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/fog/ - Fallout General
1st for kerbal
How long until we get an FO4 Ultimate Edition because I am itching to get stuck right in to another Fallout game that isn't NV for once
>inb4 a single mention of this word in any thread on Veeky Forums means instant autosage
s mh t bh senpai
Last time was fun, let's do it again
If you were making Fallout 5, how would you improve Power Armor?
Previous suggestions:
>Make the Pain Train perk a built-in feature
>Immunity to standard small arms fire
>Properly establish T-60's lore
>Rare as balls and expensive to maintain
>Allow mounting of guns to free up hands
>Disallow use of certain small arms due to size of gauntlets
>Implement overheating mechanics that affect MFCs
I'd put vibrating dildo's in mine that I can activate from the helmet UI thing.
You pretty much nailed it. Maybe special unarmed attacks and kill moves for PA
The eject core button is not tied to grenades and bashing.
Power armor unique weapons that can only be wielded in it, either as direct Automatron esque mounts or in the almost hoped for bit with the minigun strength check in Concord.
Replace the feet with Sentry bot bidirectional wheels, along with a related perk.
Each perk level gives you better control over the wheels.
If it was really my decision, I'd start by making a spin-off game centered around the wartime use of PA. This would give me more freedom to explore what I actually want out of PA, and how to make it fun.
sage because of two threads
So I need some suggestions on which of the two major weather mods to get because I've never used Vivid Weathers and I'm not sure if It's worth getting over True Storms.
What do you personally use? Why?
Reposting more uniques cause I still need testers
All weapons are in a chest in sanctuary.
>Allow mounting of guns to free up hands
Smart gun mod when?
>encounter a group of Gunners near an old tank
>light them up because easy loot
>one of them jumps into the tank through the commander's cupola
>the turret turns towards you
wasted potential t b h
Is this meant to be this heavy?
>was just playing Mad Max
Man I wish I could smash these games together.
Look at the damage. It's a trade off.
Yeah, I'd rather be able to walk at a good pace than be restricted to slow plodding for the whole game, thanks
Then don't use it, duh.
How much do you think a giant anchor should weigh?
75% is a pretty big trade off... even 50% is pretty huge but at least that's tolerable with sprint. I would expect like 700 damage for a tradeoff like that.
Well it should at least be usable. Make it 120 weight so you have the new trade off of not being able to have much loot rather than the bad trade off of The entire game is unplayable
Why would I use this meme weapon over Atom's Judgement which can easily do the same amount of damage and then some
What are some intelligence boosting gear and items?
Grape mentats for 5+ intelligence but anything better?
That's the base damage. Right now the base damage is at 175. For comparison, a baseball bat deals around 12 damage.
With full melee perks and strength, you can easily hit over 10k.
See, that's the thing. There's a trick to using it you aren't getting. You're slow, sure, but there are forward attacks on this weapon that actually move you forward significantly. Meaning that your movement will be based on sprinting forward with those moves rather than walking.
I will probably reduce the weight though. Probably down to 350, since with full strength the highest weight you can carry is around 400 or so.
Because you can't. This is a fully un-upgraded weapon with 0 perks. With all the relevant perks and a good deal of strength, it'll hit exponentially harder.
Oh, and you get a fog crawler pet. That's also a big plus.
Instead of hampering movement how about you reduce dramatically swing speed instead? Or how about putting a str requirement?
>See, that's the thing. There's a trick to using it you aren't getting. You're slow, sure, but there are forward attacks on this weapon that actually move you forward significantly. Meaning that your movement will be based on sprinting forward with those moves rather than walking.
Thats fucking stupid
You are making a weapon that no one is going to use.
Also its going to be completely broken once you hop into power armor and your strength shoots up to 11
So ive been debating whether or not i should get fallout 4. Is it dumbed down garbage? And if it is, can mods fix it?
Have you tried the forward attacks?
>Also its going to be completely broken once you hop into power armor and your strength shoots up to 11
That's why it's so slow. It shouldn't over-encumber you, but you shouldn't be able to carry a giant anchor AND a shitton of junk too.
The slow effect is intentional, it forces you to use the forward attacks to move and attack strategically. 75% might be a bit much, 50% to 60% might be better.
