our guys Cloud "dumpster the danes" 9 will lose to NiP
Colton Peterson
fucking heroic garbage
Jeremiah Phillips
Twitch went down for me, the fuck
John Myers
i'd suck peacemakers dick
Josiah Sanchez
>no channels available
Aaron Brown
Sick website amazon niggers
Liam Jones
ITT avg IQ 82
Aiden Thomas
Julian Morris
Neck yourself you fucking loser dipshit braindead nigger.
Carson Miller
Do you guys have an IRC to meme on or something
Getting lonely in here
Ian Evans
anyone else wallhack in csgo and get paranoid irl that if you know exactly where something is you might get overwatched irl
Isaac Butler
Xavier Peterson
Nolan Moore
>tfw you remember iBP will never be unbanned
Chase Morris
>soloq >DMG >first round >CT >2 teammates fight each other to be the "mid guy" >one of them killed the other one at spawn
thanks for reading my blog
Ryan Howard
>tfw your cheat injects, you get in game, and see this
Ian Morales
dude sick life accomplishment thanks for posting
Nolan Gonzalez
thank you for your comment dude be sure to subscribe for more epic posts
Adrian Kelly
i really wish %%%%% %%%%%% would upload a new video
Christian Nguyen
kill yourself you degenerate cheater
Brayden Williams
im not a cheater you spastic cunt
Hudson Wright
blow your brains out for liking one
Blake Stewart
i dont give him likes, so it doesnt even matter that i like him fuckface
Nathaniel Campbell
>tfw no csgog bf sigh
Brayden Cox
who gives a shit if somebody cheats in an irrelevant game nobody gives a fuck about anymore
Samuel Smith
h-hi %%%%% %%%%%% love your videos
Nathaniel Carter
wtf Banned You have been banned from Veeky Forums for posting , a violation of Rule 1:
Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to video games.
Your ban was filed on September 10th, 2016 and expires on September 13th, 2016 at 19:28 ET, which is 2 days and 23 hours from now.
Christopher Bennett
is nick bunyun our guy or is he r*ddit
Hunter Adams
Is Savage our guy?
Luis Parker
Jacob Bennett
hes a faggot
Elijah Rogers
>Make shitty troll post on /vp/ >inta (You)s GL guys, I'm about to cash in!
Jonathan Smith
>Make shitty troll post on /csgog/ >no (You)s >no one even posting in the thread
Kayden Brooks
>soloqueue >match with a girl as a teammate >very qt profile picture >from poland >uses teamchat to post smileys like ":3" >clutching becomes 10x harder as I notice that she's watching me >my hand is sweating a lot >can't think
Ryan Rivera
it's probably some faggot from the discord
Justin Wood
she had a girl voice too and I was soloqueuing
Nicholas Ortiz
voice changer
Gabriel Williams
Insult her once more and I'll stomp your face in until you bleed.
Jonathan Brown
Round over - Winner: T (2-2) - Target bombed ofnu killed draWsouL with ak47 (headshot) ofnu killed aproto with ak47 draWsouL planted the bomb (2on2) ofnu killed Char with p250 (headshot) ofnu killed Oderus with p250 ofnu killed joshbM ? with p250 (headshot) Oderus killed zewsy with ak47 (headshot) joshbM ? killed apoc with ak47 aproto killed emag1 with ak47 (headshot) Round started