Fighting Games General /fgg/
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How do we save fighting games?
Wait for BBCF and T7.
By waiting a month for blazblue centralfiction
Ricki is playing great for a girl.
by becoming a man
People never shit on Ricky for his playstyle.
He's legit, just insane.
toppest ninjas
Ricki/y is overrated af
xth for toppest queen of fighters
is mai added into doa yet?
Any tournament that Kbrad is at is confirmed garbage competition.
Mai = Buy
Will I like the actual BB story if I liked Remix Heart?
>crapcom STILL hasn't put colors up for sale
>won't be able to play black rashid for 9/11
what a an absolute blunder of a game this is
Where that English pre-order at Aksys
>trusting Aksys ever
Oh right
FUCK dude that would have been so EPIC
Amazon and Gamestop last time I checked
rip bonchan
>looking through the Manilla Cup Brackets for anyone I give a shit about
>Oil Man
lets go rashido
calm down, it wouldn't have been THAT funny
>air to air someone
>negative when we land
I hate this game
>try to air grab ryu since I cant anti air his j lk
>it beats my air throw
fuck this game
anybody down for some third strike fightcade?
o rite you can buy PS4 games on disks
>sf2 is outdated
>sf3 is a meme game
>sf4 is ass
>sf5 is unfunished
do we play sf1 or what
what the fuck is this dude wearing jesus christ
play blazblue
we don't play fighting games here.
Do you guys know of any high-medium end fightsticks that are a bit on the smaller side?
alpha 2
marvel 2
any 2
but thank you for the suggestion
>that image
I was considering it but now I changed my mind
Why play casualized gg when Xrd exists?
xrd is casualized gg you fucking newfag
+r still exists, so does #reload
It has 34 characters, for one.
No. Mai's story is miles above in quality compared to the blazblue story.
aksys openly stated that bb exists as a casual alternative to gg
My friend and I were discussing the alpha series, and we came to this conclusion
>Alpha 2 is traditional Street Fighter occasionally interrupted by dumb bullshit, while Alpha 3 is dumb bullshit occasionally interrupted by traditional Street Fighter
Do you agree?
>having friends
bb is harder to get into now desu
xrd is babby shit
Birdo time
was excited for birdo but this guy seems to blow
Thats whats holding Birdie down the most I think. Nobody good wants to bother with him.
Even garbage like Zangief has players like Itabashi
>bb is harder to get into
That must be why every tournament puts bb on the main stage instead of xrd.
Oh wait.
I want to be the first good Birdie with results but Canadians are historically free and I'm playing more and more Rashid
what does that have to do with tourneys
>SFV is the hardest fighting game ever made
A few more days. Anyone wanna play doa 5 on PS3?
Fighting game fundamentals is actually really hard to learn for a lot of people out there.
>alpha 2
I don't play mashing games
>capcuck picks the closest thing to shotos in kof
Truly we are the The True North strong and free!
Fundamentals take a lifetime to master
>Street Fighter V is the most fundamentals focused fighting game ever made
>Mai is a sin clone in a game where neutral is more important then knockdown compared to gg
enjoy your game bbabies.
>Rachel doesn't narrate the tutorial in CP
Fucking dropped
anybody here play 3s?
Sin's oki is literally eat every time though.
nah fuck that game lol
Mai doesn't even have a meat bar like Sin though. Wouldn't that already make Mai better?
Mai is an attractive male to female. She's already better than Sin.
>japanese character design
What if Mai had a lewd meter and you had to make her do a lewd pose to fill it.
why was sin considered broken anyway?
rip k-brad
>losing a 6.5 3.5 matchup
Beak Driver, slide, Ride the Lightning, instant overhead, easy combos, and ridiculous damage.
>save super for later
>don't use it
hmm, what did k-brad mean by this?
beak driver
absurd damage
fast meter gain
+ on block slide that goes more than half screen
dirty mixups like corner cross ups and instant overheads
running out of food didnt mater because lol prc starving animation
mainly he got dirty mixups only with 50+ meter but he always had that because his meter gain was ridiculous
he thought he had v trigger still so was waiting for it to put him on the otherside, unfortunately the cancel happened as it ran out and he didnt super off the confirm
or we could act like twitch chat and pretend hes garbage and we are really good at the game even though we are stuck in super bronze
elk hunt cancel
hey remember evo 2015
So she's Sin, but fair? Not seeing the problem. She also can't cancel specials into each other like him do I don't think it's fair to call her Sin. That's a pretty big difference.
in my head i remember it being the goat evo top 8, but then i start to remember elena. gamerbee got what he deserved, even though momochi picked her too
How do I fix my fireball game
hmm, i thought his arrow hit while v-trigger was still active
yes i remember nobi being a god.
blow on the cartridge and put it back in the nintendo
>wake up a moment ago
>"let's see if /v/ I mean /fgg/ is in full shitposting mode
So what K-Brad fucked up this time?
what went wrong?
lost vs. Oil Man, rashid player
post tracks you play fgs to
Lost to Rashid as Cammy lmaooooooooo it was close but it's a bad mu for Rashid.
Isn't Rashid's EX divekick fullscreen and crazy fast?
>Hooligan memes
does Veeky Forums only play modern weebshit and street fighter V?
It's only really fast if you use ex wws to enhance it so 2 meter but if you have the read it wins rounds, hooligan comb is definitely more useful than aerial v-skill.
I was thinking use it as a fullscreen whiff punish on shitty specials and/or normal.
Also doesn't the EX version have juggles?
Hey newfag, you should know /fgg/ doesn't play fighting games.
>does Veeky Forums play
The thread doesn't play shit. If you want games join the Discordâ„¢
tfw chin stand jab is a much better normal than his low jab but have to alternate between them to avoid autocombo
You can whiff punish but I don't know about fullscreen desu, v-skill version doesn't have juggle but you can throw it fullscreen and react to a fireballs with ex or land quickly and you should be safe
I miss Spooky.
I miss Seth Killian.
>trying to anti air a divekick character in jump fighter V
haha you deserve it you faggot just play ryu