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Kagero is my wife!

Tharja is best girl! Tharja is cute! Cute!

I love Shiggy!

Cutest family

I love Sakura!


I would do gross things to him.

How would you describe Peri?


Gross. Stop fucking spamming this, you autist.

Some Mages just want to watch the world burn.


Fire Emblem Theathrythm when

Never ;_;


I want to take a bath with these two

Go away, those are my wives

This is Severa.
Say something nice to her.

>it actually happens
>Akaneia and Awakening only
You know it would happen.

Everybody make sure to get a Level 10 Corrin ready for Mangs to use in his all-corrin Conquest Lunatic LP!

She's shit. Fuck off awakeningbabby

Who's Severa? That's big sister Camilla's retainer, Selena!

Akaneia is only relevant because its the first game and the only major setting appearing in most of the games

Its totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things

No one gave a fuck about Marth ages ago and no one gives a fuck about him now

When the title Fire Emblem springs up, its always Lucy and/or Robin

1/10 bait desu senpai

>No one gave a fuck about Marth ages ago and no one gives a fuck about him now

Akanea is still by far the most popular continent in Japan, which is the place whose opinion IS cares the most about.


You guys need to understand. Dew is best for your game.

*citation needed

Fire Emblem fans in Japan aren't old people in the 90s

I'd play the shit out of that desu

Could you do Julia from Genealogy in that style?

>*citation needed

FE3 majorly outsold Awakening in Japan, and still remains the best-selling game in the series.

[SNES] Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem - ? / 776.000
[3DS] Fire Emblem: Awakening - 262.399 / 469.485

As did Genealogy, although by not nearly as much.

[SNES] Fire Emblem: Holy War Story - 228.578 / 498.000

>Fire Emblem fans in Japan aren't old people in the 90s

Depends on where you look. Pixiv fans tend to be younger, whereas 2ch and the like have plenty of oldfags.

And FE3 and 4 are considered SFC classics in Japan, literally any Japanese gamer will tell you that.

>muh Japanese sales
>leaves out global sales

>using sales as a barometer for current popularity

Only a fraction of people who played Mystery are still playing Fire Emblem today boyo, they have jewbs and children since a decade or so ago

The Fates survey had most fans with FE7 and Awakening as their first entry in the series, certainly not oldfags

this a conversation solely about popularity with the japanese you fucking retarded awakeningbabby

neither of the games were released outside of japan either, but if the trend there continued they would have outsold awakening overseas too

I like Hana

Keep the goalposts firmly planted you moron.

Fans of the older games in the series are just so much better than the new fans that have come in lately. They only talk about gameplay and hate shitposting and pointless arguments over other peoples' opinions.

>Keep the goalposts firmly planted you moron

>Akanea is still by far the most popular continent IN JAPAN

Goalposts planted, try not being a blind retard and actually hitting the ball towards the net next time.


>being this mad
Kill yourself.

>I shall play you the song of my people


When you lose hot bandit dick the world looks prettier ablaze.

Yeah, what a cuck. Here he is with Noish's wife.

Awakening is Akanea and Jugdral pandering the game though, you can't say that they weren't trying to draw in people who liked them with Awakening or that IS doesn't care.

Like, they LITERALLY had a character called Marth. How can you say they don't care about Akanea?

Akanea is particularly popular because there's a lot of stuff that never got released outside of Japan that expanded the lore and shit of the continent.

Hell yeah, me too.

Maybe after the full planned set is done.
If it's Genealogy you want, I have Sigurd and Seliph done, and Arvis is on the way.

Don't forget bringing back Tiki for no reason to pander to Akaneafags too

Although ultimately I saw a lot of Akaneafags who didn't even like Awakening because of Grima and the Naga retcons so (lol


Tbh, most Jugdral fans i know disliked awakening so if it's Jugdral pandering, it doesn't do a very good job

>this is what FE mobile is

>End of despair is one of those songs that has a video playing with it
>the video is the battle of belhalla

desu, i'd play it

Please show that glorious dastard when he's done

I'd be completely OK with that, actually.

