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Phonecall to the Forest edition

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I will hunt you down!

second for shitty OC

imagine using this on fatigue

endless possiilities

i thought they MURDERED blade flurry to give rogues better weapons

how come all we get is a shitty fucking 3 mana 3/2 fork you have to pay 3 manas upfront to even have

>emoting faggot
>has one of the shitty p2skin heroes
>sends me a friend request and bitches at me

how fucking pathetic do you need to be?

I've been conceding won games all day just to get friends and complete the fucking W&L in the Americas.
No one ever accepted. Please help me out: PorcoSolare#2132

>When you're so desperate to keep the early game that you've resorted to putting Defias Ringleaders in your Miracle

On the bright side, ever since I switched to Questing Adventurers, I've been ending games on turn 6. I just wish Shamans couldn't do the same to me.

oh shit who dis



young priestess


>heh, greetings
>heh, greetings
>heh, greetings
>heh, gree-"the sound of double eviscerate hitting his face for the kill because he chose to play acolyte instead of armor up"


How prevalent is zoolock nowadays on ladder?

I mean I've been playing a midrange tempo mage replacing flamestrikes with summoners and I've been crushing it against the mirror, hunters and druids I've faced today. Went 5-1 for my daily today and the only loss was to a zoolock, mostly because my opening was shit (got all of my high cost stuff early) and he curved out well with leeroy to finish. Despite all that I still nearly stabilized, surprisingly. Still, they seem pretty uncommon these days.

Stuff like flamestrike or even blizzard just seem too slow these days, zoo would be one of the few decks I might need it against but even then if I get my early game I doubt it's that troublesome. Only thing left to test against is aggro shaman (didn't run into a single one today at rank 14-13, no idea why, a lot of other mages though weirdly enough), but I have plenty of removal and beefy guys and water elementals for freeze, flamestrike is way too slow and honestly, everything loses to aggro shaman so even if I can just 50/50 it I'd be satisfied.

A 5/5 with Taunt that lowers its cost every time you play a totem XD

A 4 mana 7/7 but with overload 2 XD

A 1/3 that increases its attack PERMANENTLY every time you use overload XDD

it's quite common since people are memeing with discard

Got something even better
What are some decks that use this bad boy?

Filler when you don't have good cards.

>See no druids for 10 games
>Switch to yogg druid
>3 druids in a row

He was pretty good back then. You can still use its as fine "removal" on legs. Might be fine in a divine shield centered paladin deck.

I guess we'll see how it goes. Mostly just want mana wyrm/flamewaker/arcane missiles/frostbolt against them and I should be fine I think. I only just started playing the deck and taking stats on it though, played against 1 zoo, 1 token druid, 1 dragon warrior, and 3 mages and only lost to the zoo. Even then I felt like if I didn't get a shit opening hand (the kind of hand with all 5 and 6 drops and then you draw a portal, where you're like yeah I'm fucked from turn 1) I could have won even without blizz/FS, which I can also get from conjurer or book btw.

Even then I feel like I'd run blizzards instead of FS's but it just feels like such a shit card compared to summoner in every matchup that isn't zoo. And even with zoo you've still got missiles and flamewaker and mana wyrm and shit like that, where if you can just manage the early game and don't let zoo snowball then summoner would still be better. I also hate playing blizzard or flamestrike and then they just play doomguard or leeroy and I'm like "well fuck..."

Neat idea but possibly actually too good a card. The ability to always play a strong on-curve minion is useful to a huge number of decks in Hearthstone, although it does lack some flexibility compared to the normal Nerubian (because it can get too expensive for you to cast with other stuff you need to do in a turn) albeit you can draw into it. Terrifying with Brann too.

fugg you rogue shouldnt have good board clears they need to play the whole game from behind XD
t. brode

Nothing makes my dick harder than Dr.Boom into Call of the Wild.

Holy shit this game

>look at my old decks I haven't touched in five months
>swap 4 things out of my dragon priest
>climb 3 ranks before I keep getting matched against nothing but aggro shaman

>the whole game from behind
Thief Rogue here, all the new "create cards from opponent classes" cards help a LOT now. Combine their 1/2/3 cost with the usual cheap rogue removal, and random additional removal/threats generated, its pretty great.

