/dsg/- Souls General (Consoles)

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Other urls found in this thread:

darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/page/revision/Deep Battle Axe

PC > PS-Snore


Wtf is a deep battle axe? I found it as a drop after killing my first avarice/chest-mob. The wiki says nothing about it.
darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/page/revision/Deep Battle Axe

I think I got an extremely rare augmented battle axe that has dark damage on it. How lucky am I? *le duplicate*

>phoneposting OP

As a console owner, I do not want to be associated with phoneposters, thanks.

So I installed DSfix the other day and it's amazing. 60 fps feels so nice. If only sonybronies knew how good this felt :^)

>this thread


he actually did it the absolute madman

>PCucks mad as fuck and shitposting hard
Way to prove the points.


Bitch! I play xbox one. Psfail is dead to me.

>remembers how awesome playstation used to be


>at the highwall
>meet the first dark knight
>make him follow me to the dragon
>get the dragon to kill him for me

>first dark night


>still shitposting
grow up kid

yo waddup..?


I haven't played since the release where I beat the game. I'm astonished at the lack of orange signs as tips for beginners. Is it pointless to even lay down signs for beginners now that the game isn't at launch anymore?

Drake Sword equivalent


Anyone on PS4 want me to host an FC?

I still see useful orange soapstones.

The game is so easy nobody thinks "fuck, I wouldn't wish that upon maldron. Better put down a message" or the game was to boring for the in game shitposters to put down "try jumping"

You are stupid and retarded that axe is always there and always drops it's just a weapon for starters to use

He's a beginner, user. He didn't know that wasn't randomized

I've absolved my sins twice but siegward still hates me, what's the deal?

Fell for the shit b8 p8
i don't Give a shit if we have he who shall not be named at you can laugh at him or understand why he's fucking retarded but pcucks are just sad to watch.

Sins don't work like they used to before. Now, absolving reversed hollowing permanently and removed dark sigils, which you get after you choose the "draw out true strength" option with yoel.

i thought dissolution did that

Been a while since I used it, there are two options? I'll have to check that out tomorrow, wagecucking tomorrow. Gotta sleep.

What's the point in invading if the host can just summon 80 phantoms and his mom

invaders aren't allowed to have fun

Try low level invades and using mobs to your advantage. I find anywhere other than the space between anor londo and pontiffs at 50 and before works great.

>his mom
here is your answer

Seeding is so much fun, though.


it worked

Did not, but I'm still testing with each post.

What is the point of even repairing weapons? I never had a weapon break on me.

no it did you're filtered wasn't that the point?

To repair weapons and armor that's Been broken of course. Miyazaki, our Lord and savior wouldn't ever put in a pointless feature :^)

I like the idea of this. Now genuine des etc talk wont get lost in the clutter of kakyoin poster and pcucks

No this was

Oh boy this is gonna take a while.

>Open /dsg/
>Scroll to bottom
>Some dude failing at tripping
>some dude talking to himself about jojo and console wars

Good to know nothing's changed

WTF I just realized that this is a console only general.

This is dumb.

Mr bones wild ride never ends. Don't expect anything different.

Is Dark Souls 3 more dead now?

It's at a playerbase count where it'll start until the dlc pops


Also does anyone else do this?
>use ember
>go into boss fight with phantoms
>last one alive
>use homeward bone to keep ember state

Meant state

Who here wishes to engage in jolly cooperation? New to DS3

Tomorrow? Gotta sleep.

I would, but im a PC player and there hasnt been a PC thread made yet

sorry bud


>even with PC only thread full of shitposts theyre dead as fuck
See i was right


Who would win in a fight, Hodrick or Champion Gundyr?

Hodrick. Is he as cheap as that dude in Eileen's Quest for Bloodborne, or is really a well designed NPC invader?

Ye. Maybe another time though since I'm about to study for uni. What's your so I can add you, user?

>inb4 DUDE

Gundyr. Hodrick was an idiot who got so scared of going crazy that he became crazy himself. Gundyr was a potential champion to link the fire but he found no bonfire in his shrine, so instead he serves as a guard and excellent fighter for new champions.

Anyone want to give me a hand on Pontiff? Xbox, pass is dsg.

SL 49, +5

In a couple hours, maybe 6 to 8 I'll be available. Moonman is the name.

Why has the caestus not been fixed yet?

What's wrong with Caestus?

I've been invaded countless times by people who think they're parry gods with their ultra-weapon hornet ring caestus, whiff 50 parries and flee to heal when they fuck up and get punished, then come back and try again for the same results.

I wish they would just do SOMETHING to the Caestus parries already so people stop using them so much.

>kill Hodrick
>sit down at bonfire
>he invades again


high wall
pass: dsg

Let me just boot my Wii up.

"Time is convoluted" is legit. Same with you helping Sirris killing Hodrick while he is already dead in your world. Everything that has to do with summoning and invading is time warp shit.

Give a rate? I forgot to grab Havel's set last playthrough, so I want to get that for the legs on the second set.

This is a console thread get back to your cancer containment board

R8 my character fashion progression.

First set is pretty good, second is not bad but I don't like it that much.

Not him, but this is still Veeky Forums

What is the current overpowered weapon for pvp?
Looking for easiest win/build, minimum effort.

PCFC when =)

can we please have on egeneral ?

why do console players get so triggered by people playing the game on PC?

They are too dead for fight clubs

>console players
There's your answer

Wait what? Is this guy being real?

I've never encountered this.

I just think that playing on PC makes no sense.

Dark Souls invasions got ruined on PC, because as soon as somebody's almost dead, they just Alt+F4 or turn on CE

>Is this guy being real?
Probably just mocking the pcuck guy as this was posted before the other thread autosaged due to mods being mods

You can turn off your console too, or just exit out and quite game

I've only encountered one hacker and he just flew around punching people for 1 damage and managed to kill himself by going outside the skybox

>the other thread got autosaged
wew, I guess that butthurt faggot really is a janitor
not that it matters anyway, these powerless faggots couldn't even stop the jojo avatarfag

To be fair, the PC community is toxic as hell and outright promotes cheating.

You forgot the armor-breaking curse weapons that get you banned for hacking if they hit you with it

oh yeah
no one ever disconnected on me when i played BB
you're totally right
good point, my friend
i like it

Cheaters are rare. Which surprises me because they seem to have given up on punishing it.
And you can pull the plug on a console all the same.

I have 214 hours and I have never experience this

>normal sunbroing
Get a shitty medal for helping a scrub kill a boss

>going rogue anti Sunbro and help invaders with Warmth
Get eternal gratitude and be showered with embers and messages from reds and purples

Help your friendly neighborhood invaders, they have been fucked enough by the devs

>armor-breaking curse weapons
didnt theyn patch out that

>the PC community is toxic as hell and outright promotes cheating
>Duping and smurfing in DeS was fine
>Box glitch in DS1 was fine

>BB glitch wasn't promoted
>stockpile thomas duping wasn't promoted
that selective memory

but duuuuude
no third-party programs involved
toootally ok

Sunbros are cancer, always. Doesn't matter who touches your sign and what you do.
Whites and reds are the only respectable phantom color

Duping didn't involve using 3rd party tools, kiddo, and save edittors would get shat all over by the console community. Trying to add one to the OP, would cause and instant shit storm.

Then DaS1 released on the PC and cheat engine was in the OP almost immediately.

>Casting Warmth

>Collecting 30 Vertebra Shekels

Are mods killing /dsg/ fully?
He wasn't joking about /kspg/

>Duping didn't involve using 3rd party tools, kiddo

Explain that to the people who got ganked by guys with 99 Blessings