>2 threads
I want a unique marine themed power armor, rusty and covered in barnacles with an immersion helmet, oxygen tanks that nullifies the movement malus
It's dumbed down but you can use mods to create a nice character and atmosphere. This may be enough to have fun going around killing things.
help your companion you monster
Reminder that there were tons of idiots here who believed this
It does get a lot of it accurate, in hindsight.
A lot of it is and the rest probably changed in the last few months before release. Considering games go into Beta(content complete) only 3-4 months before release it's not that far fetched that a lot changed since that retard left the company.
I think something broke
maybe allow modification of the frame, rather than just the armor pieces. As far as I am aware the duration of power cores can only be enhanced with perks, while it would make more sense to modify the frame to be more efficient.
best/mandatory mods for fallout 4?
Unofficial FO4 patch
Spring Cleaning
Place Everywhere
That's about it, FO4 still doesn't have a solid and stable UI mod
There is this mod called Play it next year it's really fucking good but hard to get.
Better sorting and DEF_UI too
Absolutely nothing from this list
The only things "she" got right were either from the real leak (kotaku.com
And that "leak" was from June of last year, only 5 months prior to release. That's an awful lot of shit to change in 5 months. Keep in mind they basically had to stop working on the game a couple months before release so they could press discs and everything.
Big waifus!
>Unofficial FO4 patch
Skip "Home Sweet Home"
>"Western pistol"
>looks like something manufactured in the 1970s
Piece of shit. Why not implement the SAA like in New Vegas again?
>Keep in mind they basically had to stop working on the game a couple months before release so they could press discs and everything.
No, the game goes into beta(content locked) the very second they have a master for first party certification, as in no big roadblocks that prevent the player from finishing the critical path, once they get the green light from sony/ms they start the presses. The whole process(beta to release) takes about somewhere between 6-9 weeks and i'm sure AAA publisher get preferential treatment for certification. That leaves plenty of time to iterate on some details that, at most, only require a couple more VA lines and scripting work.
Literally unplayable Tbh
Okay so
BOS-Mostly true effectively true in game
Institute-slightly true yet to see a downtown synth, just northern
Talon company - false, unless gunners which are just reskinned raiders count
Supermutants - true
raiders - true
ghouls - true
spore plants-false
Wiks-false near true if Maccready and gunners
platform - sort of true
Developer-false, game is developed by DDproductions
Gameplay- very true, sits in box and is never able to be loaded without crashing
I saw that you have pics on the nexus. How do you even play the game with such a HUGE character? Surely the joke gets old for you at some point and you just want to be normal..
Look at this piece of shit.
Honestly just go to nexus and look for mods yourself picking out all the mods and getting them to work is more entertaining and time consuming then the game itself.
I'm pretty sure it's just a slightly edited .44 revolver.
Should've been a fucking Colt Dragoon or something
I really like the willow of the wisp laser effect
Saturnite kills me in a few seconds, seems completely awful
In other words, bringing in a female VA to record all of her lines for a female player character is unreasonable.
TFW New Vegas ruins your mood for the day
>reload animation takes five minutes
No thanks. Cartridge-fed or bust.
>one of the mods I was most looking forward to is going to be shit because the fool making it doesn't know balance or game design
I love looking at my waifu's beefy body!
>being normal
>not accepting that some people actually find things you potentially find odious attractive
You're about the most naive Veeky Forums poster I've ever seen.
That's why i said a lot of it is true, not everything. Maybe that retard tried to make his story more interesting, put a couple baits in there, maybe his info was just outdated on other aspects. Courtnay said she was recording lines for 2 years so yes, there are some holes to the whole story.
Wish I knew how to do conversions like you do. Tried my hand at it and always fuck things up.
What I want to know is how does he deal with shit like Mama Murphy or various female ghouls being incredibly swole
I downloaded Janebod, modified the proportions in Bodyslide to get really nice muscle definition, exported it, took the .nif and modified it further in Outfit Studio to get the proportions right (shoulder width, hip width, thick thickness & shape, etc.), then bada bing.
Then I just use that body shape as a reference every time I want to appropriate a new outfit to her body shape. Easy peasy!
> rad rabbit and chicken
>might be expected to be seen in farmland in the commonwealth or farmland in nuka world
> lol nope can be only found in thick fog on the island
I like the look of Rodd Howard, but does it actually do anything?
