/parag/ - Paragon General

Family Feud edition


>What is Paragon?
Paragon is the MOBA by Epic Games. It has actual graphics powered by UE4 and most of the trappings of other MOBAs: 5v5 objective-based games, heroes, lanes, towers, minons and so on. The game has a fantasy sci-fi feel to it. The game is available on PC and PS4, featuring cross-play and cross-progression. It is currently in open beta.

>Do I have to unlock heroes?
No. Like DOTA 2, all heroes are free to everyone. What you can purchase with in-game currency is a character's Master Challenge, which essentially lets you unlock extra skins, taunts and boosters.

New hero release: youtube.com/watch?v=k0dHjhh-Ftw




>Popular Decks

Other urls found in this thread:


cant wakeup

2nd for gideon

>be gideon
>get stunned
>open a cosmic rift and travel back in time to .27

Don't be a baby, Gideon. For what it's worth, all ults are CC-vulnerable.

>pick gideon
>enemy picks riktor
>never ever get to ult

Why does corruption get all the cool cards?
>Shadowplane on kill
>15second blink
>Tainted magick

>Gideon, Howitzer, Iggy (doesnt even have to build damage). gadget all get to do 3000000 damage fullbuild

>but not fey
fey buffs when?

Fey is a support. Those others are not

Steel and iggy laugh at this post

>Gideon, riktor and howitzer and gadget have better cc AND more damage

This somehow makes her not a support?

your argument is "she is a support" but the mages I listed support better and actually scale

Okay but you're complaining that she doesn't do as much damage as these non support characters

Her category is "Caster"
Her recommended role is "Support"
Her damage is fucking abysmal, and her cc is not worth it, no reason to playt her

>Gadget has better CC than Fey
Nah, fuck off, m8

>Gadget has a better slow and a 3 secondspeed used to get your ranger out of harms way that arent tied to an ultimate cooldown

Then Narbash is even better

Yest she is always picked in pro teams :^)

narbash has actual good supporting abilities in addition to good cc AND good damage

fey is literally pointless

get bumped u fucking mongs


So it's a skiing game?

yeah like ssx tricky

Yea. Not as good as coolboarders 2 though

I figure now's as good a time as any to give this game a try, so i'm downloading it but wanted to ask a question.

Are there any more traditional support heroes, where i'm not expected to be going around murdering everything and I can just keep people alive and buffed, and spend the rest of my time putting wards and shit down?

Muriel or Dekker


dont play fey, she's fucking garbage right now

I'll check them out. One more question, what's with the categorizations on characters? Like they're intellect and something else, or fury, or order, stuff like that. Seems to be related to cards, but the paragon website is pretty shit for explaining this stuff.

lets you access exclusive cards(items) for that category

All I keep hearing is he's bad. Or is he just not braindead so shitters write him off?

I really hope they buff Kallari. I'd love to just fuck faggots like you right up.

Kallari is fine now.
She has good burst like an actual assassin.

>I'm so bad I need my character buffed so I'm able to beat you
Wew lad

Original thread isn't even at fucking bump limit.

I keep reading that Critical Damage is shit, Is it still shit if put a card that increases that critical damage by 50%???

Holy fuck those team comps

Yes, you sacrifice to much damage to get the crit up making it pointless.
Raw damage and pen is the only way to go at the momen.

ded thread
Play smite instead.

KK, gonna go full attack and physical Pen

>Play smite
Its boring though

People have done the math, crit is never worth it. Investment into crit chance multiplies your damage by such a small amount that it only increases your net DPS if you were already doing a ton of damage per hit. Toss in the fact that attack speed is arguably more useful, stacking damage also makes your abilities more powerful while crit only applies to basic attacks, and the fact that you need to sacrifice card points for crit boost, and crit is never worth it.

Smite is lame. Half the heroes are copy paste and it's too simple with the horizontal limitation

When the fuck is kallari getting nerfed?
they over buffed her to shit.

What are you talking about? Kallari has been one of the most out-of-sorts heroes in the game.

Smite is not unique in any way
Just over-the-shoulder dota

Just started master challenge for Gadget. Any of you paranons got masteries going?

I have never touched gideon. Any recommended way i should build him?

It's mechanics don't come anywhere close to dota

It's over the shoulder LoL

Only the ones I got for buying the base founder's pack.

Damage, mana and cooldown reduction. Gideon is THE prototypical mage: he's got a long-range nuke, he's got a ranged slow to make his nuke easier to hit, he's got a blink, and his black hole ult is one of those game-changer ults when pulled off well in a fight.


