/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #592

>Schedule for September:
8/31 - 9/8 - Detective Barowa and the Unfortunate Fortune
9/7 - 9/15 - Fall of the Dragon (Vampy Event Rerun)
9/16 - 9/19 - Arcanum: The World Beyond
9/22 - 9/29 - Guild War
9/30 - 10/8 - Scenario Event

9/1 - 9/21 - Order of the Lord (LoV Collab - Defend Order)
9/15 - 9/18 - Tokyo Game Show (Maybe Something Nice Will Happen)
Sometime this Year (Hopefully) - UI Improvement (Skill Queue, Ougi Skip, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

Previous thread

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post husbandos


ripperoni littero girlso

I want to do things to this Bear when she can't stop me.



started last month, is it true that there have been new years events for the zodiac characters? Basically, should I save up until the end of the year for monkey?

Cute fox.

is the reformed guild thing true, why did everyone leave?

>little girls dying before old men

Something's not right about this.

I wish summer Vita is Water so I can finally put her with her Onee Sama

I didn't know Rhyme had a Youtube channel.

They're 26/30 now.

Today we're united to mourn the death of our so beloved guild, Little Girls.

Post Little Boys to pay respects.


Not Soya enough

The event gives you a SR copy with shit skills

damn, so no increased gacha chance?

This is the white rabbit I was looking for.

Cute potato

Ok. Vira is disgusting.

>I went hunting for the rabbit, but the rabbit hunted me


>water naru is a potato doraf


Who do we blame for killing Little Girls?


>Ok. I prefer sucking cocks.

Best character.




Magisa is my waifu


Nice watermark. You clearly have the best Photoshop skills around. :^)

Not at that bunny outfit of her.

Please do not bully the greatest guild leader /gbfg/ has ever had.


From the previous thread.

That's what I thought as well, but the friend summons didn't refresh. It was the same when I did 12 tabs instead of 80+.

>Eureka stops sending nudes to guild members
>Guild dies

Looks like strongest in the anglosphere was only the horniest in the anglospere

only explanation

It's just like war rape, it keeps the soldiers morale up.

Not high enough apparently because everyone just left after the nudes stopped coming.

>things that never happened

>not posting distributed HQ pngs you get from commisions

Well after they stopped coming the morale dropped.

Its not fair I want eureka nudes too

>Idol guilds stay alive
>Non-idol guilds die horrible deaths

Get fucked idolhaters

The fact that people actually do this shit out there makes me want to consider suicide.

Then you better message Eureka_ on IRC and apply to LG

Maybe someone will share them now that its dead

Siegfried > 5* Gawain (honorary mention) > Vane > Percival > Lancelot

Do you have permission?

who else got banned here?
what am I supposed to do for the next 4 hours?

Go fuck yourself, thats what.

My guild went 3-2 last GW as well, so I am not sure if this is a downgrade or not

unless nudes are guaranteed


shut the fuck up

Pommern = Barawa, Noir, Vaz, Soiya Trio, Alec, etc >>>>>>> Carmelina >>>>>>>>>>>>>> fujo knights.

>DO battles are filled with mostly people around lvl 45

I have the high quality png copy, so of course.

>who else got banned here?
Never been DING DONG BANNU'd

Little Girls was the first /gbfg/ to go 5-0 without bug abuse

>lumping Jin in as just "Soiya trio"
Fucking scum.

Does the "Required Rank" on a weapon mean your character rank or your elemental experience rank?

I want Korwa's juicy thighs wrapped around my head.

>barowa that high
Also I was just ranking the Fujo Knight crowd.

>Pommern = Barawa, Noir, Vaz, Soiya Trio, Alec + Carme
good taste

I command you to rest, ZaCoobie!

Shut the FUCK UP.

I command you to rest, ZaCoobie!

>insulting my girl Carmelina

/gbfg/ guilds:

Dead guilds:
Little girls
Falz flag

Might as well be dead:

So what guild will die next? Place your bets here and win big!

Leech well, zacoobie

I wonder how much she charges for unusual requests like that.

Lum2 is dead

So do I my brother of fine taste.

I command you ZaCoobie, DIE.

Ok. Korwa is disgusting.

Lum2 is currently on life support after Zannet and Calcia joined with the sole intention of poaching others for their guild and leaving within a week of joining, while taking others with them.

>not in the list of dead guilds


Please don't post such indecent things about my wife.

Korwa is pure user. She's saving herself for that special someone.

Shit taste desu.

How can Little GIrls be dead when they're still pumping out dank memes like

>Lum2 is dead too

Everything is dying

What happened to Falz flag? Did they stop getting the latest virusmate updates?

Ain't a reddittor but I'd upvote this post

I'm sorry user but she's my wife.

If eureka promises nudes I will join LG and do 50m per match

I promise

>Special someone

Rhyme and Marie died.

Rhyme is quitting and Kate is going to follow Amor into Zannett's guild.

Because of how bad of a coder the tranny is, they all got banned.

Death by poaching

>Falz flag
Death by memes

>Little girls
Death by Poaching

Is there anyone who can even remotely control our boy zannett, killer of guilds?

The guild leader is selling his account on reddit

Are there any casual guilds?

I'd love to join one if only to get crew buffs

how the FUCK do I raise my Malinda for dirt superiority

Sorry for being new but what is EoP actually?
I always though it was some Veeky Forums shitposting guild

Vanq must rise up against him.

Vanq v Zannett

But I'm here, user.