/Hsg/ Hearthstone General

We need more demons edition.

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I will not rest until we balance this card properly while still leaving it playable.

Reddit is FURIOUS about Yogg. How do we stop them from killing the God of Death?

Playing him constantly and emoting and roping every turn.

Trading my 80g quest for another on NA, reply if interested

fuck off

12 mana costs one less per minion with different name you've played.
Assuming you play one minion on curve every turn it's a 6/6/6 by turn 6 so you got to work a bit to make it worthwile but unlike sea giant the advantage sticks.
Your current idea is bad because it either isn't that good, either is gonna be a neutral flamewreathed without overload if a deck is made for it.
Fun for deckbuilding but we all know everyone netdecks.

Well the minimum you can have this cost is 1 in Shaman, so the fact that you can topdeck this on turn 1 to win the game just feels more unfair than usual.
I'm sure the deck is otherwise shit because it would have to be built to accommodate 7 Tribes (some Tribes like Pirate or Murloc don't even really have passably good minions to throw into the mix).

Feel like this is one of those cards that is almost either unplayably bad or gamebreakingly strong. There needs to be some other condition that should be met to play this with a discount, like Drawing those Tribals out of your deck or playing them.

Honestly it would be cool to have a card that could discount based off the cards you draw, but that would be hard for your opponent to anticipate and raise questions about the Mulligan phase

Rate this idea:

(spell, Paladin, legendary)
10 Cost

Heal to full health. Draw four cards. You gain immunity next turn. You automatically skip your next turn.

>gain immunity and skip your next turn

Why are you doing this?

nigga its hard out here grindin' on the streets n shyt brode be after my azz.
i need dat gold for mah keedz mang


R8 my garbage board clear

I assume it's to stall/exploit fatigue but then you draw four cards so it's a last stand thing.
Yeah, no it's shit.

You already get the 80g for completing the quest.
Either don't be a greedy Jew and be happy with 80, or fuck off somewhere else like Reddit.

This is considered spam because you literally have just copypasted from the last thread.

>3 mana for a mass transform clear
Like, I know it fucks up Deathrattles and stuff, but that should cost at least 4 mana. Even if it doesn't kill anything it can still disable minions into ones with low Attack or Health

it doesn't even kill anything

it's a shit card

Mass dispel tier

That was at the end of the thread right as it died
>calling me a jew when shekelstone forces you to scheme around their 60 cents/hr drop rate or to be a good goy and splurg out real shekels

Worse than mass dispel.
Rng as fuck. Fun stories to tell.
Should be 2 mana and not in the game.

It still Transforms minions though.
Transformation is still the best removal in the game when it comes to dealing with lategame threats and this card would be targeting everything, not just a single minion like Hex.

I don't like the RNG too much though because your opponent can easily end up with things like 477 or BogChamp, which is really something you don't want in a board clear.
Having the minions get reduced by more than (1) is a step in the right direction, or ripping off Poison Seeds so the tokens are at a predictable statline works too.

The cost also probably shouldn't be 3 because then the card would be in direct competition with Lightning Storm and Elemental Destruction, but it would make Jeweled Scarab even better for Shaman

Just don't come into the thread with any expectation higher than making a friend.
There's only 9 of us here right now so I doubt you'll find anyone with the quest.

transforming an 9 mana dragon into an 8 mana boogeymonster doesn't help you much

it's certainly no replacement for hex

i just got 3 aggro shamans, all of them top 100 legend
when does this ride stop

True. That's why I don't like the card.
Something like a 1-way Poison Seeds with a ton of Overload wouldn't be bad. I just don't like the RNG all that much.

>play on Casual
>people insta-concede every third or fourth match
Free gold, everyone!

2 health is hard to aoe remove in fruid but not impossible.
Having to remove 4-8 mana minions after paying 3 mana and a card slot just to avoid dealing with specific deathrattles and graveyard synergy is too steep. Not to mention you can roll different deathrattles.

some people care more about fun
i love ctrl vs ctrl and when some tryhard wants to play a tier 1 aggro deck in casual i just move on

>Want to try fun meme decks on casual
>Every game is Zoo or Aggro Shaman
Honestly, at this point low rank Wild is better choice for this.

I want Chillmaw but I just don't feel like it's a good idea to craft a legendary that will rotate out in a few more months.

half a year

>Paladin's knife juggler misses my loot hoarder on turn 2

Wtf man

It's 1600 dust for something you are potentially going to use until sometime next march, unless blizz delay the coming expansion until january and they might use that for the rotation since an adventure isn't enough to help recover the card base since this coming rotation will see at around 220 cards going

In casual I insta-concede vs priest and control warrior to not partake in their autism bonanza. If someone's plan is to bore you to death the only winning move is to not play at all.

I guess you're right. there have been so many decks that could have been better with Chillmaw and I'm getting pretty sick of trying to think up of replacements for it

>the next content update was tested at the start of this year and team 5 does much room to leverage when it comes to changing up the next set to help address current community concerns

Seems legit

>get Charged Hammer from Burgle
>Shaman is at 4 health
>his board is full of minions
>I'm low on health
>attack his face for 2 damage with the weapon
>Hero Power
>activate Deathrattle
>2 damage lethal with newly obtained Hero Power
Burgle Rogue is so much fun!

Aren't chimeras dragons?

>killing combo Rogue
>promoting meme archtype like Burgle and Deathrattle and such
Why is Brode such a fucking cuck? Can he just fuck off back to delivering pizza?

Based Reddit is trying to make Blizzard rotate Classic set out of Standard. Go Reddit!

It's gonna be the same shit as always. Some shitty band aid fix and a week before the next expansion the decks that the band aid should have fixed get nerfed.

