League of Legends general /lolg/

Vladfag getting pumped and dumped edition.


Useful links:

xth for Ashe is literal perfection!

l honestly thing he died doo. Fuck, this is depressing. l remember having his tales of valoran page on my bookmarks and checking it up everyday to see if he had released any new comic

>friend is plat 3
>I'm only level 22 and unranked
>he constantly wants me to play normals with him
>go up against people way out of my league
>feed and generally play like shit
>friend constantly gives me shit and tells me how much I suck for it
>then gets angry when I won't play with him because I'd rather play against people on my own skill level and not feed/get carried

How do I make lol friends that don't bully me?

just take his rage and turn it into gitting gud

>tfw I'm more attractive than the girl in the dress

Lol shit taste vladdy

Good afternoon lolgen! Hope you have a nice day!

I feel bad playing with my silver friends because I get matched with Diamond players every game in normals even though I'm only a plat shitter.

I just try to chill and play the game and carry them.

>making fun of a girl with no eyes or nose
why not just push someone's wheelchair down the stairs too?

Lol she must be a real mouthbreather


>I'm only level 22 and unranked
No shit.

>friend constantly gives me shit and tells me how much I suck for it

Then he's fucking retarded, look for a real friend

big money

>started playing Vi
>fucking awful at it
>fucking awful at jungling in general

She's really fun though, how do I get good at playing her?

Ask him to make a smurf?

reposting this since it's really important:
>hey can I have mid
>no you can't
>he goes mid and ruins my game
Why didn't you fucking swap lanes, you fucking mongoloid shithead piece of shit


gank as often as your path allows you to.
vi excels at repeat pressure because you'll likely blow flash if you don't kill them, and if you land Q on a repeat gank they're pretty much guaranteed dead.

You just need to git gud

Lendo literally fucking posted here the other day and you retards think he's dead?

come on give me irelia


Sejuani's lewds suck.

cutest pairing


no fapping for a week please


Vi please

nid makes any pairing cute

she a spicy kitty

roll for go outside

rolling on eid

>unfinished art featuring champions released in the last year

I love conspiracy theorists. Dude's probably just tired of the internet

roll for whatever

Is it good skin??

Terrible, should reroll.

no, scrap it

holy shit it's true, l forgot he did some taliyah images, and this champ was released in 2016

or maybe it was someone imitating his artstyle

lucky bastard

well ok. i dont play adc anyway

sauce everything

Check my dubs

>that rack

Lets roll. Why not?

I consider myself a chill person Well, as chill as someone who plays Legal Legends can be at least yet the things that Riot did to Mordekaiser by trying to force him bot lane makes my fucking blood boil; is this normal?
I just want to be able to play him top lane again.

Wow, saved about going outside just by 1 lmao.

>its another russian and somali flaming each other while our top afks because he got ganked episode

Would you buy my account? And how much would pay for? I

as someone who has created content for people on the internet before, sometimes it can get very overwhelming. Even small gaps of time infuriate people and when real life catches up it can be overbearing. The internet, while important is relatively easy to detach yourself from if you want to avoid it.

He's around, lurking in the shadows. Enjoying not being a focus of attention and being able to create at his own pace, I'm sure of it


2 dollars dude? no? one dollar?

where were you when sjokz went full-blown slut?

>this is somehting you can get banned for in this game

would not bang

I've never had sex user. I guess because of that I have such low self esteem.

>being a whiny little bitch is a bannable offense
fucking finally

league of legends

She looks like a tranny.

desu tribunal does not exist anymor and the banning system is purely controlled by the number of reports a player has and a neural network that analyzes the chat so in theory us the players decide what hsould be banneable

sounds like you're making an excuse for having low self esteem.

>Looking up some information on thresh
>He gains only 25% the normal attack speed from items
W-what? We're people building attack speed thresh at one point of riot got mad at them?

What do i build on El Olafo

racial slurs (kike, nigger, spic etc) are giant red flags for the ban system, so if you used one in a reported game you're way more likely to be banned

Please spoiler that gore

>BASIC ATTACKS: Thresh's basic attacks do not utilize projectiles, and his basic attack wind-up is only reduced by 0.25% per 1% bonus attack speed, rather than the standard 1%.

You gotta go full full AD so your flay passive rapes niggas for 2k damage

Then you sit around and be useless

But he can go top lane though. And pretty decently

theres no way shes wearing panties under that

bully,bang and breed

on-hit thresh is very strong (with no as reduction), as long as you get a good amount of souls
much better than a kog maw could dream to be

he's basically like tryndamere with ranged poke so build accordingly

Best girl.
Best swimmer.
Best wife.

On hit thresh is and was thrash.

AD thresh was good

best swimming pool

How is dealing 300 magic damage per AA lategame solely from E passive trash in any way?

If you're playing him top, go black cleaver and titty Hydra into tank. If you jungle him, I like to pick up a Tiamat first then go tank. His mid game is God tier but you fall off late game

>report calling gets banned

>Fiora: An artist with a sword, in more ways than one

Why do the LoL boards suck so much

Why are they all intently for banning players for saying "ggez" and reporting everyone for anything they can pin on them

Because you have to charge that passive up for seconds, and
>25% AS gains

>Why does x community suck?
All internet communities with populations over, like, 30 people suck, user.

>Posters: 38
We must keep shitposting then.

Threads reminder to pay respects to kogmaw

that feel when you cant get permab&


>Because you have to charge that passive up for seconds
No, which is the very point of on-hit thresh. Your AAs always deal 100% of your souls, it's the percentage of your AD that needs to charge up.

% AS gains
Yes, on-hit thresh being good is the very reason thresh has only 25% AS gains. That's literally what the other user was wondering and what led to this discussion.

When's skin going on sale? It says early september but its already mid month.

yea but this one sucks super hard buttholes


lissfag and lulufag have got you covered

You learn to punch people
be careful about charging q too early on a gank because the slow will fuck you up

Even I've gotten laid, user.

Let that sink in

post your pick'ems boys

>Let that sink in

What the fuck does it want now?!

>fucking preebitz has gotten laid before i have

>tfw asexual


>get shit on in farm by gnar as monkey of fast spins
>late game teamfights
>press r
>yas cant r due to cc
>still win because they set 3 people trying to stop monkey raping their little white ashes ass while we kill their frontline

how did you do that? did you rape your drunk mother?

>I couldn't get any
>so I decided I don't want it anyway

what do you think her farts spell like? roses?