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I claim this thread in the name of anime!


Fallen, Fallen is Babylon

Again with the retarded german? You're not funny, you're just a pain in the ass and evidently also a mongoloid since you didn't get the message the first time.

ok guys i gotta know, does anybody know how the battle site markers work, it seems completely random to me i always try to set one up at the beginning of my vamp campaigns but it is super frustrating to figure out how to consistently leave a battle site behind

>That one guy chilling thinking about life

Most of them are just standing there. They don't look very thrilled about this whole siege thing.


>german general
>picture of nigger

and how the fuck are people who ctrl f "total war" suppose to find the thread?

So is AE actually happening on the 29th? I need a break from warhammer and civilizing barbarians as the world's most glorious empire seems like fun. I've been so tempted to play Rome 2 recently.

So have our investigators confirmed the Wood Elf campaign mechanics?

Ctrl f "twg" instead
It's faster aswell

They haven't even confirmed its wood elves.

>basically empire vs city states:the game

I don't see the appeal.

Have you ever even played a tw game besides warhammer?

>my feet hurt
>i just wanted to be a baker
>Its too loud
>why are we fighting again

only played Warhammer, about to hop into medieval 2 to remove turk, what am I in for

shit unless you install SS6.4 as well

Way better campaign mechanics, shitty battles. The cavalry charges are especially disappointed after playing warhammer.


>"city states"

Genevieve Dieudonné legendary hero when?

your waifu is shit


Wood Elves confirmed, you say?

They’re all the same race. It still all boils down to spearman 1 vs spearman 2.

Is this for real or satire?

"Warhammer is the only Total War I play"

>Treehugging gameplay
>real or satire?

Gee, I wonder.

turk removes you

It's real I work at CA

Where's that monologue about Rome and Spears and Gladius? That's a good one. Caesar (pronounced KAI-ZAR) bless!

>he doesnt watch Arch.
Explain yourself.

I don't have severe aspergers

>armoured dude with sword and shield vs naked dude with sword and shield

yeah.. uh, i'll pass

i don't watch any sort of total war videos on youtube bar the soundtracks and ca announcing a new dlc to fuck me with

>needs monsters and magic to stay interested in a game


You can do that in warhammer too....

I want a muslim wiafo

I don't watch scandinavians with british accents.

What is the final verdict on Rome 2? It's the only game in the series I haven't played and don't own

There are literally two different human faction types though. They really blew it not giving kislev, border princes, tilea and estalia their own unique looks.

And the human on human combat is MUCH better in previous titles.

I think it's pretty fun.

The combat can feel a bit wonky compared to Attila.

Naval combat is the best in the series (especially crucial if you play Wrath of Sparta).

>same race
there are plenty of sub human factions in rome

It's fun for custom battles. Once AE is out though I can't see any real reason to play it again.

He can't fucking read the DLC description that's been out for days before he makes a video speculating a ton of shit that's already wrong from the get-go, and despite claiming himself to be some sort of authority on fluff, he's actually hot garbage at it.

It's fun but inferior to Attila. And with AE coming out you can basically get the setting of Rome 2 with Attila mechanics

The Italians?

What am I looking at here

Looks boring af

Are improved sieges something that might happen in warhammer in the future? So many cool buildings that we can't interact with. Seems like a waste of potential.

Finally finished my lengedary this is total war playthough. Wasn't that hard, just incredibly annoying. Got a newfound hatred for manlets.

Your loss kiddo

I hope so. Imagine how cool sieging Dwarf major settlements would be.

So euphoric and enlightened.

I would be more excited for the epic street battles in empire and bretonian cities.

>ebin street battles

you mean just a moshpit on 3x speed waiting for one side to rout first because there's no tactics involved?

The different unit types of Warhammer would make it more interesting I think.

Just because you don't use tactics doesn't mean we all don't

What the fuck is this stupid shit? Medieval napalm?

That's probably why they don't want to deal with it. The different units make it so different than what they've done before.

Is this a post?