People don't like Narbash because the AoE heal on his "Song of My People" isn't nearly as good as people were hoping. He's still got decent utility with his ranged stun, his movement speed aura for quick engagements/retreats, and his AoE-damage-into-knockup ult.

Is she? Is she really?

Narbash is one of those heroes who lives and dies by his team's coordination. If they can't properly take advantage of his assets, they're in trouble.

>People still think murdock is better than grim
>They are all silvers

I am planning to just play her only.
I might pick up Belica if she feels good.

>people still can't handle Squiggy

psst bump

thats going to be the next general picture thank you

Focus on mana if you have pic related. otherwise focus on just damage.


Meme card, even with full mana and an immense mana pool it still gives you less damage than minmaxing for damage would have. There's little benefit to that much mana to begin with, unless you also have cooldown reduction in there which defeats the purpose of the card


Most mana items also give hp
I have about 3k+ hp with decent defense cards and still top out at 200+ energy dmg.
It's the best build.at the moment.

Doesn't happen anymore, as inhibitors no longer regenerate by themselves. Still, if I were attacking their core, I would be INCOMPREHENSIBLY LIVID.

This is my endgame do-it-all build right now, starting items are mana/health potion and guard token 'cause a scout ward isn't worth dick in mid lane. A chunk of survivability is necessary for the ult to have full effect against heroes who can still hit back.

I may rearrange things so that I can recall at 9 CP instead of 12, but it works OK.

First week of playing here.

At what point in time will I stop getting matched with people who walk up to khaimera/grux and unplug their keyboards?

diamond mmr

or when the games out of beta

"Those others" does a lot better job at support than Fey could ever do.

If the sole reason she does no damage whatsoever is because "shes a support le xD" then why doesn't she have any kind of actual support ability?

>B-but muh zoning, muh whatever team stuff I could do a lot better with any other characters!

How should I build Howitzer?

I came across a attack speed/crit built but it predates the crit nerf(?) so now I'm not sure how to build him. Everyone says he's subpar but he's the only character that's really clicked for me so far.

Attack speed+damage with some crit or just energy damage+cdr+tank?

Howitzer's in a pretty bad spot right now, especially if you have to consider building him for auto-attacks.

Level 40+

Your account level has nothing to do with MMR or anything at all.

My advice to anyone stuck in ELO Hell is to play any hero that can carry.

Anybody trying to play a match?

6 rust breakers

Nice thank you

Where is the report function?

No longer exists. You can rate players in categories after a match; they find this more useful, they say, probably because they can statistically collect easier.

is there a site for elo or something?


It's all fake / unofficial / inaccurate due to recent reset so don't get too invested in it.

First of all, crit sucks on every hero since the nerf. It's mathematically the shittiest stat in the game

Good Howitzer builds are either max damage or max CDR and the rest into damage, all plus a bit of utility and survivability. Pic related is my most effective Howitzer deck. It may look stupid but I shredded my way out of elo hell with it.

You don't want to build too much tankiness because Howitzer is a natural escape arist. If you're soaking up too much damage then you are playing him wrong. If you find yourself getting ambushed, and you still can't get away after you ult, drop a mine, and drop slow grenades, then you were probably pushed up too far.

You don't want attack speed either. Mage basic attacks deal shit for damage. If you double your basic attack speed, then all you'll accomplish is wasting card points turning your crappy basic attack into a slightly less crappy basic attack. You should focus on ability damage and burst damage, so that you can poke enemies with the missile, then vomit damage all over them in a burst with your ult and other abilities when the opportunity for a teamfight or gank arises.

And yeah, Howitzer is probably the weakest non-support mage right now. He's not obscenely bad, though, just easily countered, and he can still kick ass in good hands.

isn't energy pen extremely good on howitzer?

i'll probably use that build but swap out a wellspring for a energy damage+pen card.

what i'm currently using

I'd use meltdown instead of conduit if i had the card

>play any hero that can carry.
Yea I guess that's what I have to do.

I'm trying to play all the heroes at least once but it's just not worth my sanity.

I actually only found a Meltdown last week, but I haven't used the deck since I've been experimenting with CDR as Howie instead. Maybe I should slap it in there.

just got quantum casing so i've finished up with this for now.


