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/fog/ - Fallout General
Other urls found in this thread:
Let's see.
Working? Working.
So was it really something in the links causing it?
The imgur links?
Probably, it happens to other generals sometimes.
If it doesn't work, then fuck it.
Maybe the mega links.
There was too much shit in the OP anyway.
Is the /fog/ website still alive? we could offload all the shit there and keep the OP clean.
Hello, Fallout General posters.
Just so you know, you're autosaging because a former /kspg/ poster named MAN has squeezed the "kerbal" word in your OP.
>HOW TO CONVERT SKYRIM / OBLIVION / NV / FO3 ETC MODELS TO FO4 + Bodyslide >>>>""kerbal""
kek nice one kerbMAN
lol and because no one actually reads the OP it worked for quite a while
Kek that was clever.
Nobody fucking read op.
If your general suffers from this again, please check the OP for words in the links, in the titles and edit it so it doesn't have anymore filter triggers. Spread the word.
Yes, please tell everyone about how the words "kerbal" and "kspg" are autosaged.
Make it a permanent fixture at the top of your OP
Now I'm wondering what those generals did that made mods go this far.
crashing this thread
Also, suck my balls, MAN.
Same. How can a general thread on Veeky Forums be so cancerous mods had to step in?
Waifus and fags and waifus and fags and waifus and fags
Well openly advocating pirating the game in the OP probably didn't help things
Our regulars have been hunted since the "1.0" version of the game came out last year. "Your memes are toxic" turned into "this thread is being quarantined" which turned into endless deletion on sight and autosaging filters.
It's been the same janitor the whole time. His activity skyrockets (heh) during PR campaigns and updates and he unabashedly posts with us, making threats and delivering on them routinely.
Do your raider settlements get attacked?
there are no waifus in "kspg" you kneejerking retard
Any one know how to fix this?
Its the dirt from the first time you pick up the pipboy that your character rubs off but it didn't disappear for some reason.
Turn off SSAO, or use HBAO+.
/gsg/ has done that I think since the inception of Veeky Forums, and just gets posts deleted
Mod favoritism or was/is /kspg/ really that bad?
Didn't they use to invade boards and spam "Hullo" and pictures of Scott Manley's face?
thanks ill try that, been turning off each one of my mods thing it was that but none of them seemed to be causing it only 47 restarts later
There are gaps, but the deleted icons in the archives go back more than two years. For on topic posts, often.
Only when someone would post "I love this game!" on /v/ and the whole thread was rave reviews and hype for upcoming releases along with suggestions that you preorder... usually when new content about a release was being published.
>inb4 the next thread has the same problem
I hope you changed the pastebin
Kspg was fine until some sperg started sperging and some other spergs started turbosperging about the previous spergs sperging. Then the turbospergs went to the mod irc to try and get the first sperg banned forever but only succeeded in totally killing kerbal sperg program general.
ok, MAN.
MAN should've dialed it way the fuck back but the rest of us are to blame too for getting mad at him
Proper new thread. Let this one slide now the problem is fixed
Since u must provide defence for them Iam pretty sure the minute men or bos will attack them
Is this thread going to stay up then?
What the fuck happened a once lively thread is now slower than the Elite Dangerous general was before the combining.
So what you're saying is if people keep shitposting here because they dislike a certain tripfag and then somehow that gains traction and 70% of the thread becomes shitposting /fog/ could end up the same way.
All because idiots can't let something go.
That's pretty much it.
No because /fog/ has gotten that bad before and we're still here.
Because FO4 has been out for a while now, long enough for us to run out of discussion on the vanilla game yet not out long enough to have a decent mod scene to talk about.
Therefore all we are left with is shitposting and waifufaggotry, and that only flies for so long.
I like the water buffalo elephant and the moose one. I just wish it didn't have the coloration if some faggot burning man shit.
Did fog try to take things into their own hands and ask the mods directly to ban a troublemaker?
That's right user. Shitting up a thread isn't the hard part. It's letting go.
>Wasn't here for the saga of Bama
Yes, check the feedback for asking about avatars. Those were done by old /fog/ because a poster had an ugly ghoul waifu and /fog/ would shitpost entire threads whenever he posted her. Got so bad you couldn't post a female character without the whole thread going apeshit and it caused a lot of our modders to leave because they couldn't take it anymore. It's why we only have Niero, Buff, Trainwiz and Kos now.
None of this addresses the real issue, that being the fact that SJWs are infiltrating us and attempting to convince us that the Railroad is best faction and Synth Lives Matter. The fact is, /fog/ will never bow to these Juden, nor will we accept racemixing in our games. Death to the Railroad, death to SJWs, and death to coalburning race mixers in this game.
I don't mean to c-contradict you b-but /kspg/ didn't have w-waifus
Oh such a shame, it looks like complete shit
WTF sort of mod did you download?
How cute, a five year old's first mod.
>tfw nobody in kspg had hotglued a valentina figurine yet
heck of a shotgun
Nobody is posting in here because SICK HILLARY collapsed into a jiggling bag of shit while being propped up by her MK Ultra handlers.
No, its because theres a better thread
sauc or gtfo
Are you joking