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Joshua Lee
Does know exactly what triggers getting item level 840+ gear from PvP world quests? Im only ilevel 815 yet im getting 840 shit
Jordan Hill
memes are cool
Ian Stewart
>tfw it's my birthday and only my Veeky Forums buddy remembered >nobody else did >literally have to beg on wowg for replies
Michael Thompson
Carson Cox
Did the ebon blade really think they were going to turn tirion into a death knight?
Nathan Powell
>Blood Elves almost joined the Alliance already, and while there'd be a lot of shit to smoothen it's still perfectly doable, especially under Anduin.
Cooper Gray
>tfw Chaos Strike crits for 700k
Brody Lee
I heard honor level 20 is the minimum and then the higher level you are the higher the chance. Once you prestige you always count as level 50
Sebastian Allen
I need a class that's fun
Blake Carter
Can someone TLDR whats going on with the undead and Worgan at stormheim why are they fighting each other?
William Phillips
Mortal strike crits for 2.3 mill shut the fuck up little kid.
Ryder Rogers
Landon Bell
>Seen resto's hidden model drop for an enhancement. >Seen a legendary drop for a ret doing 70k dps.
Man, what an awful day.
Nicholas Ward
if you have "qt" at the end of your name literally kill yourself
Oliver Thomas
Post Doggers. Cuddle Doggers.
Lincoln Russell
Do I really need to be using focused rage as arms? if so, how would one keybind it with mortal strike so they both cast at the same time/on the same button?
Levi Lopez
your honor level
Thomas Bailey
So how did blizzard do it? How did they set out to make crafting relavent, but end up making it as useless as ever? If not more than WoD?
Elijah Green
Worgens decided to settled in Val'Sharah for whatever fucking reason.
Legion is doing necromancy shit in Blackrook Hold and revived a bunch of old night elves, they start attack the worgens.
Levi Nelson
anyone else uncomfortable with the underlying drug addiction theme to Suramar? I mean these ppl are mana fiends and it's sad. As someone who lost his brother to a marijuana overdose a few years back, I'm more sensitive to these things tho.
Wyatt Gomez
fuck off woddler
Liam Peterson
night elf so you can shadowmeld->camouflage
oh wait, Blizzard removed camo
maybe human so you can remove silences and stuff
oh wait, cant do that anymore
Chase Perry
What could have been...
Jace Martin
post jelly projejejcts?
Juan Rivera
kill doggers
Ayden Cruz
>Frost DKs summoning Sindragosa >Fire Mages wielding an iconic weapon and blowing things up >Rogues joining cool underground society made of other important rogues >Warlocks having an entire class hall that basically bends to their will >play arms warrior. Hit two buttons and talk to fire beard man.
God damn it.
Nolan Young
do NOT kill doggers
Easton Powell
>got resto's hidden model as enh while leveling >haven't touched resto since early wotlk as an offspec >resto shaman guildie has been spamming EoA daily and still hasn't seen it
Gavin Garcia
Does MM hunter perform well in pvp or pve? Really loving the quiver.
Dominic Howard
alright what's better/more fun? arms warrior or fury warrior?
Brayden Hernandez
>Worgens decided to settled in Val'Sharah for whatever fucking reason.
I'm not sure if they're worgens, possibly just Gilneans.
The Gilneans who are there saw the Scourge shit starting to go down after the second war and just booked it, ended up crashing into the Broken Isles, and set up shop;
A right British thing to do, I'de say.
Nathan Cook
Oh fuck you said stormheim, nevermind me. Greymane belives Sylvanas betrayed the Alliance during the broken shore so he's mad. Sylvannas wants more undeads so she made a deal with Helya to steal Odyns Val'kyr, greymane fucks her plan up.
Nathan Ortiz
>log in before the queue starts in stormrage >power goes out >log back in about 30 minutes later when it's back >Position in queue: 3500
Levi Reed
ignore allposts troll is posting
Nathaniel Stewart
Human for rep bonuses. Best expansion to have that.
Adrian Barnes
i have killed many doggers and i will kill more doggers and you cannot stop me
Brayden Sanders
one of the world quests dialogue says they aren't worgen
Ayden Torres
Will we ever find the Arcanite Reaper or Worldbreaker skin for warriors?
James Russell
That is rude as heck. Dogger is not for kill.
Kevin Hughes
Genn "my wife's son" Gaymane is being a massive cuck and faggot and undermining both the Alliance and the Horde in their fight against the Legion.
Eli Lee
>tfw jump down the elevator in value of wardens >everyone follows and dies >I'm a dh
Andrew Peterson
The Fire Rises @ Ravencrest (Alliance) EU
Kevin Perry
will the order hall follower limit increase or is it always capped at 5?
Luke Lopez
post original mogs, no tier or cm also no hate
Carter Baker
Jose Smith
Hey guys I fucked up. I'm using PVP eq for feral on my druid ilvl 620 and I have a balance artifact now it's practically impossible to level up cause I die all the time. What do I do?
Logan Ramirez
the money just keeps rolling in boys
Luke Roberts
That crazy secret jellyfish quest has me scared that the arcanite bladebreaker quest is going to be incredibly obscure and difficult to trigger.