Athel Loren functions like the Americas or India from Empire and expands into it's own sub-map. Featuring 12 provinces, representing all of the High Realms.
Wood Elves will play like a regular settled faction, competing and confederating initially against other Wood Elf High Realms, Beastmen and Orc tribes and evil forest spirits.
Wood Elves have a special movement system, Worldroots, which allow them to travel vast distances across the map uninhibited.
A "corruption" system grants greater regeneration, ambush success chance, campaign movement and leadership but causes no attrition to non-Wood Elf races.
All of their units can vanguard deploy.
Orion and the Sisters of Twilight will be their Legendary Lords.
Like the Beastmen, Wood Elf armies always move in an ambush stance.
The mini-campaign will take place on the same sub-map, but will take place just before Orion is crowned and will see you fending off Dwarfs and Orcs.

What the fuck is the point of doing a fresh new setting but not doing anything interesting with it?

ded thread ded game

fucking idiot german posters

This is me removing kebabs. See how they run.
Kebab removal is beautiful

is this AoC? I don't remember troops like that

1212 mod

>Turks besiege Byzantine settlement
>user sends army to their rescue
>Turks ambush army in the mountains

Least that's what I see.
Oh how they run...

>spend a long time making awesome looking plate armor for your mod

they need to sort this this out asap because shirt dudes are actually the best infantry in the game so far

>use cavalry to charge enemy in the back
>they fly behind my lines, get back up and flank my units

what the fuck??


Dirty turk shits are heading back to Asia. But Byzantium will cleanse them all and save Europe centuries of pain.
This I vow!

>yfw occupied Anatolia a.k.a Turkey is converting to Christianity in numbers not seen since before the Islamic conquest whilst Muslims all over the middle east are seeing Jesus in their dreams.
No wonder Erdogan is going full Islamist. His powerbase will be no more in the near future.


What mod is this?

>The mini-campaign will see you fending off Dwarfs and Orcs.

I call bullshit unless sauce

best siege map of any TW ever hands down

sounds good to me

Is that the kislev mod? Looks good.

>tfw no hussar RoR

My fav is between that and Ctesiphon. Rome is good too obviously.

Which is the first major untermenschen army I could fight for a good period of time early as empire?

I want a kislev faction with OP defensive traits and bonuses so fucking bad.

>tfw having to fend off both chaos warrios and norsceans from coming down unto civilization.

Imagine when Chaos demons get introduced, the carnage, the clusterfuck, the fun!

They'd have to add regular hussars first, since RoR are just reskins with some extra stats slapped on.

Turtling is pure nonsense right now. Makes no sense that a single city state have as much manpower, industry and scientific capabilities as a faction occupying ten, twenty times the land. The whole campaign needs a serious overhaul.


Confederate or get treaties with stirland and wissenland ASAP so you can walk on over and fuck them in the ass.

Very little about warhammer lore makes sense. Don't think about it too hard.

I'm not really into border gore but I guess I've got no choice.

0-10. UK
11-20. USA
21-30. Germany
31-40. Italy
41-50. Japan
51-60. SU
61-70 Poland
71-80 China
81-99 Finland

It will all fall under your control eventually. Just remember never to fight a war of aggression against your empire brethren. Play your cards right and you can get Boris as a general.

I had to exterminate everyone my last playthrough cause they were pulling passive aggressive shit on me.

Am I a scrub for installing a mod that removes the great power diplomatic penalty? It just seems stupid that every faction hates me just for occupying a lot of land despite everything else I do for them.

He's talking about how AI factions work in Total War you dingus.

And Kislev is a fucking huge expanse of plains and forests and bullshit.

I wouldn't be surprised if most people used that mod. It's a stupid penalty.

It's the same way how everybody hates the US even though we help other people all the time.

nah it's pretty annoying and doesn't make sense in a lot of situations. but you are a scrub for not using the harder ai mod

I hope Wood Elves get longbowmen like the English.

Medieval 3 when.

>harder AI
Does that make them actually put together stacks with good units? I've still never seen an Empire / Human stack with Demigryphs, for example.

They'll probably get stupid ass bows that look retarded and non functional as fuck because GW doesn't understand how to design functional stuff.

>Medieval 3 when

not for a long time

until then, mods