Its make a lot of fun.
But watch out if you lost the first itme to double intervate or Armor up spamm.

>yagut screaming he got cucked by yogg on stream

It wont happen. BBrode is going full damage control as usual and they are sucking his cock against.

nice I hope they remove them from the game as well so the tutorial becomes literally impossible

That dude who has the autism beavis and butthead laugh is the one fucking up the game, he literally got MC nerfed because it didn't feel fun for control warriors to have their rag mced

real chimeras are goats, snakes, and lions. some games replace the snake with a dragon. warcraft went full retard and replaced the entire thing with two lion heads. still not a dragon though.

they're lucky they have brode and not some annoying passive aggressive fuckwit like ghostcrawler, although iksar is pretty close to it

they are making so much money off this shit, why did they fire so many of their CMs and stop the ones left from using their social media to communicate with players?

hey guys is 1 mana remove anything balanced?

It is if it has a condition attached to it, even if said condition is fucking minimal and doesn't worth a shit.
At least that's how it is according to bbrode and reddit.

No, not really, however it does exist in some similar forms currently. see Execute

0 mana tinyfin
0 mana target dummy
1 mana pirate
1 mana beast
2 mana totem or 1 mana demon
2 mana dragon

the turn 5-6 dream that only shaman or warlock could do

naturalize? it's ok I guess.

>Your current idea is bad because it either isn't that good, either is gonna be a neutral flamewreathed without overload if a deck is made for it.
iirc the goal the guy is trying to achieve with the card is something that benefits """true""" menagerie decks.

can't kill soggoth :)

this + naturalise to mill the opponent for 4 if you kill one of your own tokens with it?

what about this one guys, is 3 mana for a 3/2 + 3/4 balanced?

6 mana 2 cards kill your own guy #value

Pretty situational but I would laugh if my opponent tried that against me.


only if it also has a chance of summoning something useless like a 0/3 that draws, it can't even attack face

>tfw unironically miss this card

I still remember the leaks and /hsg/ going from thinking it was fake to this would be the most broken card in control warrior that blizzcon

>Never got my Brann + Iron Juggernaut meme cause I never unpacked it and didn't wanna waste dust on a purely fun card
>now never will

So I just crafted Yogg

My only other legendaries are Cairne, the LOE ones and Thaurissan

What deck can I make for fun? It doesn't even have to be good, and if it's mage the better.

Tempo mage, you don't need any legendaries for the standard list and yogg fits the deck very well.

>Animal Companion costs 3 mana
>Call of the Skill is 8 mana
>3 + 3 + 3 = 8

I don't have flamewankers though

should i disenchant?

does it have any uses?

You're looking at it wrong. Those Animal Companions are actually 4-drop, not 3-drop. The reason the card itself costs 3 mana is because the outcome is random. So Skill of the Wild actually summons 12 mana worth of a board for 8 mana.

No it's fucking garbage. Disenchant it unless you're a hoarder.

try it out in a more midrange tempo mage ,tome and portal really increased their lategame reach

reno mage

It's pretty fucking funny because if you had a spell that just summons three spider tanks, it would be probably overcosted at 8 mana.

Turn out these three faggots are worth more together, who would have thought

Do I auto concede as Classic hunter vs mage?

Seems like no matter how I try to play the matchup I lose

Can you give me a list?

>Animal companion costs 3 mana
>Huffer has six letters and two vowels
>There are three (3) animal companions
>TO MY SIDE! - that's three (3) words
>heros have 30 health
>Sludge belcher had 3 attack
>His summonned slime had 1+2=3 stat points
>PUT YOUR FAITH IN THE LIGHT! - that's six (6) words, and tirion fordring has (6) attack and (6) health
>That's three (3) sixes in total
>The ashbringer has 3 durability
>The ashbringer deals a total of 15 damage
>that leaves you with half of your life
Half Life 3 confirmed

HL3 memes stopped being funny 3 years ago faglord.

Can I play a reasonably decent C'Thun warrior without Emperor?

As if I needed more reason to dislike that fucker. He's a goddamn thief too (possibly Rogue?)

this is what i've been using for my dailies and to get 5 for the month

reno and the best 29 cards you have

>3 years ago

>control warrior BM spam
>beat him by turn 7
>rope and BM before fatal
>he send friend request
Pham dont start nothing it wont be nothing

why is mana wyrm the best one drop?

Nothing sweeter than flinging burn spells while buffing double wryms

Because apparently 'you have to cast spells to make it better' is a drawback
>Hits the board with 4 stat-points for 1 mana anyway

>5 wins shaman quest
>Load up standard face shaman at rank 11
>Lost to 3 different types of warriors
>Everyone else has perfect hands while I draw like shit
>Now rank 14

I hate these days on Hearthstone where everything is seemingly going against you.

i have this every secound day.
´Day 1: heavy win streak
day 2: heavy losestreak
Day3: winstreak.

today is a good day

>you will never figure out who these 3k people who constantly watch massan are

Recking druids with taunt warrior is FUN!


>6 mana 5/2 charge
>3 mana 3/1 charge
>4 mana 4/3 charge

one of these is not like the others

it's a class card so it's okay.

> 2 mana 3/3 charge

GEt the watch quest, Someone can post the id and give a pack for me?

You post your ID and I'll add you. (:

just post yours...YOU have the quest


the 2/2 beast in druid is arguably equal or better.

>Spirit Claws
>Blizzard keeps giving good Rogue cards- cards that work well with even post-nerf Blade Flurry, that fit within an established Rogue archetype that is in need of support- to Shaman, a class that already has undercosted spells that are oppressive without the encouragement of spell power