Of course it would be a lot better with Flurry but it still works.

>Thief Rogue here, all the new "create cards from opponent classes" cards help a LOT now.
I'd love, I would fucking LOVE, to believe that if every time I played Thief Rogue I didn't get absolute fucking garbage from the opponent.

you play a 1/1 for 1 then a 2/2 for 2
your opponent plays a 1/3 for 1 and then a 3/3 charge for 2
you are behind

>try playing this shit
>only get purify, blood warriors or play rogue mirrors

>try to play this
>only get top cards and win 90% of the matches

So I guess I wait till wednesday to complete this quest.

I get your pain. I'm probably just a lucky bastard cause I get RIDICULOUS stuff all the time. Like vs my last hunter, I got animal companion, freezing trap, Kill command and Bad Wolf (what the name again? Freezing trap took care of his highmane and well he got destroyed by my push. I'd say 75% of the time or so I get pretty usable cards.

It's not so hard

Get warlock and play with the priest cards

>any warlock deck that's not zoo leaves with reno
>handlock already kill with giant nerf

thanks blizz

just rope every turn

Sure thing Brode, remove faceless instead of portal.




I mean fuck, I appreciate it since I got to maintain my winstreak up into rank 12 now, and I got a shit-tier start (drake and both portals early, mana wyrm too late and with no spells to buff it) while he was curving out on me and felt like I was probably gonna lose, but still holy shit. I guess he just really had to take a shit or something, lol.

I report people who do this to blizzard btw

Probably had to leave right now.

This is the most fun deck atm and you can't prove me wrong

Blizzard can't prove that you aren't "thinking" every turn and planning ahead.

How do you survive with just 1x portal? I think you really want 2. Cutting 1 violet for that might be best,since you really want to portal asap vs aggro and need to hit them.

Well yeah I assume that (although him mousing over the drake and pausing for a while before actually conceding makes me wonder) and honestly considering the board state I would probably still win with flamewaker intellect (or a better spell if I drew one) into double portals even if he menagerie'd me, but all that aside yeah I figured he just had to leave immediately.

Just wish I could know the reason why they had to quit all of a sudden. I mean it had to be an emergency of some sort I imagine, I'd play casual if I knew some shit was coming up I'd have to leave immediately for soon. Or a different game entirely where I could quit at any time with no consequences.

I mean obviously I can hypothesize why but I will never know the specific reason.

?? lol

people played this deck for months with 0 portals

getting a teacher on the board and developing token will win you more games against aggro portal will.

>the other day, go on twitch while playing because bored, no one online.
>End up looking at Mhova stream since she's cutie and playing hs
>She's actually not even playing hs (in brawl, doing NOTHING, even conceding because she misses entire turn just talking about herself)
>Comment in chat how this is a great HEARTHSTONE stream
>Get banned
Is there a way to report dumb fucking cunt who are on twitch and dont even play games? I stayed for a while because it was hilarious how many people got banned for saying... anything really. You comment about ONE thing and get instantly banned. Bravo.

Alright. I just saw Reynad play this deck a lot and he uses two portals, and he simply seem to die when he's not able to get them on time.

But hey, I'm not playing the game myself so I'm no expert, thanks for the answers.

Portal is 6 mana, you don't want to play that shit against aggro desu, you want to remove their shit and play yours

Portal is more for slower matchups where you can trade ancient of war into a minion, then heal him and get a bigger one

remember to donate!

>I'm not playing the game myself
I mean I'm not playing the deck.

it happened again
place your bets boys

portal is slow and greedy

innervate and wild growth is what win you the game
and teacher is one of the best most broken cards in the deck

and reynad a shit

why are you giving advice if you don't even know what you're talking about?

Feral rage is better against aggro to be honest, costs less, it's flexible so that you can remove something or gain armor




WIIIINDS obey my command

I could bait and fish aaaaall day!

>Rogue still has no good heal mechanic


Just saw him playing it a lot, 2 seemed important but I get why its not THAT important now since others explained.


>it's 14 right now

Hillary Clinton dying on camera

just burgle priest of the feast

It's the healthiest candidate to ever run for office.