Best EMS in the entire game.
What other songs from the franchise would you like to see/play?

Why is FE4 so shit? It's arguably one of the worst games in the series.

>you will never become a grillmeister under Arvis' tutelage

Ayyy. If Dragon Quest can do it I expect the same to be said for FE

Is this the same user who made pic related or...

Of course. I'm not saying it was GOOD pandering mind you, but you can't deny they at least tried to do it, and did it because those games were the peak of the series' popularity in Japan at the time.

Awakening was pretty much fanservice; the game. In the opinion of some (me included) the game came out kind of shoddy in a lot of areas, but you can't deny they were really desperate to reach out to everyone they could with how much fanservice it had (hell it even had Tellius fanservice via Priam, although I hear Ike/Soren shippers didn't like that).


>caring about Kagacucks
They're literally the most cancerous part of the fan base.

Dew is for smashing and dashing Briggid

Nobody cares for your shitty, bland and boring cuckga characters.
>le bbq xD

>somebody insults Awakening
>a similar insult about FE4 comes out not even a little bit later
hmmmm rllllllly mkakes u tihihnk..,.,.,,,,,.,,,

Well since im a jugdralfag mainly Fe4/5 music

But desu, every FE has good music

You forget it also had some major pandering to FE7fags with Lyn showing up and pulling the interdimensional waifu card.


Both are shit you retarded autist. Go jump off a cliff.

Of course! I'm showing all of them to you as they're made because I love you and I want to make them for you.

Yes! I can't believe people are saving these.

I like FE4, but you dont see me hating on the other games, in fact i like every single FE game.

But you probably still think i'm a kagacuck simply because i dont dislike jugdral

Play this youtu.be/nva04nH_YI0

Nice! Could you do Leif from either Jugdral game? Want something good to use as my avatar.

>anyone who dislikes my shitty game is an awakeningbabby

So this is what goes on in the mind of a kagacuck..

Would you mind if i'd use the Arvis one as my profile pic somewhere?

Do you have any of Anna and Tiki user?

Only good name user, desu

Which 2nd gen would you fuck as their mom.

Why not just put the imgur link up instead of shilling your shit constantly you vapid attention whore.

You're probably too busy but it's always worth asking

Could you make a pink hair Soleil one?

uh oh the awakeningbabby is getting mad again

>Implying Lex totally didn't cuck the gen 1 archers/his best friend


Fuck off you piece of shit.

Trip back on.

Seliph don't be a fucking vegan and eat your Siburg.

Poor user is sad no one gives a shit about him


Leif is coming, he's part of the planned set (which includes all main characters and most villians anyways), but first I wanna do a couple others, like PoR Ike.

Not at all.
Ideally I'd ask for credit, but I'm afraid of flaunting my art page on Veeky Forums. Just search the web and you'll find me when the tme comes, comrade.

Here's Anna.
I'm planning something for the series' Manaketes and flyers, so Tiki won't be getting one of these per se, but she'll have a little something.

>Come back.
>All these hidden posts.
Feels good to have all these tripfags and namefags filtered.

I'm still upset about it, even after all this time

>Having to create a safe space for yourself on Veeky Forums

Pretty sad desu


>Here's Anna.
>I'm planning something for the series' Manaketes and flyers, so Tiki won't be getting one of these per se, but she'll have a little something.


What is it about Fire Emblem that makes this community even more toxic than the rest?

Ah yes, my apologies. I may have spoken too much already, so I'll be going. Here it is.

I'm glad people want more of these, but I'll have to see about extra characters after I finish the full set.

Ira. You mean Ira.

FE3 and FE4 weren't on the global market.

Literally all IS needs to do is make a game exactly like FE4 and it will sell just as well, it's a no-brainer

worst guy

Still Canon


Why must you ruin everything by being a faggot, user?