Still want someone to mod power armor like this
Chinese High Quality really is pretty high quality, very fun and much more powerful than a regular missile in my limited experimentation with it
Willow is so cool but I don't think it actually tracks anything
>got no time lately because college
>just played the contravemptions workshop DLC
>vault stuff, pretty great
>it's not that bad, even
>get delicious vault suit butt as well
Well nice to see the general is as shitty as it always was.
Would you please just trip already so people can filter your useless shitposts?
You building a cave village instead of a normal vault too?
Well, first i'm figuring out how to connect all the shit in it too; so far mr. Todd didn't put adequate corners, but i've managed to make a fairly good dorm room and an adequate vault entrance as well, along with everyone wearing vault suits.I'll have a autism at that next weekend, need to play Nuka World now.
You know he could, but then you'd get some retard that shits up the thread with "NICE BLOG POST" or some dumb shit every time he posts even though they could just filter him instead. The level of idiocy is astonishing because the moment Buff started posting here he said the only reason he kept a trip was so that people could filter him if they wanted.
The only people that DON'T filter Buff and in turn shit up everything are themselves the ones stirring up a bunch of needless bullshit drama and likely sinking this thread.
Irony so thick you could cut it.
Yeah but supermutant waifu fag has been here for months and I've yet to see him do anything that wasn't a waifu shitpost.
Ah. I honestly gave up on trying to do it 'properly' because of how finicky attaching stuff is and just use the vault bits to build houses in a more traditional style settlement
>what is fallout 4
You're still gonna play it, cuck.
It works like the missile targeting computer. Use scope over the enemy target to mark them, then the projectiles track them.
Also need melee to improve greatly while in PA. Light weapons will skid off you and your swings can't be interrupted or blocked outside of the most devastating attacks hitting you.
I post all the time! You just don't know it because I'm not posting my lovely waifu at that specific time.
I said before, but if it had a glass canopy instead of that red... thing it'd be almost exactly what I wanted.
This doesn't seem to actually do 30 extra electric damage. Also the stock seems like a weird placement for it.
The balrog punch or whatever needs more. The caps it generates are pretty low. I'd recommend instead giving it a bottle cap mine effect when you crit.
Mad Wallace has some weird things going on during its attack animation
Well. Not like the game is going to complain if you do it the other way. I'm actually planning to do it Rivet City style. Use whatever's built and create more rustic/'easier' stuff. Even because I think the stuff required to do a proper vault is missing such as more corners, etc.
>This doesn't seem to actually do 30 extra electric damage. Also the stock seems like a weird placement for it.
It does, but like a bleed effect it's over time.
>The balrog punch or whatever needs more. The caps it generates are pretty low. I'd recommend instead giving it a bottle cap mine effect when you crit.
It's a lottery system. Usually it only gives you a few but there's a small chance to get like 1k or so.
Ask yourself, would you rather get more per hit, or a crit chance to get rich fast?
>Mad Wallace has some weird things going on during its attack animation
How so?
How would you be able to tell
I'd rather use another weapon. Especially since it's a worthless boxing glove to begin with.
Mad Wallace has a weird swing recovery that takes it all the way to the other side of the body or something... Don't know how to describe it but basically when you swing it you see it bouncing around several times before you can attack again
CHQ is a shotgun blast, and has vastly reduced range to balance out the power, and in addition it can't be modded with any missile launcher mods. I did reduce the number of shrapnel from 30 to 25 though
>Mad Wallace has a weird swing recovery that takes it all the way to the other side of the body or something... Don't know how to describe it but basically when you swing it you see it bouncing around several times before you can attack again
Probably a consequence of the way weapon speed works. I'll take a look.
>I'd rather use another weapon. Especially since it's a worthless boxing glove to begin with.
It's not supposed to be terribly viable, more of a tool to help you make some caps when you're running low. Not every one of these is purely combat oriented.
I will slightly boost the damage though
>melee build
>gaining strength by going into PA
PA is utter dogshit for a melee build.
Do you know if Scav prevents You're Special?
Add a cheering or bottle cap sound too if you can. Just the bell noise isn't enough. Doesn't make the weapon any better, but it would probably make the crits FEEL cooler.
what is this helmet called?
le dragonborn memehat xD
>Do you know if Scav prevents You're Special?
No clue. It's easy to disable it anyways and it takes a while to be able to get scav as well so you shouldn't run into too many issues.
What's sad is that if a helmet like this was in Skyrimjob I'd use it.
Those horn are pretty ebin ecks dee.
i need to know what the actual item is called, idgaf about memes.