Phreak's Summer Break Edition
Phreak's Summer Break Edition
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First for the posting of waifus and other stupid shit like that should be a bannable offense.
So how long does it take to get 6300 IP anyways? Is it generous at all?
About tree fiddy
Should I main Darius or Jayce for top lane?
Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.
jayce if you can play him, darius is just not worth it right now
made irrelevant by kennen gnar etc
Tell me a secret
I unironically main nasus
>best breasts
>absolutely zero breast
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Assuming you're playing 10 games a day all wins it would take you about 6-8 days
Lulu is flatter than Jinx
I once jacked off to magic's biggest secrets revealed s1 e2
I love snuff material even if I don't find it arousing.
only if I can record it for later
I fucked a guy from /d2g/
Found it on Netflix. Let's see if it's worth a fap.
What did he mean by this?
Sona's Big Sonas
Just kill me now.
How is undying rage balanced? Explain this
I'm going to kill myself.
He has a shit kit otherwise.
don't! i love you!
It's not and will be removed like poppy's if he ever gets reworked
Don't blow your load on him when he uses it.
Girls are hot. Not much to see though. Hope for some decent ass shots at some point. Did you pause at all or not? I'm trying to recreate this as best as possible.
I have fapped to Niels stuff.
In my defence, I fapped and then found out afterwards.
But it happens way more often than what I'm comfortable with.
*teleports behind you and waveclears for 40 minutes, then performs an INSEC*
This post is a delightful clusterfuck. Thank you for sharing it. :^)
So is kled underpowered? His scaling seems bad.
I'm the guy who masturbated to it.
I didn't really pause but there was a scene that was about putting a hot assistant in a box and i imagined what would it look like if she got trapped in this extremely tight space, and could only get out by sucking some dick. Sort of like an advanced glory hole.
I have no shame.
>4 people on your mean are chasing low hp viktor in your jungle while we can easily and safely kill a dragon
i fuckin hate this game.
>lane against Gnar
Nice game, lolbabs.
What were they thinking?
He's meant to be a lane bully but does very little damage and can't really harass people in lane. His kit makes him very sticky but without any CC or damage that doesn't mean much.
Was Gnar the biggest mistake Riot has ever made? Why can that little fuck do literally everything?
i feel disconnected from myself
what is this and how do i make it stop i'm genuinely scared, help me
Just finished. Required some imagination but it got the job done. Probably gonna finish this too it's interesting as fuck.
Uhh also league of legends. LeBlanc is kind of like a magician.
I started feeling like that years ago. Eventually you get used to it and reach a state of Nirvana where you just give no fucks about anything related to yourself.
Oy mate, I was the Katarina from that game
Meditate. Shit helps a lot
Well what are you going to do then,not attack him?
pop(py) music desu
you're gonna get temporary banned
you kite the melee champion my byronze friend
>Was Gnar the biggest mistake Riot has ever made?
No. All time biggest mistakes:
1. Lee Sin
2. Irelia
3. Zed
4. Azir
5. Gnar
(6. Nidalee)
(7. Rengar)
(8. Ashe)
(9. Thresh)
(10. Diana)
How do you kite a melee with a melee?
>Ashe and Diana
>Ekko,Fizz and Yasou not on that list
What melee champion are you playing that doesn't have a single cc in his kit you can use while trynd ults
Ekko and Yasuo are too recent to have the kind of damage over time as the others on that list. They will certainly enter the list at some point.
>b-b-b-but Azir
Unbelievable cancer rate over the time he was allowed to exist
Fizz/Kat problem was/is Zhonya's
what is "cc"?
nidalee? diana? ashe?
Fiora doesnt have CC. She seemed interesting so I picked her up during sale
Out of ALL the champs this godforsaken game has, you chose her. Why? Like the other user said where's the fish of free 6 sec Zhonyas, win samurai of free stats and #bigplays or chronigger of asassinating with no items.
Compare tot hat Ashe's one of the slowest ADCs and has no mobility to boot.
fiora has cc if the enemy does
Literally permanently slowed.
He didn't even mention Azir tho, he mentioned Ashe, you know, the ADC that was useless for the longest period of time? The only that can only kite but not actually escape.
And if you are going to talk about "b-b-but cancer rework" than that rework is newer than anything on the list.
The grey swordmans CC doesnt even have sprites so its hard to parry
>fiora doesn't have cc
what is riposte
it has a slow and cripple effect
correction she has added cc when they do
you can usually bait it out of him though. he ults, you run away. he'll pretty much immediately use his w so you can use yours.
It's not like her kit is impossible to balance or anything. This feels rather overboard.
This may be the stupidest reason to cal lsomeone cancer I've ever heard. Especially since she also moves like she's permanently slowed and is ass at keeping multiple people off her (fucking hell, barring her ult she can't keep any of the asassins in the game off her anyway).
Even if he doesnt w, it still has a 50% ms and as speed slow on it.
They legit made her kit worse than release
what the fuck was the whole point of this
>get promoted
>immediately 4 loss streak including 2 afk from starts
wp riot
Ekko and Yasou should be at very top along with Fizz because even when the meta wasn't supposed to favor them or when they didn't build items that were supposed to benefit them they were still able to get away with it. Metagolem should've made them effective and the tank Fizz/Yasou/Ekko bullshit only made any other champ in the same lane irrelevant.
Ashe, and to a larger extent Irelia, literally accelerated Riot's decision to create a fixed meta with specific ideas for what was "acceptable" in certain lanes.
Ashe also managed to begin the great mobility power creep, where melee champs needed the ability to blink/dash/teleport on low cooldown or eat shit.