Jordan Gonzalez
no, i am real me not you
Kayden Thomas
should i level shaman or priest next
they won't be healing
Camden Gray
doggers are scum
Christopher Cruz
Friendly reminder
Arms > Fury
Luis Moore
Can i get a rough difficulty tier list for mythic dungeons?
Josiah White
>no hate >cash shop helm Fuck you.
Tyler Martinez
queen cunt fucked over the alliance and got varian killed
she wants to enslave valkyr so she can be immortal
old wolfman ruins her plans
Blake Walker
i have been wearing the same underwear for 3 days now they smell funny
Carson Gutierrez
>get into a heroic legendary farm group as warlock because the leader gave up on his warlock and felt pity for me
Oliver Foster
terrible in pvp
all of its abilities require it to be stationary and it has no CC
decent damage in pve
Daniel Mitchell
Isaac Price
>The Alliancecuck headcanon version
Matthew Nguyen
eye of azshara > black rook hold > pleb tier > the rest
Blake Lopez
I know people are doing all kinds of shit to find the Prot warrior one. I myself have been to every location Deathwing has ever been in lore, and explored around it occasionally using the fire breath on things that look important.
Matthew Hall
Outside of the first part it's literally what happens.
Hudson Cruz
choose one
better: arms fun: fury
although with the release of the new raid fury will likely get buffed
Mason Johnson
Your autism is showing
Thomas Lee
Why the fuck cant you just jump down and be ported to dala?
Cameron Wright
>things that happen are now head canon
i knew horde faggots were mentally ill, but this is absurd
Jason Powell
My only character is a warrior that i went Fury with. Got him to 110 today and had a blast along the way but now iv hit a brick wall. Shit that i was effortlessly murdering is demolishing me 2v1. And if its a rare or god forbid an elite rare forget it ill get smashed or come close to dying.
After seeing how other classes are doing, especially arms, im really regretting making fury. Should i just start again from scratch on a fresh warrior with stromkar or is it not too late to just change to arms and slog through suramar/world quests with a fresh artifact?
Jonathan Perez
>dumb down content >only button worth pressing becomes 'DO DPS' and sometimes 'o shit save me' button >cool niche and flavour spells become spells that you never use >hurr durr so many spells that aren't used lets prune them and get back to tbc 1button rotations
Elijah Jackson
Obliterum price on my server is less than 5.5k so it'd cost me more to buy the mats and craft/decraft shit than to just buy Obliterum
Lincoln Edwards
Ahh, the great indoors
Colton Thompson
Whatever you say redditor.
Adrian Martinez
what a few fun dps specs to play regardless of numbers
Robert Morales
fuck you "muh efficiency" shitter, i like to go afk autorunning towards the edge
Chase Rogers
It'd be cooler.
Noah Ortiz
>Think about how fun it would be if doing that just randomly teleported you places >Then remember that warriors arent allowed to have fun.
Would it have killed them to just give us like, a warrior only toy that hides a single shoulder? SOMETHING. Even our arena cache is a piece of shit: once a week loot this box and get jack shit.
Joseph Collins
>tfw gathered upwards of 2000 aethril now and still havent gotten the Rank 3 Aethril quest
is it even in the game...
Brandon Torres
Threadly reminder that Death Knights have canonically rejoined the Scourge.
Asher Sullivan
Gabriel Hill
How 2 become deer tranny?
Logan Sanchez
Despite what you think of the poster, is there any argument you can make against the GM literally saying he doesn't want to associate with this place?
Ryder Rivera
because that would be fun and you wouldn't want that now would you
Nicholas Long
@ Silvermoon (Alliance)
Cameron Sullivan
>get tf/wf item in dungeon >get a whisper: u need that?!
Ryan Cruz
what expression is this face attempting to convey
Grayson Rogers
Why do you need that much?
Why do you need the rank 3 thing?
They are probably much more likely to drop later in the expansion, they have to pad it out somehow
Jason Cook
>worgen players they seem to be the most retarded
Jayden Wood
ask a dealer in the underbelly to hit you up
John Green
>the idea of actively spamming EoA
James Howard
Nathan Harris
those are italian plumbers, not mexicans
David Turner
happy birthday user
Benjamin Rodriguez
>she biting my dick but i kinda like it tbqh
Ian Morgan
>successfully farmed the gold for wow token within few hours
Jayden Perez
Happy Birthday user! Light bless you!
Ethan Hernandez
How come Genn is the only one not willing to let Sylvanas get away with her bullshit?
How the fuck has the Argent Crusade still not realized how this little slut keeps getting away with reanimating people and adding them to her ranks everywhere she goes?
Hunter Anderson
Alright lads, it's time.
Prove your not a disgusting casual and post you're legion legendary.
Julian Robinson
>buy the Sword from the vendor for the Arms Artifact quest because I don't have a 2H sword >it looks better than the sword I'm trying to get
Seriously these class hall gear and weapon sets look great
Jason Sullivan
Thats unfortunate. Having to level a character from level 1 to even get to play Legion. Im hoping BM atleast makes a great pvp spec as usual. BM seems to boring to play pve though.