
god of mech edition

WCS Copa Intercontinental
Semifinal and Final
ShoWTimE vs SnuteLIVE!

Leifeng Cup 10h 52m
KeSPA Cup 1d 6h

what's up losers

has avilo kissed his sister?


whoa @____@

7th for our guy

a blog told me in japan its because of the buddhist Obon festival

ay bay bay

is that like the jobros thing from south park?


our girl lost bad in copa yesterday. it felt bad :(




post the best games / videos from lotv, please, i haven't been around

the unmoved mover...


post the best units / builds from lotv, please, i haven't been around

adept / mass adepts

now this is starcraft

you guys can't be this starved for meta-posts, can you?

barbie... wow...

do you like her...

remember homework? lol

couple good tracks on that album

remember life before you started drinking and jacking off?

God sees you even if you don't see him

when i was like 10? yeah i guess but it was a long time ago

what if youre john cena

ohayou, /scv/-chan!~

rememberlife before the dope?


ive never posted on reddit in my life

if you've posted on /v/, you've posted on reddit.

feels very distant


op here why are those two guys so mad at me?

dont mind me, just downloading this file at 5mb/s



:( )

:( )


*spits and cums in all of your mouths*

good night

good meownight :3c

dumb cute catposter


is macross triangle good...

no but macross frontier is


I wonder what it feels like to have a medivac pee on you

feels amazing probably


macross delta is really cute

why thank you~

What do you guys think of my new strategy?

you need to let byun in on this right now

how many starports

those medivacs have full energy but aren't healing >_

Also thought this was really awesome

If I do terran will get nerfed

none, you just warp them in with god mode

Yea it's dumb

need some science vessels

More secret strats

where were the guardian shields


im so cold

well it is almost autumn

pee in a bottle and hold it close to you

the gang

they all look like theyre bald and wearing wigs

hbt has a glorious mane

how do we know its real


*clicks the button*




you dont need to pretend you didnt play just cause you got cheesed

but i'm unranked

>still no portrait
blizz said 12/9 fags

well its not 12/9 fag

its monday, september 12, 2016

12/9 is december 9th idiot.,

i though you're american, retard

oi ima drive me mums trollee on the right side of the road a few kilometres god bless the queen m8

i loss 3 stone 4 quid doin it lad

was hannin yall

imperial system is probably the oldest meme known to man

what about cubits

does anyone still post about starcraft in these

i haven't paid attention in 4~ years

yeah check out these new strats that were being labbed earlier

gook meowning~



good night, friends

i just had a dream that my old company hired me back and then fired me again. reminds me how sad it made me the first time it happened




im not your circlejerk captain

imagine doing a real circle jerk...

but then id have to smell sickzii's catfood breath...