>druid moonglade portal's himself, gets a dread infernal
>kill it with firelands portal, also there's an azure drake in play, also get a stranglethorn tiger

How is this fair?

People always complain about aggro shaman but surely Tempo Mage is the real OG cancer, no? More than 2/3rds of the deck are cards that give you major card advantage, it's insane. Mana wyrm is arguably better than trogg because you don't have to overload to make it effectively, you can play a 3/2 and kill a golem for only 3 mana, etc. Flamewaker is broken and the rest of your deck just makes shit cheaper, draws cards, or does insane burst damage from hand that can't be interacted with, effective and absurdly cheap for both removal or going face, with no drawbacks. Frostbolt has no drawback. Fireball has no drawback. Firelands Portal has no drawback. Arcane missiles have no drawback.

It's dumb and I love it

>How is this fair?
wrong game pal

It relies too much on RNG

Also I don't like Firelands

I got this right after opening golden jaraxxus earlier
not as exciting

>Packs left to open
user... are you actually spending money on this?

>golden jaraxxus
>handlock is ded


They don't need to "prove" shit, they're not the justice system. If enough people complain you're toast.

>If enough people complain you're toast.
Toast of what? They cant ban someone for being slow. This isn't the highway.

For intentionally fucking up my play experience and making me less likely to spend shekels :^)

Yeah it's right here.

In general though avoid watching those sorts of streams entirely. Worst case scenario, watch the VODs of good streamers, or youtube vids. Like I almost never watch Reynad or Lifecoach live but I love watching their VODs since I can pause or skip past annoying/boring bullshit.

>Get board control vs Yogg mage
>Infested tauren, infested tauren slime, and a 1-1 on board. 19 hp
>He has nothing
>Drops Yogg
>THEN AVENGING TO CLEAR MY TAUNT. Plus He got extra dogs from unleash
>Savage roar
>Call of the Wild


>crafted golden Jaraxxus and golden Mal'ganis
>only got 120 wins out of them
What do i do with them now?

It's harder to get a great curve going than aggro shaman or hunter and easier to get fucked by flamewanker or missiles going not where they were supposed to.

But other than that, it's pretty cancerous in its own right for sure.

Garrosh here. I've been playing control warriro since around naxx. My routine is:
- start a movie/series episode
- start hs
- rope every single turn
I've been doing this since then, every day, every season. I've never been banned.

tech that minion that makes others cost 1 mana +

I save up around 1000-1500 gold and then buy a bunch of packs at a time
opening packs en masse is more fun than drip feeding them to yourself


do you not get those 10-15 pack stretches of 40 dust packs or what

always happens when i open a bunch

absolutely devilish

not him, but are you seriously saying what I think you're saying? That rng of packs is DIFFERENT en masse vs individually? If so, top kek

give me a big hug

Pretty sure you're guaranteed at least an epic every ten packs, but I still get streaks of four commons one rare packs. And it does suck when it happens.

That just makes it the best cancer deck out there. The RNG makes it more fun and exciting, like fireball into an arcane giant and both flamewaker shots hit the giant to kill it. Honestly even if the RNG doesn't go your way it's often still not even that bad since the deck is loaded with so much 2-for-1 shit and burn, like if you firelands and kill a dude and just get a vanilla 3/4 out of it that's mediocre but still pretty great in the end. It's nearly impossible to lose out on a conjurer or summoner because they're just solid minions by themselves, portals at least kills a guy or goes face for a lot, etc.

You get the fun of discover and RNG mechanics but the options are never bad (a summoner can't pull a doomsayer for example, or barnes for a vanilla 1/1), it's always either just kinda decent to fucking insanely OP.

If you want to add some icing on the cake: never accept friends request after the games. It may be tempting to see them mad, but its even better to not give them the ability to vent to you. This way they are stuck with their frustration.

What is better between: Control warrior (Elise/Yogg to finish) or C'Thun Warrior? I can do either.

>Clinton wins the election
>Clinton dies from bad karma
>Her running mate becomes president
Literally the best case scenario.

Well yeah, in that sense it is like yogg since the likelihood of a positive outcome is much greater than getting fucked.

cthun is only good vs control

>Literally the best case scenario.
get a load of this cuck, you're not an american are you?