are utter garbage now?

How much more blood do they want from us?

who else but reddit

Le Reddit was voting.

innervate is one of the most complained about cards of all time

>people voted for Knife Juggler
>Flame Juggler not even on the list
>Arcane Fucking Giant

Innervate has always been bullshit and you know it.

>Put Hoot Hoot in my casual Curator Paladin deck
>Curator now summons a new hero power, a dragon activator, and a silence
Feels pretty nice d e s u.

Okay but Yogg can go fuck itself anyway.

Doomhammer gets a lot of slack understandably, but imo the problem isn't with Doomhammer, but with Rockbiter Weapon being applicable to the hero. Rockbiter is unnecessary additional burst in a class full of burst damage. Without it, Doomhammer would either be 4 damage to the hero's face, or a way to actually control the board which would bring the supposed downside of weapons (using life to remove minions) to relevance. Like a more versatile Assassin's Blade.

innervate is a gamble on getting 2 for 1'd on cards for fucking free if they have any removal, or even a fucking sap.

This cards never been an issue.

Well they took out tuskar totemic ,that's gonna stop aggro shaman for sure.

Rockbiter being able to target the hero isn't a problem. Just make it destroy the equipped weapon and we're all set.

Ignore this newfag who clearly never got raped by a turn 1 fel reaver.

I'm surprised Tunnel Trogg was at 8th place. It's the more consistent component of cancer.

Is this a bad card?

I didn't notice you can play it on enemy minions.

I've been running it for a couple games and when I put it on an opponent's board threat when I can't contest, they don't even attack. So this card has both saved me damage and drawn.

>turn 1 fell reaver killed me before I got 3 mana or two with 1.

Funny thing is I did get turn one fel reavered once. Then I decked him by turn 6 because I played fucking RULES on it.

So busted. Better buff mage in arena again to make up for it

>Rockbiter being able to target the hero isn't a problem.
When Shaman has such powerful minions, it should have a downside that it must use minions to trade with other minions. Even a naked Rockbiter on hero means essentially free removal on most 1-3 drops without affecting the Shaman's side of the board or wasting one of their infamous burn spells that they love to use on face.

Making Rockbiter not applicable to heroes would limit Shaman's removal options which is needed for such an aggressive class.

Because your opponents are idiots. You just attack anyways.

what are you silencing for 3 fucking mana on turn 8+?

but surely that doesnt mean its a bad card right? Card Draw for 1 mana is pretty legit.

its not as bad as people think, but its not good either. It *does* make them think about their early pressure which is good. Against combo decks aggro can hang itself by giving them those extra 2-3 cards.

The only issue with it is that it takes an entire card slot and often doesn't help.



>what are you silencing for 3 fucking mana on turn 8+?
Well last game I silenced a Twilight Summoner to prevent the 5/5 popping out.

Could have easily been a Sylvanas too.

I imagine if there's a situation where Tirion or Chillmaw or some other giant taunt minion is preventing lethal, Hoot Hoot would stop that nonsense.

There's loads of things dude I don't know why you sound so flabbergasted and confused about it.

There's nothing wrong with OC, you're just posting unfunny Unhinged bullshit. This at least could be a card.

I guess its an alternative.

Props to fellow Dragon Paladin running Curator. I havent found Kodo to be all that worthwhile since its extremely situational, and have been kinda sad that Curator seems to only work best with Dragon Warrior since it also pulls out the taunt monkies.

Pay half your current life.
Draw 5 cards

I had this Priest's 1 drop sealed off since the start by applying that on it. He didn't want to suicide it because he thought he could heal other minions, I didn't remove it because I just killed all other minions without giving him a chance to heal them.

Kinda nice, especially with the Djinni because it applies on two minions if you use it on a friendly one.

Should I craft WIIIIINDS