That list is a historic list of game changing cancer that has altered the game in fundamental ways that has persisted well after the champion themselves might have dissolved into irrelevance. That you and that other poster seem to think Ashe is somehow out of place there is part of the point. Her damage was so far reaching and universal that its taken for granted the "new" game that resulted.
>what is slash remake
what a crazy play
i'm glad you posted this
it doesnt work if they connect for even 1 single second then dc again
But she is literally, LITERALLY a rip-off of another DotA champ with a stolen skill from another. And like, one of the first 10 champs in the game.
She isn't some sort of a cancer trigger point, she was a manifestation of all the ways RIOT worked to simplify LoL to DotA.
tl;dr Ashe did not start any cancerous trends, she's just the itteration of all the shit philosophies RIOT has to this day.
>He didn't even mention Azir tho, he mentioned Ashe, you know, the ADC that was useless for the longest period of time?
I get the feeling I am talking to anons that played season 2 or later.
>The only that can only kite but not actually escape.
Yep, because Ashe literally began a mobility creep trend that makes her now eat shit. It was out of necessity out of the start, now its standard.
>And if you are going to talk about "b-b-but cancer rework" than that rework is newer than anything on the list.
Nope. Lee Sin's "handiwork" was mostly through his release up through most of season 3.
Irelia is periodic. Zed seasons 2-4. Nidalee for her release up through season 4. Thresh for the devastation he brought (and continues to bring) starting in seasons 3 and 4.
You are welcome user.
The fuck are you talking about? The only reason she became popular, if even, was the fact that attack speed/crit items were buffed and her passive worked well with attack speed and crit.
I don't think you understand the even being in the vicinity of an ashe with runanns or even just her W is a 4sec 25% slow.
I'm not defending assassins, though, let me get that out of the way right now.
I am not talking about current Ashe. Or even the Ashe of the past few years.
The mobility creep LITERALLY started because of Ashe. That we have jokes like Yasuo that have gap closing as a resource is literally a descendant of what began as a way to deal with Ashe's permanent kiting in pre-season 1 up through season 2.
i love playing support
>estimated queue 3:28
>actual queue 13:00
Again, you are crazy Ashe started nothing, she's just a manifestation of LoL's shitty designs. The mobility creep has EVERYTHING to do with the lack of turn rates making kiting insane in LoL, So then melees needed mobility, but then they also gave ranged mobility and so on and so forth. It's retarded to think Ashe specifically had anythingto do with this.
Not defending current Ashe but he specifically said the lit is about older champs (AKA the older they are the more damage their cancer has caused) and Old Ashe was just simply NOT cancer in the sense he is painting it (in fact she was at her strongest being played back when Mid was the ADC lane, just spamming W) and even at her worst is nowhere near as bad as Ekko/Fizz/Yas/Lucian.
I've played back then, but the same is true of every melee champ. Mobility creep began because of no turn rates. RIOT was just retarded enough to make one champs kiting EXTRA SPICY so you are focusing on her unjutly (most attacking melees got blasted to kingdom come before they did anything, why do you think Yi's Alpha works like it does, or Trynd has his ult?).
Again the game was designed with Ashe as one of the original cast, like made with the game. If she's cancer, thats just because this games design philosophy is cancer.
Remeber old Jax+Zil? Or the fact that this is Ryze's THIRD rework and he had Brand's ult and AP on AAs back then? I'd sooner call Jax or Ryze cancer because they started RIOT's delusions of "fixing" champs into even more cancerous versions.
>using protobelt TF
>The damage unless I hit all the bolts is shit.
>ludens Lichbane gives me better damage without putting myself near danger
Why do pros like this item? It's awful in team fights and you have to hit multiple bolts or you do no damage.
t. Dotashill
Go back to your own general and talk about how cancerous it is with your other circlejerking buddies
>there is another Vlad x Vayne lewd
>it's fucking hideous just like the last one
These people are making me regret hyping up the ship
>shipping anyone at all
Autist detected.
this was much faster than the last two accounts, i was only level 13 on this account, only got one chat ban before this.
literally everyone on this game is a fucking pussy
Mobility rather than damage.
Plus if you do want to burst harder with it you have a big point and click stun.
>lalalalala I can't hear you the game is perfect and not shit at all
your own fault tbqh
>A rank
>be gold 4
>get an unranked blitzcrank on my team
>a silver 1 Caitlyn
>a plat 4
>and a gold 5
>evemy team get two plat 5s
>two gold 2s
>and a gold 3
>Silver Caitlyn
>Unranked Blitz
>Velkoz plat 4 mid
>ww jungle that goes cinderhulk
>I'm Illaoi top
>Plat 5 Singed
>Plat 5 Ahri
>Gold 3 Draven
>Gold 2 Morg
>Gold 2 Lee
>kill singed once, know it's not gonna do much because he'll just split endlessly
>ww dies to the red camp twice
>he dc's
>comes back a few seconds later
>dies to lee
>bot give a double kill
>ahri dicks Velkoz
>I'm just up here feeling sad
>late game rolls around
>singed just sprinting around
>velkoz misses everything and attempt to KNOWLEDGE him to death
>Blitz keeps pulling Lee in to Caitlyn and he just kicks her teeth in
What is this sick joke.
It was nice when I was in a 1v1 environment but it was fucking me over otherwise. Everyone had a million times more mobility so I was fucked.
I often play with a friend botlane and he is so fucking bad and tilts into 0/10 stats that I am forced to play raka to not instalose lanes with him. It's dirty, but the only way in extreme cases