Howi's knockback is the most fun thing in the game

Jesus the fucking paint drinkers that play this game. Just had a game where both of the junglers (yep, two of them) fed and somehow didn't gank, getting out ganked by the enemies 1 jungler.
Our fucking howitzer had downs, refused to back and kept getting ganked over and over.
Our 'tank', built full damage, and kept diving in and getting blown up.

Just fuck man. I wish they'd remove travel mode already, I see why the people in the higher elos hate it now. It absolutely fucks up the gameplay.

It doesn't fuck anything up as much as you think
Everything there sounds like your guys were just bad
If they were jungling and not rotating lanes while crossing middle, They were trash
If Howi didn't understand to straddle the middle of the lane until he was higher or one of the junglers came, he was trash
If your tanks builds full damage with no other tank and or support, hes fucking trash

Your game was filled with trash

Energy pen- pen in general is good on everyone, the problem is having good cards. There are certain pen cards that outclass the others depending on the hero. You also need to buy pen as the match goes on, and not dump a bunch of it at once. 30~ pen is enough for the early game, by mid game you want around 80. And then by late game you finish the card. Dumping pen reduces the effectiveness unless you're up against 3 tanks or something. Most heroes don't buy much defense until a bit later.

So the deckbuilding system is nice and all.

But what percentage of cards would you say is useless trash that never gets used?

Hard to say.

How do I killari? Feels like I do shit damage even when ahead and better off picking gideon and playing him the same assassin-y way

Didn't mean to imply the entire fault of that game was the travel mode, just something I added on at the end there since a few moments in that game highlighted it for me.

If you haven't played a lot of mobas travel mode seems fine, but in a game like this I can assure you it's really bad. And I see why Epic games is trying to get rid of it.

Travel mode essentially gives everyone a free mobility 'out of combat'. but really it fucks up a lot of how the game is played.

Junglers/ganking for example, if you're getting ganked, unless you have a ward way deep into the enemy jungle(risky), you don't have enough time to react. Because the jungler is coming at you with double your ms, and you need 5 seconds of not attacking to reach his ms. and if you're melee, or against a ranged hero, you're fucked, because they absolutely won't let you out of combat. A leap/dash won't save you, which means at no time can you be past the middle of the lane.

If a melee hero is in combat with another melee hero, and another enemy melee hero not in combat is running at them, what can they do? The ms difference is so drastic that you're absolutely fucked. This is why heroes like Khai and Grux are so scary, because they just need to get close to you, and don't have to use their dashes/leaps to do so.

Another thing is teamfights, anytime you chase it's just a timer. A LOT of time is wasted trying to catch people, because you know if they get into travel mode you're going to waste even more time.

Also with engaging. Let's say the enemy team has a stronger engagement than yours, and their tank is looking to initiate. Say the enemy Howitzer hits anyone from range,. Anyone. Then that person is fucked. They're now slowed down against a tank charging at them with 800ms. and if your team turns around to stop the tank well guess what now they're slowed too, and now the entire enemy team can catch up.

That type of shit shouldn't happen, but travel mode allows it.

so like what the meta I mean where am I supposed to go

Theres more shit I can add but the comment was too long, regardless, travel mode makes things more difficult than it has to be, and with everything you do, you have to take travel mode into account.
Rotations, teamfights, flanking, etc. The game would be better off without it, and it would also help balance some heroes out, rather than them getting nerfed. If you want additional movement speed it should be something you need to invest in, not given away for free like that.

I understand why people complain about it, it's retarded to complain about a core game mechanic like this.

You know it's there. You know how to play around it.

Don't see everyone on the map? Don't take that seemingly-easy engage

there is no real way for them to remove the travel system without ruining the game.

Tired of people running up on you in the middle of the fight? Play some fucking area-of-denial heros like howitzer, gadget etc

You see that warding item you can put damage in? Buy it. Put wards down.

If you remove travel system you're gonna get boring ass motherfucking games like league where it's a waste of time to try and gank someone most of the time because of mobilitycreep and invisible wards

>3 junglers

that's a deserved loss right there, too bad casuals don't know bout my good team comp

I wish Paragon had noob tips like OW so you could have 1 jungler, 2 caster, 1 ADC and 1 tank/support and not this everyone picks fighter/assassin because they want to or wants to be "that guy"

Those blog posts go into more detail about why travel mode is shit (particularly old travel mode; those posts are shortly before auto-sprint was implemented as a stopgap).
Pic related: it's a prototype of what they hope to implement when they fully remove travel mode.

>8 cost

fuck that there's 3 cost cards with max bonuses that are better than that shit

that's worse than travel mode

itll Have a huge cooldown though