don't cry for me Argentina
9/11 ksp9 #4
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Can't we do anything about this faggot jani?
Yes. Plant the autosage triggers in other generals and tell them they have been ruled illegal by a tribunal of mods.
Tell them it was a pilot program with kspg, and now that they know it works, they're going to destroy all the generals they feel are "illegal"
What are the mods gonna do about it? :^)
Some other tips, feel free to then make lifeboat threads that also have the Trigger words, this deflates their hope it's a one-off event. And be sure to let them know there is still a fighting spirit that wants to end this corrupt practice of autosaging generals mods don't like.
Don't tell us about it until after it happens though, because Angry Janon will show up and tell the target thread what's going on.
Olluh-hu kerbbar
/fog/ finally figured it out
catfucker ruined it again
Dont fucking do it to /cfog/. We are winning a civil war here, and this made them look stupid
Don't worry user, only heretical threads deserve the treatment. But I do have my eyes on /wtg/ and /egg/ at some point in the near future.
Maybe /xivg/?
So why is Angry user spamming other generals again?
Clarifying Point: this user is trying to obfuscate the identity of Angry user by discussing someone who by matter of mere coincidence happens to be acting angrily at the moment.
Thanks for reading this Clarifying Point!
Thank you for the (You) Angry user but you still didn't answer the question. Why do you spam other generals? How is that supposed to benefit us?
Maybe the discord can give you the answer, user.
This thread is not sanctioned by the Official /kspg/ Discord Server. The stance of the Official /kspg/ Discord Server is that we are now only a discord chatroom due to its superiority as a means of communication.
Please report and hide.
>not using anonymous imageboards only
Being tied to a specific identity is like having a jew star Angry user, you should know this best.
So what did the devs lie, when is the next version coming out? I still can't play on Linux.
Rocket part revamp being cancelled entirely pretty much is the Big Lie of 1.2
hah loonix is the new Mac of the ksp community hope you liked 1.0.5 cuz it's all ur gettin for a loooooong time
They're totally not pushing it back again for the polish update that adds clouds and that thing that modder accidentally discovered they had built but never enabled.
Internally, the update's called "finishing touches"
>Badie promoted to lead dev
Uh, didn't Kasper just get fired?
This should be remade to reflect the actual time line, to see if it's more or less depressing.
Its more depressing irl than in the image.
And so it must be made.
The phantom force harv added to stop things sliding downhill should be added, as well as the quote about finally finding the pesky bug causing things to slide uphill.
------------------------------- FRESH OFF THE PRESS VOTE IMMEDIATELY -------------------------------
>angry user
Kspg golden age soon?
Hillary 2016
I'm sure some schizo will come out of the woodworks and sperg about tax evading mexicans in a multi-post rant but watching after Hullo's video on 1.2 I have to admit this update isn't that bad compared to thing that have been pulled in the past
Who else is looking forward to >ready for 1.2