StarCraft II StarLeague 12h 37m
Dark vs Solar
StarCraft II StarLeague 12h 37m
Dark vs Solar
someone post some seulgi
i loved mad men but didnt watch the final half season
why do i lose interest in everything so quickly....
new thread new beer
*cracks open a cold one*
damn i finished all my beer already
slowly experience the flavor?
i thought scv was leaning towards yeri now
those teen legs.....and feet....
go buy some more??
can't fap she's ugly
the store is closed already
that sucks
just stare at her teen legs.....and feet.....
suck this
*grabs crotch*
*cracks open a bear*
what happened to that puahh~ poster i liked that scv
more like post some dahye heh heh heh
did you like him.....
she even has lackluster legs tho
is that seulgi
i literally just said ilh...
they're really soft looking
yeri's are very nice unless you're only interested in thickness....
its a gook alright
there's this one girl i like...
me too but she doesnt like me...
its smix right
i like smix
no one likes me...
what are lambda expressions in somewhat easy to grasp terms
i really like user
do you like him?
dont assume prounounces!!!
it's a short function that you don't give a name because you just pass it to something that uses it right away
very much so!
i was talking about you~
can you give me an example of when i would use one
oh gosh.....
what would you do to him???????????
*sips moms wine*
its white this time~
i placed ab et on hydra by the way
var list = [1,2,3];
var doubles = => num * 2);
the "num => num * 2" part is a lambda expresion
rate the gsl finals from 1-10
wife """""""""forgot""""""""" to get beer from the store again
I enjoyed Buyn's play and win, but SoS looked like he was throwing
rape her
why would sOs give up the chance on a third ship? now he needs to win kespa cup and some other shit
not saying he did, just that he played so bad it looked like he did, compared to byun anyway
that seems interesting and convenient thank you scv programmer
wasn't ready for that micro
>implying he didnt let byun win because he's such a nice guy
yeah they make your code deliciously expressive, completely vital to functional programming
do reapers still auto regen
the girl i creeped over last year liked my facebook post... do you think she likes me?
>making facebook posts
and girls
i just graduated from cold ones and opened my new bottle of Talisker
we deleted our facebooks long ago
are you drinking it straight.....
i need facebook to keep up with my friends
we never had a facebook
me too but who the heck makes facobook posts
i kept facebook but deleted all my friends
now THAT is cute!
those are turtles idiot ~_~
read the filename numbskull
sea turtles are pretty based
don't be mean to each other, please
a lost of money....
suck my fucking dick retard
my mommy told my sisters black bf that it was over and to never see her again
based mom
ur sister will just hate ur mom and get back with the black guy x_x
gogo snute
learn programming
bw:hd !!!!
i thought they were gonna announce bw hd today
refresh...use a tablet...rerun livestreamer
theres more to life than watching people play video games. its a fucking saturday for christ sakes
trump just won
*watches imperium*
wtf i hate /pol/tards now!!!
oh no. all this beer is making my head fuzzy. i can hardly think straight. i hope no one takes advantage of me in this state.
anyone else staying home on a saturday night...
*opens youtube gaming*
i'm actually married guys
im staying home on a saturday night... *pours a glass of my mom's wine*
playing kancolle as usual
*takes advantage of*
i don't even know how to find youtube gaming
my answer is yes to like the last 30 posts
I vow to thee...
my country....
>stands at attention
do you ever not play cancolle?