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get your worthless gulagian voice heard, you worthless scum

second for funstacks

I REFUSE to play the game without hand holding a friend.

theres no such thing as a semi neet


is this some forced shitty excuse for newshit normies who are desperately trying to fit in lmao?

lets FUCK cummyko poster


I havent played Dota in a while, whats the best mode to start le-learning heroes and habits? I tried queing for all random deathmatch but nobody seems to be playing that.

the vast majority of uni students are semiNEETs

Xth for Zai.

what is new on the 'lag

>being uni student

Get the fuck out of here underage


eventhough I am enrolled at an uni, I haven't seen a lecture hall in 6 months - I just go there for the tests

accidental quote.

>wanna play Invoker for ebin pr0 playz
>he looks complicated as fuck I'd propably just go 0/12


are you fucking retarded

I was dazzle, What went wrong?

He doesn't even know what NEET means of course he's retarded. Some normie thinks it's epic meme and tries to fit in.

if you don't have a gf you are a semi-neet

now you're just fishing for replies

if you don't lift you are a semi-neet

if you watch porn you are a semi-neet

non-stem uni can hardly be argued to count as education

if you play video games you are a semi-neet

it is official

semiNEETs are greater than normies who are greater than NEETs

if you watch Dragon Ball or One Punhc Man or Attack on Titan but hate every other weeb shit you are a semi-neet

add me up semiNEET bros

Sometimes I really hate you faggots.

/d2g/ I think smelly paki called Lelouch is stalking me AGAIN


>d2g dunning krugering a false dichotomy between NEETs and normies

>look mommy I just found out about Rustle.

>he is not semiNEET master race

if you dont really enjoy parties but sometimes go anyway because you are invited so often and feel bad about rejecting all the time you are semi-neet

>getting triggered by Rustle


semiNEETs are smart, they get the best of both worlds

NEETs have to hard commit to shut in isolation for the rest of their life, as well as either living with their family, or really shitty government welfare

semiNEETs get to NEET out but don't have to sacrifice their entire lives to it

>shit at dota
>posts Rustle because he just found out about it.
>unironically russian.
>plays tree of saviour

I mean sometimes I just REALLY fucking hate you faggots.

>that one redditor who keeps getting mad

found the 14 year old

the gulag is on suicide watch

not because anything happened just a lot of d2g are autistic shut in neets who often neck themselves

>calibrate at 2k back in 2014
>get better in unranked
>come back to ranked
>climb 700 mmr within a week, 72% winrate in ranked
>check players' dotabuffs out of curiousity
>some people have thousands of games in 2k ranked with sub 50%, even sub 45% winrates

thats just.. depressing and sad

thank god im a glorious semiNEET then

surely NEETs must realize that they are a dying vocal minority on Veeky Forums... right?

>calibrate at 3k in 2014
>climb like 300 points
>they removed captains draft
>never touch ranked again

>3k mmr
>shitskin paki called Malik
>hated on /a/ and Veeky Forums
>deeply obsessed fucked in a head stalker
>paki stalker
>shit taste in everything
>shit at everything
>became a janitor to stalk on Veeky Forums

Well that's what a paki who unironically picked up nickname Lel Ouch would do.

>surely NEETs must realize that they are a dying
of course they do idiot, they're the ones doing the necking.

rofl the NEETromance between merem and lelouch is afire


demiNEET is where it's at niggas.

merem is a normie u guys lol

I don't think you faggots understand, I fucking hate you motherfuckers sometimes like god fucking damn.

Some Veeky Forums mod stalks you? but why

>Picked dirge and begged people to pick QoP for dual off lane.
>slowly started believing his own lies.
Just the tales of a poor Ruski living in a jail cell with his Penguindrum fig.

Fuck off faggot jannycuck nobody likes you and your avatarfagging here

just play him in bots

His obsession progressed after I dumped some 3k paki shitter in a trashcan where he belongs with his shit taste / shit plays.

I mean he unironically thought we are best friends or smth and sent me love letters on steam and Dota, jeez.

bullcock swatted lmao

It actually makes sense. Only reason this avatarfagging homo isn't banned is because he is janitor.

fucking christ

>tfw reporting a janitor
fuck the police coming straight from the underground.

>merem having a conversation with himself about the latest lie he came up with.

Man thank god I'm white and not a shitskin from Pakistan wew...

W-what happpened to Bulldong???
He left his stream hanging..

>Bulldog's fucking dead on stream.

Is this legitimately a bug? I've earned 15 commends in 5 games.


in dota2 you used to be able to commend and report for several or all of the given reasons
this is still how it works in csgo
some years ago they removed the ability to commend or report in-game for multiple reasons, because obviously people will just use them all anyway
since they introduced the fancy post-game scoreboard, they never limited the number of reasons you can commend/report, so it's essentially how it used to be again
the commend button automatically commends you for all 4 reasons if you do it post-game, but the in-game commend menu only lets you commend for 1 reason
reporting someone post-game also lets you select multiple reasons, but i don't know if it changes anything at all
the number of commends you get is counted on a per-commends basis in the conduct summary page, but on your profile it is counted on a per-reason basis, meaning that any commends you receive in the post-game are now inflated by 400% on your profile
of course, if you do the "developer 1" "dota_game_account_debug" trick everyone here uses to measure their precious shadow pool mmr, you can see exactly how many commends you've received for each of the 4 reasons, and you can generally tell how many commends have been made in the old system and in the post-game scoreboard (but this will only really be clear if you tally it all up compared to your number of commends on a per-commends basis)

thank u for ur time

I want to watch agent cucky, not Dota...


>le trump is le reddit xd


>its a "aussie powerhour" episode

kys cuck

What went wrong?


some retard picked cuck the faerie dagon

What happened to that Jakiro?

who shitposting from work here

Since this shitposting is completely uninspired I think that a leaf infestation is more likely.

No idea, he randomed and was feeding/dropping wards dust smoke from minute 1

um doturds?

>playing ASSFAGGOTS in 2016
>5 seconds teamfight

how do you get pneumonia in 2016

lmao america hello?


>play poorly
>entire team rallies up and blames me, saying i should never play dota again
>realize that no one makes any tactical calls to begin with and that i could have been playing the game muted and with all chat muted from the beginning
>mute all chat and myself and play the game like that for the rest of my life
Good idea, right?

Because video game is so shit right now. What else should I play that required high skill and high learning curve??????


/d2g/, how do i legion?

>Because video game is so shit right now. What else should I play that required high skill and high learning curve??????

you buy vanila first


just buy it and start playing? you even get an instant boost to level 100

fuck off redditor

>Legion Commander making Lina watch as she chokes CM with her thighs
pls I need this

>vanilla WoW

Best MMO experience desu.
Everything about it was amazing, it only lacked some well motivated mass PvP like RO WoE. Instanced battlegrounds were meh.


virgin spotted

if you're a still virgin you're not even a semi-neet, you're are a full blown permaNEET animecuck kys

virgin-spotter spotted

>live in south america
>plays in na east

what would we do as a community if liege lel ouch killed himself tho... fuck :(

>lives in russia
>plays on euw
>makes 9 people lose

>>live in south america